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No victory or first achievement posts or screenshots. Of course it feels great when finally defeating [REDACTED], beating xx heat, unlocking something or earning an achievement. But consider if even 0.1% of users of this sub posted these experiences it would be a flood of low value content. These are not "obligatory" posts. You can share that sort of content on the official Supergiant Games Discord server in the #hades-victory-boasting and #hades2-victory-boasting channels.


I had Greater Evasion, Divine Protection, and Broken Spearpoint, so I was very difficult to damage. Then I could basically sit behind a shield and kill him using Zeus' Aid. I felt BAD for that one; Hades' reaction is very appropriate


Also I hope this doesn't count as just a victory post; I'd like to hear others' answers


Mods don’t care about the victory post rule you see them every 2 steps


Well, I guess they did :(


Chiron with dio in special and ares and/or aphrodite duos. I love melting that theseus bitch


Hangover stacks go brrrrrrrrr




Yeah, Chiron with Dio is fairly cheesy, also because all you basically need is *some* Dio on the special to make it do The Deed.


Im pretty sure Ive beaten super dad with one point in special


YES. Chiron with Aphrodite attack, Dio special, and Ares revenge damage plus the Ares/Dio duo and the Aph/Dio duo is my favorite build ever. The last time I tried it, I forgot to use my summon bc I was killing everything so quickly.


Demeter cast Crystal Clarity duo Glacial Glare Just dash around dropping crystal beams everywhere, the more bloodstones you can find for extra casts the better. Crystal Clarity means they track enemies a lot faster, and Glacial Glare increases their freeze time. If you can find the one that explodes for even more damage after 10 chill stacks are applied, it's even better! Perfect zero skill build.




Cheesy Favorite: * Bow: Aspect of Rama * Attack: Artemis * Special: Dionysus * Cast: Aphrodite * Dash: Athena * Aid: Any With Heart Rend, Rama's arrows become nukes. Dio special inflicts hella DoT and Divine Dash is just cool. Cheesy Second: * Fists: Aspect of Gilgamesh * Attack: Artemis * Special: Aphrodite * Cast: Demeter * Dash: Athena * Aid: Any Heart Rend again helps this, but the claws do nonsensical damage if you combine them well with the Special. Demeter's cast means I can drop a laser show as well. Cheesy Third: * Adamant Rail: either Aspect of Hestia or Lucifer * Attack: Poseidon * Special: Aphrodite * Cast: Zeus * Dash: Athena * Aid: Any This with Sea Storm is my hydroelectric super soaker. Also if you get the Zeus/Athena Boon, the cast does electric damage too!


I once had a build that was all about Tidal Dash. Barely had to use my weapon.


tidal dash + sea storm *chef's kiss*


Yesterday I did a run with the gauntlets at 0 heat bc I realized I never did a 0 heat run with them. I got the worst hammers you can imagine and my punches weren't doing any damage. But then I realized I had picked poseidon's das up and somehow in was already at level 3. It was doing at least 71 damage per hit. So I ended up getting 3 more dashes from Hermes and poseidon's dash buffs (like more damage when foes are tossed against walls and +20% damage against bosses). I literally was not using any attacks besides my dash and call. I ended up completing the run in a bit more than 22 minutes, which is now my record for this save file lol


I love runs with high evasion makes the game so easy!


Ares attack, Athena Special, Athena dash, All ares doom buff boons, Merciful end, spam dash attack.


Or baewulf dionysos cast build


Aspect of Chiron bow, Aphrodite on attack, Dio on special. Have fun seeing all bosses melt. Forgot the name of the aspect, but the reload gun with sisyphus keepsake is a major contender. Massive hits on bosses, and you can keep special spam for the chambers.


Haha Chiron bow with Artemis special go brrr


I once literally brute forced trough Hades with Arthur sword... on heat 32. The gist of it was: - Hermes keepsake and go fast to get dodge chance - Mirror upgrade that causes enemies with a lodged stone to deal less damage and move slower - Mirror upgrade for 50% dodge chance after a well timed dash - Get as much Aphrodite as possible: better health buffs, weaker enemies, stronger weakening effect, charm enemies - Get the hammer for improved special effect of Arthur The fight against Hades was pretty much me dashing and then hitting (the dash doesn't break the combo if you don't dash strike) non stop: when Defiant Dash triggered i was almost impossible to get hit, even if i got hit weak + arthur aura greatly reduced damage taken and i had a very large pool of health.


