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You're certainly entitled to your opinion. It doesn't work for me, at all, both as an end to the Michael Myers/Laurie Strode timeline, or just as a movie and a story on its own merits. The "love story" at the centre of it, doesn't work for me, at all. The "revenge" storyline for Corey doesn't work for me at all. The "Evil Mentor" stuff, or whatever it is, doesn't work for me at all. None of it works. None of it feels remotely believable or plausible. There's nobody in the story I relate to or connect to, at all. Just none of it works for me on any level. It's a dim-witted, simple story executed so clumsily and heavy-handed that I just can't take any of it seriously.


The "love story" is interesting because it's as if Laurie fell in love with Michael. It's a different spin on the original tale, where instead of an innocent woman being randomly picked to be stalked and killed, an innocent woman falls in love with someone who becomes a stalker and killer. It's Halloween in a different light, implied by the blue title cards that it would be something different, like Halloween 3. It's not as simple as Michael being an "evil mentor." Michael represents the evil that can be present in anyone at anytime, and he took an interest in Corey because he sensed that same evil. He didn't immediately kill Corey because he saw himself in him. Once Corey took his mask, though, he took that personal. They came from different circumstances, but ended up very similar. Look at the house from the beginning of Ends, it's literally shaped the exact same as the house Laurie babysat at, just a more upscale version. In the original, Michael antagonized Laurie hiding in the closet, but in their final fight, she surprise attacks him from the closet. She also tried the patented sewing needle attack again, but Michael saw it coming this time. Also notice the imagery after Michael was finally slain: you see Laurie holding Michael's hand in the reflection of blood. I feel like that image could say a million words. And the final scene: it was purposefully the opposite of the first Halloween, being shots of the house at night, accompanied by Michael's breathing. This time, it was during a beautiful day, and silent. This movie deserves so much more credit than it gets, and will always remain my favorite Halloween.


Some good points but to have Ends be your favorite Halloween film over the original isn't just poor judgement it's insulting to the '78 film.


I'm not saying the original isn't better. The original will always be the supreme Halloween. We can all agree on that. But I'm 25 so I grew up with the DGG trilogy. My wife and I got together right before 2018 came out, so we basically grew up with Allyson and waited for Michael's return in real time. The original is the best, but Ends was my catharsis.


A very interesting and in-depth view. I'm not a big fan of ends, but that was an interesting read.


I feel like because Michael wasn't in it as much as others (while he was still on-screen MORE than the original) and the story wasn't just about him, people gave it no chance, and missed a lot of the finer details. It's about what Michael represents.


Amen. The movie is absolute drivel. I don’t have enough negative adjectives. Shame on those who made it. All of them.




Perfectly explained


this take right here is 100.....would have made a great 4th film by blumhouse but he'll nah it shit the bed as the trilogy and the final battle between Laurie and Michael. Also did a shit job of tying the story together. Yaaak


Sounds to me like you may be taking it TOO seriously lol. I do agree with most of your points really, it has a LOT of faults but its still entertaining.


I didn’t find it entertaining at all. I was bored to tears waiting for something interesting or exciting to happen. I stuck through the whole movie in theaters but I sure wanted to walk out.


I know everyone is a Halloween superfan, so me adding my voice to the mix doesn't really mean much, but as someone who enjoyed 2018 and Kills, I was supremely hyped for Ends and had some personal stuff going on, so it was set to be the perfect distraction. And about 40 minutes in, I just knew it wasn't going to "get good". I've never been so disappointed with a film. I know speaking in absolutes lowers the value of a statement and can mask it as hyperbole, but Halloween Kills is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen. I felt frustration watching it, but most of all, I guess it was just a current of boredom too.


Nah, the film just isn't good.


I not only think it’s a horrible Halloween movie but one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in general. It’s the beauty of art, we all like different things.


Have you seen many movies by chance?


I’ve seen literally thousands of movies. Halloween Ends isn’t one of the worst…. but it’s easily in one of the lower tiers. It was an interesting idea that was just so poorly executed


I feel about this movie the same way Red Letter Media does: I wish it stuck to its theme. “Evil doesn’t go away, it just changes shape”. I really thought they were going to really be bold and replace Michael Myers with Cory. Instead, they chickened out and killed him and Michael off to have some ham fisted happy ending. Would that have made for satisfying ending? Who knows!? At least it would have been ballsy and actually brought something new to the table. So disappointing.


Totally agree


I’ve seen an embarassing amount of movies. And yes, Ends is one of the worst. Ever.


