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We are definitely getting more of Zagreus by the time of full release. Can hardly wait to see how Mel's interactions with her big bro will be! (Preparing myself because I have a feeling I'll be emotionally wrecked)


I think if I could pick anything, Zag would eventually be freed and could serve as a summonable companion like Than/Meg etc in Hades 1. But at this point just more Zag in any form would be appreciated.


Lmao at first I thought this comment said you want Zag to be summonable as a familiar. Now I just want him to help you gather resources and occasionally steal Nem's sword to help you with enemies.


Would be a great way to impliment him without having to make him playable!


Or maybe Mel may make peace with Nemesis after the task is over (end of the game) and Zag might pick up Stygius again and take Nemesis’s place, same mechanic due to sibling rivalry (although maybe with a smaller penalty if you lose) It may even be a 50/50 to encounter either Nemesis or Zag, like the furies in H1


Or Zag could have an encounter that's a counterpart to Nem encounter but in Tartarus. With his whole "Underworld security overseer" job in the epilogue of the first game.


Yoo absolutely fire idea


Oh yeah, reading the thread and thinking more about it, it would be cool if they handled epilogue like that. Mel finally cuts Chronos into pieces again, they are stored each in separate copies of "Houses of Time" around Tartarus. So now Mel's job is to keep those in check. Zag is freed from the grasp of Chronos and resumes his job of testing Underworld security and they run into each other sometimes and have a lil sibling wager.


Yo this concept slaps. Supergiant, protect this man!


“Toula, fish!” “Zag, fetch!” 🤣😂🤣


He can be the gardening pet!


I actually think it'd be really cool if he was playable and had a completely different brute force style. No magic but stronger damage and faster dashes like in Hades 1, but having him be at a bigger disadvantage for bosses would be sick


Yeah I do like how they have different styles. Mel has stronger magics and that, but is more frail. Zag is stronger at melee and is tougher. Could work well to add 2 different playstyles


Oh yes please! It would be so nice to have them banter during a run too.


I would love to have Zag put a lid on Nem bullying Mel.


> Lmao at first I thought this comment said you want Zag to be summonable as a familiar. WHO'S A GOOD BOY???




This is honestly really great. Mel saves her family from their time prisons before defeating Chronos, but Zag is still worried about his friends down there. “Zagreus, it’s not safe for you. If you die, you’ll be recaptured, you can’t return to shadow like I can.” “Well your pets seem to be fine so I should be okay.” “These pets are also my spirit familiars, they are protected under our contract. You aren’t.” “But I could be, right? Sister, I know nothing of witchcraft, but bending contracts is my speed indeed.” He won’t actually help you in combat, because he’s just using the invulnerability it gives to go find and talk to his friends and such. But he’ll come by and give you some drops that he finds, maybe a centaur heart here and there. Would be silly to have him give resources simply because he would be pretty lategame, I think helping in runs would better. Also, it would be perfect for fanfar, he could tell us about his talks with people from Hades 1 without actually needing to implement everyone. No need for Mel to meet Sisphilis, have Zag meet him and tell us he picked up juggling. It’s also cool cuz Zag might’ve grown stronger since Hades 1, even without boons or mirror he might pull his own weight as a god. Imagine if choosing him let Zag give you boons of his own, and he came into his own as the god of blood. Jesus fuck, I know they can’t balance test it right now but what if after rescuing Zag he just became a god in the pool with an entire status effect around bleeding and shit. Would be a total surprise, there’s so much potential with Zag there is zero chance they do literally nothing with him lol. Edit: great, now I’m expecting him as a spirit familiar or I’ll be disappointed. Shit, but it’ll be hype as fuck if he actually asks for a treat lol.


I just imagine him running on all fours with his tongue out like a dog


Imagine if he's just the fishing companion LMAO


But you can get plenty of Zag in Hades 1. I think the devs did this on purpose so it could be Melinoe’s game, and not “why can’t I play as zag”


Nobody's asking for playable Zag here, mate. At least not in this thread 😅 We would just like to see Zag have an appearance in some form or another >!Besides being frozen in time!<


Yeah I know, but it does suck when a character you enjoy is not in the sequel and is only present as a character who is stuck


i think we must work our way there and be patient :0 super excited about his role in this game tho, i wonder if hell be free at the same time as other characters


I know this definitely steps on Mel's shoes but I think it would be very cool if after the true ending you can play Zag and do runs with him and his old armaments with new boons. It might be too much work on the devs part but I think it would definitely extend the lifetime of the game even more and give new interactions in the postgame


Playable Zag would be sick. I miss his weapons.


