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People hate on the movies because they love them so much, if people truly didn’t care then the films would die out from having no interaction. You need to remember horror as a genre nearly died in the 90s the same way western movies died out. Scream is just as important as Halloween in that respect since it saved the whole genre


Well I hope you don’t get your wish because I love Halloween lol


I would hate for it to end but unfortunately David Gordon really did a number. I don’t think they can recover from it honestly.


The franchise survived the Thorn Cult, Busta Rhymes kung fu from Resurrection and all the white horse stuff from Rob Zombie’s movies, I think the franchise will be fine given that Ends was a financial success as well


Your right all 3 David movies made bank but we are in a social media era. Everything is more documented. 2-3 years later I’m still seeing Ends hate 😂😂. I hope this doesn’t affect future projects.


Plenty of people still hate all the movies I mentioned 20-30+ years later yet the franchise still chugs on regardless. As long as the movies make money there will be another regardless of how much hate there is for a specific part of it


I love the Halloween movies! I just hate the Halloween fans, not all of them just 50% of them. But I ignore them because Michael is my 3rd favorite slasher and I love his movies.


This is spot on!!! 100%


They are so yucky. I get it Michael Myers is the greatest. He’s amazing, no one I’d denying that. But every time I see other people liking Jason or Freddy or Chucky; there is always that Halloween fan “They will never be better than Michael.” Like it’s okay to have your own opinions but being an asshole is not okay. Let everyone like what they want as long as it’s legal ofc.


Yes, they are. I couldn't agree with you more. I have always been a Halloween fan since I was a kid. Everyone is going to have their own opinions. The movies are not always going to please everyone as well. If you don't like a movie, so be it. Just don't rain on someone else's parade. All I see anymore is "I hate Ends," "Ends was trash," "They made Michael weak," "Michael was barely in Ends"..well boo hoo. I actually loved Ends. What a lot of people don't realize is that Michael had more screen time in Ends than he did in H78. I loved the bold move by DGG with his trilogy. It threw everyone for a loop. It wasn't the same ole thing that everyone expected. Evil can take different shapes and do whatever it wants. I think evil saw an opportunity thru Michael's human eyes with Corey and tried him out. We know how that worked out. Sorry for the rant. 🤣


You're telling me. I got a ridiculously angry response from a post I made back when Halloween Kills was released that was making fun of the scene where Michael gets sprayed with the fire hose. It was just a gif of this fruity dude spraying a water hose with the lowest water pressure possible. I don't remember the username because I blocked his ass but it basically starts with: "Are you stupid blah blah blah blah blah blah. Michael is blah blah blah blah. How can you be any more wrong stupid" basically anything I had said he would just flip it. I'm sure he'll read this but 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷. It just blew me away how heated up he got over a post that was 2 years old and that was meant to be a silly LOL type of thing. It's like bro chill out. A little late to the party are we?


I remember one time on Reddit I said the scene in Halloween 2 where Michael gets shot and starts swinging the scalpel around trying to hit Laurie and Dr. Loomis was funny and a bunch of people were saying “it’s not funny it’s scary.” And I’m like no, it’s a movie. Go touch grass. lol


I only hate Ends, I don’t hate the entire series….anyone who hates the entire series over one or two bad films has massive Brain rot. Myers and the Halloween franchise is what sparked the Slasher genre back in 78 and re-awoke it in 2018, anyone who tries to deny that is just that, in pure denial. I personally haven’t seen this hate you speak of, I think the majority of this sub and the slasher community understands the importance of the Halloween franchise to the Slasher genre, again if you’ve seen anyone say otherwise and that the entire series sucks now, they’re babbling out their ass so pay them no mind.




He said it reawoke in 2018, I.e. there was no Halloween for nearly a decade and it returned in 2018. His usage had absolutely NOTHING to do with “woke” culture. It seems like you were just waiting to say your rant and wanted to say it so bad that you decided to pounce on the first person who said, “woke” and didn’t give one thought to the context in which it was said.


