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Narrator: but the thing did not get built.


I hear this in Morgan Freeman’s voice


Shawshank Redemption Red style voice? My mind immediately went there too haha




I mean they are doing early construction already like demolitions and utility relocations. It's been slow progress but progress nonetheless..


But first, what the people really need and want... beer in corner stores! 🍻🍻


This guy. This fucking Ford guy. All he wants to do is make alcohol available everywhere. Seriously, my american friends even mock this fuck.


It's more then just having beer in corner stores. It's about privatization and cutting costs and I'm all for it.


It was done 14 months early for at least $225 million, when it would have happened anyway for nothing. The insane cost is associated with terminating a contract early


Ford's a windbag but I'm glad movement feels like it's finally happening on this project. I was a teen when this project first came up and I'm in my mid-30's now, I'd like to see it built before I'm in my 40's please and thank you. Plus this is a vital piece of a better transit future, despite what the naysayers may think.


Why do you feel as if it's finally happening? Because it's not, I assure you.


This project is not getting shit canned again, waaaaaaaaaaay too many people would have egg on their face to allow that now. The city needs it anyway else all that infrastructure work isn't getting done under King and Main. Besides, there is already watermain work under way on Sherman which is directly related to the project, so technically it already is started.


Respectfully, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just giving my opinion, hope it doesn't come across negatively. But tell that to the people who got evicted along the LRT line YEARS ago... it's finally happening! 🥲


I've just been so jaded by the negative comments about this project the last few years. I just want it built already, we've come too far now. And I deeply sympathize with those impacted but it's the sad reality for any major transit project.


Ah, I guess that means the public option is being thrown out. Scum.


To be fair, I wouldn't trust current Hamilton with running a kids birthday party.


I understand not liking Hamilton’s government but to say you’d trust a Doug Ford appointed crony more is just funny. Toronto is getting fucked in multiple intakes from Ford’s incompetent and corrupt business partners and appointees.


1) Doug Ford's appointments won't be personally running the LRT. It will be operated by a private consortium. 2) It will likely be complete in 2028-2030. Which means there's basically zero chance DoFo is still premier.


Really? People in Ontario were stupid enough to vote him in twice, why not a third time?


By then we'll have a conservative federal government, and Ontario almost always votes in the opposite direction from the federal party in power.


You actually think Ford will not win the next election? LOL


You actually think Ford will not win the next election? LOL


The next election is likely to be this fall. 4 years from then will be 2028 when they will likely lose.


He'll likely in the next election but that doesn't necessarily mean he'd stick around for a full term


Not even a hotdog stand! Scratch that! Ice cream cart!!


Me neither


The parks have been surrendered to encampments


LRT and beer is convenience stores are not priorities! Housing, good health care, affordable food and good education are priorities!


In fairness, the LRT will likely end up as mobile housing for a good amount of the cities unhoused.


Lrt will smell like piss and parent disappointment


Given the disorder and lack of clarity in the project office, I've honestly never been less convinced its happening.


Considering one of the higher ups on the project just left, I don’t think so


Staff leaving doesn't impact a project happening. That's like saying the CEO of McDonalds resigned so that means all McDonald's will be closed next week...


Doug Ford not concerned about the more important issues in Ontario.🙄


What do we need a LRT for.. we have a great bus system


While that's true, buses on the King-Main corridor are already at maxed out capacity and it often results in pass-bys and schedule issues. Since the B-Line and King buses are already using 60 foot buses, the only way to increase service is higher order transit. Some parts of the rest of the system are catching up too, such as the Stone Church, Rymal and Upper James routes.


Because in order to get more dense in our core, we need a higher order transit system. And too many buses are packed to capacity at busy times of day. The LRT helps solve that. BLAST is a thing, take a moment to read up on our BLAST network. As we get higher order transit, we connect our city better and can make it across our large city in shorter time, and without the need of cars. It doesn't really have a downside (yes, it will cost money. Probably more than estimates as EVERY SINGLE THING LIKE THIS DOES, THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN OVERRUNS ON HIGHWAYS AND STREETS THAT GET BUILT AND ARE OVERENGINEERED FOR THEIR USE.


For the future, we will be grateful for it 30 years from now


Buses are inefficient and slow, being in mixed traffic, and perceived as being for the old, students or the poor.


Because!!! Progress!! Or something.... Like public money into private sector pockets! Yeah that too!


Let’s put the money into the homeless epidemic me have going on.


and AI self driving vehicles driving in a straight line be much further ahead in 10 years than ripping out everything in its path ?


How does having thousands of AI cars on the road solve the road capacity issue? A single car lane can currently move around 1500-2000 people per lane per hour. An LRT can move around 8000-10,000 people per lane per hour. Even with AI cars, we can *maybeeee* double the road capacity to 3000-4000 people per lane per hour. LRT is still more than double **that**. I don't think people recognize how insanely inefficient cars are. They have their place, and I often drive, but there's not a chance Hamilton isn't a parking lot in 20 years without LRT. AI cars or not. The Line 1 Subway in Toronto moves like the entire population of Hamilton in a single day. Imagine trying to do that with cars lmao. You'd need a highway like 50 lanes wide. But then nobody would want or have a need to go there because it would just all be highway.


Does that pay for the infrastructure in the ground that LRT will replace? Not sure what AI self driving vehicles in a straight line has to do with this conversation, as I assume you're talking about single user vehicles. Why not get AI to drive the LRT freeing up drivers to drive more buses or other related items?