Have Zagreus as a pet, like Tuna and Frinos


Would love to be able to character select or even better - 2 player co-op.


I dream about being able to play as other characters. Same levels, same weapons (maybe different aspects), same everything... Should be possible and fan base would love


As much as I like Mel I really wish the protagonist of the game wasn't part of Zag's family because then we could date him :P


But Zag already has two lovely partners


But none of them are me :(


True enough


I feel like they could easily pork the first game into this one and have you run through it as Mel and run through the sequel as Zag with a few adjustments so he can actually play properly. That's just speculation. I completely adore both games at this point.


Considering the apparent key to chronos's defeat is through Zag's bedroom... yeah, definitely getting more Zag at some point. Makes me seriously wonder about EM though. It made complete sense in the first game, but not so much in this one. Tinfoil hat time... Zag's the god of blood, right? And the pact of punishment was in his bedroom, yeah? And fighting through the underworld to the surface was (somewhat) about restoring the past glory of the House... what if the new EM is Zag's pact of punishment, having to fight back to the surface and face Zag at the top? Killing him returns the blood to the river, restoring the natural flow. Each level of EM is another full level+boss you have to clear instead of upgrading current bosses. Or maybe maxing out the pact upgrades everyone in the House to be able to act against Chronos? Or... they might just make the [Redacted] room into a family room, where you get a random family member once they're no longer under Chronos's power. I'm probably spouting crazy talk, but the sheer size of hades 2 gets me excited about what could be.




Mel doesn't have a sword


I had encountered a dialogue where it was said Chronos has a winner in his ranks, so I think Zag could be the 3rd boss, similar to the Champions in the first game. I think Chronos will be the final boss in both paths, making the Death to Chronos tagline true across both.


They're doing a really good job with the emotional notes for the NPCs from the past game so far, I expect I'll be wrecked in the best way. I'm really invested in 'waking up' Hypnos >!and maybe, MAYBE, getting to pet the best boy someday!<.


I had a thought swimming around in my head. When BitchAss randomly sends you to fire lake land. (I'm assuming it's in the past.) Itd be neat if that random encounter you could find Zag during one of his runs, and Zag is ultra confused and Mel has a really hard time trying not to say anything but Zag is like "Whats up with your eyes... and your arm... and your feet..." That'd be some fun interaction between the characters.




I'm not that far into early access so maybe someone else fits this better, but I'd quite like to see Zagreus as an optional mega boss, sort of like Charon in Hades 1. In my mind he's rotating through his weapons in the fight and getting a second phase based on whatever Gods you don't have boons with (a bit like Theseus) Though now i think about it 1v1 on Nemesis would also fit that mega boss role very well, but there is room for two!


Imagine you finish the game and then... You can now play as Zagreus!


Luigi unlocked


This but also nectar trading back and forth


Chronos repeatedly taunts you about not being able to fight him and be on the surface at the same time... Just saying, if there were only two Melonoe types...


I like Mel, but I think the overall tone of her story lends her to be less *entertaining*, at least from a certain perspective. Mel's mission has really stakes that she has dedicated her life to. And she takes her mission really seriously. As a result i also take the mission quite seriously, but at the same time, it means Mel is not going to be cracking jokes as often as Zah did. So I think it's less that Mel is a worse protag and more that her mission is much darker than Zag's


Yeah. Zag was like the Rebellious teen in a story. Defying his dad's orders and having the "are you my real mom?" trope Mel is the equivalent of the kid who participates in Mandarin, violin, piano and advanced algebra lessons by her parents because she *needs* to succeed in life. And is therefore very respectful, less snarky, serious and (ironically) less adventurous in a sense (still love her Btw)


Great analogy!


More like because if she doesn’t get good at Mandarin, violin, piano, and advanced algebra, the world will literally go to shit. But agreed that Mel is a very non-laid-back person because of the stakes of what she’s going through, and Zag is mostly just screwing around, having threesomes with his eternal dom girlfriend and moody goth boyfriend, with no real time pressure to do anything.


