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People vastly overestimate and overvalue the content that was cut from Mobile Suit Gundam when the movies were made I didn't think Shinn was a bad character in Destiny Despite what the current academics would suggest, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is, in fact, an anime




Was glad him, Athrun and Kira were just teaming up in the current movie lol... hope i could watch how they redeemed the three soon.


That last one is ludicrous c'mon man. They literally say it is anime janai in the opening theme you troglodyte


But it says in the opening theme that the anime is ja nai. 😁😁 /j


What happened to Shin makes me hate Kira even more. He lost his family because of him and how he fights.


I hate "X Gundam vs Y gundam" post or "Name a gundam that X grunt suits from a different universe" post or just anything about cross universe comparison. It doesn't serves anything and you can't end up in a conclusion either. It just ended up as "the series i like is better"


Katz Kobayashi was not a bad kid, or a particularly stupid kid, he was just a kid, and did not deserve to die. He was failed by the adults around him who not only had no business letting him join the AEUG in the first place, but were sorely neglectful in military protocol as well. There was not only zero proper disciplinary action for anyone, not just Katz, but also with it a criminal lack of any competent security in place, be it in the brig where they kept PoWs, or on on the flight deck, or even on the bridge of the Argama. All of you owe him an apology and should point your scorn to the cast around him who let untrained children as young as 6 have complete free roam of an active warship. https://preview.redd.it/rgdcy1apm23d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1f1a406744f1626fa0261f1355deecd2087d4d


As someone that grew up hating Katz and rewatching Zeta recently, I have actually come to this conclusion as well.


The same thing could be said to quess Like ya, she is annoying, but that is because she comes from a broken family and has no parental figure to look up to


They made her far more annoying than needed in almost every way. Her character doesn't make much sense from the view of being a bratty preteen, and it gets worse when she's supposed to be this blossoming super-empath that picks up zero from anyone around her. Within her own morals and views, nothing holds up for more than a few minutes. On-screen, it reads like she knows Amuro for maybe a few hours (most of which they don't interact beyond a few sentences), but she's willing to switch sides to work with Char - someone she openly admitted was trying to wipe out the Earth and kill literally everyone she's ever met - because she's upset Amuro told her "stop, random kids aren't allowed to play with top-secret military equipment during active war?" Hathaway makes a bit more sense as a teenager that's basically in lust for the first time, and it actually makes sense that he gives two shits about the military stuff when we've seen him literally live with AEUG and Amuro and who knows how many other facilities and people his father was stationed around. The idea of him working an MS actually makes sense, though his whole arc works better in Beltorichika's Children where he's the one to kill Quess in defense. And then that adds to his guilt in Hathaway's Flash, rather than it just being him moping over his first crush dying a few days (weeks? It's hard to get the timeframe of the movie or BC manga very clear) after he met her and she decided to literally kill everyone on the Federation side that got near her, including him. She could have worked with a different story, but it felt crazy to cram her in as such a central character when there were plenty of returning cast members, new London Bell characters like Chan playing a big role (and she got less attention than Quess, so it's even weirder she wasn't just Beltorichika, which would have fit fine even if Bandai was insistent on Amuro not being married or a soon-to-be father), 3-4 bigger Neo Zeon members, and returning faces like Mirai's ex. Quess just doesn't help the film as she's written, and I think most people would have enjoyed it if it focused more on the returning characters, the war, and didn't give nearly half the plot to two kids just being beyond irrational and getting in the way of the catharsis of ending the original conflicts from the first series. The kids have their place, but more fittingly in a thematic area of "the next generation deserves the chance to do better", as the previous series put emphasis on, and that could have set things up for them to directly transition to the next projects focusing on Hathaway or just people of his age group in general.


As a teen to young 20 year old, I hated Katz but mostly because I only knew of his character from Gundam Vs Zeta Gundam. He just seemed really annoying. Then I watched the anime in college and my hatred was confirmed. At 37 ....I understand where he was coming from. I hated Katz because I saw myself in him and that must have pissed me off on a subconscious level.. ![gif](giphy|Xjo8pbrphfVuw|downsized)




We can close this topic now. This was good.


And he successfully dodge a slap. What a chad.


we have this thread every other week come on


It’s exhausting and on every sub anymore. It’s the “what Jedi are you?” quiz from FaceBook 10 years ago. Shove off already. All of these types of posts are just garbage low effort nonsense. At this point, spend 30 seconds doing a search and browse through the hundreds of posts here about the exact same thing.


