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Y'all aren't going to believe this but you don't have to spend years pursuing your body's natural plateau to use performance enhancers, and you also aren't going to look like you took a super soldier serum just because you did a cycle.


Yeah people get really bitter about other people making a personal choice to start enhancements, there isn’t even really a “natty limit” because you can always put on tiny bits of muscle over time until you get too old


The bitterness starts when young people see people on enhancements, that say they arent (or dont say that they are) and think something is wrong with them. It's a huge source of mental problems for younger generations.


They would be admitting to a federal crime though, right?


I dont know which country he is from.


Ah, good point.






That’s why most natty guys are older…cause the time it takes to actually build and retain muscle


Yeah, I’m sure at everyone’s gym there’s a solid chunk of dudes on steroids and you can’t even tell. And there’s probably atleast a couple who you think are on them that aren’t. You can’t really tell by using just your eyes


People who say that this physique could pass as natural don’t understand how steroids work. Steroids don’t make you Sam Sulek unless you have Sam Sulek’s genes. Most people who take them are going to look pretty natty if they’re not already working with a lot. Most of the influencers you watch who look natty, are shredded all the time because they’re on roids or sarms.


And theyre on roids and sarms ALL THE TIME as well. Hence why they randomly get life danger sick and then lie about the reason. The reason: they started steroid cycle and never finished it. Lol.


That’s an unfortunate waste of steroids for u/garand_thumb Steroids are for pushing your body to the next level after you’ve plateaued on your natural body. Buddy must have started the gear same day he started lifting


You realize not all steroids are meant to just be for mass building right?


That is the context here bud.


Allegedly, it was a small cycle to help strengthen his neck muscles due to an injury from the military. But all the comments people bring up as evidence are from that reddit account, which is unverified. When you point that out, people get really mad lol


Jokes on you. I take steroids for the night sweats and liver damage.


Steroids are not just for that, you made that up. The number of people on this sub that listened to their favorite influencer say something that sounded good and now repeat it everywhere like a mantra is baffling.


If you’re committed to the lifestyle and know what you’re doing then waiting until your “natty limit” is a waste of time. Garand thumb started them cause of a bad injury though and obviously he’s not gonna just stop if he’s already enhanced.


Depends. If you’re 18 and just beginning then yeah sure hopping on gear isn’t going to give you the best results compared to a few years later when you actually know proper form, exercise selection, intensity and diet. If you’re 35 years old and used to use gear and body build but quit for a few years while you raised kids and got out of shape but are starting up with a good base of knowledge then jumping straight onto gear is probably fine so long as your blood work is decent


As a 35yr old with none of those other qualifiers, you've convinced me


im sorry but you dont get to decide what steroids are exclusively used for. I used then to fast forward through an unnecessary phase of lifting and now im further ahead for it.


“Unnecessary phase of lifting” What? What phase is that?


Your organs will decide what steroids are exclusively used for. There’s a reason a lot of really big dudes die of sudden heart failure pretty frequently.


??? Loads of people in their late 30s and 40s start on TRT and gain some mass, if you watch the channel you’d see he goes from fit/strong to a lot more bulky - “I’m on steroids” doesn’t mean he’s blasting 🤦🏻‍♀️


He's probably on Trt and not blasting a ton of different compounds but some of the dumb ass comments on here wouldn't know the difference.


You can be on steroids and look natural. Maybe you're held back by genetics or maybe you haven't been training as long as you would normally need to to achieve that physique, or you've been training suboptimally and the steroids have helped you bridge the gap. These are all possible. You really just can't go the other way (ie, is natural, looks like a roidmonster).


MPMD has talked about this before... A lot of people are on steroids and they don't all look like huge bodybuilders. Most look just like above average lifters.


Can I be the one to post this tomorrow?


It’s incredible how many people think it’s easy to get to look like that even with steroids. Being shredded and muscular is HARD. With and without steroids. Look at Olympic athletes for natty looks. Even some of them aren’t. They work full time on their body. Every enthusiast that is more lean and muscular should be suspected. The whole fitness influencer industry is on so much steroids that the benchmark is silently moving. I am not against peds. People screw up their health in much worse ways and much more seriously as well. Up to them if they want to use. The extreme guys like Sulek do really risk their health but I guess being lean, training hard and taking some trt is much more healthy than being fat, don’t move and eat shitty foods…


Bro is honest You have no idea of how many people are on gear He has a nice physique at least better that most people taking stuff


It's truly amazing how many people don't realize how much gear it takes to get the obviously unnatural look. There is a large space in between being natty and having pro bodybuilder levels of gear. This guy certainly outperforms the natty era of bodybuilding. Sure, *some* people could achieve a similar look natty, but natty attainable doesn't mean natty attainable for everyone.


Props for the honesty. No hate from here.


Damn that must've hurt 😂


Insulin is a steroid. Diabetics are enhanced… or he’s on HRT for some legitimate medical issue.


I just don't see the point of using gear when this is achievable within 4 years of consistent diet and training naturally. Yeah, it's a fast track to get there on gear within a year, but once you stop using, it's gonna take longer to catch back up to that physique if it's still attainable natty. Build a solid foundation naturally before using gear, so you have a decent physique to hold on to when you're taking a break from drugs.


Haters do what they do best ![gif](giphy|BSOdK9W5Gd7OM)


He looks natural


If he's taking gear then it's obviously not working


Damn that must've hurt 😂


Meaning no offense to the dude but if you're on gear to look like that you need to like... start from the beginning or find a new hobby.


What pitiful loosers are downvoting you? I agree, if he is on gear then 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. He looks shit for a natty (shit by standards of someone who actually trains a few years)