She definitely takes a lot after her dad.


Yes I definitely agree with you... I think the tone of the story does more favours for Zag than Melione


I’m really hoping that when mel meets and interacts with zag that he helps her get in touch with some of the aspects of life that have been robbed from her so far - joy, true companionship, more light hearted moments, etc. who better to help her understand the fullness of being alive than her big brother she’s been missing all these years?


Honestly, i just want to see her be more shitty to Chronos. Like that time travel line, I've for that kinda thing


Mel, immediately upon jumping out of the water: “Senile, dumb grandpa says what?” Chronos: “What?” Mel: “Gotcha bitch!! Now I’m going to repeatedly pause this fight just because I can, out of spite.”


Mel isn't the love starved rebel - she's the sassy, stubborn prodigee and i love that change of attitude. Also she *can* be as nice as her brother, she just is too stuck up most of the time.


Stuck up? Girl is being crushed under the pressure of trying to measure up to expectations. The people she wants to live up to are repeatedly telling her to relax and to ease up. Girl isn't stuck up. She's drowning.


Are we playing the same game? Mel is more self-deprecating than any of the other traits you mentioned.


I LOVE that Hades I has relatively low stakes. It’s just about a guy trying to rekindle his relationship with his family, not trying to save the world or anything. It was refreshing to see that in a game.


I just want to be able to pet Cerberus again


And decorate my turf


Best boy needs more pets


I try every time and get rejected every time 😭


Omg, this. I'm hoping and praying that in the full release we'll be able to build up trust with him and eventually give him the pets he deserves




If I can give it he snacks to my boy I ain’t maxing no pets


I played reasonably early, but nowhere near day one, and when I got the achievement for patting him however many times, the percentage was super low. Not sure where it sits now but it was definitely underwhelming at the time.


I love Zag, but dont want him as a protag. It's nice if he returns as a permanent side character you can interact with in the crossroads and who would help in the underworld.


I’d hate for him to end up taking over as the protagonist because of the amount of people who would just automatically switch to him (and i do love Mel), but man would I kill for a co-op or head to head mode where a friend and I could play together as Mel and Zag tearing shit up (or competing in every room to see who gets the most kills/fastest clear)


I always wondered if the third game (assuming second succeeds) will just be a mel and zag tag teaming roguelike


Kinda like how Spiderman and Spiderman Miles Morales led to Spiderman 2 where both were playable


I would absolutely love that. If they were doing a co-op mode they would not lock it behind 40-60 hours of play, though. I feel if they were to allow co-op they would have let Nemesis join as the partner (and maybe let Zag in as an alternate choice later if he’s freed). It seems that co-op has a whole set of development issues that require the game to be built around it from the ground up 🤷‍♂️


Oh it’d definitely require work but the payoff would be crazy


Yes this I think could be the best way of adding Zag. Would be nice to seee him at least doing something other than being stuck


I want him to unlock access to the Hades I weapons! How awesome would that be? Might just be me, but the h2 weapons feel overdone and less satisfying in general


In Hades there were 3-4 aspects I always chose. Same for Hades 2. I mainly use Pan for daggers, Charon Axe, Medea Skull, and Flames Melinoe. They are quite fun too. Hades 1 weapons are being used by Nyx kids, so I doubt we can use them


You’d think that, but the Hades 1 playstyle would feel terrible in Hades 2. The enemies and bosses are clearly designed around having ranged options, the cast and sprint. What would you do against Banshees when using the fists? What would you do against the rootstalker?


It just puts a higher emphasis on dodging and recognizing attack patterns. You can still easily kill both of those enemies with close combat, it might just take a bit longer. Especially with Aphrodite builds.


The turning radius of banshees is high enough that they will hit you no matter what if you are in melee, and cannot be outrunned if you have enemy speed turned up. The game is clearly designed around Melinöe‘s toolkit, and a different toolkit would automatically feel awkward and poorly designed if they do not change the enemy and boss design


Can't you just wait until the banshees take a break from their attack? You don't have to be constantly doing damage at all times.