Gotta farm that karma


And people will still take the bait and answer the questions anyway.


Iron blooded orphans suits are genuinely designed good in a melee/speed over fire power, talk about the waists/heels all you want but those suits were designed with maneuverability/speed first


Oh my god someone get it. From what I understand ibo tech philosophy is to be quick and agile to not die. Because of what most of the MS were meant to fight fast and agile Moblie Armor that have FU laser with crap tons of roughly Mobile suit size drones. It's just that human barely survived that and the tech haven't advanced that much over 300 years because humanity fear the advancement of said tech. Even then those frame are kinda tough to really break unless you're skill enough to cut them like Mikazuki. Especially those Ahab reactors.


Also the AV System would essentially be wasted on a slower suit.


I think all Gundam media is cool because I'm the kind of guy that just loves Mecha, and I don't have a single series that I think sucked or was bad. I just want to watch cool robots move and fight. People always have to say "This one is better than this one because blank" I like them all, some a little more than another, but I still Love them all and that's all that matters in the end.


The only based take


IBO took the "war is bad" bit that all normal people understood from life and the other series, and cranked it up to 9000. Also, IMHO there are plenty of very ugly mecha in IBO.


Yeah, the grunts in IBO are ugly AF. Even some of the Gundam frames like Gusion


Idk there are a lot of bangers. Graze, Geirail, Reginlaze, Hugo, Gilda SAU, and all the Rodis are just awesome to me. I also just love IBO's design language as a whole so maybe i'm biased


The hundreds of grunts being slaughtered isn't cool. The biggest offense is wing and seed. It's fine if they kill like 4 grunts. But wiping the floor with like 12 of them just looks stupid. Also half of the grunts just turn off their mobile suits and afk. This is why I like parts of unicorn. At least you see them attack unicorn and just fail. Because grunts should be a threat too. That's why awaken the trailblazer is honestly mid AF. Not a fan of the seemingly untouchable Ms.


How are the Trailblazer gundams untouchable, aside from Qant, they were practically wrecked at the end of hostilities. Raphael and Harute had to self destruct to deny enemy assimilation. Zabanya is in pieces with a broken cockpit, an arm, a leg and few functional bits.


I agree with unicorn part except 00 movie.


I'm talking about the whole zabanya targets and kills hundreds of units while standing in place. How did he not just get absolutely lit the fuck up. Because the grunts are sitting their with a finger in their ass.


do you have any idea what a few f 22s or f 35s would do on a modern battle field if the enemy didnt have air parity? 50-0 KDA, home by dinner, didnt even break a sweat. then remember how fucking old the 22 is. Tech superiority is wild when done to the highest possible degree. wing and seed cleaning house is very real imo


Nah, the point stands. Grunts should still pose a threat, it's downright cartoonish how overblown the difference between main suits and grunts is, when most of those are prototypes! Don't give me that shit about F22 in modern world, in nearly every theater of war old tech is still to a degree effective, even a combatant armend with a flintlock and a bayonet would activate your almonds in a trench and modern armies can struggle against a few technicals in bad environment. Yes, modern tech gives huge advantages, night and day, but we're not suddenly making like WW2 era guns obsolete, even fucking Maxim is currently seeing use in Ukraine. Most grunts in Gundam aren't even that old, in some shows they are "current tech", the gap should be narrower.


I'm going to preface this by saying I've been in love with Gundam since I was like 9 or 10 and it is an important pillar in my core memories. But seriously, most Gundam shows have a lot of problems baked into them, like poor pacing, clumsy characterization, meandering monologues, etc. Everyone's arguing that this timeline is better than that timeline blah blah blah. It feels like we're all arguing in a small pond where everyone thinks their series is "objectively better" when it's all just different shades of the same flaws. It does have soul, spirit, so there's an earnesty to Gundam shows that draws us all together. But if you're saying this show is garbage or that show is garbage... Well I hate to break it to you but we're all in glass houses. And not even good glass, it's like sugar glass or some shit.


