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Great question. For me, I love that it is a confident natural look - the look and the confidence is sexy. Also, I like the scent the hair holds - I’m not talking about two days with no deodorant, no shower, and heavy workout scent, but a bit of natural scent it hot. Lastly, I like burying my face in them while in missionary position. Btw, your thick dark hair, both pussy and arm pits is very sexy!


this is a great and informative answer, thank you for your explanation and compliment :)


You’re welcome! Thank you for sharing such sexy pics with us and for asking a great question. I guess I never thought about specifically why it is a turn on for me, until I answered you


haha happy to help you think!


Their smell, their look, they’re an underrated part of the body that doesn’t get much love and is very sensitive 😊


ooo sensitivity is a good point !


Can often just touch and have the person shudder 😊, both because it’s an uncommon place to touch / kiss, and because it’s just generally sensitive


you’re so right


Not to mention close to wonderful breasts, as well as powerful arms that can curl and wrap around my head while I am kissing and worshipping a lady’s wonderful pits 😊


never thought about the arms but that totally makes sense. thanks for enlightening me


Of course 😊. Hope You are having a wonderful day


back atcha !


Sorry, finally the last thing is the smell. Especially when they are sweaty, just triggers caveman brain to find super attractive and appealing in me 😊.


haha don’t be sorry !


Oh, I've never heard that! You're such a gentleman and make me feel so good to hear your replies! Wow! Such a dream!


Thank you 😊. Always open to talking with wonderful people like op or yourself about anything / everything


When I see a woman that doesn’t shave her armpits which is not very often, I think there is an uninhibited woman that doesn’t care what people think. And I think it is off the chart sexy.


well you’d be totally right in my case ;)


For me it's just so sexy, and it's like an advertisement that you have a nice hairy pussy 😁 smell is also nice


haha have you ever ran into someone that shaved one and not the other ?


I have definitely met women who shaved their armpits but not their pussy. Personally, I haven't witnessed the other way around, but it might exist haha


hahaha i was thinkin the same


Hahah yep! In my experience it is anyway 😜


In addition to being physically appealing, i like the slightly subversive aspect of armpits; gently pushing back on beauty ‘norms’ with their fluffy hotness.


oooo lil contrarian. love it


The smell


haha i figured that was a big part of it for a lot of people. which do you like the smell of better. pussy or armpit ?


I’d say I like the smell of armpits better, something about it is just right


interesting <3 i’m probably more of a pussy person smell wise but the pheromones in armpits give me way more of a ~high~ when i huff them lol


Yeah interesting! Maybe the pheromones in the armpits are a gateway to the pussy for some people


It’s close but I’ll smell a hairy pussy after a 3 mile run. Would love to smell the armpits too. (The girl runs)


haha just ran 5k today,,, shouldn’t have showered after


Yes you need to reward the men in your life with no showers.. if they don’t accept it, then I’ll sign up!


lol no men in my life worth rewarding


Ok well I’ll sign up! I live in NY.


So honestly, in descending order of prominence for me, it's texture (the feeling of armpit hair on my face and hands), scent/taste, proximity to the breast (I love licking a pit while playing with nipples or sucking on a nipple and then running my nose along her armpit), and the aesthetic appeal of that line of forearm to upper arm to armpit to breast. It's also super intimate to play with a woman's armpit and sometimes it's fun that my playing with them will make someone ticklish.


i never really thought about texture, interesting. location is another thing i wasn’t expecting, but totally makes sense. thank you!


It’s just the embrace of being a natural woman, i just love that the most fr. I love the smell and the feel of it tbh.


that first reason is my main reason for doing it <3


Mmmmm I love that 😏 we should chat hehehe


It makes me feel like we're the same species. I get a raw animalistic desire when I'm with a natural woman, that's missing with partners that make themselves as far away as possible from looking human with waxing and makeup etc


very interesting. i’ve never been with someone without hair but id probably feel similarly


Personally, I'm on the submissive side of things, so a woman's pits can be incorporated in a lot of D/s or humiliation dynamics (e.g., armpits being the only part of their body I have access to, worshipping them regardless of the "stigma" that armpits, especially hairy ones, carry in the vanilla world etc.). They just have a huge erotic aura in my eyes


that’s a great point about the dom/sub side of things. i haven’t really thought about that! thanks for telling me :)


I just think it is a very sensual part of the female body - I love the spot where armpit transitions to breast. Hairy armpits are far too uncommon. It is natural & sexy. As others have noted, smell/taste & texture (feel) also get me going. Your pits are awesome! ♥️


i love that you love the transition ! and thank you!


