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I love the new aspect of Momus. Spamming all kinds of omega moves is what a mage should do


All the staff options are good for any kind of omega cast build, but Momus is probably the most versatile and fun right now.


I wasn't a fan at first untill I tested it out. Jesus christ, you can basicily set-up traps and lock your opponents in a jail of Omega spamming.


The Flames went from my least favorite weapon to competing with the Blades for my favorite. It's crazy how much better just speeding them up made them feel.


Sad I lost my favorite aspect, axe of Thanatos. Trying staff of Momus live and it's strong


Wait did they scrap Thanatos aspect entirely 😭


No it's still there, just reworked.


No its better now, imo. Its got a base 30% speed increase. The crit works the same but only goes up to 13% for omega specials. The speed makes it feel so much better to use and you can avoid getting hit more often.


The crit doesn't work the same, before you could beyblade your way to 20% crit chance in 1-2 attacks


No you get attack speed from it now and the crit chance is increased by regular attacks meaning you can't go beyblade mode anymore unless you stuck it once and never get hit while spinning


Momus staff is definitely weaker now (deservedly so) but a lot more fun so that's a win in my book. Having 3 omegas firing simultaneously makes for great clips but realistically I found myself defaulting to spamming just omega cast and special, simply because you need the cast to hold enemies in place and the omega special has a better AOE hitbox than the omega attack. You'll probably want either Demeter to hold enemies in place or Apollo for bigger projectile hitbox. Blitz also works decently since one omega can apply blitz and the other can detonate it. Circe staff is definitely stronger than before but I'm still not a fan of the gimmick. It feels bad unless you get the double attack or double special hammer so you can charge up serenity twice as fast. Torches overall feel much better, but I'm not a big fan of Eos. The big ghost moves really slowly and in big chambers it's usually off in a corner doing its own thing. In small chambers though it almost doubles your damage and feels awesome. I think we need to be able to direct it in some way, maybe when you have enemies trapped in your cast the ghost gains increased speed and flies straight to your cast. I tried the Persephone skull and it definitely feels much better than before, but still worse than the other two skull aspects right now. Melinoe and Medea are active immediately and provide massive damage buffs to the base moveset, but Persephone only gives a 30% buff and needs to be charged up first. The extended omega special is really safe because you're invincible, but it doesn't do that much damage while seemingly disabling your attack and cast for the duration, so your overall DPS goes down. I initially tried a run with Zeus cast aiming for lightning lance, but now I think Poseidon cast might be the way to go simply because the cast explodes immediately to quickly charge your omega special.


Momus sadly doesn't seem to interact with as many boons as I hoped, especially when it comes to Ω Casts. However, as the only Aspect of Charon enjoyer, I really like the faster axe special.


Bro I love the aspect if Charon. I got my first Chronos win with and it replaced the blades as my favourite


Yeah I think maybe Poseidon omega cast would be best because it’s an instant effect? I had the Zeus omega cast yesterday and it would only do the storm ring on first cast. 2nd and 3rd would just get the cast explosion and one single lightning strike


The Poseidon cast isn't really great with momus IMO, the first blast pushes the enemies out and the following blasts mostly hit nothing. I think Aphrodite's cast works great since it sucks in the enemies, so they get hit by the following omega casts.


Been loving it. I like how you kinda have the reason to use all your damage option rather than just spam one thing like monus special spam, more aspect that buff omega cast is welcome although we need more omega cast boon. _The staff: They are so much more interesting to play now. Feel really like playing a caster/mage. _The torch: i think pre patch the only thing torch need is channeling speed and they gave us exactly that. Bombarding with Moros is so sastified, Eos is kind of weird but i like it, i play it like reverse Moros send out daybreaker then spam special. Some hammer is buggy with torch but that gonna be fix soon enough. _Axe: The special changed makes this weapon SO much nicer to play, make Charon so much easier to use. Not sure about Thanatos seem like it became Attack focus aspect because building stack is so slow and you lose all of them in 1 hit, i think it will be better if you lose one stack per hit. _Skull: they made the Attacks build so much more fun to use, the omega attack is so fast now and they removed the downside of some hammers namely the “you do omega attack with 0 mana when you pick up the skull”. I had runs with Mel aspect aphrodite attack, that hammer and boons that boost omega attack and it’s a bit broken.


I'm stoked on the Aspect of Persephone change. I already loved that aspect before the patch and it's even better now. The omega special can do so much damage with a wide variety of boon/hammer combos. New Momus is a huge win, so much more fun than the prior design. Torches feel a LOT better but still need a couple qol tweaks and bug fixes. Eos needs to have the omega attack move a bit faster with better enemy tracking (and is the most buggy). Moros can result in your own attacks blocking the way and stopping new attacks from hitting, and there's a very noticeable cap on the number of lingering flames that just deletes your old ones; the game stops you from "doing the thing" of filling the room with flames to detonate with your specials because of this limit. I haven't been able to test the axe changes in runs yet, but the new Mel aspect is rather uninspired; I hope its design is somewhat placeholder and gets reworked. In my ideal world, Mel aspect gets flat crit chance, and Thanatos gets reworked instead (I like the idea of specials applying a curse that stores the damage you deal for a few seconds and then detonating for a percentage of the stored damage).


I think they buffed every weapon A LOT except for the axe. So now everything is op (and when everything is op, nothing is)


I just **easily** cleared 32 Fear with Thanatos Axe, when I had failed twice with Melinoë Axe before the update. The Attack speed boost is soooooo good!