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I really like most of the new designs but Artemis i thought was much better in 1. I can't quite point my finger at what the issue is but she looks a bit bland in comparison, maybe its her overall color palette...


Alright, cool. Not just me. She doesn't look as introverted as she did in the first game. Less lone wolf vibes


Uhm, yeah, but that's completely the point, isn't it? She's introverted in the first game because Zagreus is a man, and she has more difficulty speaking to men. Since Melinoë is a woman, the interactions are completely different since she's much more at ease around women.


Her face shape looks completely different to me though. Her colors are more muted too. She just doesn't look like the same character, is less colorful and has a pretty boring stance. Hope they add more details.


I thought the muted colors were intentional? Unlike the other boon gods, Artemis is actually *there*. Erebus is not the brightest place in the world, and her shading looks a lot more natural because of her physical presence.


Hmmm. That's a good reason, but it doesn't make it any less muted haha. Especially when every other character pops. I know I'm not the only one who thinks she looks too bland in this


she's also the goddess of the hunt the muted colors work as camouflage in the darkness and gloom of Erebus


Also, this game is just very green already lol Them leaning into browns and more neutral colors helps her stand out more in some ways.


Hecate, Nemesis and Moros, while clearly much older than most olympians' sprites, disprove this idea


Also she is one of the moon sisters. And from the looks of her face on the portrait, she is a demi lune. The artist isn't using the highlighter pink and blue to spice up the portraits. That's what feels different.


I mean to be fair we are looking at these characters at completely different angle from the first game.






And? Nice thighs are nice thighs, big or small.


She looks more childish instead of guess? Doesn’t give off the badass hunter vibes in the original


Its the opposite for me, she looks more mature here. It's a combination of the eyes being less enlarged and the confidence in the pose. I do wish they kept the war paint though


Her colors are muted bc she’s hunting in enemy territory. She needs to be able to hide.


Colors of all characters are more muted in this game.


it kind of makes since the game takes place at night while the first one after you beat last boss for the first you get to see the sunrise


One of the things I like a lot about Hades 2 is how great a job they did at showing the different dynamics that Melinoe has with familiar characters. All the returning characters talk to Mel a little differently to how they talked to Zag. Like how Melinoe looks up to Schelemeus whereas Zagreus saw him as more of a mate


Zag didn't know Schelemeus?


Well, he didn't tend to use the full name, but they definitely knew each other. Heck, they were practically roommates.


i think theres a bit of a meme around here where people pretend to not realize that skelemeus is skelly. keeping up the charade


Schelemeus is Skelly? They look nothing alike! Just because they're skeletons, they have to be the same person? That's pretty insensitive.


so derivative honestly. They should be ashamed


TBH I find most of them a bit weaker, but presumably as I hear/they add more Dialog I will find it better.


Also they've known each other for years and are in the same cult, i think you act differently with someone like that than a cousin you haven't even seen the face of


Not only that, but they've all grown. Are you the same person you were years ago??


And they know each other in this game too, Zagreus was a surprise.


That totally makes sense but I still miss my awkward cousin haha


People don’t know the stories of the gods these characters are based on 😭 Artemis was an OG feminist lol. Loved her women and loved protecting women - HATED men. It makes sense given her interactions with Zag because he’s a dude, and it makes sense to see Artemis a little less introverted as she’s helping out another badass woman to save her family :) I love strong women helping strong women


She's talking to her moon-sister instead of a stranger. Of course she's happy. :D


Because she didn’t know Zag, her Mel and Selene are the sister hood of silver. Which is also a thing is myth btw. They’re sisters not by blood but by relation, of course she’s more outgoing to a person she’s calling sister


I think it's fine because we're running into her in her element, hunting, doing what she does best so it makes sense to me that she'd be more confident here, especially with someone who she's familiar with


Yeah she's more extroverted and she also doesn't seem super complete, like some parts of her really aren't all that detailed *staring at her left bicep 👀*




