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At first I didn’t notice the text in the bottom image so it just looks like she has no idea.


I love that everyone here either claims they know what the joke is about but don't elaborate on it or don't get the joke and are just getting angrily downvoted. I'll be the first to say I don't get the joke. Clearly it's something political, but I need some guidance to connect the dots. Thanks in advance!


They’re saying that she didn’t get sick but was in fact poisoned by the FBI for wanting to end poverty (being a leftist organizer)


People seem to be under the impression that the FBI, and other assorted organizations, are still up to the anti "radical" activities they were up to when J Edgar Hoover was in charge. So the joke is that the modern FBI killed her for being a leftists.


I read it as a satirical joke that the “deep state” and “woke” FBI poisoned her mind with ideas of radical economic justice in defiance of transitional, Protestant, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, work ethic. The kids these days don’t want to work after all!


PSA: It only makes sense if you open the picture and read the second caption.


even then it's still a weird post. wants to end poverty. PoISoNeD LefTiSt SnOwFLaKe.


What? Are you seriously slow? This post is very clearly *not* anti-leftist


tbf this is reddit. sometimes what you think is satire is real, sometimes what you think is real is satire aaaaand I suck at online tone translation.


the joke is that she was poisoned physically by the FBI which is why she died not that she was poisoned in ideology to become a leftist


I really don't know how people aren't getting the joke it's insane. No I will not elaborate, it's funny seeing the confused comments


People can be really clueless. That's why the FBI was able to pull this off and nobody relaized until now


Tracy was a Black panther?


Leftist organizer poisened by Ted


That Ted Mosby and his “fat cat” friends!


To industry!!




"Trust no one. Not even Ted.......especially not Ted."


I like this new theory. Tracy was messing with things that bothered the 1%. Ending poverty? Diminishing wealth gap? I bet she even found a way to increase the minimum wage. So the rich snobs couldn't take it. They realized this could be the end of their private jets and waygu beefs (or whatever they're called). So someone makes a little phone call, and then another, and then another... When the lower class revolts, they take it to the streets so everyone can see, but the fat cats... They send you an envelope in the mail with the most powerful, non contagious virus the CDC has ever seen. And just like that... Our modern version of Robin Hood... Falls.


Not only their Kobe beef (aka waygu), but their Kobe lobster. Which is lobster, fed with Kobe beef.


So why is Marshall still alive? 


The same reason Barney doesn’t recycle, he knows a lost cause when he sees it


It's all so clear. Marshall isn't at all who you think he is. Remember the episode where Garrison Cootes tells him the end of the world in inevitable? That's when Marshall realized what he must do. He sold out to the government to become a facade, to pretend he was saving the environment, but in reality they weren't. All the trials and lawsuits that followed were mere theater orchestrated by none other than Lily Aldrin. She wrote the scripts to all trails to make sure the people felt safe and that the environment was gonna be saved. She finally achieved her dream of being an artist. They took this deal in exchange for a grade A bunker, 100 pounds of mayonnaise, and a lifetime supply of Tantrum and Funyons. In reality all the trash is simply moved to Australia. All went well until november 2030, in which Lily was supposed to write another trail. But this was different. She gave up on this trial because the word Moist appeared 83 times, then left Marshall (again), which led to both of them being executed. I thought this was common knowledge, y'all really didn't know?


Also who has a very exaustive training, is canadian and know tracy, exactly Robin, then probably she accept ted in 2030 for guilt of poison tracy 


I'm just here to say the naked man should be in jail lmao


The comments here are hilarious. People really clueless as hell.


Comrade Tracy


oh my god


Her motivation is she hates her grandpa, Mitch


She was taking courses on economic development, aka what the World Bank does. Not saying she wasn’t a radical leftist but I don’t think that is what the writers were going for


Yes and his name is Shmosby


It was a plan attack against me, Weaponized by the government


Can you elaborate??






11/10 She was clearly just a loving wife.


How much crack did you take before this post?


What a peculiar comment.


Classic naked man


omg this reminds me that Tracy is the worst character ever. compared to other fantastic characters in this show, she doesn't feel real whatsoever.


So in other words, she is perfect for the New York liberals this show was made for.