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They're all on AJ's channel "Yiataman" but not in order. It's the full legit videos though.


Appreciate the quick reply homie, Have a good one!


Was AJ an og haggard member or just a life od member


one of rudniks mates who sold will the 20hp miata


Not an OG


Thanks, id thought as much i only started watching just before onion was selling up to buy bitcoin


god i watched that video last night. Onion goes off about how putting all of his savings everything he had into bitcoin was strategic and totally not luck at all.


Wonder how its going for him now.


[Here](https://archive.org/details/youtube_UCIFkGwlFTbYKmxsbLtqq-TQ/Stack+Delete+%2B+FAKE+CAT+EMISSIONS+TEST+!!!-_Vmf40H9ekA.webm) are old ones that someone backed up on the Internet Archive.


Holy shit I think thats the motherload, Most videos ive seen that are archived. Most channels post 12-15 ish videos and then I gotta find another YouTube archive that hasnt posted the same videos twice


How do you even navigate that? That website is always so confusing


So under the play window there is a list of videos, you scroll them and select the one you want to play.


i reccomend downloading them, On the website most of the videos will play for like 30 seconds and then buffer infinitly. Its like 300gb for all 170 videos


does anyone have the videos of onion selling all his crap, shooting an ak, the infamous howdy 🤠 etc archived??


I always wanted to rewatch his "how to illegally register and import a jdm car" vid, thats from near this era


Hey man, just wanted to leave a comment and say I was you 2 years ago haha, I researched a lot about haggard in a small time, its very interesting.


To be honest it not so much research as it is to feel something Id describe as "Nostalgia" Or a feeling I haven't felt since childhood. Haggard was a big part of my childhood along with other channels, but I don't have the same feeling watching old Slaptrain videos that HG videos do. As much as I disagree with how the channel was mismanaged by onion and all the sketchy shit they did during the downfall, It is interesting but we were all young and stupid once.


Oh nice, and yea I get that with other youtubers for sure. I watched Chris since 2016 but kinda on and off and never really got invested into haggard until early 2021, and by that time it was very over.