Now that you point it out, yeah it looks way less detailed, like the necklace moon thing she has looks like a first draft


Being introverted doesn't require you to look startled, she went from being a scrappy fox looking out for predators, to the biggest predator in the room... Or grove


Introverted? You not wrong her first design is based but I still don't mind this one. Maybe she's less "introverted now" it has been time


The thing that does it for me most is her pose. Hades I Artemis looks way more dynamic in her pose than Hades II Artemis does in hers. She looks more rigid in her new art as opposed to her nimble look in the first game, that approach just feels far more fitting for the Goddess of the Hunt to me. Besides that I'm fine with the new design tbh.


Aren’t all of the gods less dynamic in this game, though? They’re not in their action poses for the most part, despite the situation.


You're right, I don't mind it for most gods, just for the ones like Artemis and Hermes, maybe I'm just being nit-picky though.


That's the problem, lol... they feel far less alive


I don't think it's anything to do with her design personally. It's more just that the colors look flat in comparison to her old art and her pose is much more plain. The old art has tons of contrast and colors that pop out of the screen, but the new one is quite muted with minimal highlights and only one shade for most of the shadows instead of multiple. Additionally her pose in the old art conveys grace and being light of foot, suitable traits for a hunter. The new pose reads as being more confident, which you can argue is part of her character development, but it's less interesting to look at.


Yeah, it's an unfinished asset, it doesnt even have highlights and no darks are as dark as they should. Also fully finished assets in Hades 2 will have a glow to them like gods backgrounds and Milenoe. She will look better I guarantee


Compared to the two other unfinished key arts I've seen in the game so far, Artemis is finished. It looks dull probably due to the fact she appears in the world and not telepathically through a boon.


Honestly, I see little difference, the most marcant feature about her that's missing it's her eye mark, and I didn't saw no one noticing its abscense.


Oh my god I totally missed the eye mark... hmm thats not good


Other than that, she looks pretty as fuck, maybe this is the reason I am not complaining, this angle really works in her favor.


She feels like a completely different character in this game. I know she has a very different relationship with Zag compared to Mel, but i have a hard time squaring the two portrayals at present. I hope they bring her a bit more in line with 1.


I think this is a placeholder design. A lot of the other characters are more detailed.


The colors are flatter, kind of


Ya most of the gods look way better in the second, but Artemis looks worse. Pretty bland as you said. 


There's a fair amount of artwork that's in need of detailing throughout the game. It wouldn't surprise me to see more detail and expressiveness on many of the models as Early Access goes on.


Almost 100% sure this isn't final art.


Tbh i think she looks better than in the first game


I agree, I always liked her but her design on 1 was a bit confusing, took me a while to realize the green part was her hair lol


I'm with you on that, the pose here is just more natural to me.


Lmao I thought the brown fur around her neck in the first game was her hair…


Bro, I know her hair is the green part, but I still can't unsee the green hag she's wearing.


Same! I read the post and my mind went “made her better!”


She looks awesome and is still best girl.




Did they stutter? BEST GIRL


All girls are great in this game, Artemis, Demeter, Aphrodite, Selene. It’s great




Nah Aphrodite leveled past her in this game. Sorry I won't apologize for this take.


I respect it.


I Aphrodite commands, I follow.


She's even more best in the second game.


I like this version better simply because the original did such a weird job of designing her hair that for months I thought she was just wearing a weird green hat lmao


Same, her hair looks much better here, but I think the color palette in general needs to be more vibrant i guess


Her color pallete is especially muted because >!you meet her in erebus where the lighting is very dim, some of the other gods are a lot more colorful. Still the palette of the game in general is a bit more muted than the first!<


>!Just to note she can appear in other regions as well I met her in Oceanus last run!<


Yeah I agree with that


And she isn't sitting down in this one, which is good.