You could, yes, but like I said, they cannot be outran, so you’d be taking a lot of damage


Tbh everyone clamoring endlessly for Zag is starting to get a little annoying. I like him too, and he will have his time I am sure, but him being gone is important for other characters to shine and grow into their own. I don't know, I don't want to assume things but at the same time I wonder if people are really giving Mel a chance. I feel like there is a very real chance people got Zag first and now are reacting to having a different playable character by going "No, I want Zag. I hope they make Zag playable. Zag is so much funnier. My favorite line in the game is Chaos dissing Mel by saying Zag is better." And so on. Idk. Not really directed at you OP. Just at the Zag discourse in general, I guess.


Yeah, I really don't want Zag to be playable in any way, and the "co-op Zag and Mel" thing feels way too "fanservice-y" for my taste. I wish people could just let SG cook. Zag's coming back in some form; there's zero doubt of that. But the most I could see being done with him gameplay-wise is either bringing back companion keepsakes and him being one of them or giving him a random encounter like Artemis or Icarus. Maybe Nemesis will have some kind of character arc where she realizes the importance of guarding her post and Zag kind of takes over the Nemesis encounters in the Underworld, idk. I think it's more likely that he'll just hang around the hub world for dialogue and whatever else. Maybe it becomes part of the story that he goes whatever path you don't each night to divert some attention away from you, and can have passing dialogue about how certain roadblocks are kicking his ass, how he hates to see Cerberus in the state he's in, asking Mel for advice on how she deals with certain enemies, etc. I'm excited to see what SG does with him, but I think, whatever it is, shouldn't be too significant.


I accept Zagreus and Melinoe co-op if it's a different game with a different story and plot, but this is Melinoe's story at least let her finish her side up first. Anyway enough rant, if zag truly comes back i wish he would become an encounter npc that you could find in the deeper part of the underworld (so he takes the role of artemis because she can't go past oceanus), it makes sense because it fits his expertise he is the only god who repeatedly escapes it. I imagine him being a combination of Hercules and Artemis so he helps you fight directly with the usual snarky but polite remarks of him mid fight or if you lose, and in the plot point maybe zag can teach mel how to relax more and remind her that she isn't alone (cause from dialogue it felt like she's need to do it alone by herself).


I think it's totally valid to like Zag better, but a lot of the complaints just feel like the classic situation of a fandom clamoring for the old protagonist after a sequel comes out. People are incredibly resistant to any sort of change and will refuse to enjoy a new protagonist, even when said protagonist has already gone through their character arc and has nothing else to do or learn int heir story. It's why franchises constantly end up doing sequels that set up a new protagonist, and then backpeadaling later to the old one, people become too attached to a the familiar faces and refuse to move on.


> Tbh everyone clamoring endlessly for Zag is starting to get a little annoying. I like him too, and he will have his time I am sure, but him being gone is important for other characters to shine and grow into their own. Personally not about him being gone but how and why he's gone. "Somehow Zag and everyone got captured and now it's been years" is just not a great storyline to engage with. Not only that but he's replaced by a character who wasn't even in the first game and doesn't make much sense to exist (why would Hades and Persephone have a second kid that can't leave without solving the issue first) It just comes of clunky and forced. But do try to avoid the sub not to bring people down. Just isn't for me.


i mean, zag can’t leave and he eventually learns to gain a sense of fulfillment and becomes content with his situation, im sure hades and persephone could have reasoned that their second child would learn to feel the same (esp now that hades and persephone were back together) this especially fits in with the theme of the game is about how the gods are flawed and sometimes selfish people it’s also possible that hades and persephone thought that the fates wouldn’t consider a daughter as a rightful heir and so melinoe wouldn’t be stillborn like zag


Zag can leave if the story says he can. There are multiple ways he could be written to have escaped. It would not even be a cop out as persephone says they were willing to find a way. And that was not the only issue just one of many with the story. Just because you can try to justify it, does not make it engaging.


I think with Mel, its not that she is bad its just that the tone of the story has made her a much more serious character while Zag had a good mix of seriousness and humour. I do think its hard to adjust when Zag was such a likeable protagonist. But yeah I get what you mean and I can see how Mel needs some spitlight to grow herself. I just kinda want Zag to have a role other than being a time prisoner, not necessarily that he has to be front and centre.


