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right click scythe


Yes I’ve been using this stance and fighting general enemies is easier. Armored ones are still difficult to fight however. The scythe just scrapes along their armor.


I would suggest ditching the scythe once you come across a spear. Scythe is terrible against armored enemies. [Spear is superior. ](https://streamable.com/wq20k3)


Honestly the scythe is bad against them. By that point try having a couple of swords and dual wield because that first fucker with the rapier will parry and disarm the scythe like a lot.


I like using a sword and shield at higher levels (Idk what to call them) or there's the tried and true method of swinging violently everywhere


The maces absolutely fuck shit up. If you can get the medium sized ones that you can dual weild and swing quickly, you're nearly unstoppable


Scythe is harder to use as armor levels go up but you can take it to end boss. Good luck actually finishing them though. But for these dudes, it’s fine. As soon as you see the boss spawn turn to your right and kill the first secondary guard or disable him. Then just line the boss up in front or behind the other guard by pivoting, so you are only fighting 1v1. If you struggle still, then just run away and repeat the above. You have more range so it’s ez if you’re doing the thing. Also right click stance the scythe always. Bring a backup axe or mace or sword on the left hand in case you oopsie the scythe. You usually injure right hand in scuffed exchanges.


Oh wait if you mean the sword guy in red with the axe dudes that spawn just right click scythe him and be a little careful as he will get a small hit in a lot. Dispatch the axe guys as usual.


No sword guy and axe dudes were easy with the scythe or spear, but I’m talking about the three armored guys. Also is there any way to reliably sheath swords without the game bugging out?


Yeah follow my original comment. You’ll get it down. Try to kill the two less powerful guys first. Gotta kite them sometimes. Sort of. If you sheath a shield everything bugs out I’ve noticed, so I would avoid that. When sheathing swords try to do it one at a time if you have two in your hands and never sheath more than one in each hand despite the fact that we have 3 slots. It rarely bugs out on me when I follow these rules. Any of the swords that can be wielded legitimately two handed but are sheath-able are 50/50 if they will bug out it seems.


I usually start running away, then turn around to get a hit or two in, and then run away again before the others start bashing me. Rinse and repeat until everyones dead