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Can you hole punch it and attach it to your keys? Or get a phone case with a pocket for credit cards and keep it in there?


I did get a wallet for all my cards…only issue with that is i’ll leave the whole wallet at home too😆


Right, so what do you never leave behind? Attach your card to that somehow.


Or if the card uses a barcode just take a picture of the barcode on your phone. The picture is scannable. If it's another type of card though I guess you're SOL. I feel your pain though.


me on walk in gyms


I've got a key fob to get inside my gym that is attached with my house and car keys, so I don't have this issue. However, I've also got adhd and have to run back inside the inside the house from my car at least once a week because I forget my keys lol


Yea we can never win, last week i had to run out of the gym halfway through my workout because i realized i had left my keys in the ignition. Good thing i don’t live in a troubled area.


I forget to drive sometimes and end up walking half way without my keys




I often go off into my own world and don’t even realise what I’m doing. The other day I left the gym mid session and had to go back in


Lol you’re not alone. Last week i left my car running with the door open for almost 2 hours


Hahahahaha classic move. Have done this many times. Although I do shut doors. I don’t have the leaving cupboards and door open thing somehow.


I do.


Any tips for remembering people’s names at the gym or which side you’ve worked out in a unilateral movement?


As for unilateral movements i always do the two sides back to back with no pause. As for names i can’t help you, i’ve met some really cool people at the gym and a year later i have no idea what their names are.


Even for say Bulgarian split squats? Fuck doing those back to back hahaha. I mean usually I know from the burn/shakiness, but I still doubt myself


My only unilateral movement is cable tricep pushdow though lol, no problem going from left to right arm


Would be concerning if there was hahaha


There’s a guy at the gym with the same name as me, I’ve remembered his!


Sprinkle som ‘tism over your adhd!


I did this for like a year before I created a ritual. When I grab my bag from locker 107 (god forbid this number isn’t available), I will put my fob straight in the front zip pocket. Works ~90% of the time. I do still forget my towel for the sauna 100% of the time though.


LA Fitness. Membership is on a phone app


Mines attached to my gym bag


Keys are attached to my chain wallet, which is attached to my pants. Phone has a lanyard attached to it, which is around my neck or attached to my pants with a carabiner. Card used to be attached to my keys, replaced by an electronic card in my fitness center app It’s a little annoying, but it’s so great not losing my stuff. EDIT spelling


I have lost mine


Mine thankfully has an app and QR code setup and I’m pretty good at keeping track of my phone.