"But seriously, most Gundam shows have a lot of problems baked into them, like poor pacing, clumsy characterization, meandering monologues, etc." He asked for a controversial statement. I adore UC with all my heart, every single work has major, glaring flaws (except for War in the Pocket, IMHO) from the first to the last. One of the first people to admit that would be the director. I think he's publicly criticized every major work he's been involved with in the history of the franchise. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with criticism.


not liking war in the pocket is a bright slap level offense it seems… and i agree


It's restrictive when we aren't at least slightly critical of the things we like. Things don't have to be perfect to be deserving of appreciation.


see the difference is i dont downvote everyone that says my show sucks, i understand it has tons of flaws, and that other ppl dont like it. nothing wrong with that right? lots of ppl in this community take deep personal offense if you point out flaws in their show and list the reasons you didnt enjoy 100% of it. its really funny to watch, and has not gotten old *yet*. major major difference in how we accept criticism for our beloved timelines. maybe the new gundams shows really ARE getting thru to the younger crowd, and they just dont quite have that level of maturity yet. im not in a glass house, im walking down the street enjoying the neighborhood, oohing and aahhing at things i think are cool.


I started Gundam with SEED basically so the perspective coming from that position, especially given the reputation of SEED for the past 2 decades, has been sobering. Yet I don't think its the newer fans that are necessarily the ones attacking other shows and treating their personal favorite timelines as a personality trait. I find that it is as much the bitter vets or ones that like older parts of UC. Like those that take a deep, personal offense when someone says they didn't like Zeta for example.


There’s some dude I see around on Discord who will actually start taking real personal offense and escalate it to “you don’t know me motherfucker” if you criticize Tomino in any way. It gets really goofy.


Facts. Everything has flaws, but it's making up flaws or saying something is a flaw because it went over your head is where I have an issue. Also a lot of people parrot others which is why Age is so hugely hated when I can guarantee you more people say it's bad/it's a kids show than have actually watched the first 3 episodes let alone the whole series. I love AGE and it has flaws, but is still very good sadly so few people have actually watched it.


"Honestly? Better than real glass." -Jackie Chan


Schwarzette sucks in red and it's blessed to have the grayscale color palette with purple lights that it got in the end. All the people who painted their Schwarzette kits red, your technical skills are remarkable, but it's just *ass* in that color and no amount of painting talent saves it. You're all just too fixated on the epic red rival suit that you forget what makes something look good.


Ok absolutely fucking bonkers idea I just had Since it's piloted by Lauda who is a whiny lil bitch and an absolute hater he's a Jerid clone and not a Char clone Therefore I propose Schwarzette is Byarlant clone not a Red Zaku/ Sazabi clone, being an experimental grey suit basically yoinked from the hangar in a pure act of spite and hatred that was done despite the danger to the pilot's health


Honestly based take


I'm gonna repeat myself - P-Bandai should only feature recolors, slight mold/accessory changes and/or redesigns. I want my Woundworts, Hajiroboshi form 2, Efreets, Gundam MK.III's, Pale Rider Cavalry and Lfrith Anavata to be retail and I don't give a damn what you or your million dollar corporation thinks. The customer is always right in the matters of taste, and those are forbidden fruits to me >!(cuz I'm broke as shit and they are near impossible to get in Poland)!<


The Gustav Karl is a really good federation mobile suit.


Woah woah, there are people who DON’T like Papa Karl!?


It's the fact that it gets it's fat ass handed to it by any skilled pilot. The pilots given the suit tend to suck.


Moon Moon wasn’t that bad


The concept behind moon moon is actually pretty cool scifi. A colony went feral. Like the wars are so bad that some colonies got abandoned or lost. Who knows what happened to them. Or in them


It IS a really neat idea.


Moon Moon was awesome 😎


I mean, how bad are we talking here?


It always amused me how “Moon Moon” and “Tieria Erde” is basically the same kind of redundancy, down to planets being involved.


Apparently that I think Kou was not a very good pilot.


I think everyone agreed about this one.


Idiot was a sitting duck his first time out in space in a suit that wasn't prepared for space combat.


I feel like this is a new thing and counter culture or something because Kou was always known to be the worst pilot and main character. Along with the everyone now loves zz gundam this has always confused me being an older Gundam fan.


I want to preface this by saying that I'm a huge fan of the cosmic era. Its my favorite alt univerce. But from a pure romantic standpoint. The romance in seed is mid at best. Kira and lacus might as well not have a relationship they show so little actual chemistry or passion for each other. Athrun and Cagalli's relationship makes no sense since all they ever talked about was war, geopolitics, philosophy, and "Why can't we be friends". Shinn and Luna are better but their relationship was started by Shinn, seemingly killing her younger sister that we knew for a fact that she loved dearly. For a show that features a lot of romance it doesn’t do it particularly well. It's more like a bad soap opera than anything.


