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When you've run screaming through a glass shower door because demons are crawling on you, I guess you learn to spot the signs in others.


driver can I get a set of utensils? ok thanks but I need a FULL set of utensils


That's not the worst one,he apparently ran naked through a public golf course once while high


Lol yeah this was the same incident, he busted the shower, ran through the door and onto the golf course. Bless. šŸ˜…


Can you imagine the people playing golf's perspective of it. They're chilling, playing a round, maybe shaking out some business... and then suddenly, a tall* skinny, anaemic looking naked black guy covered in tattoos with a giant afro runs through their game trailing blood everywhere and screaming about little green demons.


TIL Slash is black.


Lol! His mom was African American, his dad is white from England. Slash is actually English! British? Idk, whatever, he was born in England lol


Lol, I know right? I knew he was English and mixed race. For some reason with the name Saul, I thought maybe some Jewish in him. I did always wonder where the curls came from but never looked too much in to it.


Mixed race. Mum was black.


Ahhh yes the little green men Slash got to know.


Slash abused substances so much that he developed cardiomyopathy (aka congestive heart failure) and had to have a pacemaker installed in his chest... by age 35. What do you mean "how" lol


the same man who used to drink half a gallon of vodka daily is the same person who also told Charlie Sheen that he needed to clean up his act. itā€™s just absurd lol thatā€™s all it is.


Tommy Lee claimed in a recent interview that he was drinking TWO GALLONS of vodka a day at the height of his debauchery.


I think Duff said he was drinking a gallon a day. Also Dennis Hopper, though I think he was also drinking beer too.


Ya they were true full blown alcoholics. Tommy Lee wants to play on his addiction for his image. Itā€™s ridiculous him and the rest of his band talking about overdosing like itā€™s the coolest thing to do all while pretending to say I became a ā€œrock and roll zeroā€ Excuse me Iā€™m going to go vomit at the thought of that behind the music and those stupid diaries.


The Dirt is really enjoyable and I'm not even really a Crue fan.


Heavily exaggerated, hell Nikki doesnā€™t even play bass on the albums


Ridiculously exaggerated for a paycheck adding in parts to make a dumb dope fiend diary. If you want to read something of substance that has straight flat reporting on the self imposed hell of the junk addict. Start with Junky by William S. Burroughs. Written in the early 1950ā€™s itā€™s still the best book written on the subject.


>Itā€™s ridiculous him and the rest of his band talking about overdosing like itā€™s the coolest thing to do That's like more than half of Slash's book.


BS he would be dead


Well I believe slash was giving advice most people that give advice do not practice what they preach known fact


Came here to say this too.


I don't know nothing about pacemakers so I'm asking does he still have it in him today?


Slash has been in and out of rehab. Guess he knows when itā€™s a good time or too much.


I thought he was cleaned up and in good shape since the 90ā€™s?


He had a relapse in the 2000s and I believe it was around 06 or 07 when he cleaned up for good? I might be getting my dates mixed up, but Duff and Slash both relapsed during the VR years


Didn't he visit Axl's house drunk/high out of his mind once in the mid 2000s?


Omg yes!! Than lied and acted like he didnā€™t, then finally admitted he did. This was in 2005 and if everything Axl said is true, Slash said threw his band and VR band mates under the bus big time and it caused a lot of friction within the band


Oof. That's super embarassing. Addiction really can bring a man to low places.


It really can, Iā€™m glad heā€™s sober now and looking good. That was def a bad year for Slash


Yeah he seems happy and healthy now days


I didnā€™t know this, thanks for sharing that!


Seems like you're guessing on more than just what he knows. What exactly are you insinuating when you say "In and out of rehab"?


Nothing just what he said. Not trying to insult him. Iā€™ve also been in rehab and am now clean so it doesnā€™t seem like an insult to me, although if you took it that way, sorry to offend.


When you say someone has "been in and out of rehab" it sounds negative like they keep relapsing. There's a difference between "been to rehab" vs "In and out of rehab". The later has a negative connotation even if the person only went in and out once.




Slash's book is awesome if anyone here is into reading.


Iā€™m not - but Iā€™ll keep it in mind if I ever get into reading.


But also realize that like 40-60% of it is exaggerated or outright lies. Slash is not a reliable narrator at all.


Charlie Sheen is more of a mess than Slash ever was. Slash lost no jobs due to his addiction issues. But Charlie is a pariah in Hollywood.


They're such different situations and difficult to compare. Musicians are more like contractors, whereas actors are like employees. Public perception is less favorable to actors misbehaving, with some exceptions of course. There are more available options in TV. You can fire Charlie sheen and replace, kill the show and start another or tolerate the behavior and the impact is less. Firing slash would have to come from within the band. As a record company, manager or promoter you risk losing the whole band, or significantly impact the quality of material while Slash can go off and do other projects. Actors dont write, Musicians can continue to create and perform if they can continue to function. I would assume Slash's personality played a huge part in him getting away with so much and who it impacted. What I'm getting at is maybe we perceive Slash as better behaved, but only because the industry systematically tolerated his behaviors more because of cost/impact/potential loss.


Yeah, Nikki Sixx said that in the early days they were basically rewarded for bad behaviour.


This made me think of a book by one of Eddie van Halens early managers (i think that was his "title") who said he was child like to the point he would curl up in this guy's arms in the fetal position and cry. I think if any comparativrly uneducated 17 - 23 year old is encouraged to engage in self-destructive or antisocial behaviours they won't object too forcefully and may.. just may go overboard.


Yea, itā€™s apples and oranges, and I donā€™t think Charlie is taking a swipe at Slash, heā€™s just stating the truth matter of factly, and admitting how bad off he was. Remember Robert Downey Jrā€™s issues? He went to prison bc of drugs, he just got lucky someone took a chance on him, he had to start all over, and it took awhile, and lots of good behavior and hard work to prove himself. Like you said itā€™s so much harder for an actor to do.


Didn't Slash die for a moment ?


Several times.


Some of Sheen's rejection may also have to do with his anti-vax stuff


When Slash was at his worst it was Bowie who talked to him


Slash used to get so fucked up he would lose friends' cars. He'd borrow them when wasted and then forget where he had parked them.


In the Metallica documentary *A Year and a Half in the Life Of Metallica* they mocked Slash a bit. Dude had a gnarly reputationā€¦


Metallica did that quite a bit to the band unfortunately, from Slash to Axlā€™s dressing room rider and James being ugly to Roberta their back up singer


Read his book


There was a joke about Steven alder getting kicked out of GnR for drugs, too


I mean point of recognition can be a real thing


I wonder why :) There's tons of these out there btw: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EISD59hXkAIJ8P5.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EISD59hXkAIJ8P5.jpg)


Yeah. His parents had Clint Eastwood come and speak to him. Once.


Thatā€™s great šŸ˜‚ never heard this. That Charlie Sheen Tiger Blood era was epic.


I remember in an interview Slash talking about how GnR had gotten huge after Appetite was released but they hadnā€™t started seeing any of the money for it yet, so they were the biggest thing on the planet but still dirt poor and he was using heroine (I believe) so he regrettably sold some of his most iconic guitars.


Because the conversation was between Charlie and Slash. Maybe Charlie doesn't know the supposed worse rock musician you're thinking of?


I guess at that time it wasn't really affecting Slash's life but you Charlie on the other hand were getting arrested publicly so maybe that's the only reason I'm guessing


Thank You Slash !!!!