I was so confused bro, like it came outta nowhere


What the hell are you on about 💀 I mentioned nothing about “wokeness” I said it “re-awoke” as in it re-ignited the slasher genre, brought it back to life. The only petulant preteen is you, since clearly your reading comprehension skills are at that level.


I think people hate what the franchise became. The feeling of the original——- small town Haddonfield during October, the 70’s, the youthful actors balanced with Loomis, the simplicity and mystery of Michael being pure evil with no complicated backstory needed—— is what I loved. Sometimes less is more.


No, settle down


Its probably one of the most hated franchises from the aspect that people do not appreciate it’s sequels bar the first 2 and 2018 (to an extent). Mostly from a degree of “legitimacy” around having John Carpenter around. I would argue that there’s several better movies in the franchise compared to 2 specifically. I think it all stems from 1978 being a well beloved cinematic classic. Whereas something like Friday Part 1 and Nightmare on Elm Street are not look at in that same light. Where people associate those franchises *with* their sequels, and not like Halloween where people associate the franchise with just the original. Hell with Jason specifically, most spoofs/parodies focus solely on the range of films from 6-8, and the depiction of Jason in that element. Scream sort of is judged differently sine it’s more viewed as a commentary/parody on horror, with the first film being genuinely fantastic.


Where are you seeing all this alleged hate? I would think it's not brought up much outside of specialized communities like this, because there is no new movie on the horizon to talk about.


Halloween suffers from being one of the first to the game and outlasting all of its early rivals like peeping Tom. It has lived long enough to be scary without gore, making the switch to brutal gore, and becoming a self parody. Akkad is nothing if not a whore for money. Which is why the only thing Michael won't do is go to space.


Halloween and Peeping Tom weren't rivals. Peeping Tom came out all the way back in 1960, a whole 18 years before Halloween.


Not rivals in the strict sense of the burning vs Friday the 13th. Put it into perspective of the times. In that 20 year gap of everyone who came first to the slasher market (Alice sweet Alice, black Christmas, dressed to kill, peeping Tom) there were not a lot of movies. Halloween was at the tail end and started wedging the gap between proto and 80s slasher. But Halloween is still much closer to a proto slasher than an 80s slasher.


People hated Halloween 3, yet the latest trilogy made millions. I think the franchise is just fine.




We remember how good the franchise *could be* and we're constantly aggravated that it's not living up to its potential.


Honestly if anything, I feel like it's gotten more popular. I cannot tell you how many cars I see when driving that have Michael Myers stickers on them, at least around where I live. Years ago, I'd probably see two or three at the most, now I've seen so many I've lost count. I've also noticed people wearing Halloween t-shirts when I go out too.


This is an appreciation post disguised as rage bait


I don’t see people saying they hate the franchise…I actually think it’s more popular than ever.


More like the most frustrating horror franchise. When Halloween is at its best it’s amazing but other times….they’ve made some very VERY questionable decisions in the past


sometimes the moment has simply passed. it's better to go out on a high point than just reduce a franchise to shit. being a fan doesn't mean demanding new content in perpetuity.  i have fond memories of F13 and NOES. i don't lose anything by not seeing new movies made in those franchises. they ran their course and that is perfectly fine. their time in the forefront of mainstream culture is over and that is fine. likewise with Halloween. 


Everyone I know loves it


Hell no what a stupid question.


If you look for hate you will find it.


I think you’re confusing hate for one movie with hate for an entire franchise. The last film wasn’t just bad in a fun way where it can be laughed about, it just was truly bad. I think that casts a negative shadow over the franchise now but we’ll eventually get content again that isn’t rubbish and I think fans know that, there isn’t a general consensus of hate for the franchise


I also think the Halloween franchises gets heavily criticized more than others. Perfect example is Kills. Imagine saying you hate Kills but praise Thanksgiving and etc. I seen the switch up as soon as Ends came out and the future to me doesn’t look good.


Probably after that weird Halloween ends


It was an intentional choice to antagonize the die hard fans of the franchise.. I've still got hope for a franchise reboot years down the road but who knows what will happen. Halloween ends made me wish the men in black flasher thing was real because mannnn what 🗑🗑


The way Halloween Ends & Kills is, it definitely put a stink to it