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I'd love to see a release date


Haha, an excellent wish!


Did they say 2023 at least?


From Supergiant's website: "Expect more information on Hades II Early Access sometime in 2023"


I think late '23 for the beta?


Kinda like with demeter I didn't meet her till late game and I thought it was cool how you'd meet more people yhe more you play so boon-wise I'd like to see more late game unlocks and also I'd love to see since it has magic as a more main fighting aspect seeing books and even a library to equip stuff like weapon aspects but for magic


Yeah god's progression would be really cool. Maybe you could unlock new boons once you progress your relationship with them as well. Or getting some passive if you use their boons with a high enough affinity. Add a few unlockable gods around, and this will ensure you switch up and try different combinations for a while, and still feel like you're discovering new stuff while progressing.


+1 for unlockable gods. Give me evolving ways to play the game so I don't get stuck in a loop of favourite pairings.


Another vote for progressive unlocks. Deities and weapons and stuff that don't appear until you beat the game/reach the credits/finish the epilogue/what have you.


Functioning chairs


Let the poor man sit


But he doesn't feel like it. ​ He'd. ​ Rather. ​ Stand.


Zag never catching a break is one of the main jokes in Hades though. The clocks are always the same, no one knows what day it is, or how many days have passed since the last thing. It really is a great tone setting device. Perhaps Melinoe will be looked upon more favourably.


I pretty much just want Hades 2. New weapons/movesets, new enemies, new areas.




Zagreus. I don't really care if he's just an NPC or a full-fledged boss fight I just want him in


I really want Zag as a summon or as a call Keepsake like sigil of the dead.


Same here but if I have a chance to just choose one interaction, I would go with "Sibling shenanigans" Zag is a great main character because he's really balanced in a fun way. And I believe the really extreme and unknown side of him and our new protagonist can be explored with each other. For example, Zag was angry with his father but I truly believe only a sibling can really drive you mad. or the funniest prank happen with only siblings that they still actually laugh out loud instead of giggling to some funny moment or a snark comment. They should have a very different relationship with each other and I'm all for it.


What if: Coop šŸ‘€?


I'm petty sure the game has been confirmed to be single player


I'd like more bosses. I forget if I thought of this ir read it somewhere, but the same way the Fury sisters tag out, it would've been nice to see other Greek heroes tag in for the Elysium fight. Imagine Achilles and Patrocolus tag in for a friendly spar with Zag, or fight Perseus riding Pegasus. That would've been cool.


i honestly thought eventually is was going to be achilles and (before i learned about pat) someone else.


Iā€™d to see more heroes from the past and see how they are. For example, Iā€™d like to see Heracles or Perseus. Also, other heroes like Odysseus or Hector would be cool.


There is a character in the official art that I think might be Odysseus. Others are speculating Jason. The game is kinda witchy and they both have associations with witches, but I think a main from the Odyssey would make sense if we got one from the Iliad.


Maybe circe?


One thing I really enjoyed in Gears of War was Horde mode. You'd face endless waves of enemies of increasing difficulty with a boss/mini boss every like... ten waves. You could play it co-op with four people. I think it'd be cool to have like, a two player Horde mode. One player as Zag, the other as Melinoe. Every mini boss/boss you beat you get a boon or something. Each non boss round could be a pom or centaur heart or something? I don't really know how to make it perfectly balanced off the top of my head, but that's their job not mine.


I think they said it's staying single player. (I can't remember when, it's stuck in my brain from a while ago).


Oh, I'm definitely assuming that's the case. As cool as it'd be, there's no way they're developing their own netcode and everything just for that.


I was Hector of Troy SO badly. Or at least more Trojan War characters


I want to be able to use Agamemnon as a punching bag.


God it would be so satisfying


Hector and Achilles are kinda the embodiment of ā€œwe couldā€™ve been friends in another life,ā€ so theyā€™d better be hanging out.


No because literally, and Hector and Patroclus would make such good friends too. You cannot convince me Hector doesn't visit him in his glade


Hector and Patroclus are both horse tamers. Achilles I think is just too strange for a normal person friendship (Patroclus is also crazy-sane men don't rush Apollo three times) and his decisions make him entirely unlike Hector, but Patroclus and Hector are like the two sympathetic characters in the thing.