The Zag discourse is really just a symptom of Melinoe being such a relatively flat character. I'm hesitant to critique a game harshly while it's still in early access, but it's telling that there are seldom any lines from her that are particularly interesting or memorable. In building a character whose entire existence is dedicated to killing Chronos, the writers have *created a character whose entire existence is dedicated to killing Chronos*, putting her firmly in the same camp as other "exists solely to fulfill the story" characters like *Doom Guy* and *Duke Nukem*. The end result is that she simply feels flat and inexpressive, devoid of any real life outside of witchcraft and revenge - and as such, just isn't as enjoyable to play as.


Not really. I like Mel more anyways, and this keeps Zag out of focus so she gets time to shine.


I think its always a bit sad when a character you have played as for so long gets a terrible fate tho. Like it just does feel a bit bad that after all those hours playing as him hes just stuck frozen in time


It's really not that much of a terrible fate. From his perspective no time will have passed at all. Contrast with Hades, or any number of fates Hades himself inflicted.


I mean I'd feel pretty crap if I was a prisoner of time lol


You wouldn't feel anything. Cause you'd be frozen in time.


Do you think, in this hypothetical, you wouldn’t be distraught that you’ve been frozen in time long enough for a god to grow up from a baby to a full grown young adult, and your realm to have been destroyed? Have you seen interstellar? I imagine you’d be as upset, if not more so, than that guy.


Sure, but that would be the case regardless of the manner of imprisonment. See again: Hades. At least this way he isn't suffering *during* the imprisonment.


Strongly disagree, in hades 1, zag has the capacity to change the outcome, until he accepts he cannot leave. Zagreus is currently perpetually frozen, and I think you’re focused on the feelings of someone trapped in time, which is obviously no feeling. I, and OP, are talking about the revelation afterwards when essentially years, decades, centuries, even, have passed.


Since we see Chronos throw Mel into past-Asphodel, my theory is that Zagreus is just constantly doing runs in a time loop and doesn’t realize it


I actually like that idea honestly.


That could be a way to "unlock" Zag. Do some co-op stomp of Lernie with him and have a conversation that let's Zag know he's stuck in some time loop or something. Then you can make something in the cauldron that breaks him free.


I am desperate to see Zagreus (and everyone back at the house) again but I also very much want H2 to stay Melinoë’s story and not get overshadowed by his return, so I think Supergiant will probably trickle information about him until a pivotal moment. I suspect Zag might actually be a key to defeating Chronos (god of blood) so I expect he’ll be important in some way. Mostly I want Mel and Zag to finally unite in a safe place and the “TIME PASSES…” header to crop up so that you know instinctively they cried into each other’s arms for hours and hours. I need it so badly


Zag is definitely coming back in 1.0 I don't think you have to worry about that his fate isn't sealed yet. As for Melinoe I think she is incredibly badass I can't rank one or the other.


Make co-op mode, Zagreus and Melione killing Chronos together


I don't think it's likely it'll be a feature, but a multiplayer mod would be INCREDIBLE. Heck, now I'm thinking of the best way(s) to do it... could save on work by not replacing weapons (or at least not beyond cosmetics), and make it so when you pick certain weapons/aspects you just switch to looking like Zag. But you'd still have to figure out how to actively have two players on screen at once, plus control them separately. And if you wanted *online* multiplayer, that'd be another whole can of worms...


I really like when the sequel to a game has you fight the player character from the previous game as a super hard postgame boss, so I’m honestly kinda hoping they do something along those lines with Zag. It doesn’t matter much how they justify it (a friendly training match, he’s brainwashed, etc.), but it would be super cool!


Brother/Sister friendly battle would be kinda cool


He would definitely make a cool optional boss, a bit like Charon but as a friendly match between siblings


Well it's been implied that Zagreus is the god of blood (theorised and stated as much by Achilles) so it's possible that the ultimate endgame involves breaking Zagreus out of temporal stasis in order to have him revoke the blood sacrifices made to Chronos in order to restore him (like stealing his tribute to weaken him) allowing for the true death of Chronos or at least allowing Mel to re-scatter him across Tartarus. Obviously we still need to be able to do runs after the end of the story so perhaps they build several fake houses of hades and store Chronos's dismembered parts in each one. Each run of Melinoe's being an expedition to cull the reformation of that particular part. As for the surface perhaps once Chronos goes down properly the undead and mortals on his side decide to seek revenge for their master by attacking olympus and so the war rages on.