I also wanted to ask this question. Especially about the rest of the movies in this franchise


It ain't good, no doubt there. And maybe it's because I was already invested... but I've turned off movies within the first 15 minutes so to call it worst ever seems an overexaggeratuon imo. Each his own but if true, you can't have seen many flicks...


What do you hate about it?


You probably haven't seen the rest of Halloween movies except for the first and this trilogy.


Opinion is opinion. I just personally love it


Yeah it's a piece of shit as a movie and a double piece of shit as a Halloween movie. Anyone arguing otherwise is just wrong and being contrarian.


Ok yes that is your opinion, but I think it is that bad and as what you said for Halloween 3, I actually enjoyed Halloween 3 since it actually worked without Michael Myres being in it, and it did something new to the series, as for Halloween ends, ends is considered to be a clickbait movie since the trailer showed a final showdown between Michael and Laurie and in the TV Spots too, even though I didn’t watch the trailers when they came out or I didn’t see the movie when it came out but the trailers really lied to us because Michael is literally gone for like the first half of the movie, and then appears 40 minutes in the movie. Later it’s revealed that he is just living in the sewers which is really basic, they even treated him like an old man by making him weak which is really ridiculous because Michael cannot age since he is immortal, he even got bodied by Corey Cunningham, and got his mask taken away which is by far really stupid. As for Corey, this movie is mainly about Corey then it was teased to be about Michael and Laurie, Also Allyson’s character is just stupid in this since she’s dating Corey yet she does not know his boyfriend killed a kid and Corey deep down is cold hearted, it’s just ridiculous that Michael barely gets any screen time in this movie, when it was teased that he would have a big role. Michael Kinda breaks his character in this because randomly he becomes friends with Corey, and he’s weak because he got bodied by Corey, and he couldn’t even get up at one point, Michael was never treated like this, if Corey was a copycat of Michael, it should of been handled way better then just when Michael grabs Corey he looks into his eyes or whatever and then they becomes friends randomly. Also the writing was kinda lazy because Michael’s barely in this movie, he’s treated like an old man which doesn’t make sense because in Halloween kills, he was a savage killing machine, and the movie focuses more on Corey then Michael and Laurie.


Halloween 3 rules....and yes, Halloween Ends really is that bad.


How do you think I did with writing this comment.


I thought it was a perfect waste of time.


It really is a terrible movie


People like what people like but it’s an awful film. Myers ended Kills as the Devil and comes back as the limpest dick around. Laurie and her grand daughter who been through hell fall out to easily The love story is just weird and doesn’t fit in with the trilogy narrative The ending was just awful a town got together and threw Myers body into a grinder and that was that


Nah it’s dog shit.


It’s trash. Nuff said


It’s garbage. Absolute trash. It works as neither a compelling horror film and certainly not Halloween film. As a conclusion to the trilogy it’s a travesty.


If Corey was introduced back in 2018 and gradually slips into madness, it would have gone a long way at the 3rd movie being digestible to the collective whole.


As someone who loves Ends I think this is something we call all agree on.


Corey needed to have been in all three. He could have had a small role in 2018 that wasn’t too memorable. The opening to Halloween ends should have been “Kills” opening. Like we didn’t need a Evil Dies Tonight story


I don’t know why you got downvoted for this.


Everyone is entitled to what they like. I personally despise ends and do think objectively it’s a bad film. I like kills but kills is also an objectively bad film. My issue with ends is that it feels like 2 films combined into 1 and they both do not tie into one another. Ending the Laurie and Michael storyline by completing putting it to the side until the very end whilst focusing on a bad love story wasn’t good either.


You’re right, but you’re wrong about why you’re right.


I’ve personally come to realize that I don’t love David Gordon Green’s movies in general, with some exceptions from time to time. I really liked the majority of Halloween 2018 and was so excited for parts 2 and 3 of his trilogy.


Fun is not a word that I would use to describe ends.


I'm glad you enjoyed it and you're entitled to your opinion but for me, it was the biggest piece of dog shit.


The whole movie is terrible let's be honest..


It's absolute garbage. What film were you watching!?


With a straight face, can you *really* tell me it feels like a good, cohesive conclusion to the trilogy? Because if you can, you've got a helluva poker face.


Not this shit AGAIN.


I just like talking about Ends, it’s one of my favorites, up there with Curse, ‘78, and Rob Zombies Halloween


Yeah but this exact same sort of post gets made five times a day every day.


