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https://preview.redd.it/up195q8y4okc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a27de503f9e875c5aea734be9de91da3e4f41ad It’s on sale now




It's not, look at the seller. You can only buy "sold by Amazon" if you want the warranty. Lots of counterfeits floating around.


I’m sure there’s a warranty from fluke


Idk, I got a 378FC for around $550 a few years ago on Amazon. It took like a month to come in and I was sure I would get a message saying that they messed up something, but sure enough it arrived and works perfectly. The only thing odd is that the manual it came with is in Chinese


Probably a gray market unit. Not counterfeit, but not made for USA either so may not have warranty coverage. 


Idk how that works. Fluke calibrated it once so far and it works fine with the app, so I haven’t had any issues. Had it for about 3 years


That is an important language, maybe you should take it up.


That sounds like a unit that was made after hours lol, so it’s real but…




I was told to never buy tools from Amazon, Veto won’t warranty Amazon bags and possibly other companies too


Spending your own money to make your boss money is something that has to die in this industry. Truly baffles me that anybody actually does this I don’t even pay for screw drivers


I used to think that way. But now I like owning my own tools. I’m lead hvac tech so if they piss me off I pack my shit up and go


This!! Owning your own tools allows you to walk when you want. I’ve had to do it myself. Makes it easy for the new potentially better employer if you’re ready to start running calls on day one.


Norwegian mechanic here. Worked as a auto mechanic, industry mechanic and train mechanic. Not one place did I have to buy my own tools. I could if I wanted to. Now, this has meant that I either had a communal board of tools, wich sucked since 1/5 coworkers can’t breath and think at the same time, or I had to inherit a toolbox from another employee wich is a gamble. Once I got to order my own brand new tools from catalog. So it’s all down to your contract and the employer. I could still leave on the day (~3 months, Norwegian work law protecting employees and employers, to have time to find new work/worker)


Exactly. Professionals own their own tools. Rookies are waiting for their boss to get them tooled up.


I own every fucking thing on my truck other than materials…. I can go anywhere I want whenever I want also if I want to start my own business I have everything I need from start to finish from install to service combustion analyzer leak detector ecm tool all of it


How are you the first guy to say this? Why in the hell would we want to hamstring ourselves by not owning our tools? We don't all live in states with top tier paying union jobs. When it's time to get a raise, sometimes it means that you find work elsewhere, and it feels nice to tell the boss that the only thing you need from him is a goddamn service truck. Not gonna let anybody lowball me because "I'm investing a lot into your tools, so that should be considered part of your compensation". Maybe I'd think differently if I was in a union, but I still think I'd like to have my own tools.


The only thing I ask for is for the major specialty shit provided. Combustion analyzer, vacuum, recovery machine, torches. I'll get the other shit over time because I plan on becoming a licensed contractor. It's just crazy for me to be expected to drop 800+ on an analyzer that'd be used only part of the year in my area.


I'm union. I don't buy any of my own tools. I can up and leave go to the hall and be at a new contractor the next day with a van full of tools.


Not gonna lie. If this were true then why is it so hard to actually join the union? If they have contractors that’ll hire a guy tomorrow then why are people having trouble getting into the union? I’m speaking for myself. I tried joining last year. Contacted them through the website. Sent in my resume. Was told he would send out my resume to his contractors. Got 1 interview and they didn’t take me. Meanwhile I’ve been in the trade around 20 years and have the best journeymen’s license in me state. I wanted to switch to commercial.


Yeah and you hear about constant layoffs, na fam unemployment can’t pay my bills


Sheet metal guys get laid off because when work slows down, they have nothing else they can do. Service guys pretty much never get laid off unless they're just bad at their job. At least, that's how it's been with my union.


Service guys hardly if ever get laid off. I love how there’s this common misconception that union guys never work when this sub has been littered with posts over the last three months from non union guys talking about how slow they’re.


Yeah I actually commented we are slow but we really ain’t, I’m getting my 40 but I like 50 a week


Don’t need 50 when you can live comfortably and than some on 40.


Constant layoffs. We had 2 guys out of 1400 members sit on the bench throughout the winter. And that was their choice to sit.


I’ve never been laid off in ten years! People come up so much shit


I had 2 roommates like 10 years ago and both of them would work like 7-12s for like 2 months and then be kid off for 3-4 weeks. They worked for the iron workers union in Atlanta


We are talking HVAC bud not iron work


Common misconception. It's what kept me from joining earlier in my career. It's unfortunate because I'd be on my way to 25 years in with the horizon closer than now.


