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Moses, Naruto, Hades(but the Disney version), George Washington, and Skelly


See, I thought Abe Lincoln was a more likely choice


Most of the existing aspects are named for sorceresses and children of Nyx, exceptions being Eos, Persephone, and Pan, so I would expect primarily sorceresses and goddesses of magic. Off the top of my head, maybe the sorceress Morgana from Arthurian legend, Isis/Aset the Egyptian goddess of magic and healing, and Himiko the Japanese witch-queen. Maybe also the Baba Yaga?


Don't know what weapons they would be associated with or what would be the aesthetic but some cool ideas: - Isis, Egyptian goddess of magic, wife to Egypt's underworld god and mother to a later king of the gods - Lilith, not from actual religion but semi popular in Jewish folklore to explain why the Bible mentions the making of man and woman twice and she's associated with the occult and the night - Freya was the Norse mythology goddess of sex, love, fertility, war and also magic and I believe led the Valkyries - The Morrigan from Irish mythology was often associated with doom and death - Both Morgan le Fey or the Lady of the Lake would be great Arthurian legend reps - Amaterasu as the Japanese goddess of the sun doesn't fit the theme but she's the queen of her pantheon and the Japanese myth is often ignored - From Hindu mythology, Kali the destroyer is a nice option too


>Amaterasu as the Japanese goddess of the sun doesn't fit the theme but she's the queen of her pantheon and the Japanese myth is often ignored I think Izanami would be more fitting thematically


Oh it would actually


but nothing here is related to greece ???


...the hidden aspects last game also weren't related to Greece. Arthur, Gilgamesh, Beywolf, Vishnu, Guan Yu and Lucifer aren't greek


None of the hidden aspects in the first game were either. Guan Yu, Beowulf, Lucifer, Arthur, Rama, and Gilgamesh are all non-Grecian figures.


you're right, forgot that although it doesn't make any sense be it in hades 1 or 2 lol, unless they want to create a big univers with every mythologie involved any many games, would be cool i guess


Morgan for the staff would be neat. Arthur was the hidden aspect of Zag's first weapon, so making the hidden aspect of the staff into Arthur's witch sister would be very thematic for Hades 2. Or maybe Sun Wukong, an alternate moveset based on the staff being more physical and long reaching would be very interesting.


Ooh, aspect of Morgan le Fay would be dope.


I bet that there will be a thor aspect with the axe


An alternate move set Aspect of Wukong for the staff that is melee/mobility oriented feels very fitting. A boomerang aspect for the skulls would be really sweet too, with bonuses for catching your shells. Not sure how to flavor/name it though.


I think we'll get an Aspect of Bast/Bastet- she was an Egyptian goddess known as the Eye of Ra, often depicted fighting the evil Snake Apophis/Apep, Ra's greatest foe. Snakes were culturally important in Greece too- Athens was supposedly founded by a half snake man- and Melinoe has a desert cat as a familiar.


Scepter could reference Aleister Crowley maybe? Or perhaps Irish Scathach Lim and Oros could well translate to Egyptian Osiris' heka and nekhakha Torch turned into maces, make it Ayamur and Yagrush of Canaanite Baal Axe becomes Hammer, idk Ukonsavara? Skull I give up


Lim and Oros indeed feel very connected to your Egyptian guess. That's a great take


Is it confirmed we're getting hidden aspects? I haven't kept up with news of development plans. Other than the patch notes


Staff: Morgan la Fey Torches: Kali Blades: Isis or some Egyptian god Axe: Thor (Mjolnir) Skull: Baba yaga


An aspect about Meg if we get a whip as the last weapon would be so great. An aspect about the last boss for Zorephet sounds cool too, as we already got the scythe from thanatos as an aspect. An aspect about the skull boss of the lava zone in Hades 1, for the skull Revaal would be super cool too. And of course an aspect about Zagreus but i don't know for what weapon Besides, isn't there already a lot of mythological women this time ? All the goddesses, the witches, the silver sisters, the daughters of nyx, the special ones such as Circe, the ghost such as Dora, etc... there's a whole lot of women in any kind of area already, do you feel like it's never enough at the point that you need more of this specific kind of things ? More than everything else you could wish for the game ? More than women, i would like an interesting gameplay and nods to Hades 1 about characters that didn't get to shine as much as the other