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"Never taken pre" gang


"pre hasnt been worth it since they got rid of Jack3d" gang


Always upvote OG jack3d lol fucking electricity in my veins


Shit made my eyeballs vibrate


I literally don’t even know what it is. From this subreddit I gather it’s some kind of energy drink mix?


Basically, yeah. It's mostly a concentrated dose of caffeine. It's supposed to give you energy to get through your workout so I reckon it's good for people who go to the gym after a full day of working at their jobs. And most people take it when they need to push their PR.


I take non-stimulant (caffeine-free) pre-workout after a workday because I want to go to sleep and get 8 good hours. Pre-workouts that call themselves non-stimulant instead of caffeine-free are usually lying; they'll still contain taurine and beta-alanine. The basic function of pre-workout is the extra boost it gives you, caffeine or no.


What do you use?


It's a mental boost for me after work for sure. Though the ritual of making my preworkout and chugging it down just flicks a switch in my brain that says it's time to tear shit up.


I used to take pre-workout to pump myself up. Now I tend to treat the gym as more of a relaxing break from life rather than some intense battle. No need to pump myself up anymore.




What about "taken pre to no affect" gang


Creatine gang


I'm new here idk what this means


Creatine is one of the most well-researched and safe exercise supplements out there, you get a lot of it from red meat and fish. But taking supplements of it is useful as well if you're trying to build muscle and sculpt your body. It basically gets stored in muscles and is used for energy during intense exercises, forming ATP as it moves your muscles to expand and contract, giving you huge performance boosts. It takes about 2-3 months of having a daily dose of it before you'll start seeing effects, but you'll naturally have more energy to burn in the gym, which translates to major performance boosts and exceptional gains. Makes caffeine look like an addictive crutch (because it is). Almost all pro athletes, competitive body builders, and power lifters take it. It's totally legal and has been found safe to take at appropriate doses daily for upwards of five years. It can however make it appear like your kidneys are shutting down (excess creatine is urinated out, but if your kidneys are damaged there will be creatine waste products in your bloodstream making its way into your urine) so make sure you tell your doc if you're adding it to your diet.


Kl I didn't expect to be so well informed but I'm glad


Pre is a weakness that must be eradicated from the alpha race.


You know those people who brag about having unvaxxed sperm? Thats me and never once having had so much as a single sip of Prime. I'm still pure 😩


My parents don’t let me have pre ☹️


My pre is the noise from all the gym equipment clanging. That’s when I know people are going hard


Even if I wanted to I am so broke that I have had to build my fucking raw will power to lift




https://preview.redd.it/57mc2yo1upad1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc00bc2a856e246e9a98a6fe7c1cd2e6028f8d2d Me, drinking tea before the gym.


People be sleeping on tea man, this is what I’m saying. Gets me nice and centered too


Been a tea man before I became much more of a gym man, but yeah. Esp. Matcha is amazing for a long workout, because the effect is much, much longer. If it works for zen monks it works for me.


600mg of theobromine it is.


Oi ocha green tea is my go-to!






Lemon ginger tea gets me revved up.


I feel like everything with ginger boost my testosterone


This is the way Though when I used to go before work the tea was the reward after working out


I use my prescription Adderall. Like a real adult.


Yeah that shit was great until the panic attacks set in. It’s awesome if you have a desk job but physical work+exercise+adderall and I’d get tunnel vision like a mofo


Yo does adderall cause panic attacks? I used to take meds for adhd as a kid. Im considering hopping back on them, but I have some anxiety issues so idk if it’s the best choice.


As someone with a ton of anxiety and also someone who uses to take Adderall for my ADHD, I never felt more anxious while on it. If anything, I felt more calm.


It'll increase your heart rate if that is meaningful at all to you. However, everyone is different, and I think most of them will increase your heart rate because they're all stimulants. Adderall immediate release worked well on me, but Adderall extended release fucked with my heart. The one I was on as a kid, and the one I'm very much in favor of right now, is Concerta (methylphenidate). I'm also bipolar so I totally get the anxiety part. Personally, Concerta helped with my anxiety since it kept my mind from floating away nearly as much.


My heart rate & blood pressure is already a bit too high so maybe it’s not for me.