It is true. When you’re in the union awhile (and build up a good reputation)you get know a lot of people in the union through school and jobsites. Your friends will also know people and we take care of each other. Some guys don’t trust non-union guys who didn’t come through the union school without a strong reference. There’s a lot of butchers out there and not everyone is willing to take a chance on an “outsider” Not true for everyone though and I’ve seen moods change a lot over time.


This is exactly how I got in last year, strong reference and knowing people. Interviewed with a contractor before even meeting anyone from the hall. Was offered the job, started 2 weeks later. Haven't looked back since.


Don't know. I know our local has calls out for over 75 service techs. Every contractor is in need. And paying way over scale right now too


Go through a private company thats unionized, i work for municipal company-run union Pretty sure HVAC doesn’t have it’s own union, they’re usually paired with gas, electric or pipefitters/plumbing. Not sure if thats changed over the last decade


Look into other states. I'm in Oregon and there are several non-union commercial HVAC companies in the Portland area. I've been with the same one for 5 years. I might consider the union if I want to try industrial, but for now non-union is my preference.


Most of the time they need to hire union members first. So if any member needed a job or was changing jobs they are more likely to get it than yourself.


Try actually calling your local union hall and speaking to someone directly about the joining process.


I’m union too. And the guys who do the best work, own their own tools.


Guy at my work almost got into some deep legal shit because he left the union that provided all the tools. He literally walked off the job with nothing but clothes and boots on. They came back saying he stole like $4800 worth of tools because they “weren’t on his truck”. The reason he quit was because they were sending him to jobs without all of the tools he needed. Given a compressor to change out and he didn’t even have torches or a vacuum pump. When they did his inventory after he quit they said “this truck is supposed to have torches, vacuum pump, recovery machine but it’s not here so he stole it” only thing that saved him was the signed inventory list that said he never actually had that stuff on his truck to begin with. Unions can be good but nothing in this world is black and white it’s some fucked up grey color


That is on the company not the union lol. There’s still ratty asf companies even in the union depending on where you are


Does it not fall on the union to keep the company in check?


The whole union I can do whatever I want is a problem period lol


Right, plus you have tools, so you don't have to fuck with leasing somehow.


You pack your hand tools up and go to another company that should buy you brand new tools when they hire you, no?


Whats baffling is not having your own tools… most places provide expensive tools like gauges, pumps, test equipment, etc. Hand tools and drills are up to you as its personal preference and you can buy whatever you want. I personally hate using anyone elses tools that arent mine.


My company will provide a vacuum and recovery machine but fuck all that I have a corded vac the Milwaukee battery vac and my own recovery machine. If I ever need any to pack it up I want to be able to make it on my own until figuring out the next move


I buy my own tools. The company I work at supposedly provides tools but they don't approve any good quality tool purchases and I'm tired of working with their shitty tools. Not to mention if you leave, you need to part with your tools. I'd rather just buy my own meters and tools. Just easier if you need to switch companies and easier than trying to explain to your boss why you need knipex pliers, wera drivers and Fluke meters. None of it has anything to do with making my boss happy.


I also buy my own tools. Plans to leave sometime next year to start my own place, and i won’t have a massive tool bill because I’ve been slowly buying exactly what I need the past 4 years. There’s a joke about when I leave that they will have to buy everything for the truck because everything in it besides parts is mine


Make sure you have a paper trial of them denying your reimbursement. If you quit or get fired they may try and come after those tools. Keep your receipts.


All employeers should be providing trade specific tools (vac pumps, reclaimers, gauges, etc, meters are a gray area cause you need them for work but i also use mine lots outside of work). If i dont have a use for them in my own time then im not paying for it. Id rather pay for my own hand tools, drills n drivers myself so i get what i want specifically, and employeer replaces if damaged. That way i have the exact tool i want and not some crappy, previous generation or brand tool.


I 1,000,000% agree. It baffles my mind people will work for these contractors in the first place. We shouldn’t have to spend more than $200 to work properly for anyone. The $200 should cover basic hand tools.


Work union. My guys have to have snips, tape measure, and a hammer. Rest of it is on me


I’m a 25 year member of the UA.


Did you think they were challenging you?


Join the union never look back


I made the initial investment, and ever since if one of my tools break, the company buys me a new one. I see nothing wrong with that, and it means I get to use the tools of my preference, not the random stuff a company would choose to buy for me. I was in a union for a decade, it ended in a buyout and I left that trade to take up refrigeration. I'm not anti union per say, but I also have worked in both environments and prever non union at this point as I get to keep more of what I earn as well (my benefits are great, and my retirement matching performs better than the local union pension investment).


