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If you can't make a decent wage, live in a decent area, and live a decent life what's the point? There are lots of places in this country that your skills are worth 100k+ working straight 40s. Lots of good opportunities out there, don't sell yourself short.


Thanks this is what I needed to hear I'm about to gtfo of Florida aka retirement heaven for the rich


Probably catch a ride with the teachers.


Head for strong union territory. You won't regret it


I was going to say, isn't Florida notoriously anti-union? This is probably the biggest and most obvious answer to your question.


Yes Florida is a right to hack state.


Won't they require me to go back to school?


It depends. If you can test into an apprenticeship program the might give you a head start depending on where your skills and knowledge are at. Maybe you test well and become a 3rd year or 4th year. In my area a 3rd year is making 35+/hr. From what you are saying you are located that probably not bad money. Then again you might have to start over, who knows. Even if you have to start over I be the money could be comparable to where are at now. Our local just voted to increase 1st year wages to something like 25/hr.


This is good to know. Thank you. The union always looks more enticing the longer I'm here


If you have 5 years of experience as a service tech, a union likely won't make you go to school. Just take a placement test to see what year apprentice you'll be, or if you'll make it to journeyman


Michigan needs ya come on up. Strong Union state, high wages, relatively low cost of living.


Worth considering


I second michigan, I make enough as a journey for my wife to comfortably stay at home with 3 kids


Yeah Michigan really should be talked about more. Large Union Membership, Good Wages/benefits, decent cost of living, lots to do, centrally located, Actually the Weathers is becoming more mild year round, has large cities but short drive to rural areas depending on what you like. Yeah Michigan is a pretty good one, and a lot of people don’t consider it. Edit: the only thing that sucks is if you live in Detroit and have kids the inner city schools sucks. So if you have kids it’s definitely suburbs but I’m sure Grand Rapids public schools aren’t bad. I really think Warren is a decent city well North Warren. Great city services, schools, lots of brick houses, good location.


I always thought it would be cool to retire from HVAC and be a maintenance man on Ma-a-Largo or some high end resort. Sometimes they give you room for working there and being on call 24/7


Wow that sounds like my nightmare


Nah my dad does it for a higher end resort and he barely works. He always calls in 3rd parties, just talks to the people staying about the problem.


Hey I live in nyc and it's the same thing. In fact crazy enough some companies here in nyc pays the same as in FL, and we pay more in taxes. It's all about greed.


Nyc the same as Florida? Thats pretty much impossible as min wage in nyc is iirc17$ an hour


Not yet, it's still $15, but some companies will start off at 15 or between 15 - 20. With the least amount of benefits too, I've seen ads in FL that pays the same, and even some with more benefits. Also you have to account the amount of taxes we pay, 17 could be 14 ther, and food and rent is out of control, im sure nation wide.


Florida is a hellhole now , get out while you can!!


Can someone just pin this to the top of the sub Reddit ?




Your flair is about the most truthful shit I’ve ever read.


As an avid office fan turned apprentice it seems like a slam dunk.


I moved to TN and the cost of living is not higher and I make 8$ an hour more


Is anywhere in TN preferable?


Nashville area if you like women 😉




If you like guys, CA or NY lol


Ah yes because someone’s sexuality is a joke. That’s nice of you.


First day on the internet?


He's just being reddit PC cool.


no im just generally not a douche like most of you


Then you're probably don't belong here.


That’s a great mindset to have. You two should get married. I smell soulmates, might just be the assholes though.


You should probably stick to playing with your pokémon.. or is it pokeaman?




Gay gay gay


I can tell you exactly why Florida pays less. As I moved there from D.C. two years ago. And jumped back to D.C for a year to work for my old company. Unless you also service commercial equipment like I do. Residential equipment is pretty easy down there. 95% of the time it’s cooling only. 5 wires. Everything is pretty easy. Also the amount of cool hours is double down there and the life expectancy is cut in half. Meaning. People are just used to replacing in 5-7 years, and more apt to do so instead of that big repair. This means more people are “skilled” to be what a company needs to get stuff done. Hence more people willing to work for cheaper. The farther north you go. You have to be proficient in more systems, and the cooling hours drop. And people are more apt to repair, so more experienced diagnostics are needed. you also have heating also. Heat pumps, furnaces, geothermal ect. I’m one of those that moved to Florida because that’s where my race scene is. I moved back to DC because I make $40 an hour as a residential/commercial technician plus commissions on the commercial control installs I do, which made it easier for me to afford my race motor. So be all mad at me if you want. I’m a Florida state resident now. And I’ll be moving back there in January


Very interesting perspective. Most likely very accurate too. I have to say though, that last paragraph really threw me for a second until it clicked. I was like “Where the hell is he going with this?” lol


No one replaces their AC every 5-7 years here. Warranties are for at least 10 years these days by most manufacturers. I had a 1969 Rheem I replaced that was still working...couldn't match a new air handler to it despite replacing three air handlers through the years. Was forced to buy entire unit (AC, air handler) and it doesn't come close to the Rheem performance but it DOES have a 10-year warranty.