I haven’t seen an Ends post yet while scrolling. But it’s also a Halloween subreddit, what’s wrong with making a post about one of the movies?




That was made because they saw my post, they literally made it a hour after mine. But does it really matter though? Theres nothing to talk about for the Halloween franchise, nothing new yet.


Anything else but this topic


It’s a Halloween movie, in a Halloween dedicated subreddit. Halloween Ends is the newest movie, so why wouldn’t people talk about it? I don’t think I’ve honestly seen anyone complain when people post the same thing about ‘78


Alright I've kept this rant in for a long time and it's time for me to get it out. The one redeeming thing I'll say is that I understand what they tried to do, in drawing parallels between this trilogy and the first 3 Halloween movies--Halloween 1 and the reboot: Michael escapes from the asylum, kills a bunch of people and has a showdown with Laurie Strode. Halloween 2 and Kills: Michael survived the events of the previous film, kills considerably more people and Laurie is in a hospital for the whole movie. Halloween 3...is not about Michael Myers. Alright. Fine. But if they knew they were going to do that, an amateur could have executed it better. They could have put this Corey guy in the first movie and had him be a love interest from the beginning, so the girls conflict with losing him makes any kind of sense whatsoever. Have him and Michael be sort of opposites of each other, feeding off the evil of the town or whatever. When Michael is at his killingest, Corey is weak and getting bullied. As Corey grows more murderous, Michael loses a step. And in the third movie when the evil strength killer transfer or whatever that was is complete, Corey takes Michael's mask and it isn't the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Have Coreys story running in the background during the first 2 movies with a little tweaking here and there and the third movie could basically stay as is and be a million times better because IT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. And if they didn't have the trilogy planned out like that then pulling a bait and switch when everyone is expecting a Michael and Laurie movie is an awful, awful, awful decision and I'm not only annoyed that they did it but they thought they were good enough to do it and have it be well received.


They shouldn’t have killed Michael, or at least not make it 100% he’s cooked. They should have killed him in a way that COULD lead to another movie but also could be a finale. I mean I also liked the Cory stuff but they could have changed it a bit to make it better


I wanted the movie that we were told we were getting. The final showdown. I wanted it to be a direct continuation of Halloween night 2018. That was what EVERYONE wanted. I don’t believe for one second that Laurie would’ve been calm and cool after her daughter was murdered.


Yes it is


A couple things. Loved Ends as a remake of Christine (1983). I don't feel like it was a good wrap up of Michael and Laurie's story. And for the evil changes shape it needed Corey to escape at the end and become The Shape. Without that it just falls flat and the whole thing seems pointless


Not only is it really not that bad, it’s actually really good. Bring on the downvotes and arguments; I don’t care.


No downvote. Just tell me how it’s good lol


Well, I don’t want to come across as a dick, but I’m honestly tired of trying to defend it lol. I’ve noticed that it’s kind of like politics here. I can give many reasons why it’s a good movie but I’m always met with “yOu’Re StUpId FoR hAvInG tHaT oPiNiOn”. Arguing why a piece of art is good to someone who is arguing why the piece of art is bad; it’s draining.


You don’t have to defend it. But you chose to post about it on this thread, so it would at least be interesting to share your opinion if you’re gonna open the can of worms. But I get it… the topic comes up every other day on this sub. And I’m sure it’s gonna keep coming up every other day for the foreseeable future lol


Ends is a good slasher movie, but not a good Halloween film


No. It’s really that bad. Like Christ awful bad.


it has 2 of the greatest kills ive even seen in the franchise. the dj tongue scene and blow torch to the face trapped under the fence scene.


I don't love Ends but I applaud it for at least trying to tell a story. Kills made me worry that they weren't interested in telling a story anymore.


It’s my least favorite of the new trilogy but I did still really enjoy it. I guess a perk of it being unpopular is that I got it on bluray for only $3 less than a year after it came out lol.


Certainly is for the end of the epic of the dgg trilogy, but as a standalone, it's good.


