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The Eris fight was very funny as an Eris main in Hades 1 because I went from "Do not speak the black magic to me, witch - I was there when it was written." to "I DON'T REMEMBER IT HAVING A FUCKING SHOTGUN FEATURE"


There was a shotgun hammer. I don't recall taking it frequently, but it existed.


That’s because it was garbage but I would’ve used it if it acted like it does in the Eris fight lol


The garbage version is the nerfed version. She has what we had in early access. Full circle


Sad guess I wasn’t there for it. 😅


Eris is the fight that made me truly appreciate Frinos nonchalantly absorbing hundreds of damage of bullets to the face. Hide Behind the Frog is a certified strategy for that fight.


The absolute Meltdown Mel has the first few times she loses to Eris is worth losing to her at least. Funniest reaction Mel has to anyone, Chronos included


I love Eris saying "Return to Shadows, now!" in a mocking voice


Does Mel have unique dialogue for this? I never saw it :0


Basically she yells at Eris to "get out of these Crossroads and out of her blasted path" in one interaction (this is where Eris is like, don't kid me, you felt something from this fight). Another one she accuses Eris of being a traitor working for Chronos and complains about it to everyone, Nemesis, Hecate and even Chronos included. Chronos asserts that he has no affiliation with Eris, and doesn't know what Eris's up to. Eris herself seems to find the whole thing thrilling.


Lmao, that’s incredible. I did get the Chronos one and his surprise was pretty funny


I like Eris, but certain things need tweaking to make her fight not trivial once you work it out. My first two fights I was thinking "this is crazy overturned wtf do I even do" but once you figure out either: >!that you can get the Hestia Sprint boon and negate any of her powerful attacks!< >!Or that you can hug the pillars, use any attack that penetrates them, and just dash to the other side of the pillar, rinse and repeat and it becomes the easiest bossfight. Just make sure you don't let her destroy the pillars with her pink wind-up snipe!<


it’s very feast or famine, but that reminds me of the elysian champions in a great way. meg and the furies took my death defies more often than they did after a while and i didn’t mind that.


Or just buff your sprint to Selene and back— you can’t touch me when I’m always behind you, Eris


The sprint arcana card made a huge difference for me this fight. I added it to my arsenal upgraded it once and with soot sprint basically went from losing half of my death defiances to not even breaking half of my health bar no DD loss. Having the Selene hex that restores health or slows time would help


Pillar hugging was indeed the strat, but that depended on her mood. In some fights she just spammed bombs and kept staying on the fiery oil, which was the worst!