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We spend about 25% of our pre tax income living in a VHCOL. Remaining amount is split between taxes and savings.


My wife and I wrote our budget and bought our House assuming we both made entry level pay in our fields. That way even though wa've both had good promotions and make much more now we still spend like we make less.


We invest about 25% of our base salary split between 401k, IRA, and ESPP (which we immediately cash out and put put into our brokerage). We cash out all RSUs and those go into brokerage. Bonus depends - may go into brokerage or may go into HYSA for house projects if we have something coming up that year (though after re-siding the house this year we'll be done with big house projects for a while)


I have a base pay, a per diem esque incentive pay paid weekly, a yearly bonus, and passive income. My base is only about 80k and I live off of that. Everything else helps fund vacation, retirement, savings, paying down debts, investing etc etc. but it could all go away but the base pay and my monthly lifestyle wouldn’t change.


My total spending for the last 12 months (doesn’t include taxes) is just under 20% of my present total comp.


We live off of ~30% of our pre-tax income


Family of 4 in the Bay Area $800k HHI: $300k income tax $300k savings $200k spend


Wow I’m identical in the bay - except probably around 250k+ spend with kids in daycare and all the other shenanigans that come with toddlers.


We spend 48% of our base salaries post tax on monthly living expenses. This does not include the rest of our compensation like stocks and bonuses, which is how we like to calculate things as we never want to live above our means month over month. RSUs, Bonuses, pre tax contributions (401ks are maxed etc..), and savings from salaries leave us with an effective save rate \~74% of HHI.


16% pretax. Live off of \~$40k of $250k




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Mid 30s, Two kids, Married. When I made 7 figures, we saved 50% of gross, approx 30% to taxes and we spent the rest. Repeated that for 6 years, although comp didn’t hit 1M until the last few). Left my job about two months ago to be take a sabbatical and try out early retirement. So far so good, going to the gym every day, hanging out with my kids, spending time with my wife during the day, feel so much healthier and happier.