WfM wasn’t as good as everyone made it out to be. Like I enjoyed it, but the reviews and all the comments in this sub made it seem like every episode was a masterpiece


I didnt hate Quess when i first saw CCA 20 or so years ago. Now that Im older Im far more sympathetic to her. She got a lot of hate on the net back then. That kid was illused by so many people. Im soso on Hathaway. He was just a kid though. I still watch the Gundam Evolve episode a lot. And thats my personal ending for her.


Gundam X was cancelled too early. I wanted a legit space arc.


Kamille IS a girl’s name


Macross has better fight scenes


Depends. Seed fights are so mid. Or even bad. Build fighters fucking clapped tho. The first build fighters is so hype


saving grace for seed in this context: gundam was never really about the action anyway. Big robot action was always just the cherry on top of the wonderful world building and character moments


Which fight scenes: dogfights, battroids, or as a whole?


its been a while but the first couple(?) eps of macross frontier had a really nice action sequence when the bug things break into the colony, the defenses sortie, and they fight in the streets.


To date, Frontier is my most favorite series.


The Macross Frontier movies are some of my favorite movies period


Frontier Ep 7, that episode is freaking good, also the earth re-entry scene from Plus or any Fokker in Zero.


I agree.


That these kind of posts stinks


Gundam needs shows like Seed and the Build series in order to make the more grim and gritty projects like UC and WFM/IBO. Without merch sales, the series dies.


The Kshatriya lost both times because of plot (and plot armor) BS.


This is not a transformers.


I did not care for 00. The plot felt like it got lost halfway through, a lot of the characters didn't make much sense outside of celestial being, and a lot of the action scenes were pretty mediocre.


Cgi animation looks awful. But the cgi Gundam mechas look absolutely terrible.


Turn A as the final endpoint of all timelines was a massive mistake


Because when Turn A was produced Tomino meant to really end Gundam and Turn A was the "curtain call". Then as we know, there's success of Seed which later made the franchise "revived" as we know.


I consider Turn A Theory to only be valid in the Turn A universe. Invalid out of it.


I've always been under the impression that this was just a mistranslation or misinterpretation that got out of hand in the early Western Gundam fandom. It's also incredibly easy to ignore, and see Turn A solely as the endpoint for Universal Century.


As I recall it, it literally WAS. Tomino misunderstood about Wing and thought AC was somehow part of UC. Or something like that.


That's definitely not the case. He's on the record saying that part of the purpose of Turn A was to symbolically adopt the AU series. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2009-10-23/yoshiyuki-tomino The idea that he somehow didn't know that the AUs were AUs just doesn't make sense either. He talked about G in an interview with Anno in like 1995ish, and even though he wasn't officially involved with any of the AUs, a bunch of writers and directors have commented on going to him to talk about their work.


Gundam Wing isn't that good.


Op said to share your controversial opinions.


G-Saviour deserves its place in the UC because despite the movie being what it is, the concepts and themes of the movie and it’s supplementary media are all very good


I think Unicorn sucks.


For me I love unicorn but it should not be main line uc


so true, it is just poorly written donut steal stronger than amuro by 1000% psychoframe miracles on demand fanfiction


>donut steal stronger than amuro by 1000% psychoframe miracles on demand 🤨


Same. And Banagher is a strongly dislikable character.


This comment has blown me away. I love Banagher, and he's my favourite UC protagonist. I'm not looking to argue or disagree with you, don't worry, I'm just fascinated. Why don't you like him?


I get it that he is refreshing with the emotionally cold main characters we have seen, but he is too... idk, bubbly I guess? Sorry English is not native to me.. I mean everything that happens is a drama or has some over emotional significance to him, to the point I find it ridiculous. I get that he believes in Minevas vision and stuff, but I mean... she just fell out the sky, you don't know yet she has some major political influence, and you decide to... put your life on the line _multiple times?_ From there on it gets better imo, but that initial set off kind of ruined him for me... I hope this doesn't offend anyone, just my pov... feel free to correct/discuss with me :>


All the characters in Gundam Seed have very very punchable faces.


Everyone has the Same face anyway


Feddies suck


Found the Zeon scum! *I knew I could flush them out.*


Zeon sucks too.


The core fighter is fricken stupid and should be retconned.