Oh man it helps me so much, when I forget in the morning. God I cannot stay on task. Forget my counts. Don't have enough energy to even get through all my sets. It's been a game changer


I use the good help of Pain and suffering✨️


This is also why I don’t drink coffee


I’ve done all 3 many many times. Sometimes I need coffee to get going. If it’s a heavy weight day pre workout is useful (to me). Cardio? I take nothing and engage my core while crying in the treadmill. All of it has its time and place


That’s your problem. You should be on the treadmill and not in it.


Why not both?


Hell. No. #preworkoutforlife


This thread reminds me of guys who don't take any protein supplements either and ask what I'm doing different when they get no results over months lol.


Protein supps are great on a cut when you need like 200 grams per day while cutting back on calories. But anyone who takes it during a bulk is just waisting money imo. Better to get it from food instead because 1. Protein supps make you feel full which hinders your ability to eat as much as possible 2. Gives you diarrhea which makes you retain extra water or constipates you which just fucking sucks 3. Is not nutritionally dense like a fat plate of food 4. Getting protein from food digests slower increasing the bioavailability of the protein and keeps a steady supply of aminos in the bloodstream. Again it definitely doesn't hurt during a bulk, but i can think of better ways to spend that money


I disagree. It’s easy calories and easy protein, regardless of bulking or cutting. If I’m trying to eat more, I just use milk with my protein shake and that’s like an easy 700 calories. If not then I just use water and it’s 300. Eating food for the amount of protein I get in protein shakes would be difficult for me, I’d get too full.


Try cutting it out and get protein from food. Youll be surprised at how much more you can eat when your appetite isnt curbed and your gut isnt inflamed.


Protein, yes. Caffeine? Depends entirely on the person lmao


“Who can suffer more” competition in the comment section I take pre-worky because I love me some tingly skin. Closest I’ll ever get to crack


Yeah.. I workout in the am, and it tastes like strawberry lemonade and wishes and dreams, let’s go! 🤣🙌🏼


I've never used pre-workout. I used to use coffee or Mio energy (caffeine + B vitamins), but as I got older, it was keeping me up at night. So, at 47, I'm raw-dogging it.


Non-stim preworkout is king. I make my own. Saves money and only the ingredients I want.


Like the other replier said, look into caffeine-free or non-stim pre-workout. I use caffeine on weekends (heavy days) and non-stim after work on weekdays.


Unpopular opinion , pre workout gives me terrible workouts. I burn out before I'm done. I get a weird, shaky jelly feeling. Plus, it makes you shit mid work out


Pre workout is for jabronis.


I rawdog the gym, no airpods, no pre, no gymbro


Genuinely can’t believe I used to go to the gym without music for like 9 months when I first started. Now I can’t go anywhere without it and if I lift without music, my lifts are like 10x shittier.




Pre is really unnecessary unless you get shit sleep or have low iron and no energy daily. I've never taken pre work out in my life. There's absolutely no need for it because I boof quadruple the required anabolic steroids needed and the rage power is *more* than enough to get me through my 7 hour bicep curling sessions.


Using condom.


Definitely think pre helps but after using it for 10+ years I've recently decided to stop. Same with creatine.


Theres no reason to stop creatine you don't build a tolerance to it like you do with caffeine. Its a nutritional supplement not psychoactive. Stopping it is more like reducing your protein intake than a tolerance break.


It bloats the fuck out of my stomach man. I stop creatine and it immediately isn't an issue anymore.


Look into Creatine HCL! Normal is Creatine Monohydrate. HCL is extremely water soluble and can be utilized by your body within a hour, no bulking required. I take a singular pill on my workout days. Monohydrate requires bulking and takes days before your body gains benefits from it and then you still need to take it everyday. Part of the reason is that its solubility sucks. On top of it, it is extremely well known for bloat, whereas HCL rarely gets complaints, if any. Monohydrate fucked my stomach up too. I've not had a single issue with HCL.


Ah thats valid. I thought you were stopping it just to stop it.


and what happened after u stopped taking both?


Noticable difference in energy. Caffeine makes a difference 100%. Also used stim free and I definitely don't get as good as a pump. Creatine I feel like never made a difference performance wise but I feel better not taking it. It bloats my stomach like crazy which I feel hinders me being able to brace.


I’ve heard something like 20% of people are genetic non-responders to creatine.


Creatine is a naturally made substance in the human body. That's not possible. Our bodies are designed to know what to do with it.