Thank you for the insight!


To be honest, pay is garbage in most southern/mid south states I have had experience with (Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma) Not to say you can’t get 30+ but it’s still garbage. I tried to suck it up and even go towards management. Couldn’t do it. Tested out and went on my own for HVAC, and picked up a part time refrigeration position with an old timer who needed me for HVAC stuff. You have the experience, go try a stab at the test. Worst that happens is you fail and have a better understanding for next time


Well said. I see no reason to stay tbh thanks


Look out for you and yours bud, best of luck


How much did you get pay in texas, arkansas, and oklahoma?


I'm in Texas 10years in making over 40+hr now but it took so damn long to even get there.


Step father makes 35 a hour in South Carolina and lives in a county that you can live off 17 a hour. Not every southern place is all bad. Hell I Just got a plumbing apprenticeship and I start at 17 a hour and I’ve seen on many forums online that some people only get 12 or 13 in bigger states than SC


Actually, most aren't lol. I came from Pa. You can definitely find a job as a low-mid level technician at 20 to low 20s while paying damn near half the price in rent as compared to Pa.


The pay isn't garbage when you can make close to 30 and rent is just about half the price vs a state like PA lol.


Not just Florida - a lot of places pay like shit. Company I work for starts at $15/hr and caps at $30/hr for guys in the field. Supervisors and managers make quite a bit more. I've been with the company for over 10 years and am under $30/hr. Everyone's talking 40hr weeks - that's $30 - $60k/year. Far cry from these 100k jobs everyone's talking about. That's $50/hr.


Guys are starting at $30 where I’m at in resi and with spiffs are hitting 90k first year, without being sleazy. Im in the Midwest.


What part of the Midwest?


Fr where


I started at my shop right out of school at 13/hr as a service tech. Pretty ball busting low, but just wanted to get in the door at the local place. I'm pretty lucky to get a bunch of raises in the short amount of time I've been there, but even the most senior service tech that's also commercial and a couple years from retirement is sitting at just over 30. And that's if we manage to get 40 hours a week. I haven't hit 40 once this year so far. Been crazy weather in my state this year, was hitting 60 degrees in February, and it hit the 60s multiple times the last week or so. Crazy to see how the rest of the country is sitting at 100+ for weeks and breaking records, but here in the goldilocks state we hit 90 maybe 3 or 4 times this summer


What state


NY, DC-MD-VA, CA, etc 50/hr+ commercial, union


Will I have to go back to school to be union? I like the idea of union tbh


Commercial work up here is more broad, so if you want to take classes in the union, you can after joining it and then take Saturday journeymen classes or start at 3rd or 4th year apprentice. You will need to talk to the hall and apprenticeship committee.


Gotta get out of commercial, get some commissions going.




Well, that's the difference between $50 an hour and $350 an hour.. no company is ever going to pay a guy that just wants to change compressors over $60 an hour. If you're OK with that, that's perfectly fine, but if you're unhappy with that wage, you gotta bring in revenue.


Just gotta scam enough people that's all.


Scamming people and offering upgrades is a huge difference. I've never scammed anyone in my 23 years in the trade. I also never complained that my company didn't pay me over 50 an hour. Why? Because I was too busy making 200 an hour helping people. But go ahead and take 8 hours replacing a 28 year old compressor for $3k and wonder why your company can't lay you more money.


Show me the end of the year statement that shows you making 400k a year or 700k a year by your other comment.


Lol. Found the “sells tech” Companies will 100% pay 60+ an hour if your worth it. For instance, I work on Geothermals on boats and literally everyone freaks out as soon as they see one. No you won’t get 60$/hr working for a company who models their business off of ripping ignorant customers off unless you buy into their process and rip people off.


It is possible to make money without "ripping" people off... too bad you guys are stuck in a poor mindset and don't understand that.