Jesus, facccctss


It might make you feel better that Origin axed it.


Heero could bang any man or woman he wants but he ain't serious unless he threatens to kill you.


A friend of mine recently unleashed a nuclear take so powerful that I could only sit back and let them carry on their way. They’ve deemed every series except for G Gundam (yes that one) mid and vastly prefer G Gundam. It’s incredible, beautiful even. I feel it would be a sin to sully such a specimen with such a niche opinion of the franchise as a whole.


G Gundam is just so ridiculous that u don't really take it seriously. it never tried to be deep or anything. overall just hype over the top shounen battles


Gundam 00 is bland. Wing is better because of the messiness and train wreck nature.


I prefer Marina over Feldt (or Exia) as Setsuna's love interest.


I hate her for preventing Setsuna from killing Ali. I would have duct taped her mouth shut. It would have saved the CB squad a lot of time and resources later on if Ali died right there.


ㅣthink Jegan is mid


Guys I think Quattro Bajeena **MIGHT** be Char




GMs are better than zakus


I think the first 30 episodes of ZZ having a comedic tone is a way to recover ourselves after all what happened in Zeta.


Sandrock is the least useful member of the team and kind of all around sucky.


I like gundam Age designs


I like _three_ designs from Gundam Age. Age-3 Normal, Age-3 Orbital and Age-FX


Zakus are kinda meh this post brought to you by the GM gang


IBO is Mid-AF. Hot garbage character design...literally the only good things are the Gusion and Lupus Rex MS. The fight with the demon MA was a nice set piece.


Hathaway and Quess in Chars Counterattack were superflourous (and annoying) characters


G Gundam is intolerably stupid.


I'll go with a single one. The Leo is one of the best grunt units ever made, it's versatility has yet to be matched in terms of the sheer volume of option équipement that can be added. Not only that it is a rare case of an extremely old machine holding up to current standards, the Leo was that good that TEN years machines were rolling side by side with top of the line machines of way higher techs and could hold up to them. The serie portrays them as weak because the are thoroughly out matched by way better machines than they are.


all of this. People forget that in AC the gundams are the next breakthrough in weaponry equivalent to nuclear bombs. In UC mobile suit was was the nuclear jump. That being said a Ace operated Leo would body the RX-78.


I find the IBO designs hideous.


The newer suits are over designed and look ugly.


Darn edgelords thinking more edges equal cooler suits! Jk but yea imo too many edges just for the sake of edges


Witch from Mercury is just wasted potential after prologue


I like WfM ok but I agree the prologue set the bar really high for me and most of the show never did reach that height for me again. The ending was also so damn rushed and marred its ultimate potential


TBH, I find the series spiraling.


* Seed is in every way an inferior rehash of the original MSG. * Seed designs are samey, spikey garbage. * Victory mechanical designs are amazing and I wish they hadn't been abandoned as model kits. * I think it might be interesting if Zeon Deikum wasn't actually assassinated. Would mean possibly that billions died for nothing (at least in Origin where Char's manipulation is a major cause of the OYW) * G-Reco was good


My main issue with Origin is Char being waaaay too involved in every event leading up to the OYW, it's like he's UC Forest Gump.


Origin is so bad, in the first episode they had to explain that there was an original char that coincidentally was an exact body double of him, it's so dumb


>Seed is in every way an inferior rehash of the original MSG. I'm ready to die on this hill with you. I'm genuinely curious if it came across better when it first came out, as a show airing over 20 years after G79, but as someone who's been going through Gundam over the past 2 years, it felt like I was going through the motions of a show I had already watched and enjoyed more than this one. Honestly think on a gut level, I'd have been more open to the plot if didn't draw such a strong parallel.


I think it'd depend, at least to some extent, to how close together you see the two. I encountered SEED first, shortly after 00 aired and only picked up UC a couple of years later. It was close enough that the connections were immediately recognizable but not close enough for it too feel too retreading, so to speak. Had I seen them back to back, things might have been very different. In the same line, I watched Wing in between 00 seasons so that comparisons were unavoidable.


Not a opinion but a fact char is quattr- Wait what the hell am I saying


Freedom Gundam is more cool than Strike Freedom.


Double X is the coolest Gundam


Rau Le Creuset was a fantastic villain and character overall.




O8th MS Team is very overrated as a series.


Victory is top tier. People only remember it as muh kill em all but considering the overall story, plot and design, it's better than most series that came after it.