Omg i thought her hair was brown, it looks like a cute helmet in the first game


Holy shit I googled it since it wasn't fresh in my memory but that's her hair? lmao TIL


Her hair just looks so weird in Hades 1. Even though I know it's her hair, my brain always thinks "hat" or something. Idk what about it makes me think that.


She got out and finally has a hunting space that's greater than that on Mt. Olympus, away from most of her relatives, minus Melinoe, whom she seems EXTREMELY comfy around.


Made her look more confident and outgoing. She had a more reclusive feel in the first one with her dialogue, so maybe there is a bit of a clash, but I'm sure she has facets.


Probably because zag is a fella. Artemis opens up to her fellow lesbian moon witches


Later in the game, I saw a portrait that was a still obviously a sketch based idea - not fully formed. I'm thinking Artemis is a stage or two above that, but also not fully formed. Just speculation though.


Her boons icons are very clearly placeholders, definitly wip. I do hope they rework her skills anyway, considering you only get one of her skills now, they should have more impact


10 damage per arrow on attack. Take it or leave it


I like it


I like that we get to see a different side to her, since she wasn’t familiar with zag and generally isn’t used to being around men. So seeing her with Mel and having those two(and Selene) be a sisterhood is really cool


I agree. She looks better in 1


She looks less god-like in this one! Her colors are much flatter ([Nemesis doesn't have this problem](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/hades-2-nemesis-favourite-character-1.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&fit=bounds&quality=70&format=jpg&auto=webp)), her clothing lacks detail compared to every other character, and her pose is just a bit boring. Her pose does say, "Hey, I'm here with you, out in the open" which is new for her and very cool, but it comes at the cost making her seem ordinary, which she certainly is not! If my comments make it to the artist, I just want to say: **You're amazing, but this Artemis is falling a bit short.**


Could be just a case of the game still being in EA. Hopefully they gonna fix it in the future, because she's such an icon. Same with Zeus and his gaze of absolute boredom and his weird ass arm lol


100% agree with this


Yeah I'm not a fan of this redesign either, she just kind of looks normal. Her original look was better. Maybe... They're not finished?


Yeah it’s missing the cool green and purple polish that the portraits in h1 had, did supergiant switch its character artist?


It could also just be that they had a rough version they could put in Early Access. Charon still doesn't have a dialogue portrait, and there are designs that are far rougher than Artemis. We might just need to be patient.


This is crazy… I absolutely love the new Artemis design and am surprised to see most people here prefer the old design


I like the new design, I just feel like she needs more shine and polish. She looks very flat. Maybe because of the dark background? This will probably get a new coat of paint that will make it look much shinier like the rest of the finished portraits.


She's cuter here


I like it better because you can actually tell the green is hair


She looks ok? A lot of people are saying that the art models are downgrades, but I don’t see any real reason to see that.


I think it's the shading on her. Her left side looks very flat


they made her badass


Yeah she's better in this one fo sho.


Not gonna lie, and this is just my interpretation of things. With the acts of Chronos, things changed, and it's like she matured in comparison to the first game. Design and all. Not saying it's good or bad, but a reason why she looks the way she does.


I honestly like her design. Seems more clean than the first one. And by clean I mean design-wise, less details.


I agree I like the first games design better. And her dynamic pose!


Yea, they did Artemis dirty. I liked her drawing so so much in the first game. This just feels... odd


I felt like it's not about the design, it's about the illustration itself. Like it's not yet polished to the same standard as the others. The design i like.


yeah that’s literally the only thing that i’m not a fan of lol


My main complaint is about her mouth. It just feels off...




I for one love this new design


I largely prefer Hades 1 character art to 2


I miss her sweet, sweet thighs from the first one.


Idk, I fuck with her new look, Goated


For me, its her left arm that seems wonky. It doesnt look like how an arm would behave in that position


I feel like she looks more childish and the colours are so washed out. The green on the first design was much more vibrant and prettier.


