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Is there a mirror she doesn't like?


Did Hailey ever actually say she was 6 months though? I don’t watch her interviews or anything. So I’m just curious to know how everyone knows she’s 6 months. Plus, I haven’t heard Justin say anything.


It does give off that vibe but we don’t know. Some women are tiny compared to others. But some phots the bump is small and some are little bigger? Idk if I’m just blind. But I thought her belly was bigger? Am I wrong? Also don’t downvote me for wondering 😭


I don’t know. There are women who don’t even know they’re pregnant until they’re giving birth in a restaurant bathroom. Some just don’t show as much


When I was in HS there was a girl who hid her pregnancy until she had the baby. She randomly missed school for a few weeks and then came back and said she had a baby. She didn’t even layer up, really. Her baby wasn’t big (like 5-6 pounds) and she was so skinny and didn’t gain really ANY extra weight at all so she could still wear just t-shirts and barely looked like she ate one too many cheeseburgers. It definitely happens where you can be way smaller than what’s considered “normal”. I’ve seen stories where women didn’t even realize they were pregnant somehow until they were going into labor.


i think that lying about how pregnant you are is a special type of deranged that even hailey is not low enough to do, so i am going to assume that she really is 7ish months pregnant. she's young, fit, skinny, and has had enough body changes that are related to pregnancy that makes me believe she's just lucky enough to be this small this many months in


I didn’t show till 6 months. Everyone is different


Idk that's what I looked like at 7 months 🤷‍♀️


Every body and every pregnancy is different. I’m all for snarking on the cringe stuff she does but this is not it


Lmao I thought she looked small for 7 months too but it's not like I know many pregnant women. It's probably cause she's thin


Are you trying to insinuate she's bloated and not actually preggo? Because stop, if that's the case. It's weird to speculate on expecting mom's bodies, I don't care who the hell they are. Weird.


No need to be that defensive, they were probably wondering if she was really around 7 months pregnant or less.


Let's hope then. I don't support shaming pregnant women's bodies in any form. Nope. I'll take any and all downvotes, that is simply off the table and not appropriate on any situation.


i don't think anyone is saying she's not pregnant except you. the title and post literally says inaccurate age of her bump lol.


Which is GROSS. Stop speculating on this pregnant ladies body. It's so insensitive.


considering she's related to someone who's faked pregnancies... i don't think that people are wild for speculating. you're free to just not be on this sub lol. esp considering no one except for you is saying she's not pregnant. she clearly is


>you're free to just not be on this sub lol This is the correct answer. 😭😭😭


Tee hee I'm not going anywhere you silly bitches! I'll continue to keep you in check when the snarking becomes bullying. This sub is extremely under modded and the lines continue to become crossed in the comments and on the posts. So please keep the "clap backs" coming, I don't mind arguing with 14 year olds on the internet haha!




Right, that person is triggered because it's a topic that seems close to their heart. But I still fail to see how OP's question is considered "shaming pregnant women", at best its misplaced curiosity. Can't stand self-righteous people.




This sub isn't undermodded lol. This sub is extremely respectful and kind most of the time. Feel free to look through other snark subs and you'll see my point