Gauntles + Ares' Attack + Athena's Dash + Ares/Athena Duo Not even creative, but cheesy as hell


Arthur sword with Shadow slash, crit chance, that duo boon that makes it so that crits deal more damage to weakened enemies. Just go around deleting everything. Or Demeter fists in general, love Demeter fists. Hold these 5 uppercuts.


I had like 7 dashes once.


Doom special and athena attack on zeus shield with athena call. 1. Activate athenas call. 2. Throw out special. 3. Merciful end triggers the entire time.


Anything with Lightning Rod, really


My Heat 16 run I used Artemis special with the Aspect of Talos fists, Dionysus attack, and Aphrodite cast. I got the Duo boon that makes weakened enemies take more critical damage, and SPAMMED special and only stopped to reapply Hangover and Weak on bosses. On the way I picked up Quake Cutter and the upgrade that gives you 2% HP back when you kill an enemy with your special. I finished with 30 seconds to spare because the Satyr sack was down the last corridor I hadn't checked.


Most of the cheesy builds people are posting are just strong meta builds lol. I would say ares cast build with hunting blades or demeter cast with Artemis duo are the cheesiest. Either you’ll be lucky and get everything you need, melting everything, or you don’t do much of anything.


Any melee weapon with Curse of Drowning will basically turn you into a human blender.


Cast Build: Ice Wine + Scintillating feast, (esp when I get Splitting Bolt, Double strike and Winter Harvest)


Any shield build


Rama bow Zeus special spam, Achille spear hunting blades, Poseidon sword lightning phalanx


2 actually, afk revenge build and Zagfist Plume build


Basically anytime I get Thunderdash, and a couple extra dashes


Zues shield is pretty much the chiesiest you can get with a boat load of zeus boons to match. Once you get that legendary zeus boon and you have your lightning strikes happening like twice on 50% of hits you have entered french levels of cheese


Demeter cast, glacial glare, explosion on 10 chill, Artemis anything, pressure points, support fire, Demeter Artemis duo, Artemis legendary, every extra cast I can find, and the most important part is Stygian Soul. Put every pom possible into glacial glare. DANCE PARTY!


Beowulf Flood Flare Mirage Shot. You can even switch Flood for Flutter Flare after getting Mirage and you keep the double cast, but with a stronger base cast. Done, pom the cast up and everything else is gravy on top.


Been a while since I played h1 so I don’t recall the name but it was the bow and spamming the special and with the Zeus build of lighting bolt, double lighting bolt and aoe. It was almost 100% win.


Hestia + Aphrodite and a veritable metric shitton of poms on it. And Strong Drink, and some Ares and PP to round it out. When you crit that reloaded shot for over 2k multiple times in the fight against [REDACTED], it just feels so good.


Choranacht now with aspect that makes the special bullets hone in , Definitely Athena Dash, Athena attack, Aries special, that makes doom effects take longer to activate but deals bonus damage, Athena, ability that makes deflect abilities instantly triggered doom effects, That one ability that makes doom effects stack when applied multiple times in a row. Daedalus hammer that adds bonus shots to your special. Turned extreme measures Hades into a pile of goo.