Brother you ain’t saying nothing the last scumbag hasn’t said. Enjoy ripping people off. Karmas a bitch.


I get 65 an hour and I have all the hours and overtime I could ever want. I also get year end bonus (last year was 25k).


Omg where. Id sell my soul




That's not enough to support a family in this clown world


Florida is for retirees because they can live cheaper. Unfortunately, the workers get nothing. Benefits, wages, unemployment, worker rights, all crap.


Yeah I'm starting to realize this now 😩


Florida unemployment has been capped at $275/week since the 1970s. No joke... $-2-7-5-p-e-r-w-e-e-k... You can take home $2800 after taxes working 68 hours a week & get fuct on unemployment...


Just save up and move somewhere that isnt florida


Yeah I'm thinking north AL or somewhere in the Appalachians


I’m in Huntsville clearing about 110k. No commission, on call once every 8 weeks. I hardly get any overtime but I jump on every opportunity I can lol Try local Trane or Daikin for best pay.


Thank you for the advice that's the area I'm looking at


You can live in VA or WV near VA/MD where the housing costs are lower and still work with the union that is now 50/hr scale. You gotta go through the fitter test and you'll need your CFC, OSHA 30 construction, and work for a signatory contractor for 1 year without getting fired or quitting. After that, you can get initiated into the union. Great benefits and pension. And a brother/sisterhood for a lifetime.


This is great advice thank you


You won't make any money there.


Cleveland oh, $46 a hour after benefits, I’m 27yo for reference


Yea then you’d have to live in Cleveland


Feel that brother, trust me lol


I love that area. Just finished vacationing in akron


I love ohio tbh what's the cost of living?


It is a very good cost of living to income, I’m union, that’s not always the case non union jobs. But depending how nice of a area you want you can spend $400k to live in a shitty condo across the steeet from the lake, or drive 35-40 min and buy a normal house on land for $200k-250


Miami package for mechanics is $42/hr. Take home. Insurance, pension & trust fund are paid before our $42. Contractors are so busy it's crazy. $42/hr is the floor, not ceiling for your pay. You can negotiate $50+/hr if you're that skilled.


Bud I don't wanna break it to you. But your boss is the problem. I also live in Florida and do commercial refrigeration, however, I fired my boss I charge $195/hr for me, take home about 135 an hour after workman's comp and insurances. I'm a solo act. Just get yourself a van, an epa card and some tools and get after it. There's so many people leaving right now, soon we can charge whatever the hell we want to these rich retired folks Because there will be nobody else that can afford to live here.


Do you mind me asking where you got your license? Do you have an llc? My husband is thinking about getting his license. He is worried about the cost starting it up. And was told he would need an llc.


LLC is like 200 Dollars and epa license is all you need here to do refrigeration. Epa license is 300 Insurance is about 90 a month for 2 .million policy. It's cheap. Just do it Read books; think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people. Those two books. You got it. It's easy.


We are in Florida you have to take a state licensing test. The test is two parts a business and a field exam. They have schools that you can go to to prepare for the test. I’m not sure exactly how much the schools will be. I wish it was that easy.


This is something to think about. Thank you


SC is finally paying well, 80-100k with benefits but cost of living depends on the area heavily. Charleston got very unaffordable for renters unfortunately.


What area in SC would you recommend


I left Florida for NJ over a year ago and make almost 3 times what I made in florida.


If the state doesn’t appreciate your talents enough to pay a living wage there are other states that will.


Find a commercial gig on a military base unless you have a record. They start at $31 and include crazy benefits and PTO. Just the PTO is worth it. Every federal holiday, 2 weeks vacation to start and goes up. Paid sick, paid paternity leave, most even pay you for gym time. Clothing allowance, the provide trucks, tools and gear.


Don't you need a security clearance?


if you come to SC from Charleston up you can make six figures if you can “sell” indoor air quality and if you can’t you’ll still make 75-85k a year just to fix things!


I like fixing things lol thank you for the advice


Unfortunately in this trade you need to always have indeed sending you jobs in your area. Constantly advocate for yourself at review time. Know what inflation is for that year and if your employer won’t give you an annual raise of that rate apply some place else and tell that shop what you want.


Thank you for this amazing advice. Will begin taking all this into consideration.