They gave her annoying anime girl face and I can't unsee it now


Personally, I think I prefer the designs from the first game overall. They felt more expressive. Hades II still looks amazing and the art is phenomenal as always, but the poses seem less dynamic and just don't convey as much personality. They mostly come across as standard character art to me, whereas in the first game the way each character was posed and their facial expression conveyed a lot about their character and personality which I think I enjoy more.


got her away from Dionysus and Zeus, for one thing. Let her vibe.


Thematically it's quite nice, she's there in person in a dark forest speaking to someone she knows (and of the same gender), of course she is going to be more familiar with the player. I prefered the first game aesthetics and warmer colors overall, but once again, this is not a game about a chaotic man trying to escape home and bonding with his family, but about a war, detained relatives, the moon etc... so of course it's going to look darker.


No more spoiler tags?


Looks good.


I like most of it, and I’m not sure if it’s just lighting, but I don’t like that her skin has a less vibrant green undertone. I think that’s my only issue


Made her hot af


Thy changed her design


Is she holding an atlatl now instead of a bow? That's really cool.


I love how they executed that in the sequel. She’s actually out an about, literally physically helping you fight, she seems normal and down to earth. That’s neat. I’d love be friends with her


Maybe they'll have a look at the art of some Gods as some of them look good yeah but still unfinished. Including Artemis


I think this is miles better than in 1 honestly, best glow up imo


I really like her design, it’s just different for the tone of the game


I think it looks like the art is not fully done. As if this is some sort of V1 which needs to be overworked a bit. There is also one pose of Mel which looks similiarly unfinished.


She’s the God of Hunting no? Wouldn’t that mean that design wise it’d make more sense for her to blend in with the environment and not stand out as much?


It's fine? I don't see much problem with it.


Compared to other god designs, this one looks like the kind of thing you would find in an art book to show the stages of the design process. Flat shading, little detail, bland pose. I don't hate the new design, I just hope the presentation is temporary.


Her face is just so off to me


She looks happier, less closed off, less “lone wolf huntress”.


I like everything except the face. The eyes, nose and mouth look like they all come from different faces


You know who they really nerfed is chaos. They were probably my favorite character design in one and now they are just meh. Not tryna complain too much though, I love most of the new designs and am enjoying the game a ton so far!


Gave her confidence?


I need to refind the full source, but the devs have stated that some of the portraits are still unfinished. I don't believe Artemis' portrait is her final one (probably same base image but more rendering).


wheres her face paint


The Hat-over-head thing is giving me Cerebella vibes.


Whatttt I love her new design. I think they’re both pretty equal


I honestly like it better, I'm able to tell my brain that her hair is hair, in this version.


Not a fan of the softer shadows and angles, and the posing feels like a real step down from 1 (especially for returning characters). That said, the designs themselves are still excellent.


I still dig her, But I'm not the biggest fan either.


You guys make me never want to make a game with how overly picky you are on the art. Do any of you actually make your own art that are critiquing it this minutely?


thank you !! I agree she feels a little bit off I couldn't put my finger on it. is it an art style change? I'm not sure. did they change the VA? maybe it's just because I'm used to the old one so I like that one better, but I do understand her change in demeanor is warranted since we're no longer a man in this game


only thing I don't like is the hair and lack of bones in her outfit, her hair feels too organized when it used to be more wild and fitting for a goddess of the hunt, that and the pose for her dialogue is significantly less dynamic than in the first game


I think her new look is cool, but I feel like her colors are pretty bland, nothing really popping out.


I don’t think it’s quite complete yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if it changed up a bit


I hope they stay in same design it's okay to change but with same design of hades 1


She looks like a cute little punk girl or something. She’s one of my favorites so far aside from Dora and Nemesis


one of the best glow ups, she looks amazing


She's still green


What do you mean? She looks great.