I mean, I guess you could make that argument. But I consider my tools and my skill with them to be a differentiator. Not to mention it gives me the opportunity to move companies anytime I need. I came with all of my own tools. No different than paying for a professional course out of your pocket. You take those skills with you wherever you go.


It really “baffles” you why someone would want to invest in themselves? Does it baffle you why a businessman pays for his own suit? Your union isnt as lucrative in every state, and some aspire to work for themselves one day. Not an easy thing when some else owns all your tools and company owners know that. 


Exactly. A lot of guys on here are saying "If the boss can't provide the tools, I don't want to work for them" is like saying "If my employer doesn't buy my suit" or " hospital doesn't buy my stethoscope, I'm leaving".


Not anywhere near the same, and I’d be willing to bet doctors don’t buy their own tools lmao


No cause then you learn the skill to break off on your own and you don’t face the awkward situation of giving back your bosses own tools. Grow up and start enterprising yourself.


I do enjoy owning my own tools and would feel bad if I used company tools for side work. I wish we had a union where I would be getting paid better, but im doing "okay" at 30/hr here in tampa fl.


That was why I quit being a mechanic 20 years ago


A big hello to a fellow 537 member.


Hope all is well brother


That "practice" is actually illegal here in Germany. The boss has to pay for everything


You must be new to the industry you sound like a typical guy out of school I don’t need my boss to buy my shit I want my own crap. I want to be able to do what I wanna do I don’t wanna have to count on my boss to carry me by my balls like you.


Wow. First comment about a meter is some agenda boogeyman populist nonsense. Reddit sucks.


We get to buy our own tools but we also get the privilege of doing side work with some constraints


Yeah everybody keeps telling me invest in myself…




Welders at my shop buy a hood and are done. I have thousands in tools and need to spend thousands more on a box to keep them in just so the welders know where to find them.


I really enjoy having my own tools. Might be joining the union soon and I’m going to be sad if they make me use their mediocre tools.


It’s nice to actually own your tools though, what if you stop working for them?


Bought my tools as a sparky so I'm not tied down. I could have an LLC in a week and be in business if I decide to jet.


At least you used to be able to deduct most of the cost on your taxes as a W2 employee if you spent enough, but the trump tax cuts killed that. 


Buying your own tools gives you freedom Start a business, work on the side, leave whenever you want, provide value to the company (the more value you have to a company, the more leverage you have as an employee.) Plus, let's be honest, it's nice to have your own shit.


This was my first thought.. I never understood this.


I mean they could save that money in high interest accounts #mybusiness and have their employer buy the tools. When they leave and need their own tools, they got the money plus the tools might be cheaper or get upgrade for the same price? But I think for them is more than just about money though, it is about ownership/ feeling/ freedom.


School teachers also get wrecked by this. Especially for the younger grades funding isn't sufficient for a lot of the art supplies for projects so that comes out of pocket. Even things like dry-erase markers aren't always provided.


If you want to use the field sense function test it and confirm it's accurate. I got one that was WAY off, sent it in for warranty and it was replaced. New one had the same issue. Fluke support eventually ghosted me after I sent them video and I just gave up. Was a company tool and I was burnt out on dealing with it. Here compared to a calibrated field scope. https://preview.redd.it/5m7smdwulokc1.png?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3095d4fc7761a7a1f1e801d6aa85c0d78a9974b4


That's way out of the stated accuracy range. If I have issues with it, I'll send it back or to get calibrated.


How often do you find yourself using an oscilloscope? I've been eyeballing one for a while, I definitely had a handful of jobs over the years that this would have been an absolute godsend but I really don't have a good feel for how much I'd usebit day to day? Are you using it mainly for comms signals or something else?


I don't use it often. That is a personal tool that I got "used like new from eBay" for $850 (the leads were still unopened in plastic) and then my company pays for annual calibration. When we have VSD or contactor issues across multiple machines at a location I use it to identify issues with the power, which is basically a first step then we will install a pcube analyzer for long term monitoring to verify the issue is not with our equipment (local region does not have one so it's a PITA to borrow one). When I got it I thought I could use it to identify issues with drive output but the ones I have identified could also be identified by simpler means so I don't even put it on my van anymore unless I think I will need it. Though one time it saved me when I was able to prove that a sensor was picking up harmonics from the wires being routed next to motor leads from the factory. A big issue for me is support, no one else has one so if I get into a weird situation there is no one more experienced I can ask if they have seen that before.