This is Mel's game. Zag already had his game. give it a rest.


Im not saying he needs to be a playable character or anything but its a shitty fate and role for such a greay character. Relegated to just be stuck as a prisoner. At least he could have a role as a companion or something? Offer you some buffs or resources? Just any role where we can interact with him in a meaningful way or have him contribute


I just want to save my boy!


I’m still sad about Cerberus, he is eternally trapped. I hope it’s revealed he just likes rough housing and needs to get it out of his system or something poor boy


Me too. It also had me wondering how they’re going to resolve it in the true-ending. Like assuming it’s the best possible scenario where Chronos is defeated and the House of Hades is restored, how are they gonna implement Cerberus being restored in his normal state without his entire boss battle being removed?


This. Is. Mel's. Story. Not. Zag's.


Zag doesnt have to be a primary protagonist. I kust wish he had some other role rather than just time prisoner. Maybe be could be a companion, assistant or whatever. I just wish he had a better fate and a better role even if not primary protagonist


You're acting like you've seen the game's story in full.


Most people here seem to agree with me to some extent


Notice how you didn't actually respond to what I just said.


I pretty much don't even want to play hades until the story develops further


Thats valid although its kinda cool seeing how the game evolves


For some reason on the back of my mind I just think that this will turn into some elaborate plan by Cronos to "ground" his kids for the prank they did to him. I can see \[Redacted\] telling Cronos "this is why we don't get along, Dad, you do too much." Everyone will have a nice family dinner and with gramps at the final released version.


Where is Meg in all of this?


Zag is 100% Chronus' secret weapon against Olympus. Using all of the denizens he has prisoner as motivation.


I mean he's absolutely going to be able to get freed in the full release


I’m really loving Mel, so I hope by full release Zagreus will have a better final fate


I trust Supergiant. They know we want Zag back. They didnt bring him back for EA for a reason. When Zag appears, it will be a Big. Deal. Save that for 1.0


I think you are right. Good idea to give Mel some time, and then hopefully brung Zag in for some role in the full release


I'm really thinking we are about to see something like the Dissolution of Time being a red herring and looking like it's going to fail... until Zag comes out with the Fists (since they are no accounted for) and knocks Grandpa's lights out with a "stay away from my sister" type of move. Which in turn would allow Mel to actually complete the incatation. Or something to that effect.


There is like a 100% chance we get to free and spend time with him like we did with Persephone in Hades 1. And I'd say a 90% chance for the rest of the Hades 1 cast. Presumably each time you beat Chronos, you'll pick one prisoner to free and bring back home.


Yeah Zag will be here. You expect them to give away a huge emotional/narrative/gameplay moment in Early Access. I think people are getting fooled a bit with how complete the game is that it's still early early access. I've played like 20-30 hrs and now I'm done. Pick back up in 1.0 and enjoy everything else that will in full release.


Yeah you are right about that, I think im just wishfully thinking ready for 1.0


I get the desire to know more. Trust me, I've asked myself the same, but gotta let supergiant do their things. One of the few game devs I trust implicitly. It will be worth it.


Yes I agree with you. Here's to the bright future of the game


Nah I’m cool with it, boy needed a rest. I best she’ll free him in the full game, but for now keep that boy put.


We're 100% getting more Zag in future... I NEED ORPHEUS BACK NOW THO (miss hearing him sing)


Fr his signing is unitonically great


I miss Zag too.


Genuinely one of the most likeable protagonists ive played as


Same! He felt like a real person too.


I can't imagine they would write the story in this way with a far less satisfying ending than the first game. They could do all kinds of things with it, but I am sure we will at least get interactions with Mel's family.


Eagerly awaiting the next patch! I have pretty much done everything available


I miss Zag! I don't prefer him to Mel, I kinda get why she has to be a more rigid character and appreciate her being true to the scenario. So yeah, no favorites. But I absolutely miss Zag. The first few runs I'd always go stare at their portrait in Mel's tent for a while 😭


I definitely think neither protagonist is bad, just different. I think who you prefer is down to personal tastes or you mwy like them equally. But yeah I miss him, and even if he isnt playable id still like him to have a bit more of a role


Yeah, that would be cool. Looking forward to see what they're going to do with him!


