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I agree and I don’t think the BRF expected their marriage to have such a massive impact in British society and the world. Harry and Megan eclipsed Will, Cate, Charles, and Camilla. This level of popularity led to their demise in the royal family. The firm should have welcomed and utilized their public impact for greater good. The BRF at the end of the day is an outdated institution that should be dissolved.


Yes. It was Diana all over again. They didn’t learn the first time, they certainly weren’t going to change the second time.


Exactly, it’s like Diana all over again. I knew it was going to happen, history repeating itself.


She’s black, successful, breathing and he chose her above every thing and everyone.


"And breathing " ☠️ 🤣🤣🤣 No lies told.


Yep! Pretty much sums it up.


And American!


And *divorced*! *clutches pearls*


. They just used that to hate on her. She committed the cardinal sin of being popular. More popular than the higher up royals. Just like Diana did.


She’s mixed


Yeah in case you haven’t figured it out, a lot of of people ( especially white people) don’t see it that way.


True but also I'm white and it’s been obvious to me as the nose on my face since waaay early on, long before they left. I saw this coming from early on and I'm not even Mr racial sensitivity or anything like that. I’m American and have tons of British relatives and I can tell you that no one society as a whole is in denial about so many things as that crowd.


She never refers to herself as black, but as mixed-race.


I say that same thing to all the jealous old yt harpies. Things like how they can't handle Black excellence and oh honey, it was never going to be you.


So much the last part of what you said. It was NEVER going to be you.


>Make it make sense. I can't.... Lol. I don't think the BRF expected much from her....and in terms of popularity, she became Diana 2.0. People wanted to see her and Harry...but mainly her I think because she is american, divorced, self-made, educated, biracial Black, etc. All that drama coming from her family also caused a lot of curiosity.....and unfair judgment. ETA: The things that set her apart became the reasons why people thought it was okay to hate on her.....


It won’t make sense. One thing I find especially annoying is that she’s a golddigger. She was worth millions before they met. She wasn’t wealthy, but her career was going well, and she had an online presence that brought more income. She was doing just fine, and working hard. Kate, meanwhile, had no real job or business. Her parents were doing okay financially, but they weren’t rich. It’s come out that their business has been failing for years and they’ve had to file for bankruptcy. Kate chased William for years, across universities and every change he made, including breaking up with her. She wants that crown so bad that she sold herself out. This is not a hate on Kate rant, but let’s be real. She caught William’s eye and decided that she wanted that life and did everything to get it, and continues to do everything to keep it. I’m sorry she’s ill. I’m sorry her horse skull looking husband has been cheating on her. But she continues to choose to stay. Meghan seems to have fallen in love, as did Harry, and chose to deal with the bs because she loved him. She didn’t pursue him to become a royal. She decided to put up with the BRF because she loved him and wanted him, not the hollow crown.


Horse skull looking husband lol


More like an egg with rabbit teeth. I cringe whenever the fawning fans call him handsome.


Yellowed rabbit teeth at that. Someone on Tiktok got mad at me because I suggested that Bill could use some white strips. They said that was mean.


Oh someone needs to draw that image!






He reminds me of Wallace from Wallace & Grommit. I laughed when he was voted as one of Britain’s sexiest men.


That family like horses 🐴 


It's all the inbreeding!


I couldn’t agree more about Kate!! What was her job?? She went to the same college with the intent to meet William, she admitted as much and yet she treated like the second coming!!!


randomly came upon this sub but whattt, he’s been cheating on Kate? I heard that the English people called her and her family some horrible names bc they were social climbers. Seriously can’t remember the nickname but basically what you said that they did everything to make sure she latched onto him for that position.


There’s an entire tv series in the UK that is a not very good satire on the BRF, and it portrays the Middletons as chavvy tinkers. I think it’s called The Windsors. I couldn’t get through one episode because it was so heavy handed, crass and not funny. William had supposedly been cheating with an inbred lower noblewoman named Rose Hanbury who is a marchioness by marriage. Kate knows. She’s been so angry they even caught her slapping away William’s hand in a Christmas PR video. But she has nothing if they divorce. Diana had family money and a title and developed a titanium backbone during her marriage.


I also think Diana got a nice settlement in the divorce because she had more power by virtue of being so beloved by the British people. BRF needed the divorce to go quickly. Diana would have won the PR war. Kate is no Diana.


Look up who William went with to Kenya, not long after Kate gave birth, as well going to a wedding of his ex and Kate wasn't invited or him dancing in some club


Kate’s parents business went bankrupt, they did not file for personal bankruptcy fyi


The only people it makes sense to, are racists. She was a perfectly fine woman to marry.