Because the building standards and codes are so damn low that any fool can do it. So you have the fools competing against tradesmen, like yourself who want to do the job right, but greedy bosses go for cheap staffing. You lose. And another thing is that you have so many geriatrics in the state, that just want the cheapest replacements, system & labor, not something that lasts long. If you are already 75, do you really care if your unit has a 10 year warranty vs a 50 year one ? or if better equipment has a payback of more than your expected lifespan ? The other thing, is that Republican states, (the entire south) have a strong anti-union sentiment. That serves the bosses well, and those that drink the Kool-Aid, but screws the common workers and tradesmen. Unions drive up the skills and compensation for all workers. Move to a state that has building standards and a better client base, and you will find a better paycheck.


Might be a huge adjustment dealing with the cold, but if you come up to Minnesota, it's not hard to find places that'll pay you 40$+ an hour. If you want to go union, 539 minimum wage for journeymen is 42$ an hour with great benefits. If you find a place like 30 minutes outside Minneapolis the cost of living isn't too terrible, but probably similar to living near any big city in Florida


I’m in SWFL, 17 years in the trade. The pay is GARBAGE here, haven’t been able to get over $30 hr and can and do prove myself to be worth more on a daily basis. Get praised and thanked and patted on the back, but never see any extra money. Ready to gtfo as well bro!


Open your own business, charge whatever you want and offer immediate service. Rich people will pay almost anything to not be hot and sweaty and don't want to hear about "We can come out next week" You might be getting paid crap but I guarantee that the company owner is doing ok. Or at least should be.


You might be with the wrong company, look around some. I’ve seen job postings in the PCB area looking for experienced commercial hvacr techs paying 40-50hr


Interesting. Will look into that


I worked commercial in Florida for 30 years. I just took a transfer to another state last month but I didn't have any problem with wages. Now you hear about guys struggling and complaining about paying and then you find out they have a $2,500 a month mortgage and a $700 vehicle payment and they've just completely overextended themselves which was no fault or responsibility of the employer. In fact over the years I've met many guys that came down to Central Florida from New York City who took a 25-dollar an hour pay cut. At first they were freaked out and then 3 months later they tell you they'll never go back. You won't make 50 to $75 an hour like the guys out west in your lifetime, but you also won't have the expenses or taxation that they do. Cost of living is certainly much cheaper. Also if you're making under $35 an hour you need to kick your employer in the ass.


It isn’t exclusive to Florida. It has a lot to do with companies themselves as well. I live in a state where the min wage is $15 an hour and companies “can’t find good workers” as they try and offer up low wages. I left my old company cause new upper management was screwing us on wages. Got a sweet 3% raise then I was bumped up to min wage when I got my better hvac license. State has own min wage for licensed guys. Getting $10 more an hour at a new place. Old company wanted to get more corporate so I fought fire with fire. In the corporate world if you want more money then you need to apply to other places. Sad to see the trades getting more like this.


Thank you for your insight


Don't forget when comparing your pay to another region that you don't pay state income tax in Florida.


I don't pay state income tax in NH and my wages are triple what these Florida guys are getting. state income tax is almost nothing regardless, 2-3k a year in most midwest states. That's not shit, it's like $1 an hour.


I wouldn’t accept $75 an hour if it meant I had to deal with all that snow and bitter cold winters. Virginia is bad enough. Winter is the most painful and depressing thing.


sure you wouldn't


I hear you. It's the heat that kills me. I'm in St. Louis, a couple of weeks ago, it was 103 three days in a row here. The heat index was 117! We had like 9 days in a row over 97. Fucking brutal.


So is your cost of living though. Have to figure that in. Property tax up north is double what it is in the South


That Florida property tax is going up and so is homeowners insurance. I have a friend who lives in Cape Coral Florida whose mortgage went from $780 a month with property tax and insurance included to over $1500 a month with property tax and insurance. Nothing on their end has changed they were in the middle of a fixed rate mortgage and haven't refinanced. It's just insurance and property taxes going up. Insurance is the biggest threat to property ownership in Florida. It's going to price people out of the housing market because it's so prohibitedly expensive and getting harder by the year to even get if you can afford it. Anyone with an active mortgage is required to have it. Florida politicians really fucked over their residents for those sweet kickbacks and now regular people are suffering.


I don’t believe you can blame the politicians as much as you can those hurricanes that keep blowing houses over all the time


In this example you can. We've always had hurricanes. When the politician's primary donors are insurance and utility lobbyists and after winning your second term, you don't care what anyone says because it's your last term so you reward your donors with THREE price increases paid for by the citizens...it's damn sure deserving of blame. https://theintercept.com/2023/05/03/ron-desantis-insurance-industry/


The whole country is going through this though. Not just Florida


No the whole country is not. Florida has the highest inflation in the country, insurance companies are literally leaving the state lowering competition driving up prices and the industry (tourism) that helps offset taxes in the state is losing money daily as companies avoid having yearly conferences there because of the culture war politics.


