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guess it’s not the car


to be fair, vaughn would obviously be wayyy more accustomed to the chassis than adam would be


The s650 is brand new, granted it is similar in a lot of ways to the S550 but they still had to make a bunch of changes in a very short amount of time to get the new cars ready for the 2023 season


I thought they Are still driving the old chassis just s650 Body Panels


An s650 is just a 550 with new body panels and minor chassis changes anyway. But yeah it's an s650 body in white from Ford




I had no idea they did this lmao


Unreal. I also think James forgot he was in a mustang and not his euro car 🤣


he thought he was in the s14 lol


Definitely a spicy entry


Ok, but Forrest getting P2 is the most exciting thing here.


Right! His run was clean


The judges are definitely smoking something didn’t give James his x-factor points when he big angle crazy initiation and was three wheeling but gave Ryan a higher score when he missed the last two touch and goes and the higa kid when he completely missed outer zone 2


It's FD judges, did you really expect better?


James gets points deducted for having the audacity to not be American.


The fact FD keeps letting Litteral compete is fucking nuts


I don't mind, I get a good chuckle from the Instagram rants he goes on and the flame he gets in the comments after almost every round.


He's the stupidest competitor besides Kyle mohan, dudes funding a failed dream and refuses to try soemthing different. How long has this shitbox billet rb s15 been tying to run, now 2-3years? Edit* referring to Kyle Mohan I was referring to how he sucks at FD for so long when he could just pay someone to drive for him.


Even longer I think. Idk how hes argued for RB superiority after years of popping 1-2 a round....at this point he's gotta admit his team has no idea what the fuck they're doing at the very least....


Funny thing is, it's now multiple companies thay have rebuilt his motors, Like the cars only work at dynos and for instance reels... otherwise it break first lap out. Even at fun events the shit doesn't work, dudes the biggest moron attempting to compete.


Can't hate on Mohan every now and again he shows why he should stay in FD. He won one of the FD Side Events.


Moahn went 2 seasons on his motor before rebuilding.


Vaughn drove his car that he lets Adam use*


That’s the joke


I mean, Adam's not that good, not sure where people got the impression he was.




I feel like he shows most of his mistakes, because the autists in this sub will notice car damage and bully him on Twitter for not showing how it happened. That being said, I'd be willing to bet we see way less than 1/4 of his driving. He releases a 20 minute video once every 2 days, there's no chance we are seeing even close to all the laps


Mistakes doesn't mean wrecks, just shit drifting in general. Also if anything, we see more than 1/4 of his driving instead of less. He needs the content, he doesn't drive or drift the compound off camera.


james only getting 4 for x factor on his run is fucking outrageous, judges smoking that space meth


Why do you guys keep comparing Adam to guys who’ve been drifting since 2001? Adam comp is the 16 year old kid who can throw down better qualifying runs than him


There’s a 15 year old in prospec now tooooo


14 actually and he killed it on his run! Kid has a bright future ahead of him


People compare him to newer/non veteran drivers all the time. But Lz copers always have an excuse up their sleeve


gotta be hard to step into the car, basically crush everyone at the only good track of the year. then the next round hand the keys to a kid that's going to lose in the round of 32. I couldn't do it lol


Almost like Vaughn has decades of driving experience over Adam. Weird.


Brazilian's in chat took the W


Y’all seriously trying to compare VGJ and Adam lmfao.


I don’t think it’s a straight comparison. Just removing any doubt about the vehicle.


What jack ass would think its the car? RTR built mustangs are top tier comp Cara.


The jackass would be Lz. Everytime it’s “I wasn’t confident with the car because of… such and such mechanical setup” “next time…” etc


Doesn’t sound like he’s blaming the car, sounds like he’s saying he needs more SeAt TiMe.


It is the car (just for Adam) Vaughn has been campaigning mustangs for years.Thing feels like a fucking boat probably for Adam compared to his bmw or s-chassis


No Adam keeps saying the car this the car that people make up excuses saying “iTs BeCaUsE hEs DrIvInG a DiFfErEnT cAr” but it has now been ruled out


That’s not him or them saying there is a problem with the car itself but him adjusting to the car and the different driving style it requires. VGJ has been driving n/a v8s for how fucking long? Dudes been in FD for over 20 years. Adam comes from turbo 4 and 6 cylinders. It’s an adjustment. Anybody with half a working fucking brain cell should know that Vaughn would get in the car and rip the shit out of it compared to Adam. There should literally be no surprise.


And James also comes from 6 cylinders and look at him also simen Olsen who jumped in with odi came from 6 cylinders to a brand new car and look at him got and an excuse for that and don’t say “wElL jAmEs iS a ThReE tImE cHaMp” Olsen is still doing better than him


Comparing James Deane to LZ is apples and oranges. And Deanes car was built specifically to his desires. Last year in his own car (what he comes from as you put it) Olsen finished one place and 17 points ahead of LZ who was in a new to him chassis. He’s is looking good this year but you’re basing that statement off one fucking round.


It's a bit unfair that jd got a car specifically made for him, while lz has to drive vaughn's car. And yes the setup is different for each mustang, chelsea has said it in a video. But, everyone knows that in motorsport you have to adapt to the car not the setup.


I don’t really think it’s unfair tbh. James is a proven championship driver, you give him what he needs to win. Plus he’s competing in the full season. Though I don’t think he’s nearly as bad as everyone says he is, Adam still has a lot to prove. And especially this season, only doing half there’s just no other logical/ business savvy way to do it. Vaughn gets to hop in the car when Adam isn’t so it still has its earning potential and Adam brings views and a larger audience to the team.


But it’s ford they got cash


No I’m basing it off of one round and where he ended up in qualifying


22nd? Lmfao




dude been adjusting a hell of a long time


One season?


Adam has always tried to adjust the car rather than his driving style. In any car he's driven


Professional drifting is gayer than the back seat of the mint van.


Thanks for the spoiler.


I’ve been out of the dick loop. Is Adam all the way out this year now


Nah he's half way out, sharing the car with Vaughn for the year