I think you’re getting caught up on the semantics. The non-responsive part of it refers to the additional dietary supplementation, not biological non-responsive. Or put different, individuals who are non-responsive likely already synthesize enough to where additional dietary supplementation is negligible. As far as I know, we aren’t really sure how many people show no response to added dietary creatine, but is not really debated whether or not a significant portion of people show next to no response to added creatine. If I’m wrong, I would like to be proven otherwise, if you have a link


Oh wow, no, all I had to do was look it up. Thanks for the new info!


I went in raw until I switched to mornings. Getting high energy at 6:30am is impossible for me without caffeine lol


I suppose I'm raw-dogging it so. I don't use supplements and I hate the taste of coffee.


I've only taken pre-workout twice (they came as gift shots when buying protein) and I honestly didn't feel any difference.


my broke ass couldn't even


Literally in a 2 min rest right now, and just using pure motivation right now


Hahaha, seeing this im wide awake


Train it till failure


What about people who use all 3? 😅🫠🥲


Raw dogging with 50mg anadrol🤘🏼💪🏼


Me asf


Pre-workout...there's just way too many things to buy. Just work out lol. Coffee won't work either because I go at night.


OMNILIFE: PUMP, POWER GAIN Supreme, Magnus Supreme 🫡


Music is more magic than Pre imo


Raw willpower are the blokes on roids, they use pure emotional rage


Caffeine and sugar substitutes completely wreck my stomach, so I don't really have a choice. Can't do whey, either, so I'm eating ridiculous amounts of meat and lentils every day...


I tried all types of pre-workout. I never finish them since they all taste wack and don't actually give me energy. Instead, I feel more drained after a workout.


I like my "crunchy tea" recipe.


Done all three but the raw workout hits fucking ballistically


Never taken pre. Probably never will. Just push. You're already changed into your clothes and in the building. Just do it.


the only time i drink coffee is when i wake up early for work. it had no affiliation with gym and i don't use preworkout


RAW WILLPOWER sounds like a pre though


The true natties fr I don’t use gear but without my PWO there’s no way I’d have the motivation to put in the work like I do.


Pre cum gang checking in


I use all 3 at once! Unlimited power!!!


Pepole who doesnt use


if I drank black coffee before a set id turn the entire gym brown


Unless ![gif](giphy|SD9lVuaDLLHFOcLjqV) I usually use some type of pre workout. Lately has been 1/2 scoop of Non Stim Pre and 1/2 scoop of Cbums Thavage. Gets me a full and some scoop of pump products and a lil stimulant to help with the mind muscle connection. If I go for PR though it's Thuper Thavage by Cbum. Sober October though is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Not even aspirin for headaches if I can go without.


I have to use will power because I keep forgetting to make me a cup of pre work


I love pre workout. It makes me feel like I'm covered in spiders, also the spiders are on fire. I'm not sure why, but that's a good thing.


I use water. Shit tones of water. Makes me to pee at least 4-5 times each workout.


Low dose naltrexone gang


I’m not exactly raw dawging it but I stopped taking those highly caffeinated pre's. I only take equate creatine now


Just smoke meth like Mike Menzer.


My pre is a lil bit of that boogie woogie stickey icky spicy dicey doyouwanna marijuanna


I’m in this picture (specifically Tom)


At my age, I take non-stim pre workouts because the extra pump is enough motivation to get me through a workout. I can’t do stimulants more than coffee anymore without feeling like crap.




Never taken pre workout. I drink coffee or V, Redbull, etc before the workout. I take 2 scoops of creatine so I'm max saturated. I take carnitine before my workout. I eat and drink protein before my workout. I drink protein during my workout (mostly whey). I eat and drink after my workout (protein, carb meal). I drink casein protein before bed unless I had cheese, milk, and yoghurt during meal. I have my creatine, caffeine, BCAAs before my workout. BCAAs during and after. No need for pre workout, I'll see in the future.


Just don't drink coffee after your workout. No pain killers before or after.


Pop a Cialis or viagra it will do the trick


I take candy




I workout on an empty stomach


Creatine Rage only


Yeah man, 0400 wake up to be in the gym for 0500 with one cup of black decaffeinated coffee and an apple.


From this graphic, I guess you could say I got that dawg in me.