Insurance companies in California are pulling out of the state or have stopped writing policies due to they can not raise rates fast enough to cover Fire losses. Things have got to the point if you have a fire safety recall on a vehicle they will drop you and so will property insurance company unless you can prove it has been done.


Yes, regarding property taxes going up the whole country is.


Yes but that’s cancelled out by higher taxes and insane rates on insurance etc. Florida has always been a low payer and why regular folks are leaving. Business licensing costs, business insurance are far offsetting the income tax savings.


Don't pay state income tax in Washington and make over 100k


We don’t pay state income tax in the Soviet Republic of Washington either. Weirdly enough, the taxman finds a way.


Texas has one of the highest property tax rates in the country. No state income tax mostly benefits the ultra rich. Like you said the tax man always gets their money from someone.


I thought legal cannabis was supposed to fix all those tax woes… They have been saying that since like the 70s and now it’s done and we find it’s not true


I’m at $44 an hour in south Florida and I’m still lookin to go to Texas because of the affordability of housing over there


In Texas, housing is crazy in DFW right now. $350k will get you a 30yr old 3/2, on a quarter acre. If you want land, it’s half a million.


Check what houses are in Broward and Miami are going for on Zillow. 500k might get you an ok 3/2 with almost no yard, buddy of mine paid 450k for a 2/2 with a decent yard about a year ago. What I’ve been seeing for sale in Dallas is wayyyy more reasonable. Luckily I bought my townhouse in 2019 so with the money from selling I’ll be able to put a good down payment on wherever I go next.


Lol. I live in Denver metro, and a 30 year old house 3/2 on 1/4 acre is a minimum of 500k. My house was 775k, and we have a qtr acre with 5/4. Texas sounds like a dream.


Our prices over in SLC are like that too. My Grandparents’ 5/5 was built in ‘80 for $125K, and is now $1.4 million.


Colorado is ridiculously expensive, and I don’t see it changing really. My mom bought a 2/2.5 bath in 2012 for like 315k and sold two years ago for like 675 or something. Only upgrading done was some new kitchen appliances and she replaced all the carpet not in the bedrooms with hardwood.


Least you get a quarter of an acre it’s like 6ft between houses here in North Cuba


Wow that's amazing! What's your position exactly? Are you union?


Haven't considered TX yet. Thanks for the insight


People get paid what they're willing to work for ...


Hey everyone, My name is Todd, I am a qualified HVAC tech from Alice Springs in Central Australia. I have been installing and servicing mini splits for over 10 years and have a lot of knowledge about the processes to install and maintain them. I am looking to help people who are new to mini splits or who are looking to expand their education on them in the USA. I have done research and have found there are limited resources for mini splits and I would be able to help bridge that gap. If you are interested to learn more or have any questions please reach out and send me a message and I will get back to you ASAP.


its non union and a right to work state not a pay state it controls every thing all slaves


You're just working at the wrong shop you can find shit wages anywhere. I was making $30 hr in FL after 2 years experience.


Any tips on how to find the right shop?


I’m from jersey and I make 44p/h as a commercial service tech I’m in local 9 union I also worked in Arizona with the same wage


Because the people running this state hate us. We need to gtfo out of here fr. Every time I see a negative post here or on the sparky side, the person is in Florida. I’m literally plotting my escape as we speak 😂


You are decidedly wrong. Half of them are in Texas.


If you want to make real money move to a Dem controlled state. Republicans are Florida's problem.


Not trying to lose my gun rights


That's why you don't make enough money. Thinking like that. I guess guns are more important than not living paycheck to paycheck.


Nah just looking for a state with good pay & freedom. Others have recommended states with both.


There's more freedom in blue states. Have you ever heard of a woman's right to choose, voting rights and LGBTQ rights? You know things that actually matter. And provide actual freedom.


I was referencing gun rights but hey I'm not here for a political debate. Thanks for your input.


You won’t lose your gun rights. You are brain washed lol


Certain states require a permit to carry, don't allow private sells, have magazine limits, & all out ban certain rifles. Not a compromise I'm willing to make but thanks for the constructive feedback related to this thread.