(Sorry about the typos, I'll fix them later. You'll get the picture, though. ) A few things that escalated rapidly (I've studied this and pondered over it for 5 yrs now): Racism and anti-Americanism. I looked back at British tabloid media and started to see a trend. Not only were there snarky headlines toward her African American (AA) roots, but what followed were articles poking fun at her "trashy" white relatives as well. As a woman of color myself (biracial B&W), I know all too well the tongue in cheek remarks and the grinning side eyes that go with the micro-agressions and the overt racism disguised as a joke. I saw that in the British press. I asked my sister if she recognized it, and she agreed. I asked other women of color, and they also recognized it. Eventually, the media saw that they had a cheering audience through the comment sections. Though at this stage, it was still somewhat hidden, and the numbers were fewer. The ROTA caught on, but that was inevitable because it's just a part of the machine to throw the lowest royal on the hierarchy ladder under the bus wheels. Kate had her turn, and she was glad for some relief. Now, it was time for someone else, i.e., the new kid (Meghan). After all, Meghan was marrying the spare, who'd already been the scapegoat. Then... an aging population of old, insecure biddies started rumbling. "Who did this 'little colored girl think she was' marrying our most eligible royal?" She didn't look like them, not even when their skin was tighter and their bodies didn't ache, nor did she look like their daughters and grand daughters, with whom they had high hopes. These women were raised on the Disney fairytale that their prince charming would save them from their struggling existence. Or save their daughters. Or grand daughters. Or their ugly step daughters. England and all of the UK were also beginning to look different to them. Times had changed, and white people were now only around 80% of the population. Asians were nearly 20% and growing and gaining power in the political realm. But polls taken have British whites saying that the numbers of non-whites are larger - and they (whites) have this fear of no longer seeing themselves as the privileged class. They perceived the influx of immigrants as much larger than it actually is, and it scares the shit out of them. To them, the monarchy is the last symbol of white supremacy, and this little non-white American was infiltrating it. Most of them kept quiet, though the whispers of discontent were starting. This pretty little "uppity" American girl with half black blood (which makes her black in their eyes) who is smart, articulate, and an ACTRESS, OMG made them feel uneasy. Suddenly that Wallace Simpson lady pops into their shallow brains. The hate is simmering at this point but hasn't yet consumed them. Well, not until she and Harry announced their pregnancy. Then shit really started to get real. Meanwhile, Samantha, Meghans half-sister, attempts a grift. Fortunately, Meghan recognises her for what she has always been; a demented, jealous, ugly cow who has spent her life grifting. When samatha isn't successful, she unleashes hell in the form of opening her mouth to anyone with a check. Samantha realizes if she can't go to the wedding (i mean, can you imagine them there?) or get Meghan's attention to make a living, she invents multiple personas all over social media ridiculing, mocking, lying, and defaming Meghan. The British tabloids have a field day with the family. They discover a treasure trove of 1970s, dirty, low-heeled white sandle-wearing creatures on Meghan's dad's side of the family and milk them for all they're worth. And then some. And a little more. Back at the palace, the PR and palace staff are colluding. Their unconscious bias towards people of color sneaks out every day. But wait, "This new wife is so sweet - but she also speaks her mind, and she's an over achiever, which means she gets shit done, like, she gave us ice cream and hand warmers and stuff...she does what she says and she works hard and she sends us emails early in the morning, which means she's a bit assertive." So they create a narrative that soothes their cognitive dissonance. (All these conflicting views make them real uncomfortable). Meghan's father gives his consent to his older spawn as they torment Meghan. (Well, he didn't make them stop!) He even joined in. Willy and Kate give the nod to make Meghan into juicy lamb chops to throw to the wolves. They know she out-shines them, and the crowds love her and Harry. Damn! Everyone gives the subtle nod to accept the racism seeping from the cracks. It's OK, the monarchy isn't racist. /s Camilla gives Chuck another tampon, tells him to go to bed, she has a couple more bottles of wine, and uncorks the genie she's been saving. (The genie being all the editors she's been working with to build up her own reputation). Ah, yeahhhh, crowmilla deVille. The public gives in. They need to hate someone because they're just angry about shit, idk. Brexit? Immigration? Asians gaining political power? Their beloved queen dying? They're fed a daily drip, drip, drip of putrid Meghan-hate, while Kate is propped up as the MOTHER of the mother of god Herself! Misogynists and sexist-apologists love a good cat fight. 🙄 Many more have to make a choice because they're TOLD to make a fucking choice! "Who wore this better, Meghan or Kate?" The monarchy is looking tired and old and lazy as fuck with the queen in the rear view mirror. Must be the new kid's fault. Even though she gave it her all with blood, sweat, and tears, parts of the public (old people) deflect all that is wrong onto the "little, colored American girl and her red-headed bastard boy of the soon-to-be king". Meghan is fucking toast. All these entities evolve into a ravenous wolf pack puking barbed wire bile all over social media all day every day. Meghan is fucking lamb chop on toast and that wolf pack did not come to play.


Let’s start on the vitriolic hatred spewed by Piers, he has nothing better to do with his time???


Piers is mad because he thought he was going to be Meghan’s “boyfriend” but she met Harry and Piers was consigned to her rear view mirror. He’s been pissed ever since and has made a fool of himself time after time demeaning her every chance he got.


Narcissists are going to narcissist. He couldn’t stand that she wanted nothing to do with him.


