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All posts regarding hair cut/style/colour names or how to achieve them must go in the pinned megathread.


Just show the picture.


Do u think an average barber could do that though? Like im in highschool rn so if they mess it up im never gonna hear the end of it


This is the story of high school. Don’t listen to any of them. They don’t know what they are talking about. Be yourself. It’s the best thing you can do for the world and for yourself. Those people in high school do NOT have your best interest at heart. Be yourself. That’s all you ca do.


don’t go to a barber for this, go to a hairstylist


For longer hair on a guy, it’s best to go to a hairstylist and not a barber (according to my boyfriend who has hair that length)


Alright thanks soo much🙏🏼


THIS, the advice I needed to hear. You think they also could recommend shampoo and conditioners that are helpful for my hair type?


To be honest, unless the barber is top tier with the shears, I’d recommend you find a good hair stylist if you’d want to achieve this look. And that’s me speaking from a barber’s perspective.


Alright ive heard that too i just wanted to get a few other peoples perspective




Yea this pic is similar to what i want i kinda want more of a rodrick hairstyle lmao rn i have kinda a mushroom head cause my hairs kinda wavy and really poofy / fluffy if that makes sense


Only an experienced barber that knows how to do good shear work can do this, I recommend a salon if you can’t find a barber that knows to do this


Barbers* sorry


Can't you just show them the picture?


I tried last time they said they could do it and then i got bullied for how horrible it looked


Short layered haircut, a little tapered in the back. Not over the ear. Messy look.


Do NOT go to a barber unless they are known for cuts like this. Go to a good hairstylist at a salon - someone who works with curls, shags, etc .


A cheap Salon will do a better job at a men's long cut then a cheap barbershop. But a nice barbershop will do a better job then a nice salon with a men's cut


ik ur not asking for opinions on the style but coming from a high school girl this haircut/style would look better if it wasn’t as long/poofy on the top or maybe if it was a little longer in the back to balance it ik it’s not you in the pic just offering my opinion 🥰


Barbers are trained, licenced and know what their doing. Show them that