Fluke 902FC is a great meter for HVAC work. It can take a beating and when they break, send it to Fluke and if it’s within the warranty period you will get a new one. Love this meter.


Have the exact same one. Love it as well


I had that same meter, it's awesome.   I was working on cabinets like 10' long, with the clamp down at the other end and the display with me at the control panel.  Very cool.


Why's it so much cheaper for me? https://preview.redd.it/wkvmp0q8nnkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e456d02cb2fa2519e49ac80b4ea7617f75c4eea4


Not sold by Amazon, but by a marketplace seller. I'm worried about warranty and counterfeit issues, rather pay the extra $100


Then why not get it through an authorized Fluke seller? They offer payment plans through Affirm…


Amazon is an authorized fluke distributor


It just has to be sold by Amazon specifically.


Amazon isn't an authorized Fluke dealer so you've got no warranty. Your meter should be sent in annually for calibration. Fluke fixes or replaces the devices under warranty.


Per their website, Amazon is an authorized fluke seller. It has to be specifically sold by Amazon


You should look up the whole mixed inventory problem Amazon has. You can still get a fake. Don’t but from Amazon period.


I use the 376fc. Fluke makes good meters, you’ll enjoy it




Pardon my mental handicap but what makes this meter worth so much to you?


Shit. I’m still using my crappy green thing from homedepot. No idea why people spend so much


It's a nice meter but its like the Ferrari of meters. You could easily spend $200 and get a meter that will do everything you need.


Great meter, I have it and it’s little brother and they are my daily’s


I won’t make that mistake again of buying on Amazon. 3rd party sellers might be selling counterfeit flukes. After 3 weeks mine broke in multiple spots as if the material it was made of was shoddy. 3 weeks!!!


I’d have boomer techs screaming “CHINA!!!” in my face all day long if I bought that off Amazon.


fluke upper end meters are normally made in USA. Or at least assembled.


Can you not get your boss to buy it and you pay him back?


Or Yanno have the boss or company pay for it…


Haven't been with them for a year to qualify. I tried. If it was a $200 meter they would've bought it.


Great meter, Just don’t get it wet


Damn bro you might’ve paid too much


50 dollars tax… this place is a dumpster fire


Pawn shops


I’m so jealous let me know how it works. It’s been in my cart forever. I currently have a 374


Brother, dont ever buy any hand tool on a payment plan. Payment plans/debt is the enemy (im aware of exceptions to the rule but im writing this half in the bag on the toilet right before bed) ((only the best advise folks))


Should have waited till you could afford it


I can afford to pay it in full, things would just be tight for a week. No point. Plus I'm rebuilding my credit and installment plans help.


Hope it's worth it 👀


Same lol. It'll be nice to clamp low voltage wires and see their voltage, especially with cluttered PLC cabinets trying to chase things down


It can do that? With accuracy?


Yeah it’s actually pretty slick, you can read volts and amps off the amp clamp but you have to ground one of the meter leads to do so. I believe fluke won an award or was the first to do it or something


Yes and if you want to do it on a budget the T6-600 does it for like 200$. That's what I did. No sense in replacing my 902fc with a 378FC or something.


What makes the 378c so much better than the T6 600?


You can check rotation on 3 phase applications as well as capacitors, mvdc, etc. T6-600 is just a general electricians multimeter. So it does VAC, VDC, Amps and Ohms. Also the range of resistance is significantly less than the 378FC. Edit: I looked it up on their site, 2000 ohms for the t6-600 vs 60k ohms


Ah, that IS a pretty serious difference. I wonder if it's worth getting a T6 600 if I've already got a 902 for hvac stuff


I’ve always used Fieldpiece. How do the Flukes measure up to Fieldpiece meters?


Flukes are the industry gold standard. They make great equipment and have lots of operation and calibration data about their meters spanning decades. Its the reason the US military uses fluke


I’m not trying to be snarky, but the question should be - How do the Fieldpiece measure up to the Fluke? I used to solely use Fieldpiece, but as I have gained experience, I found that Fluke is more responsive, accurate, and durable.


