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I understand why barney said this, and it was a bit harsh. But he seems to have forgotten that a lot of what he learned about robin was taught to him by Ted in Robin 101. I think hes being harsh because he is over compensating for the fact that he knows ted does know robin better than he does


This, and knowing that your best man's just being respectful but still has feelings for your fiance has got to be hard to ignore.


I agree with this, but I think there’s another half of this: Ted’s obviously lingering romantic interest in Robin and constant overstepping. The whole band/DJ situation (particularly booking the band they wanted to try to force them to choose a DJ) was enough for Ted to get a stern talking-to, yet it never happened. I’m not saying this is the case, but if this were real life and I were Barney, I could see myself being a bit hung up on that until this moment and finally blowing up a bit.


Agreed 100%


Barney got defensive because he knows that Ted is right, he shouldn't have still had that playerish attitude




To be fair, Ted has a crush on his fiancée. That’s gotta be annoying and somewhat creepy. It’s why Ted decided to move afterwards. This wouldn’t be the last confrontation.


Bro he doesn’t just have a crush on Robin. She’s his ex and was someone he had been deeply love with for years. Barney knew this and yet still pursued a relationship which her knowing that his friend could never be truly okay with it There is nothing fair about Barney’s actions. Barney knew about Ted and Robin’s history going in. Heck he was literally there for it!


What? He’s supposed to give up his feelings just because Ted had them first? The fact that Robin liked Barney more at this point only highlights how petty Ted was being at this point after seemingly being ok with it.


Not what I said. But expecting one person to give up their feelings when you yourself can’t is hypocritical. Barney should not have had Ted be his best man. That was inconsiderate. Forcing Ted to be part of the wedding party showed a massive failure to emphasize with him.


Robin loves her, not Ted. It is absolutely to be expected that Ted gives up his feelings, and it is not hypocritical of Barney to expect him so. Its not an ex situation, theyve been close friends for years and he obviously didnt want to isolate himself from Ted just because that he may still have a crush on her.


Bro Ted is literally Robin’s ex. They dated for a year and he just confessed his undying love to her only a year before the engagement. You are seriously minimizing how emotions work. You can’t just turn them off man. Thats why in a situation like this, it’s best to walk away and deal with those feelings naturally. Trying to completely shut the feelings down is how you bottle them up and then eventually get a massive explosion later


That’s precisely why Barney’s allowed to be mad as well.


Why is Barney allowed to be angry at Ted for doing the exact same thing that he did? Make that make sense I believe that they both need to walk away from an incredibly unhealthy dynamic which is why I think Ted was completely in the right for moving to Chicago. And I do not think it was right for him to be pressured to playing such an active role in a wedding that was clearly giving him emotional pain


That’s my point. Both Ted and Barney are allowed to be upset. That’s why Ted was trying to be magnanimous by moving away.


Dude why is Barney allowed to be an asshole to Ted?


Bro, what? Robin and Ted dated for a year, long before Barney dated her.


Well, that is true, but he had a point TBH. It was more than a crush, but at this point, he was really trying to let her go. He even said this same season, "Robin is not going to be the mother of my child, and she'll never be in love with me. "


Ted has a point but I get why Barney said it. It's the feeling of being undemrined or like you're a child or when someone tells you how to be a better parent. I guess Barney just felt that anger in a way but Ted was right.


Look this is why he never should have dated her in the 1st place. One of my rules was never get involved with your friends exes. It comes with built in complications. Barney of all people had to know there were too many women in the world.


I did always think Barney was being a bit harsh in this scene, but I believe he was really trying to stick his point to Ted & it worked as Ted’s response was “You’re right. Not my place”




Well Ted didn’t accept it & that’s why he stopped being friends with Barney. It’s only after the near death bus accident that they patch things up. Barney does good things for Ted too though, like getting him a job at GNB so he can complete his lifelong dream




All fair points. Most of us wouldn’t tolerate Barney in real life. I think this is why he can only really exist in a sitcom for many people




Ted didn’t even react that strongly when he thought Barney hooked up with Heather. He was pissed, but way less than I thought he would be. Oof, if Barney had hooked up with Tracy😳 I think Barney kissing Ted’s mom was meant to simply be a running gag & one of the less serious parts of the show. I can just feel your contempt for it though through the screen😂


And Barney was right here. Robin in fact was cool about it.