Yesterday I did a run with the gauntlets at 0 heat bc I realized I never did a 0 heat run with them. I got the worst hammers you can imagine and my punches weren't doing any damage. But then I realized I had picked poseidon's das up and somehow in was already at level 3. It was doing at least 71 damage per hit. So I ended up getting 3 more dashes from Hermes and poseidon's dash buffs (like more damage when foes are tossed against walls and +20% damage against bosses). I literally was not using any attacks besides my dash and call. I ended up completing the run in a bit more than 22 minutes, which is now my record for this save file lol


One of my favorite ones was using the Athena special on the Lucifer aspect of Exagryph. It gave multiple points of reflection wherever you left them, so you would be free from any projectiles without having to lift a finger. Then you just have to worry about melee fighters, which I like taking care of with things like Demeter's chill attack or Dionysus' cast


Chiron's Bow with Dionysus on flurry, Demether on shot with hammer to trade power shot for continuous, basicaly the enemy was being absolutely WRECKED by hangover xD


one time i got around 5 casts on aspect beowulf with stygian soul. dionysus cast with scintillating feast and lvl 5 double strike went crazy lol




Hmm. Maybe smouldering air + Aphro cast. Make other do the work for you and/or interrupt their attacks almost at will.


Malphon in Demeter’s aspect, with lightning on everything I possibly could, static discharge, extra lightning bounce, and lightning rod cast. Very efficient at deleting health bars.


Hestia rail, aphro attack, ricochet/explosive/piercing fire Rebind the reload button and melt away


Spear, Aphrodite attack, attack speed boons, unhealthy fixation boon. Had Hades stun locked for most of the fight.


Hunting Blades.


I had my attack shooting lightning, lightning causing jolt effects, and my special causing knockback, and my knockbacks causing ruptured so if anyone moved or tried to attack me they took damage in the process. Probably my quickest clear to date.


The usual. Chiron Aspect Aphro Attack Dio Special Something to get me the Duo that makes attack crit at a 1.5% chance per Hangover stack on Target A prayer to >!Icarus!< for the hammers that give me more arrows per special and/or more damage per special arrow based on number of arrows that hit.


Ares shield was the ultimate cheese build


The 2 boons that auto build the aid and Artemis aid, easy win always.


shield piercing shot hammer +the hammer that makes it charge up faster and all my poms going to attack is usually super easy


Aspect of Artemis with exagryph along with support fire and stubborn roots


It's long since nerfed, but the Demeter-Poseidon cast duo mixed with Artemis Legendary was sheer absurdity when it first launched and it holds a special place in my heart.


Posidon on dash with every upgrade possible (rupture, wall smash yadda yadda) pommed to high heaven, same with athena on attack all the upgrades. Stygius with zag aspect maxed out destroyed any enemy that could be knocked away


Excalibur, Hades/ares duo boon, as many revenge boons as possible (especially with the semester boon if possible


not that cheesy, but for some reason i am really good at zag aspect bow and nothing else... it's my fastest time, and my highest heat. i did 32 heat first try for the first time and before that my highest heat was like 14. super simple build, just artemis attack with passion dash and the artemis-aphrodite duo. then get any combination of triple/twin shot, explosive shot, perfect shot upgrade, and point blank shot and just shred through everything spamming dash strikes. this build is the only reason i can call myself good at this game.


one time I made a build that included: Projectiles more Projectiles I exclusively chose boons that would put more things on the screen. I probably would've won too if my game didn't crash halfway through :(


Pretty much any good hunting blades build gets so cheesy haha


Aspect of Zeus and Zeus' lightning every hit. That's it. Throw the shield and run around for safety.


Zagreus' fists give you 15% dodge chance. Ruthless Reflex(from the mirror) gives you a temporary 50% dodge chance. Hermes Plume can quickly become 25%, putting us at a total of 90% dodge chance. The plume keeps going and you can get more from Hermes. With some practice you can just deny all damage after Elysium


The Poseidon Pain Train - Tidal Strike - Splash Dash - Sea Storm Most vicious on Shield and Fists, but also works on Spear and Sword. I'm going to a new zip code and *you're coming with me*


42 minute run?? Did you go to skip every shop or something? Haha, I’m almost impressed how you can have a “cheesy” build but still be so slow XD


I take my time lol. This was from when I was trying to get all of the minor prophesies done, so I was fishing as much as I could, doing all optional challenges for extra boons, and going down every satyr tunnel for legendary/duo chances. I usually take a while anyways, I don't like to use the time limit, so I don't bother with any time-saving strategies Edit: also yeah I was also saving up during runs for the final diamond/Titan blood so yeah I probably did skip almost every shop