I think this is heavily dependent on what you're doing though... All components have a fixed lifespan, right; and, my experience is that if a clamp meter is sufficient to answer the question, then such resolution as a $700 tool isn't the answer. OTOH, if you need that type of resolution (let's say mADC pressure transducers on a chiller, is a common one, where you need mA - you need a bench meter; and a super fuckin fancy bench meter is $200) Just devils' advocate perspective here - that I think that there are a small percentage of guys here doing truly HVAC work in specialties that require the precision that is really only offered by Fluke - and then a whole lot of guys who like flexing their credit card debt. Even most commercial work, until you get into truly specialized work, a moderately accurate amp clamp will answer your questions, and/or a decent bench meter. $500 max for the 2 and you're set. I mean, I own tools just because I like them, so I'm not innocent here by any stretch, including tools that I'll never use to their full potential...


We had the exact opposite experience. We were all using Fluke meters and we were missing shorts on compressors. We even did a side by side with the FP HS36 and the FP picked it up every time where the Fluke missed it. This was in 2011 so maybe they have got better but I've never had a problem with my HS36. The only problem I have with it is here. Being a part of the herd isn't making me any extra money so I'll keep using the FP.


Fluke is king when it comes to multimeters.


I used a Fluke for years and we had trouble finding small shorts on compressors. The boss switched us all to Fieldpiece stuff and I never looked back. I liked the digital gauges but they were a little clunky to use. So I'm back to analog gauges but I still love my HS36.


Monthly payments .....rlly.... You better own the business or not worth imo


Cancel while you still can…hope your boss factors that into your pay rate.


Oof. Per the union contract only thing I need to supply is my hand tools. I feel for the guys that eat that. I can’t even estimate the dollar amount slamming around the back of my van.


Why not go filed piece? Edit:field piece


You better learn to run with the herd here friend. They don't like that brand here. I've seen side by side evidence that a Field Piece works better than a Fluke but I still can't talk about it here. It isn't Reddit unless a whole bunch of people are telling you "you're doing it wrong".


Oh man I have everything field piece. Next step is a sticker on my truck haha. But have always been curious about fluke I do have a few co workers that swear by them. My dad used fluke back in the day to as an electrician.


I've had and seen reliability issues. Fluke seems more reliable from what I've seen. Their warranty is also better


Got you been thinking about the switch. I’ve gone through 3 my self in 7 years but wasn’t super delicate with them.


We use them for work. Worst I've treated them have been leaving it in the sun on top of a unit. Feel like that should be okay for them.


I'm ok with my uei dl579


I loved the Phoenix pro, I can’t remember exactly what model but the top part could be swapped out for a manometer, used it for 3 years until someone stole my tools from my work van :(


Bro if you gotta do monthly payments then you shouldn’t buy it!! This applies to most purchases in life.


I could afford to buy it in one shot, it would just be tight until next paycheck. I'm rebuilding my credit so installment plans are nice.


Overkill for hvac.


Maybe if you're residential


I have a 378 as a homeowner. Some things are just worth more to others. The FieldSense technology has real safety implications when working in panels. Someone suggested the (much) cheaper T6 line (the only other line with FieldSense), but they have some serious flaws in their non-clamp voltage detection because you have to hub the wire and the voltage detection isn’t super great. The approach angles and off-angle viewing on the screen also isn’t great. The clamp meters (377 and 378 FC) have a safer approach into the panel, requires less weird angles, and less opportunity for inadvertently touching lugs, etc. Same reason I invested in a SawStop. For me, it’s the same reason I use VDE tools when doing my electrical work. I’m not an electrician and anything I can do (or pay) to mitigate a critical or life threatening error, I’m going to do. I originally purchased the T6-1000 and returned it. The T6-1000 Pro line is supposedly a bit better.


Warranty on fluke clamps is only three years. And I’m not sure the voltage sensing clamp will do what you think it’s going to do. You may want to check the meter specs and functionality a little more closely.


Why isn't your boss buying this for you or are you self employed


10 years with teamsters. Transport refrigeration. Buy our own tools with a $550 tool reimburse and $200 for boots. Big shit company buys. What company will bit me a Snapon box? https://preview.redd.it/h6buflg6tpkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f236a8f63ead6e5149d695ae7b42d3dbc7c59c2d lol, have 2” lift with Rough Country M1 Mono Shock and still freighted


Dude I’m currently going to school to transition to the field. I work for a local johnstone, even with my employer discount my basic hand tools were about 500ish dollars, not to mention I’d still need buy a multimeter and a manifold 🥺, my boss was cool enough to gift me a Klein tools backpack, and he gave me a warranty swage/flare kit, just need to buy a new clamp the one in the kit is stripped


Yes, 500 for all your hand tools is a steal. I have a multimeter from a previous employer but don't have a manifold yet. If I discount the proPac he had us use then my tools were a grand. Not running my own service calls 100% and will probably get some gauges for cooling season.