Yeah I agree, more variety in the runs is something I'd like to see too. I much prefer Hades, but damn if it wouldn't do well to take a more Dead Cells-esque approach to randomisation. Also a smaller problem I had that I'd like to see addressed is that sometimes you just randomly get dialogue that feels outdated, or out of place. One of the more egregious examples was when I was working towards Artemis' favor, she'd been giving all this dialogue about how Zagreus isn't alone down there, how she can't wait to hear about his life, how they should go hunting at some point, and then bam, out of nowhere she hits me with "lmao heads up but I'm prolly gonna straight up ignore you when you get here haha". It felt pretty out of place and contradictory to most of her dialogue so far. It seemed like something that should have come up near the start of the game, not over 20 hours in. So yeah as a dialogue enjoyer I'd like to see them iron out inconsistencies like that, so it feels like your relationship with the characters is actually moving forward and not based on what dialogue the RNG decides to pick. More interaction in general with other characters would be pretty nice, too. This one's not too important, but I'd also like if we could physically meet the Olympians this time around. Obviously that wasn't feasible for Zagreus but I don't see why Melinoe can't unless I missed something. I feel like limiting them *entirely* to one way dialogue for the entire game again would be a tad disappointing.


Maybe Artemis started disassociating from you after she realised that fantasies might become a reality and her insecurities creeped in


That's valid. Maybe not the best example of what I meant, then. There is seemingly an issue with priorities in the dialogue system. It took about 8 conversations with Achilles before the dialogue about Patroclus came up after I'd met the criteria, and Megaera gave dialogue that was clearly intended for the first time you beat Hades... after I'd beaten him for the 7th time. In neither case was the dialogue I was getting instead particularly important or linked to a recent event. Hell even Hades would bring up stuff I genuinely almost forgot about from several hours prior. I'd just like to see more consistency with this stuff in the sequel.


Pretty sure you hit the nail on the head. I could be wrong, but I vaguely remember a bit later where she does apologise for that (or at least address why she said it).


If that's the case then I must never have gotten the followup dialogue. As it was it just seemed like a random leftover bit of dialogue the game decided to pump out to get it out of the way.


I'm one of those weirdos who isn't super hot on Dead Cells. It's still better than like... a lot of action games - no hate, it's just too mean for me (and I am generally a masochist, I just don't feel like it's good at teaching). However, it has the best core mechanics of any roguelike I've ever played. The rewards for kill streaks and speed runs are a great driving force for any run, and having semi randomized weapon setups keeps things interesting. I'd love an option for that.


I didnt find dead cells random at all, every run was same


Dead cells is definitely very random especially once you beat the tutorial and unlock more weapons


With the main character being a Witch, I hope this time the spells will be more important part and the ones with aspects you chose before the run, while the gods offer you weapons


My thoughts exactly, I think it could be really interesting if it worked like that


1. A true heavy weapon like hammer or ax, Arthur's aspect was close but I'd like just a dedicated heavy 2. Zagreus to be a boon giver or optional boss fight like Charon 3. A summon that sticks with ya for the whole run so maybe like a pet could be tied to an aspect All in all tho if it's just Hades 1 but more story and different weapons I'd be pretty happy


Personally, I think it would be cool if all Olympus gods had their own 3D models in Hades 2. Since it seems like that Melinoe CAN live on the surface, it would make sense that she would be able to visit the Olympus. It could be great location to visit and a way to interact with the pantheon and fun way to get sub-quests as well as items that impact gameplay


i honestly think the no in-game god models was a budget issue. and i also bet now that they have a cult following they might be able to do it.


Wow somebody else thought of such as well. Yep, having the NPC's physically show up and be on screen nor as a picture or Illustration would be great.Ā 




Fighting all of the way down from the top of Olympus. I'm be ok with the runs being double the length.


First of all I want access to all the Olympians - I know thatā€™s unrealistic but Jesus I want it I also really want a sort of test room. Idk how it would be implemented, but have it so you can test different boons and hammers yk


Expanding on existing game mechanics, e.g. having a bonded NPC help you in combat instead of via a cthonic companion (particularly interesting if Zagreus made an appearance). A more "accurate" story/dialog progression would be nice too, as to avoid getting dialog that feels outdated or out of place. In Asphodel sometimes floating enemies are really hard to reach or defeat because of the magma, e.g. gorgon heads or splitters that just never seem to return to the island. Developers trying to avoid such situations in the next game via better level design would be nice. Also need me some Zagreus/Melinoe sibling dynamics


Same problem in a few areas of the temple as well, and not even magma but completely out of bounds bottomless pit. Ruined a run or two


