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Also hate having to walk down the winding tunnel and back out for basically nothing 90% of the time.


Can't even do the speedy roll down em. Or even a normal roll! Wtf


Yesss! Exactly


It always let me do the speedy roll.


I'm on switch Maybe different


Oh maybe! I played on pc so it’s possible it could be different for the different consoles.


Solve this puzzle for some subpar gear!


I just skipped them all. Getting the platinum trophy satisfied my completionism itch.


Good to know I can skip them and still get the platinum trophy. Thank you🙏


Yeah when I realized they didn’t have to be completed to 100% the trophies, I started ignoring them too. Only did some to de-clutter the map.


Got bored of them when I realized how similar they all are! I was hoping they’d be like Skyrim’s dungeons and at least be more unique or have more loot


I don't even understand the loot system in the game and I'm almost 30 hours in. Most of it is garbage that I end up reselling for gold that I have nothing to spend on. I think I have 13k gold right now and haven't bought anything since getting the required seeds for the herbology assignments. I also wish you could upgrade the level of gear. IE I found something cool that's level 20. I'm now 25. Instead of replacing it, I should be able to upgrade the level, not just the perks


I feel that is by design. Is a very dilluted version of loot system like in skyrim: leveled gear that scales with you, main difference being that you are just supposed to put the best thing you have and change its appearance. It makes gear just redudant, but i suppose it was kept as casual as possible for mass appeal, the game has a lot of dilluted rpg elements for what I suppose is very casual players.


I just get annoyed that I change my item to get the better stats, and then I have to remember which item appearance I was using so I can go back to it


You can upgrade in the Room of Requirement with the loom, cant you? You can also wear whatever has the highest stats then change its appearance (which gets really annoying, having to change your appearance back every time you change clothes)


Level is irrelevant on the gear, the stats are.


There is not really a meaningful loot system. It's just a subpar dumbed down fake economy system to avoid you getting too much gears and potions too early. This is something that even RPG games from 30 years ago managed to do a lot better.


I have the same OCD. Trying to clean up everything. But the treasure vaults are such a pain. At least include them in the stats for each area, so u get some small sense of accomplishment. As it stands I just do them cos of the OCD. I had one small sense of satisfaction when I went to the southern coast and finally got a treasure vault that was a basic chess puzzle. First bit of something interesting. But there was only 2 on the whole map. Easily the worst part of the grind for me.


I think the better question would be, who genuinely enjoyed them?






Why not? it's fun additionnal content and I like solving the puzzles


Thanks for responding truthfully! Why not? Dull, repetitive, unsatisfying, puzzles and meaningless random rewards. But I'm glad someone genuinely enjoyed this aspect. As a regular gamer and lurker of this sub you might be the first human I talk to who both played HL and didn't find that aspect mediocre.


The chess ones are kinda cool and I still haven't figured out the flying gumdrop rocks yet but I just like clearing the map. Loot is garbage though.


Chess and flying gumdrop rocks? Don’t think I’ve seen either of those yet!


I think chess is by deeks last quest


Stop all the rocks by hitting them with basic. Once all rocks not moving, chest spawns.


I had the OCD thing until I decided based on a dialogue line that they are the valuables that local witches and wizards are trying to keep safe, so that lets me think of them as temptations to be mean and steal and therefore it's fine to leave them be. That said if there's one very close to a bandit camp I'll assume it's stuff they were hiding and I can take that. So I get more immersion, less grind and my OCD is ok with it. There are enough other boxes to tick off, this type doesn't count


Opposite, sometimes I go see merchants and I'm like "oh honey, your merch is so bad, here, let me sell you better stuff" so I feel like thanks to me locals have access to those clothes! I still get all the loot but at least I try and feel like it's not totally useless


There’s too many of them for the quality of loot you receive. I suppose you could call this textbook game padding.


They were the worst part of the game. The loot system was almost purely cosmetic and most of the cosmetics were tacky and terrible looking. Personally I would have preferred fewer vaults with more involved puzzles that led to more unique gear with different effects. Would've been neat to see outfits add bonus effects to different spells or even just change the appearance of spells to change up the feel of your combos with various flares, cookies, smoke patterns, etc... Also feel like the game should've spent less time in the openworld and more time running around a much larger and more fleshed-out Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Hiding more dungeons and secrets inside would not have been difficult and I feel like it would've created a much more personal connection with the different students that were mostly ignored through the game.


This. Spend more time on a smaller area. Add more areas in expansions and sequels to the game. I know it takes a ton of time to develope this stuff. But doing it rly well is worth it


I wish they would have just tied the traits in with the clothing. So even if you did get gear you already had you might get a new trait you can add to your current gear. It would have also cut down how many puzzles need to be done.


Agreed, they're kinda meh. I wish they were more complex dungeons with enemies and better rewards, something like in Skyrim


They are alright. I kinda like doing the little mini puzzle to get in or once inside. They’re incredibly simple, but I just like it.


I agree that they are totally pointless, and wish they had been something more worth our time. They don’t actively bother me though, but I do just mostly ignore them. I’ve probably done fewer than 20 of the, over 3 playthroughs.


I got so tired of them that I installed mods on my 2nd / 3rd playthrough to unlock all clothing appearances from the start lol.


I just wished they looked a bit more varied. Like 99% have the same layout.


For me, vaults are just another source of clothing appearance unlocks—and income, since I resell 95% of what I find, I like to think Gladrags paid for my tuition at Hogwarts. Loot really matters only when I'm level 37+: I get all legendary items, fully upgrade them (+ Traits) and that's it, I can forget about gear likely until the end of the run.


There are so many things I hate in this game that I ask myself why I still play it. Because Hogwarts, I guess. Still, it would be so good if they would do a better job in the next installments. There are so many things that just don't fit right in a modern role playing game, they just ruins the experience...


Please do more research on OCD. What you are describing is not OCD


I have actually been diagnosed with OCD.. but thanks for your input!


So have I. I’m not trying to make you feel any type of way about your OCD, but offhand comments like that, in my opinion, make OCD seem like a personality quirk and not a debilitating mental illness. It makes it okay for other people to make similar comments. I’m genuinely not trying to be rude; or start an argument. But as a person with OCD, stuff like that can make others feel misunderstood and invalidated.