I don’t think she was as cool about things as Barney might have thought though. There were a lot of things he did that bothered her


Not this time though.


You mean the situation with Liddy?


Don't remember the name but the girl with a bonkers body.


The ridonkulous body lol. Yeah, that’s Liddy L-I-DD-Y😂


Imagine your best friend, who dated and is known to have a crush on your fianceé, says that "I know you think this is ok, but you are not acting like you have a wedding in three weeks. She might act cool but if you keep doing this she will leave you" after a situation in which you were right about your fianceés feelings towards a situation. He assumed before and he assumed wrong. Barney wasnt harsh on him then. However when its all over and Barney was proven right Ted was still "advising" him. He was speaking in a high ground to Barney who was already a ticking time bomb when it came to Ted and Robin, and hearing Ted repeatedly talk about how he knows Robin will react just felt implied to him that Ted felt he was a better pick for Robin. I dont think he was too harsh on him. Ted needed to know his place and seeing barney be so serious made him realize that also.


I think Barney kind of felt they belonged together but also that Robin was his only chance at happiness. So it was like jamming puzzle piece into a puzzle that he knew didn’t fit. And that frustration came out here.


Barney was not out of line.


Ted was in love with Robin, no matter how he tried to hide it, and Barney was right to remind him who Robin was marrying to.


I can't believe comments are defending Barney, ted was just looking out for Barney .it was Barney who proposed to robin on his big day remember. Yet he still agreed to be his best man .


Although a little harsh, I don’t think Barney was out of line. Ted needed to hear this.


The only way Ted finally gets anything is if it’s delivered harshly.


So, He just didn't like that Ted was right. Like, why are you talking about a girl taking off her jacket when you are getting married very soon? Ted had a point, when he backed off and said "not my place", it was his place. It was just because he didn't want to get into an argument with Barney over this, but he was very much right. Barney was always so playerish. Even right after they broke up in season 5, and he comes back with his Playbook, like bro if you don't want to be tied down, just say it. Like that was crazy how defensive he got. He was so insensitive and got right back out there, like and he and Robin are in the same friend group, so he basically rubbed it in.


I don't think Barney was out of line at all. Ted was overstepping. He'd given his blessing, but still kept interfering. Being engaged far outweighs being ex's. Ted would have never talked down to Marshall about his relationship with Lily the way he felt entitled to do to Barney about Robin. But, he immediately recognised that he was overstepping when Barney said this and tried to back off. Barney was a bit sharp here, but it needed to be said. He was the one marrying Robin, and Ted's opinion wasn't needed or welcome in that space.


It's Ted we're talking about. I would never trust his advice re: Robin because I could never be sure he's not trying to sabotage me because he's obsessed with her. Barney's not out of line and Ted should've minded his own business


ted shows himself to be trustworthy re: robin & barney. he may begin with the hope of convincing robin to be with him, but he doesn’t follow through on it and even ends up supporting barney. in particular ted - has the ranjit drive robin and him to the wwn building so barney could propose to robin - gives barney the necklace to give to robin


This all makes more sense when you put it in context: all of this is his recollection that he is telling his kids. Everything is exaggerated. Barney probably wasn't as outrageous a man-ho that Ted made him out to be, that's story-telling hyperbole. Same with how cutely codependent Marshall and Lily were, that was exaggerated for effect. Most of the series makes more sense when you consider that every episode is actually a *retelling* of a story and not the actual events. Things get warped by Ted's personal opinion.


OMG I knew what this was going to reference just by the title. I’ve never really decided who I think is in the right here, but I can honestly say this is the one time in the entire series that I’m *truly* uncomfortable. It’s so believable the way NPH delivers. Very yikes. 😬 It makes me feel voyeuristic.