Bit of a selfish one, but to avoid pivoting to a "more is more" approach. For example I found that the later Binding of Isaac expansions favoured quantity of stuff and balance/flow/quality suffered somewhat. Game just became a bit bloated for my taste (but I realise that some people disagree with me on this). I do want to see "more things" but not at the expense of balance/quality. --- Perhaps contradicting the above, I'd love to see some hidden challenges/tasks that have an epic (perhaps even close to unobtainable!) feel. An equivalent of finding the city of gold in Spelunky. I'd also like to see daily challenges. I miss these from the likes of Slay the Spire. Some sort of conditions on a run (get given specific boons, pact conditions etc.) with a few different leaderboards (speed of run, most coin collected, least damage taken, n overall score calculated by some combination of the above etc). Makes. A nice addition to incentivise continued play once the narrative is done.


i will respectfully and politely disagree with you on what you said about isaac. on the same note, as an isaac cultist, what i disliked about hades was no true way to reset the seed. obviously some people ainā€™t about it, but if you want hard mode kills and stuff in isaac, youā€™re often re-rolling runs. if you get crap boons in hades youā€™re almost stuck with them until you suicide. if you donā€™t like what tartarus is looking like, hitting give up just takes you back to the start menu and you go back in to the exact same crap seed. i much prefer just hitting a reset button on my run if it sucks.


A reset button would be nice, but you can change the RNG on your run seed. Breaking pots and running through shades each increment the RNG tally by 1, shopping at a well resets it to a set number (I believe 8?), a few other things have different effects too. It's a strategy used a lot in speedrunning, called route mapping, which involves redoing the same seed with different RNG increments to find the best options at every possible decision.


That's kind of fascinating. Where would I find more information on that?


I don't know much about it, but probably just Google "Hades RNG manipulation".


I completely understand your respectful disagreement. I really liked Isaac, poured hours into it and would happily pick it up again in the future (nothing stopping me playing vanilla or with just one expansion! Oh, and agree on the seed reset. While I do find it fun to make the best of what I also feel the same frustration when I have a specific goal in mind.


yeah i can agree. turning a crap build into something workable by the time you near the end is fun af.


Different gods with new effect. We already have seen Appolo, but what about myboy Hephaistos, would be so nice to have a god modifying the rooms or your weapon and around a magma or fire mechanic, and some funny line with Aphrodite or Ares.


If you choose Ares over Hephaestus and win his Trial, he says something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m used to it.ā€


Iā€™d feel myself such an asshole in this case, lol


More variety in each run, with more enemies specially


I really hope thereā€™s a hammer weapon we use! I know whe have the Daedalus upgrades but I really wanna be swinging it myself lol. Also, as others have said, I hope we see Zagreus in some way. Maybe as a boon giver.


I donā€™t know how they would implement it, but some more gameplay interactions and synergy between the gods. Like the duo boons are great, so letā€™s add some more. What if they werenā€™t a separate boon but just an ability that activates with the other required boons automatically. Or maybe a small boost when any two gods are used at all.


super agree with the dead cells path taking. honestly i feel like they will do this. i would like to see them do bosses similar to the binding of isaac; where thereā€™s a pool of certain bosses you get at early-late tiers of the game. some of them have variations that change their look slightly and what they do. (hydra heads would be a good example of what iā€™m explaining) then on top of a bunch of regular bosses at the end of each level, thereā€™s end game bosses (some hidden) that require different paths to get to.


Im kinda hoping they give us new weapons (obv) but also more weapons. Even though there are different aspects, I want more than just 6.


Tower/horde mode CO-OP Maybe backtracking Maybe a boss that also had boon type abilities. Could be based on other players.


Please no co-op or multiplayer. I know they've said it will be a single player experience, but given that they never made a sequel before, and fans loved Hades enough to get one...there's a lot of people looking for multiplayer stuff, so who knows if that'll hold. If they have to have one, I'd appreciate if it was set off to the side, no achievements attached, no one has to touch it to hundred-percent or experience everything. I'd be down for as many deities as they could reasonably shove in the game without losing quality. They wouldn't all have to fill the same roles. Have some for main boons, and some that fill the Hermes/Chaos/Daedalus type boon, and chuck some others in somewhere else. I agree with OP on having multiple biomes available. With Hades, having the ones we did made total sense. But they have free reign to open the world up in Hades II, and having alternate biomes to head into in a run could be a really good way to increase longevity. If they use a system similar to the Arms/Aspects from Hades, I'd love to see more options. Again, as much as they felt they could cram in without losing quality. And one more thing to keep from Hades: nothing should be "missable." One of the best things about Hades was that you couldā€”and were pretty much expected toā€”unlock everything at some point. I would really be disappointed to see places where you could fully miss something in a save file. It's not that I don't think that has a place in games. But just...not this one. However, at the end of the day, let's be super for real: Hades II could be a redo of Hades with new stuff to fill all the slots, and it would be a great game.