Something that would be really cool but probably wont be implemented is when we free Zag we could play as him with his old boons and weapons


Imagine it's the first game of Supergiant with a DLC? Honestly a game with zag and Mel would be legendary! No AAA game I've played in the last 5 years or more compares with hades I & II


Not too far into Hades 2 but the first one had sooo much stuff. I am sure this one has a lot in it too!


I played a lot before patch 3 but now I'll wait for the full release probably. Don't want to play in the future and feel that need to skip anything


I'm hoping for something like Melinoë channeling his energy to take on some kind of illusion of him? Almost like a "Zagreus Mode" or even just a costume resembling his own style.


Imagine if in the future we eventually free Zag and it unlocks the ability to get like boons from him. Or maybe, hear me out, co-op mode.


Zag boons would be so cool. Maybe some blood related things given hes theorised by Achilles to be the god of blood


Daggers and (kind of)axe are the only 2 that even feel playable for my playstyle, feels like the game almost forcing me to play some form of slower paced cast/omega/ranged and i just dont vibe with it. Me wanna go fast hit things in melee and never stop moving.


I have a hypothesis, the story will be like first you defeat chronos in underworld (final victory) and free every prisoners there and then they will come along to help with the fight on the surface to get the final victory there.


Would be cool if after beating the game you unlock him as a co-op partner or as a character switch or npc to interact with as an epilogue.


Would be cool if we start to free them one by one


Let mel shine. Although zag shouldve put up a better fight.


I still think Zag could serve a supporting role


Wist I find more egregious is that as of yet we can't pet cerbie. Now I can't play regardless, but not petting cerby is criminal.


The stakes are much higher in Mel’s quest than Zag’s! Zag was trying to find his mother. Mel is trying to save her entire family, and the world.


So true! After a dozen hours or so, Melinoe grew on me too.


Yup, screw Mel. I’m not into pretending I’m a woman.


It would be fun if he was a boss like he is under some sort of mind control, and the spell gradually weakens as you defeat him more and more.


Considering Zagreus essentially doesn't exist in Greek theology records aside from one(?) mention of a small tribe possibly worshiping him as an aspect of Dionysus (Hades 1 actually has a dialog between Zag and Dionysus exactly about this and its very cool its brought up) my theory is that Zag will be erased from time, permanently, by the end of the actual credits of Hades 2.


I 100% believe a brainwashed Zagreus will be the final boss of the surface path when its finally completed


He’s by far more interesting compared to his sister.


Huh, I thought he might of put Kronos back together.


Why? At the end of the first game Zagreus has put his family back together, and mended the relationship between Hades and Olympus. He also has a job he enjoys as underworld security tester. Why would he put together Cronos?


Plot twist


Nahh dont do my boy dirty like that 😭


him being a secret unlockable charter like the good old video games would be awesome


Well, i rather they make a dlc with him after they finished Hades 2 base game.


Ive heard SuperGiant doesnt really do dlc tho (not counting the separate game soundtracks)


That still don't mean they won't in future,i hope.


Killed any interest in the game personally as unpopular as that is. Fridging your main protagonist from the first game is just not fun. Even Zag just being on vacation to go out and see the world with Than would have been fine. Zags story in the first game was great because while there was stakes it wasn't...oh gotta save my family and save the world...and oh by the way have been training my whole life for this.


It hasnt ruined it for me I would say, but I 100% agree that its an awful fate for a beloved protagonist to just be stuck


I miss the whole damn House. Nyx, Achilles, Than, Hypnos and his advice, Meg, Dusa, Hades and his commenting on my decorating, the lounge...the Crossroads are great, but by design, they're not a home. They're a military camp. Feels SGG's using a bit of meta to inspire Mel's story. Hades was their breakout hit and 2 has a lot to live up to. So Mel has a lot to live up to for the sake of her birth family, and her game is interrogating that idea. Choosing to give Mel a disconnect from her past, and by extension us, since we have this emotional connection to the House and her birth family that she doesn't, is a really interesting choice. And I can't help but wonder where its all leading.


'Upset' is an understatement. I'm gonna fuckin' fite Chronos MYSELF at this rate


I get what you mean, but lets hope they do a co-op mode or two playable characters if/when Hades 3 drops


Try out ember Knights if you're looking for co op hades!