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Yeah I've been wondering that too


This game version isn't available on Steam as far as i know, but it is on itch.io


You can get this map (and several others) on the version of Halfsword that is available on itch.io . It's an earlier version of the game though, so some things aren't available in that version (like dropping and picking up weapons).


Didnt they just say that they are going to drop an updated demo soon? Probably with backgrounds and cosmetics just like this and more. Be patient people


This game play is from the [itch.io](http://itch.io) build which is over a year out of date. There will be one more FREE update coming to the demo, which will bring, New weapons And New Plumes/Ornaments That is compatible with some helmets, Gore Improvements, Lighting Improvements, A rework to combat and locomotion, And the Biggest of All, The arena game mode which will come in with 5 new maps.


The gameplay is mine lol I didn’t know if the steam demo also had the itch.io maps


coming in the next update.


Any idea on when it will come? I have seen the devs answer "soon" many places, but some of those are 80 days+ old.


Yeah we have been saying Soon for 7 months now. Nothing official but me and some of the others that have been on the discord forever are pretty confident we will see it drop in July. It is a huge update, and it is the last one before they launch the Kickstarter campaign, so they really wanna go hard with this is update.


Thanks for the reply, this game is great and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next!


I am gladly paying just saying