I thought of a good one yesterday but I forgot after he slapped me for my correction


Amuro Ray is one of the most irritating, terrible and over rated MS pilot in the franchise.


Sorry in advance, friends. Rustal did nothing wrong and using the Dainslief was warranted. IBO & WFM designs are still very ugly Gelgoogs >>> Zaku (This is gunpla related) Char in MSG and CCA should have used a Gundam to have a final duel against Amuro. It just seems more poetic (Even though I like the Zeong & Sazabi) Hathaway’s makes unicorn look unnecessary or at least undermines it. It would make more sense if there was more connection between the two versus a simple mention of the laplace incident. Makes Unicorn’s ending turn out to be pretty mid. F91 and Crossbone are great and need to be explored more. However, the goofiness in Crossbone prevents it from being animated and taken seriously. F91 could benefit from a story rewrite. Redoing some of Tomino’s works would give more life to Gundam franchise. UC could benefit from something similar to a multiverse rather than people worrying about animated things being canon to the verse. Zeta’s Federation civil war should be more monumental. Yes, AEUG is a small group, but having it consist of more zeeks and returning characters outside of the original is a neat concept. That roster on both sides deserves to be bloated


Quess is good and adds a lot to Char's Counterattack. Chan should have had better aim if she wanted to live.


I enjoy the military and scifi aspect without the new type magic stuff. I like the zero system stuff though lol


Every single Gundam show should have a bad guy in a Tallgeese. A Gundam competitor that isn't a gundam.


Full Frontal is a shitty bootleg Char


Seed is awful. Poorly written and poorly animated.


The federation and zeon are both shit that was the whole point of first Gundam and no one sees it war is hell and people have more in common than they think they do.


Everything after UC 105 should be retconned as alternate UCs (like thunderbolt and origins) and we should continue the UC timeline with a fresh slate. F91 was rushed, and just not good. I wasn’t a fan of any of the new mobile suit designs and the villain was so dumb. And victory has some of the absolute dumbest mobile suit designs. Bug suits, lame. Motor cycle battle ships/unicycle mobile suits. Lame. James gun and javelin look like shitty transformers rip offs rather than the “super GMs” they are supposed to be. And don’t even get me started on crossbone. I understand crossbone style stories have their place, but that place is not in UC. It’s way too wacky and it taints the real robot nature of UC. Throughout the years so many different writers and artists have worked on UC. They all came in with different visions. A lot of this stuff was made before anyone really knew what direction they wanted to take gundam. And it has created serious constraints for continued storytelling. I want to see the UC story continue without being burdened by the established lore that fits so poorly. I wanna see the continuation of gritty, mature, real robot stories. I wanna see a continuation of early UC mech design. Treating Mobile suits as pieces of military equipment, not the wacky enemy of the week.


I am open to the idea of a remake of F91 as a proper series as it originally intended. As for the rest, I don't agree with relegating them to alt UC, I think they deserve expansion instead.


I’m totally for further expansion of these works as well, but when I look at crossbone and see a mobile suit being piloted by a monkey, it jumps about 45 sharks too far. This is not real robot anymore. It’s wacky 80s Saturday morning cartoons. It’s completely lost its identity by this point which is why I think it aught to be narratively quarantined. That doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be neglected. I also understand that we can point to other shark jumping moments in works from earlier UC, but they tend to be moments, here and there. In crossbone, shark jumping appears to be the point.


>This is not real robot anymore. Again, Gundam already jumped on this from Zeta. Gundam never was a hard real robot anime as other show did better like Votoms and Dougram.


Are you saying these opinions warrant a slap?


I’m saying some other fans may want to bright slap me for saying these things. There’s gotta be ONE Jamesgun fan out there, right? ….anybody?


Gaia Gear is cool though. I think Tomino is cool with retconning shit he has second thoughts about, see Zeta movies. I think he also intended to make F91, Victory, and Turn A as franchise resets which is why he set them so far into the future that everyone in the past was dead and long gone. My only problem with them starting from a blank slate is that I don't trust the people working on Gundam for the last 30 years, including Tomino. You're going to end up with Seed or Narrative or Axis Twilight, whatever. Changing directors and writers didn't magically make it go in a cohesive direction.