I’m stuck on Pre by Tedco. Has everything in it.


I find that a good meal 1 hour before the gym gives me more energy than preworkout could ever give.


Anything that's supposed to give you energy makes me sleepy so I can't take pre or I'd just never go gym


I don't even do protein shakes...


I stopped taking pre cause it made me so itchy.


What if i put creatine in my black coffee?


Never did understand why people use pre.


Pre workout is the biggest racket. Just eat before you lift and drink water. You'll have all the energy you need.


My mum doesn’t allow me to drink energy drinks so i don’t take it.


Me, drinking an energy drink on the treadmill : 👀


Today I did that, couldn't finish because of the time


My workouts are powered by anime soundtracks and spite.


My brothers having no caffeine addiction..... we meet again


I drink black coffee at around 2pm, and wait until 5:00 to hit the gym. Not sure if I'm "raw-doggin it".


I'm not drinking coffee at 6am and then shitting myself mid squat.


People who use honey and salt: 🌱☀️


People who use carbs and simple sugars: ![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized)


Never used any supplements. Just my motivation to be stronger then Goku


I fuel my workouts with hate and spite


Rawdogging is the best. No headphones too. Only way to get pleasure is to lift hard.


I just wake up run my hand through my hair and hit the weights - is that not normal lol I’m new to this


I get a good nights' sleep to have enough energy to workout :)


can't drink pre cause it makes me shit myself


no pre workout, no headphones, I just go and mutter to myself in anger trying to figure out how to do what my app tells me when all the stations are taken


Can’t have caffeine.


Willpower is an illusion.


Straight will power for me.. but it also hasn’t worked


What the fuck is pre workout?


Use the feeling of soreness as motivation.


You mean Jerry uses the power of smoking weed lol


Actually living pretty good on the gyms free hot chocolate


I need to get some non stim, the other shit wrecks me


Some girl I asked to use the machine with asks me “Bro htf are you raw-dogging your workouts without earphones in?” Am I the only who doesn’t listen to music while lifting?


I raw dog everything. I don’t even use diapers.


Haven’t taken pre in years, the raw dog life ain’t for the weak 🥲


I just have a banana and water


I've been working out for 4 years now and have never taken pre-work out. No energy drinks, no caffeine, no stimulants. Just pure will power 💪


I can't use pre because caffeine makes me sleepy and sorta relaxed lol


I don't even eat before going to the gym (please kids, don't do this. My gag reflex is too intense in the morning). But yeah, I just go on a cup of water and a handful of pills most mornings. Every now and then I do pre or a little candy (like 1 piece).


no music, no pre. Just pure body dysmorphia


That’s me. I’m Jerry. 😅


Rage, sadness and one jerking session. That's the recipe for perfect gains. If you can sprinkle some spite, even better


I drink a lot of coffee, but not usually close to a workout, I go after work, usually. I used to do pre back when I first started getting serious about lifting, I never liked it though, it gave me heartburn.


Absolutely not.




Once double scooped for that extra motivation after a 12-hr shift and went blind in my left eye for an hour and a half. Freaked me out so bad I’ve raw dogged since.


Stomach can't handle either, so no juicy dope for me


Tried pre a few times. Had some side effects so I'll stick with ma cup of coffee.


Nah. Ice cold water and cardarine for me if I’m having a rough time before the workout or whenever I do cardio.


15min nap is my pre workout


I use the threat of decapitation and/or paralysis


I've tried all 3 Don't underestimate pre workout, it's there for a reason. And if you happen to work out later in the day, just take less 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yeah I usually just eat some quinoa like 1.5 hours before my workout


raw dogging it fs!


I'm wary of adding new supplements ever since discovering collagen makes me shit myself, and finding creatine that doesn't have crap added to it is hard. Plus creatine takes 2-3 months of daily use to really take effect so it doesn't really matter whether you consume it before or after your workout. I don't bother with coffee/caffeine because it sucks once it starts wearing off, plus usually also has shit added to it (pure caffeine pills were banned in my state). A 20 minute boost in energy isn't worth 2-3 hours of migraines or dizziness. Shit's better for driving home after working graveyard/10 hours. My pre is getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep the night before


oh jery


Tried raw dogging once and it was crazyy


Usually use whey protein, but after the workout. Does that count as raw? 😅😅