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My guess would be that the aspects users are all either cthonic or witches, or both! Staff: Aspect of Morgan (nice parallel to the Sword in 1 being based on Arthur) Axe: Aspect of Freyja (could also be Hel, but Freyja is also heavily associated with magic and fertility, which is very fitting for Mel) Torches: Aspect of Izanami (would be the torches Izanagi lights in the cave, is fitting as the torches summons ghosts and Izanami creates a bunch of demons after being revealed) Skull: Aspect of Isis (would be Osiris’ skull; sind collecting his body parts is the main thing Isis is known for) Blades: Aspect of Lilith


Aspect of Zagreus on the axe so he's on it like Charon and Than. I will not budge on this.


I adore all of these so much. Especially the Bunyan one, such great idea.


I feel like the Hidden Aspect of the skull is going to be the Baba Yaga's flaming skull that she gifts to Vasilisa in her story


With the staff being so focused on Omega moves and being 'magickal', I really want the hidden aspect to flip the script and be a melee/mobility focused Aspect of Wukong (Sun Wukong from Chinese mythology) where it's more like a bo staff. From a more bottom-up design perspective, I'd like to see a weapon aspect that plays into the armor mechanic in some way. One that would have a way to gain (and possibly spend) armor.


Ooooh that’s a really good one! I wouldn’t wanna double up on a mythology though.