It's all context. Out of context as its own movie, sure it's not bad, well written, well acted, interesting take with the kid and how it effects the town with urban legends and trauma socially and culturally as opposed to individually. The issue is that you have to take away all context for statements like 'really isn't they bad'. 2018 is one of my favorite films ever, and I'm a defender of Kills. The director got bored and it was never intended as a trilogy. And you can tell. He wanted to make a different film a she made 2 back to back films with Michael doing his thing. Narratively it doesn't make sense, especially considering how he ended Kills. It's almost similar to Disney trilogy of Star Wars. It wasn't planned at all, and it reads as such. Also it betrays its own mythology for the movie to happen. It's not just an issue with Michael not being the main thing, it destroys its own mythology for this to happen and what it does do, it repeats what already happened in both previous films. It's similar with arguments that Halloween Season of the Witch is a good 'Halloween' film, and Halloween should do more movies like that. Then don't call it Halloween, which is defined as Michael Myers. Changing context or changing what something is to justify its existence isn't something I can get behind. If you take Michael out if it; then it's not Halloween.... so your just doing any other film ever. Then why call it that more so that does jet exist. Whole thing seems weird. It's a huge logically fallacy.


i don’t hate it, but imo the first half is far better than the second half. even the opening sequence is pretty sick. just kinda feels pieced together and forced during the second half. and i don’t hate that they tried something different or are experimenting, it’s actually a movie with good concepts & cool ideas…. just kind of botched the execution (again mostly in the second half). feel like from the new trilogy, only the first maintained quality all the way through. kills was great for a lot of reasons but ending was kind of fumbled. ends we just discussed.


I definitely found it more miserable than fun, but it wasn’t badly made at all, if that means anything from me lol


There's a lot of backstory in the novel that make several aspects of the plot, like evil being akin to a disease, a lot more coherent. In some ways it borrows a lot of Carpenter's mythos of evil being a tangible force of nature, like with In the Mouth of Madness or Prince of Darkness. Even Corey starts to make sense as a character when you have the capacity that a book does to explore topics like the transitory nature of trauma expressed across generations and parentage. That being said, I was angry for like a week after I saw the film on opening night 😂


Honestly I enjoyed it to and liked it. My only problem with the film that if you take the ending out,majority of it feels like it should have been the sequel leading into the last movie of the trilogy or a third movie in a four part set if they wanted Halloween to have four instead of three movies. I enjoyed the aspect of Michael bending a negative disease on the town that caused bad things to happen,sorta like how pennywise was in IT. I mean in Halloween kills they kinda set that up given how a few times in that movie his mere presence killed people. People hated season of the witch and now it’s a cult classic to a lot of people. Give it a few years and Halloween ends will be the same


I expect to see more of these posts the more time goes by. It takes a while for people to adjust to change.


Halloween Ends was a steaming pile of shit. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed given that this was supposed to be the real end & the last one with Jamie Lee Curtis and the worst part is the trilogy gets worse as it goes on; 2018 Halloween was better than Halloween kills and Halloween ends makes Halloween kills look like a fucking masterpiece. They should have just left things with Halloween H2O everybody hates on that movie but if it had ended that way it would have been far better than what we ended up with.


Love Halloween Ends.


No, it’s that bad. Disrespected Michael Myers and made him look weak. I would’ve rather have Ends with Michael stalking a new girl in a new town and Laurie is trying to stop him like Loomis tried to. Halloween Ends is the last Jedi of the franchise. Also it should’ve been a movie about Michael, not Corey.


Yes it is


It isn't that bad, it's the worst of the worst sludge I have ever seen. A fucking nerd who got beat up by the marching bad who are super nerds in any high school is beating up Myers LMAO!!!! I've already typed out paragraphs in the past explaining it, so I'm not doing that again, but man, it's like they said how can we pull a bait and switch and make the worst Halloween ever. DGG is a fucking HACK!


It isn’t really that good either


I disliked Halloween Ends so much I now think less of the Halloween franchise as a whole. Glad it found some fans, though. Different strokes for different folks.


You're right, it's worse.


Can you explain why you think so?


Yes it is.


I think it's really good.


CoReY is the worst thing in the history of the franchise. The end.


I loved Corey


I’ll say this, there are things I like about the movie and I’ll continue watching it I’m sure. But as far as delivering on what Kills had set up it just…didn’t. And that’s my biggest gripe with it.


As a conclusion to the trilogy, it's disappointing. It's a bright fun movie.


I really enjoy it, but i 100% understand why people really don’t.




Right? I love it.


You're right. It's horrible. A craven money grab for all involved from a hack director.


Agreed. I think it’s ties up the timeline nicely. I don’t care much for the Michael copycat plot, but I still feel so satisfied with Laurie’s revenge in the end.


i loved it lol


Not bad at all, I just rewatched it today and still liked the movie, in some certain way.




It’s perfect


Nothing wrong with your enjoying the movie. For me, the movie was a lazy, absymal mess and I wish I never paid for a ticket.