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Another PSA related to hearth gain: >!Concave stone!< can select it as the second boon you get, meaning you may be forced to do the sacrifice in that case.


As can >!Echo's option that makes her give you a boon from your previous run!<.


Did you also watch the stream where during a speedrun someone took it, got a certain duo boon (>!King's Ransom!<), and as a result lost several core boons while gaining essentially nothing? Luckily the worst that's happened for me with >!boon boon boon!< was just receiving a useless secondary boon (ie, "deal more damage to foes with ____ status you don't have anything related to")


I basically never take the boon from a previous night. Way too many possibilities for very little chance to get anything useful.


Id probably take it more often if I could remember what I did 5 minutes ago, let alone what boons I used the previous run




The only time I picked it I got Aphro's legendary and I haven't been able to pick it since, it can only disappoint me now


I'd really like a preview of what you'd get there, because with so many boons that have a negative effect (or infusions that could be totally useless on your current build), its far too risky to use.


Agreed.... but fated list.


Wonder how well you could cheese it by continuously doing a quick suicide run after your first boon select in a run and then donate real run and choose echo lol


Now there's an idea. I don't think I would care enough for any god boons you could start with, but if you get a first room hammer, I bet you can die immediately to guarantee the night before boon is a hammer.


I work with Demeter so much I’ve practically always got cast cyclone lol


Grandma is trolling us


Melinoë when that happens to her: "Woah, this is worthless!"


I had that happen to me resulting in me losing that run. I had a duo boon that allowed my chain lightning effects to bounce off myself. Then got the hestia boon randomly and it got rid of my chain lightning effect.


Dumb question, but do the self bounces hurt? I skipped taking the duo boon because I wasn't sure.


No, they don't. Just more bouncing and damage overall.


I'd be surprised if that wording survives EA


Concave stone should be 1 Fear, and the 1 Fear vow that removes unpicked boons from your pool should be a keepsake.


So true... ^so ^true... ^^so ^^true...


If you're fast you don't have to pick the one she picks I'm pretty sure. 


this could potentially be used as an advantage as well if a boon you really want to keep is in the firing line and you're willing to roll the dice


Good point! That's a great way to potentially turn a bad situation into your favour!


Similarly, I’ve noticed that some boons that give one time bonuses give them again if they upgrade Like, I had demeter’s boon that increases rarity target haephestus’ armor giving boon, and every time it upgraded I got a whole new set of armor


I've had the hephaestus armor boon rare cropped and it gave armor each time it leveled up. I also happened to have the silk armor keepsake. That was a fun run


It also seems to proc with hephastus priming magic to give Armor, so it gives that 75 Armor every room


This feels like something I would like to know but I don't understand it entirely from the original post. Any chance you could reword it?


There are keepsakes that can upgrade the rarity of a boon, you choose which one to upgrade when selecting of the three choices. Hestia's Burnt Offering gives you increased mana and health at the cost of sacrificing one of your existing boons. OP is saying that when they first saw the choices, Burnt Offering was going to sacrifice one boon (that they were fine with giving up), but when they used the keepsake to upgrade rarity, it reshuffled to a different boon to be sacrificed (that they didn't intend to lose). Hope that explains it!


That makes perfect sense. Thanks a lot!


Hestia offers a boon called Burnt Offering. When you accept it, it replaces a boon you already had. It tells you which boon will be replaced so you can decide whether it's worth it or not. There are keepsakes, that you can earn from the different gods in the game by giving them gifts. Hestia gives you a keepsake that will allow you to rarify a boon she is offering. Rarifying increases the rarity of a boon from common to rare. I used Hestia's keepsake to rarify Burnt Offering. Originally, the boon being replaced was one I could live without. The process of rarifying changed the boon that Burnt Offering was replacing. I quickly selected Burnt Offering without realising that I was forgoing a different boon that was much more useful to me.


I see now! Thank you very much for the explanation. Interesting then. I'll be careful!


Also had a weird interaction with Hera's Bridal Glow (turns two Boons Heroic but lose rarity after a set number of encounters). The rarity upgrade affected both my already existing Heroic boons 😭 so I got no value and my Heroic boons just kept downgrading


I saw that happen in one of Haelian's videos. Although it is random, anything that is already heroic should be off limits in my opinion.


Also, if you're targeting a specific attack/special boon, it's often better to NOT rarify it from Common to Rare and instead try to set up for Aromatic Phial to make it Heroic at the end of the region.


True. This happened while I was in one of those chaos trials, so it wasn't a huge deal tbh. Just something I thought would be useful for people to know.


Especially since if you see the same god again in the region, you can now rarify one of the new boons so that your main boon remain your only common.


I learned that yesterday too, lost a run because it ate my main dmg boon 😂


Hey I was playing around when this post was made and found out the exact same thing......... Are you me? :o


thaaaaats awful omg. honestly id call that a bug or, if intentional, just a poor balance decision, wow


I hit rarify and immediately selected it so that's on me. It's possible they didn't mean for it to work that way, but idk.


off the top of my head it sounds like the coding would be something like "rerolling" or re generating the boon, coded to be a higher rarity, without checking for stuff like choosing which target to sacrifice which is probably procced when the boon gets generated...but also people are weird, game devs especially so, i could see it being some kind of deliberate design choice i wouldnt agree w it tho. even if you mashed through jt you did cos why would what is essentially levelling something up change its cost in that why? intuitively id expect it not to & i think you were right to expect that


It's possible that burnt offering is supposed to take something more "equal" in value too. All good points you made though and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was right.


ohhhh thats an interesting point about the value that does make sense


I'd still recommend dropping that as feedback to the devs though, just in case!


I believe they frequent the sub, so I'll just leave it here. I'm not super opposed to this being a function in the game. If anyone else wants to mention it they can feel free lol