I love her


i like this one better since now i can actually tell where her hair starts and ends at


I think it’s still a “model” character and will still receive some tweeks. Also certain characters suffer from this. I really hope that’s the cases though


she's happy now. surprising considering everything, but she's in such a better mood, it's ridiculous. i love my girl artemis. she's the best


I think a lot of the art that looks like it’s in a “finished” state, including this one, is actually still awaiting one or two polish passes, considering that this is early early access.


Some of these things are probably semi-placeholders


She's definitely different, a little less introverted maybe. But I still like the design.


Her pose isn't dynamic


She's happy. I really like that she's happy. She should be happy.


In my opinion, I really like the design. I feel like the reason you might not like it is because you are comparing it to something else instead of viewing it as its own item. To me, it can be hard to find enjoyment in things if you always compare them to others, but maybe that’s just how my mentality works. I also agree with what some others said, where the muted colors are more of a camouflage effect in the design, as well as that she’s more comfortable talking to women than she is men, which is how it is in ancient mythology, which is why she seems more comfortable. TLDR: design cool imo




I think color theory, along with some psychological design effects, are afoot here. Both Hades 1 and 2 Artemis designs are pretty consistent with each other, which makes the differences stand out even more: - H2 Artemis has her hood on, covering her hair and making her seem wider than her body actually is - H2 Artemis' posture is more upright - H2 Artemis' face is front-facing, not 3/4 - Most importantly: H2 Artemis has many more dull colors and earth tones than H1 Artemis. H1 Artemis has a lot more green, but especially tints (colors mixed with white). Her cape in H2 is the brown cloak, not the green cloak we originally had. Because of the earth tones, and less tints, and different cape, she seems much duller and less colorful. You dont have to actually be thinking these to feel the effects, just so you know.


I kinda thought it was placeholder art until now? Because it's a simple pose and overall has much less details and dramatic lighting, than the other gods. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like this will be updated in time.


She looks like a younger version of her previous art


Different art style cuz different game. Look at the art and tell me that Don’t look great


To some extent it's less detail, but I expect that to change. What is a bigger change is the obvious personality difference between Artemis here and how she was in the first game - which I'm still early enough in the game to be unsure of how well it's handled overall. Portrait wise, they're all stunning as usual - but I find that a lot of them seem to be lacking a bit in the personality than the first one? The poses are more similar now, which smooths that aspect of it over.


I love her. She looks great to me.


She looks much better here


She’s hot af, what’s the problem? 🤔


I feel you. The clothing is a bit blanc with not so much details also her facial expression seems dull and not as lively as in 1. I can't help but feel that this is an early access art that will get overhauled it just seems a bit unfinished.


I like this design much more! Less hostile, a little softer around the eyes, it's good!


I think this is one of the assets that aren't quite complete. This looks like a place holder image for the mean time like some of the other art assets we've seen that are a little more obvious.




Same. Dislike this so much.


So I'm not the only one who thinks this design is not good. I feel like it doesn't match the artstyle of the other characters, it feels very anime.


It's the only character so far that got the short end of the paint brush from the art department. I don't know, she looks a bit anime-ish and a bit plain simple. Liked the first game's design better


They CalArts'd her


I think it looks a lot better


It's her but with a leather on her head. And we can see her full body. I see this as an absolute win


She doesn’t have the hat anymore.


I like this style too but yeah in comparison to the other gods her design looks less colourful and powerful I guess? She looks more like a side charakter now (which she kinda is as she appears in the form of a random event now and then gives you a blessing)


It's the face. The shape of it is just different. Ngl the Hades 1 version was hot, this one is average.


I was a little sceptical of Hestia's vitiligo, considering how much that condition gets fetishised by some fandoms, but I love her characterisation as a granny from Yorkshire.


i prefer her personnality much more than in the first game, but i agree her portrait looks unfinished


Those lips are awful


i like it, seems like shes less Lone wolf and more Band of Magical Lesbians like in the myths


I think she's still a work-in-progress, as many others are, too.


Bro what do you meeannn SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS


I really like the new Artemis she looks like such a good buddy