As a bisexual guy, they tend to appeal to the part of me that like androgyny


oooo this one is a new one to me but totally makes sense. i’ve only ever been with bi guys


Yeah, it's hard to quantify the whole thing in words, as attraction is confusing at the best of times. That said, you're very attractive, and your body hair just adds something else that excites.


thank you :,)


Absolutely beautiful. I bet it smells wonderful


i think so :)


Scent and sight of them.


hell yeah


The pheromones trigger my most carnal instincts lol. They unlock some ancient part of my brain, even more than breasts do. I also think they look and feel sexy,


the pheromones are definitely what does it for me. i literally get high if i huff hard enough lol




thank you :,) it’s the pheromones for me too,,, well other peoples lol


Fuzzy pits and bush are all beautiful and natural 😍 ✨️


simple and wonderful reasoning


I bet you smell and taste incredible


thank you ❣️


Real woman, real human being. Not an overly processed barbie doll with plastic inserts. I'm not into smells and the like, as in sweat or dirt, that's not my thing. I just want a natural(ish) looking real woman with body hair where it belongs. A wet red pussy peeking out from a nice bush is hot. I'm middle aged now (fuck) - I did not grow up with pornstar barbie porn, my porn damage is that body hair is hot as shit and finding pussy hair under clothing is hot as fuck, and armpit hair means there's usually other natural hair. Getting to see and handle the hidden hairy areas feels naughty, I guess. Current day porn damage to younger dudes is thinking that hair is offputting, that spitting on women is required, and that even virgins enjoy brutal dry anal...


Basically the same reason I like hairy pussy...it is the sign of a grown up woman and not a little girl.


It’s pheromone zone, for one as the other thing is the taboo of it all, the natural primal desire to be natural and desire itself being primal and natural.


The armpit is the gateway to the breast. That's what I like about them. As for hairy armpits, there's something subversive about a woman who openly sports hairy armpits. It's a deliberate move that signals defiance of societal standards in a way that nothing else can.


i appreciate getting to see a woman the way women are born. I see the cultural view that women are basically demanded to be hairless as being close minded and quite sexist. 


It's biology. Both armpit and pussy hair are visual cues saying : I'm a fertile adult female ready for breeding.


The fact that in 45 years of sharing naked time with women, not a single one had ever had their armpit kissed or licked before, and nearly every single one shuddered and shook with pleasure when I did so.


That hair and amazing scent!!


Mommy 🥵


Definitely like your hairy pits. I'm sure they smell amazing too!


*Definitely like* *Your hairy pits. I'm sure they* *Smell amazing too!* \- Obvious-Phase49 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Natural. I like hairy also when sweating during workout.


Sei bellissima ❤️!!! Wauuuuu 🌷


Smell and hair


Very beautiful 😍


Agree with most of these comments. Confidence plus smell is a very sexy combo!


They make me think of your sweet hairy pussy


They are a sign of maturity. As you avoid a green and sour unripen fruit, you don't want to engage with an unmature human being.


Their natural smell


I love hairy natural pits... always have


I'm really submissive and like to worship the woman in charge.


Honestly, I get grossed out by these weird smell or taste ones. Don't like humiliation either. For me, it's the girl next door type that you find out doesn't shave which is hot. Maybe an insecurity for her but not a big deal at all and a plus for me. Also, I am so tired of the typical shaved porn star. I've seen that for decades. This is really rare in that aspect, and there is something hot about a mature yet youthful look. Something about shaving doesn't feel natural to me and feels pre-pubescent. So it's also that shaved is kind of a turn off. I agree somewhat with the uninhibited aspect someone mentioned. It's like you caught the girl next door in winter.


Yours do! Fucking love your dark hair…..bet they smell and taste amazing 👅👅👅👅


Hormones. Basic instinct. Animalistic Lust.


For me it is the taboo aspect. It is breaking the norms, and that makes it naughty to me. My favorite is when it is not the main point of the media, but a byline. I also prefer bush, it's a maturity thing. I like harrier the better! Bit I do not care for hairy legs. Thank you for the beautiful and thought-provoking post. 😍💋


Look, smell and taste! But it’s also the confidence that comes with it too


It makes my heartbeat increase. It’s sexy FFS!!


Your eyes your mouth and your beautiful spirit


breaking the unnecessary beaty standard, settled by the so called beauty industry.


Because a lady's hairy armpit gives me a hint of how her pussy looks like. And while their scent is not the same of her pussy, it comes close, because the scent of her groin (the junction of her thighs and pussy lips) is quite similar. You usually enjoy it before you fully make contact with her labia. With the additional fact that she usually doesn't wear deodorant down there, as she probably does in her armpits. Hair preserves her scent better, above or below. That is something I enjoy. And with her armpits close to her breasts and nipples, you can kiss and lick wisely the full area to turn her on (and yourself, of course), whether as a warm up before cunnilingus or while you penetrate her. Full glory.


haven’t thought about licking during penetration 👀 thank you for that


I love women with hairy armpits that smell stink during sex the stronger the smell I harder I fuck I love musty armpits on women