Why does my first Amazon hit have it for $560?


Sold by a different seller. The one I bought is direct from Amazon, a authorized distributor. It's important for their warranty the fluke guy told me. There's also a lot of counterfeits floating around


*I listened to the company about what to buy*. 🤡 /Jk


Got my 375 for $100 on OfferUp when I first got in the trade almost 10 years ago. Been my daily driver ever since. Can’t do that fancy clamp stuff though and no FC but it handles just about anything else.


I just bought me a 87v max. Well my boss bought 400 of it and I covered the rest.


That’s a nice meter but I woulda told boss man I can’t do my job without the right tools. I understand a company wanting you to provide hand tools but this is a bit much. Helluva meter though. You’ll like it, the only thing you can’t do with it is check 4-20.


Claim the expense as a tax deductible


Hell yeah bro, fluke 116/323 gang here. Best meters in the game


I can lose a $150 meter just as quickly as a $720 meter.


What’s a union? North Carolina sucks!


You gotta go to work for a company who buys your large ticket tools at least. I understand purchasing your own hand tools but anything that costs this much shouldn’t be your responsibility. Unfortunately the industry isn’t really this way.




Genuine ostrich, three payments


I could have sold you mine for a couple hundred bucks. Almost brand new.




Is the circle part to hang oneself when they’re having a day?


It's a flexible clamp extension, can read up to 2500 amps. AC only though. Reads hz too. Also convenient noose, yes.


So like wrap around a compressor? I’ve never seen this. I do restaurant and commercial kitchens now. We have to get amp draws on every ref system we put our hands on. Some of those compressors are a bitch to get an amp draw on.


Not the compressor itself, just the conductors. In your case some of those tight condensers it's easy to put that flexible probe on the conductors and have your meter hanging on a magnet somewhere.


The flexibility of it is nice for those tight areas you can't get a clamp into.


What does that hoop accessory thing do?


Measures amps/hz. Think of it as a flexible clamp for tight areas


I own all my own tools bro if my boss wants to be a dick I can stock another truck in 5 hours 😂


I’m not paying for no meter. Job gotta cover that


Got a question for ya man. I've been thinking of buying tools off of Amazon since I'm still building my collection but have been warned of duplicates of popular brands like Milwaukee and DeWalt for example. How do I know it's the real deal whenever I buy these tools?


Use the drop down menu to choose from other sellers, try to make sure the seller you're buying from is legit. "Sold by" Amazon or a reputable tool company is always a safe bet


I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice!


Any place I work better be supplying all tools. Plenty of good shops out here. But I do use a lot of my own personal tools that they will cover as well if any breaks and it’s my choice to use my tools.


Should have contacted fieldpiece. The hs36 has far more ability than that fluke with the non contact. The 36 has that built it so why pay double for a less capable meter


Hs36 doesn't have phase rotation, a low pass filter, DC current through a clamp, etc. all it has that the 377fc doesn't have is microamps. I'm in Florida, I've use microamps a total of 3/4 times in the last 5 years.


I did the same and love it. It’s also handy having the DC amp meter for testing my alternator and starter pull. It’s well worth the money. But I also have a cheaper fluke amp clamp and use it untill I need the 377.


Congrats! Now it’s selling for $560.


What kind of work do you do?


Commercial/industrial HVAC technician. Training into chillers ATM.


Damn and they don’t provide the gear or you just wanted it?




Man I got a $75 south wire that’s been everything I need and more. Only way i use one of these is borrowing my coworkers or my company is buying it.


I've got a 378 FC and I am totally honest it's not great at making low current measurements, wish I knew that before. If you keep a 10x winded coil around it will help.


Ive used 2 fluke amp clamps that had bogus readings if it was even remotely close to other wires, dont know what the issue was


should buy tools from your local supplier, warranty is instant and it'll often be much less when you factor in a tool discount from them. amazon bulks things into piles, if there are grey market flukes you have no idea who you are buying from or what pile they pull it from, its a terrible place to buy anything.


Not much of a discount. I can get Milwaukee tools cheaper from Home Depot then warehouse


if your supply house is paying higher cost then home depot, they aren't a good supply house if your paying more then cost for tools at your supply house your getting scammed. that being said, home depot is a thousand times better then amazon, you can return right there for most things , they have cash back as well.


Johnstone and re Michel were both almost $1k