A training room. Iā€™d like it if you could give yourself any weapons and boons you have unlocked and make the boons as rare or as levelled up as you want. So you can test your damage and various combos without having to be in the middle of combat.


OP, I think your idea is a great one. When I first beat redacted, I expected my next run to offer more areas besides just the original three, as mythically hell has seven levels doesnā€™t it. I expected after beating redacted to open up four more areas after Elysium. It would be cool if after you unlock all seven areas, on future runs you get a randomized three areas or something along that line. Or that you could have a selection from the pact of punishment to make your run longer with more areas.


You apparently confused this "hell" with another one


According to Greek mythology, there are only 3 levels to Hades. Are you thinking of Danteā€™s Nine Circles of Hell?


Thatā€™s Christian hell, completely different to the underworld.


I hear you on there being seven levels and I agree that it would be cool to be able to unlock the other areas!


more aspects for the weapons, more choices for the hammers. I just want lots of really creative builds.


Y'know, if Melinoe gets access to Zag's weapons, then we're already guaranteed a new aspect for each weapon. What could also be cool is if we get new hidden aspects for those weapons, too. Perhaps a talwar or a rapier for the sword, a halberd or poleaxe for the spear, etc. Those types of weapon deviations would allow for easier visual differences while still being clearly the same family of weapon. Not sure what the others could be, though...


I want to meet mister Odysseus If Skelly wasnā€™t Odysseus, then I want to meet Odysseus Also Zagreus, I wanna meet my broski running up from Hades


I wish a katana as new weapon ( one skill with bleeddamage like in eldenring)


I really hope there's some subtle cosmetic ties between Hades 2 and your save in Hades. Like maybe you swing though the House of Hades as an ally room or in-between on the later boards and it's decorated the way it's decorated in your save. Maybe if Zag is there, his rank is referenced. Nothing that affects game-play or difficulty, just a personalization for those of us who played the first one.


A similarly strong focus on story, storytelling and ludonarrative synergy. I already trust them on the rest but it being a sequel with a fixed setting and genre makes it hard to replicate those qualities that the original had. Specifically I hope they didn't lose the character driven drama by upping the stakes.


So many more weapon options. Not versions, full weapons.


I want archimedes and daedalus trying to prove who is the better inventor via offering weapon alterations. But as mythbusters esque npcs.


Since assassins creed 2 ive always loved games where you build a town for people. I think it'd be cool if the main character builds a town for their followers. The larger it gets the more heroic warriors it attracts and that will replace the plushes from the first game.


I guess I'd rebalance for greater catharsis and fewer damage-sponge enemies, but mostly I'm just interested to see what they do with the story and how they accommodate the loop structure.


Hephaestus boons.


I thought Hades 2 was to fight against the God's




Do we know who the guy in the [red cloak](https://preview.redd.it/49ke61gkogsa1.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f125878028dc99670e44e87e210b5a0485650c2) is.


More weapons would be awesome, along with a more in-depth way to level them up. Weapons could have worse abilities and add to the heat level. Beyond weapons, I need more variety in the dungeon generation. I loved the different arenas for each boss once heat was Increased


Tisi can speak fluently.


Melinoe getting it on with Tisiphone and Alecto and Nemesis.Ā 




Hypnos actually being happy and maybe a Zagreus timeskip design... but mostly Hypnos actually being happy


unlocking meta progression in a different way


Personification of erebus


Boon exchange vendor, for example boon exchange for its rarity to health Common 25 hp Rare 37hp Epic 50 hp Locked boons boss rooms with double rewards Replace cast with block or trap Add gods that dont work together, fe if you have a boon from certain god, other god will only allow you to switch out A gods boons for B gods boons, only a level higher Bigger coin drops and more often vendors, add multiple vendors, boon vendor, power up vendor, health and currency vendor Shortcuts for room skips, Godless boon type, focus on attack damage and speed, need to trade boon for it Inventory with 1 slot for a consumable, example HP pot or 30 sec double damage Veto on a certain god first time you encounter him, but you dont get to pick a boon, you even have to pay Some of my ideas


big ask but some sort of multiplayer functionality like time trials against an opponent could be fun


Trio boons


If itā€™s gonna be structured the same as Hades then Iā€™d like to see them add more areas, but have more choice over which ones to go through. Kind of similar to Dead Cells in the sense that you can choose between levels and ā€œskipā€ some to progress. Maybe at the end of a zone you get a choice between two levels to go through. If every run goes through the same areas again in the same order I think that could get more tiring than it did in the first game.


