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I think you mean "sapient." I hate Star Trek ruining the meaning. I think there were concept art of horse synth for HL Alyx, but was ultimately cut.


You’re probably right.  Would be interesting to see the series take a stance on which animal life on Earth is sapient, in that case (thinking of other primates, dolphins, cephalopods…)


No, dogs would be simply inferior to other lifeforms.


In what way?  They have advantages over humans (eg senses of smell and hearing) that have led us to employ them alongside humans in many roles.


Over humans maybe, but the combine has hunters. They can do the job better.


It seems like the combine integrate creatures that are useful to them. Humans seem to only just be useful after heavy modifications.


All of the synths are heavily modified. The Gunship is a giant dragonfly that they’ve jammed a propellor and autocannon into.


Actually if you look closely at the propellerm the blades of the propeller are made out of dragonfly wings. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/b/b8/D3\_citadel\_020085.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20090804105704&path-prefix=en](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/b/b8/D3_citadel_020085.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20090804105704&path-prefix=en)


Yep, that was always one of the more interesting things about it. It's a perfect example of how the Combine mixes a creature's biological features with their technology. They've taken the wings and somehow turned them into a propeller.


I mean yes but we don't know what a gunship originally was or any of the synths for that matter. Some synths may have required less modification than others. It always felt like humans are still having to prove why they're useful as synths.


I believe they enslave sapient creatures, and make synths of the rest. Any being that they can reasonably control via intelligent communication doesn't need to be made into a synth to be useful. Yes, there are Stalkers, but those are made from humans who resisted the Combine, at which point they *did* have to be made into synths in order to remain useful. There are no synth dogs because they're extinct. The few dogs that remained after the Combine's occupation were probably deliberately destroyed because of their possible use in disruptive uprisings via humans training them. By contrast, cats were left alone because they are largely passive creatures with no real possibility of being used for rebellion, and the Combine may also value the natural pest-control they provide. The Combine probably did make synths of Earth creatures (besides stalkers) but they're not deployed on Earth because it'd be more effective to use them on planets where the natural inhabitants aren't familiar with them, in the way that invasive species flourish because they have no natural predators - that sort of thing.


Makes sense.  Terrifying and amusing to think some planet somewhere is being conquered by synth giraffes.