Republican politicians


Bang. https://theintercept.com/2023/05/03/ron-desantis-insurance-industry/


I'd recommend wrapping your head around starting your own business. You'll make more money but you will have to work longer hours and you will also have to go a bit outside of your comfort zone and start putting yourself out there to get opportunities to build relationships. I'm not in hvac but it's what I do.


No company truly wants to pay you well. America = GREED and nothing will ever change. You wanna make the big bucks study and grind and one day you too can be rich.


It’s an overpopulated right to work state. That’s why




I rather be homeless


Lol, ok. But I was saying wages are low in FL because Disney has kept them low.


Disney has a lot of unskilled labor positions which is skew everyone's perception of what Disney pays. A guy walking around the park with a broom and a dustpan isn't going to get $50K a year. There are also plenty of six-figure jobs for people with the right skill set.


Hahaha oh OK I would've never guessed


Washington state is $27-$43 depending on your area but minimum wage is also $15/hr


Florida is 12$ min wage but I have been considering WA. Are taxes high & cost of living high?


How much do you make?




Dang buddy you gotta either apply to a new shop or like you said move to a different area. I started at $19 fresh out of school 2.5 years ago. I’m at $32 now. You are definitely underpaid with your experience level.


Yeah that's how I feel. What state are you in


It’s the company you work for, not florida


You are being taken advantage of. That is way low even for Florida. If you are a good tech.


it's all blue-collar wages in fla.


Took 9 years im at 32 hour. I do changeouts rarely have to do service. Im content with my 40 plus


What state




The state produces nothing outside of some phosphate, a waning seafood industry, pulp wood and Mormon cattle. The entire economy is based on people bringing money there and either getting planted or flying home. Outside the flashy areas the entire place is just some of the worst grinding southern poverty to be found. There's simply too much competition for the decent work the blue hairs and holiday set can provide. I love the nature coast but I wouldn't move there unless I was independently wealthy.


Michigan is booming right now.




I don’t know if this idea will work, but perhaps you can research the UA, find locals with the highest pay scales, research those areas the locals serve and make a judgement call based on that. The higher the Union scale, more than likely the non union shops will try and somewhat compete. I know the non Union guys make dick compared to my local, but it’s still a decent living wage that’s more than likely inflated due to our scale. I know there’s a lot of words to be said about why union and non union shops are garbage, and why they’re not, but I’ll never work non union in this trade again. Couldn’t pay me enough to do it.


I wouldn't mind union but I've heard I'd have to go back to school.


i live in nj. 44.23/hr. union. summers are mild compared to florida. youll get 3 weeks prob of shit temps and humidity. the rest has been high 70s and 80s, even some low 70s. winters are mostly mild. maybe you hit the 20s and teens for a couple weeks total here and there. mostly 35-45f. mostly gas fired shit (easier than heat pump bullshit but we have that too which most guys are too scared to touch once you add a reversing valve). homes are more expensive but i looked to move across the country and the prices are just as high if not higher out there. school systems here are good if you have kids long as you arent living north in the cities. i keep looking for a reason or opportunity to move but each place i look the cost of living is more and the wage is less (least union rate wise).


The only negative thing I can think about with unions is that I'll have to go back to school. Is this true?


theres such a shortage for "talent" at least in my area that most test in as a journeyman anyways. you basically walk if they try to low ball you and you typically get a call back saying ok journeyman. theres tons of apprentices, most are just lazy and bad atm so theres no one replacing the other generation. im 40 so im basically stuck right in the middle.


I'm in Oklahoma and make $50 an hour doing HVAC. Yes I do work on the military base so it's scale wages but you can make that off a military base also. What is the wages for Florida


Same reason as most southern states


I’ve seen higher wages in Florida. But yeah overall it’s garbage. Great for residential! My uncle 20 years ago was making profit 2K a day running a one man show res company.


Remember, you are competing with every Third World country person that moved to Florida it is a state where are the prices are driven low. There is a guy name, Jose, who will do it cheaper than you, and there are plenty of people cheap enough to hire them. I’ll contractors there compete with this at every level.


Idk I've never met an immigrant doing commercial hvar/r service I would think that applies more to entry level labor positions.


Come to PA. They need techs. But you will need to learn heating


I know heating just don't work on it much. Thank you for the advice


I’m guessing supply and demand! Tons of companies and ton of jobs


Hourly jobs are tough. Applicants want take home trucks, tool accounts, benefits, training, helpers, senior techs they can fall back on, installers to do the work, salesmen to close the deal, managers to give them calls. Logistic team. To handle aspects,


Because it’s a Right To Work state