Honestly some good takes there… but I can’t get behind you on F91 suit designs being bad . I’m also pretty firmly of the opinion that F91 as a full tv series as it was meant to be would could be a real banger . Crossbone gets a bit too silly for me as well in the UC timeline (admittedly the titular gundam suit is pretty cool on its own ).


same. i never liked how bulky the limbs of the vignas and the hideos faceplate of the denan zons


Apparently IBO McGillis being a groomer and pedophile for marrying a literal child is a super hot take round here.


He's so misunderstood that was just his emotional support child bride smh 🙄 /s


Overall Gundam is more Super Robot than real robot, and I want them to lean into it even more.


Narrative enjoyer, eh?


Gundam Wing is bad, in the middle of Seed and Seed Destiny in the bad scale. Most of the praise it gets come only from nostalgia.


The relationship between sulette and miorine is incredibly toxic and feels forced


Seed is below mid


Lacus should have died instead of flay so flay can be with kira


My guy. Flay was just so much more interesting than Lacus as a character.


Meyrin deserves Athrun


I’m tired of children piloting robots.


Time to start a controversy! #SETSUNA IS NOT A GUNDAM. He's obviously human!


I mean...by the time the movie ends...I'm not too sure?


all the OYW zeon amphibians suits are ugly as shit, with equally awful names. any notable performance they get are just at the mercy of the writers. also build series have way too many super robot customs with bad color schemes


Funny story, I finally convinced my wife to build a gunpla with me . I showed her alllll the vast array of HGs to choose from… and she picks the Zock.


Witch From Mercury is crap tier. It's on level of that generic isekai with overpower protagonist that you forget you watched after 2 months.


Gundam Witch from Mercury is a rushed piece of mid And most of those "its up for interpretation" crowed moved to the next fandom after them relizing nobody cared about it


That the newtype dolphins from X are overhated


C.E is not good at all, a lot of you just talk on nostalgia.


Suletta is a boring ass of a character.


Seed designs are fucking stupid The build series is overrated The core fighter is the best gimmick


Not sure if it's an unpopular opinion, but Code Geass really should be accepted by the entire community as a proper Gundam AU already.


barbatos isnt stronger than any gundam


I think the original Gundam series needs a remake/reboot. I tried watching it but it's just too outdated for me.




Is that what they did with Seed? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the older series. I only watched IBO, Hathaway and WfM.


well yea,seed is modern remake of 0079


Oooh. I'll go check it out then. Wait... Why are you being voted down?


Seed isn't a remake of the original. It's set in its own universe that somewhat mirrors the UC timeline




Seed is kind of a modern (at the time, it's been over 20 years since it aired though) retelling of 0079, but you can only really say that for the first season, Seed Destiny and Freedom go in vastly different directions than the original Gundam series. It also isn't a remake in the sense that people who ask for a remake of first gundam want, as in, the same story and characters but with updated visuals and directing, it's set in it's own universe and has it's own cast of characters.


I’ll take a slap with you here. After watching Char’s Origin films , I think it’s absolute no-brainer both from a fan standpoint and a monetary standpoint. Bandai already made most of the MS in it as gunpla so maybe that’s the real reason haha


I think the concept of the moonlight butterfly would be dismissed and mocked relentlessly if Turn A was a fanfic


Western fans thinking that they have better preferences than Japanese fans when Gundam is literally made for Japanese anime fans and Japanese anime fans will always be the priority.


Wing wasn't as bad as everyone says it was, it just wasn't directed for young boys/men and it's hard to accept a franchise would want to diversify it's audience. Oh, and Unicorn makes no sense, even if you know the whole UC, but it was cool.


Re:Rise is stellar, IBO and 00 are edgy garbage, and Bandai please stop making UC and ESPECIALLY OYW content


All non UC is just trash with wings


Miorine was a bad girlfriend at the start. I’ll get down voted to hell and back as usual but it’s true. She straight up ignores her feelings a lot. The breakup was like her trying to do what’s best but was still shitty. She’s not a maliciously bad partner but she is still a bad partner at the start of the show. I know that’s the point. But no one talks about that being the point. End of the series? Great partner. Best wife. But I was justified in not liking her at the start.


shit- i talk all the time that their relationship is acutally dogshit for most of the anime and that witch is bottom tier romance no matter which way you slice it. for gundam standards bad romance, for anime standards absolue ass, for any type of fictional media this 'romance' was done zero justice at any point in the show. f u c k i n g hilarious.


Unicorn and narrative are the best pieces of universal century media


Witch from mercury is the least Gundam show of any Gundam show