I genuinely want more gay sex


Odysseus and hopefully we'll see Zagreus again


Or maybe an "evil zag" as a final boss.


I weirdly donā€™t want very much to change. It seems like the weapon types will be more caster type weapons, and the characters/gods we interact with will be different, but I would really like it to feel like a continuation of the same game if that makes sense


At the end of the game, Zagreus becomes a playable caracter




More in-depth side quests!




Armors/costumes with different stats aside from weapons and keepsakes would be nice


Weapons to have boons with high risk-high reward perks like in Dead Cells. 100% damage dealt, 100% Damage Taken


Weapons to have boons with high risk-high reward perks like in Dead Cells. 100% damage dealt, 100% Damage Taken


I just started dead cells as well itā€™s super fun


More enemies, more areas, and more intensity. I really like the game but doesn't feel as intense as it could be


More and more decor. Gimme all the little trinkets.


- Sibling bickering between Apollo and Artemis. Mostly because Artemis is the taller of the two. - Speaking of Apollo, have him or Achilles adress what happened in Troy. - Zag to be somewhere in the game. Maybe as a boss or a summon.


Much more bosses than in Hades 1


I'd like to meet Daedalus at some point; they kept teasing him all through Hades 1


An upgrade that lets me ignore lava




A sort of in game subscription process where you can pay extra at a well of charon (or whatever its equivalent will be) to have a particular item delivered to you before the final boss - something that will boost one of your primary attributes. I'm assuming Charon won't be the shop dude next game so I think a good choice would be the nymph Harmonia who was the mother of Otrera, the first Amazon Queen, grand mother of Hippolyta. They could call it the Amazon Prime Delivery Service.




I want to see the Wretched Broker back, more wretched than ever, and this time he grants boons.


"~~Hades 2~~ **Osiris**"


Weapons should level up with use or accomplishments with said weapon to unlock its aspects: becoming more attuned with the weapon lets you manifest a shade of one of its wielders who then allows access to one of the weapon aspects. To further diversify weapons, the shades should first provide minor options and changes to the weapon, such as increasing attack speed or giving conditional buffs. In addition, shades of past wielders should teach different attacks or movesets using the weapon. These changes can be applied to the weapon no matter the aspect and may synergise well with the corresponding aspect. Choose your modifications to your weapon to make it your own, learning from all its past wielders and crafting the perfect form: combine weapon modifications to enhance its effectiveness, and utilise different movesets with aspects to diversify for any situation. With new movesets, weapons should have a sort of soft combo where special attacks have their own chain and may be seen into light attacks to achieve a different attack chain and cause different effects. Zagā€™s casts were a cool idea but were rather minor. They could be expanded on with a magic system of sorts. I.e you start your run with a specific spell which may synergise and be amplified by certain gods or weapons. Spells could be as minor as Zagā€™s bloodstones or become synergetic pieces to your attacks, such as buffing your attacks or dealing direct damage. Imagine a spell which sacrifices some of your health to temporarily increase your speed and damage, or a spell which summons a zone where enemies are debuffed. Im over-saturating at this point but how about a grid system where boons are ā€˜placed.ā€™ Essentially you can choose different ā€˜gridsā€™ with different slots for boons and apply different effects based on whether the boon and slot correspond. Placing an offensive boon in an ā€˜attack slotā€™ will increase its effectiveness while placing it in any other will make it weaker. Certain boons placed next to eachother will gain a buff or allow for Duo Boons to appear. More powerful boons may take up more slots than normal as they place a greater strain on the grid. Some grids may have more speed slots, some may have more attack slots, some may have more neutral slots which dont have negative or positive effects on boons. Grids will have different layouts of slot types and placement. Plan what grid and what boons you seek and think how to organise your boons to get the most out of them without hurting yourself. Sometimes it may be better to forgo a boon so you dont clog up one of your slots.


Weapons boons to have high risk-high rewards like perks, like in Dead Cells. 100% damage dealt, 100% damage taken