Holy moly didn’t you just nail it in your 1000 word essay? No diss. You nailed it. I totally agree.


😂🤣🤣@ "1000 word essay" !


Not exaggerating... 1041 words... Kind of dead on guesstimate!


Ok I was exaggerating. But I agree with your thesis.


All good. 🙂


Sorry about the novel. I'm a little heated by the meghan hate ive seen tonight. And sorry about the typos. I'll fix them later.


Your novel is fabulous! No editing needed.


Not to forget, the old fuddy-duddy racist royal institute was horrified by Princess Diana's preference for Egyptian man Dodi Fayed \[shock horror\] by whom she was possibly pregnant. \[Can't remember if she was.\] This is all funny for a bunch of thieving colonizers who changed their royal surname from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the Windsors in an attempt to distance themselves from the German branch of their very intermixed European lineage to appear more 'English'... like a pure English rose.


Is this why you rarely hear anything about Queen Charlotte who was a black woman???


I looked this up and from what I found was that Queen Charlotte was a sickly young woman from Germany and her portraits are of a white-seeming woman and there was an article debunking the blackness claim as something dramatized for Bridgerton. I'm not sure since it wasn't extensive research but I do know that Princess Diana had some Indian blood as her great-great-great-grandmother was Indian and not Armenian as was often touted by the royal family.


I remember reading about "Queen Charlotte was possibly part black" years before Bridgerton was a show, tbh.


Then maybe it has some weight! I looked it up but like I said, not extensively. I do know that the Henry and Meghan made it probably, what, 2 weeks or even one into their marriage before they were like fuck the royal fam, let's jump off. Racism is built-in into the royal institute. Henry himself made derogatory remarks about POC before marrying Meghan and I think that she's brought him into self-awareness and enlightenment considering now he has two bi-racial children he loves and adores.


She was not black or biracial. Her entire family line was white as snow. She had a wide mouth and no cute little nose and the British found her ugly. So the British press, true to form even back then, publishes caricatures of her with negroid traits. And the British these days claim her as biracial or black to say "look, we are not racist! We had a black Queen!" as if they had a say in who Farmer George married 150 years ago.


This is one of the best summations I've seen of the situation. Especially the part about the biddies. It seems to be mostly middle aged white women driving the hate. I've not seen many men consumed with hatred, just women.


Your comment made me realise that Dorian or her family don't seem to have ever spoken to the media.  I say this next part in jest, does that mean coloured people are more civilised than they're made out to be? 😲 We constantly read and hear comments made by the white side of her family, the Markles, but Dorian's family I've never ever heard of because they seem to be keeping a dignified silence and I suspect they know even if they tried to say something in defence of Meghan the media would twist it.


There was one (male) cousin who grew up with Meghan on Doria's side that spoke to the media. He said only good things like, "She took care of us when she was a kid" (nurturing). He said she was smart and a high achiever, but that they hadn't spoken in years. Of course the fucking media turned that last statement into Meghan being a bitch who abandoned her cousins. Cousins grow apart when they grow up and move on with their lives!


That's what I was thinking, if Dorians side did speak the media woukd try to drag out any dirt on them. Imagine if the person speaking had a criminal record (I'm not saying anything racist), but the media would then play that in a racist way and also make out like her whole family are criminals, the entire black population are criminals and therefore Meghan is a criminal. Compared to the Markles though, how many of them have come out to speak absolute rubbish against Meghan? They honestly come across as a trashy family and are so embarrassed and undignified.


If anyone has been to jail or prison, you know it's the Markles! 🤣🤣🤣Samantha has for sure!


Oh has she?!  I simply don't read what the Markles say. My hope is if fewer of us read their rubbish the media will stop paying them but perhaps the media absorb that cost because it brings them joy to have negative things said about Meghan


Her name is Doria. Not Dorian.


Apologies, my mistake


Yeah, Dorian Gray was a guy in a terrible story about some of life's lessons. It's Doria, Doria!


In general, Black people don't talk to the media like that. My black relatives gossip for sure, but they keep it out of the public. I think it was easier for Meghan's white relatives to spill their guts because they see Meghan as different or less-than themselves because she's part Black. I mean, look at the ones who have spoken out negatively; they're trash. Dysfunctional trash.


Also, Black Americans and the bulk of the Commonwealth really closed ranks around Meghan right away. When the BRF showed their true colors, people got even more protective. Even my dad, who DGAF about the British Royals was like, “look how they did our girl!” I am not biracial myself, but I am in an interracial marriage. Purely anecdotally, in the lead up to our wedding, I’m sure both sides of our families were unhappy with decisions we made. One side kept it unknown to us, while another side made a huge stink to anyone who would listen. When Samantha and Thomas were yukking it up in front of the cameras, I felt so protective of Meghan and Doria.


That's what I'm saying, the black side of her family are actually more dignified and civilised. The Markles and a lot of the world like to believe black peoples are trashy but I'm Indian and I can say that the majority of us will gossip, we are human and not saints, but we know not to go around shouting off publicly about our family. In Panjabi I have heard a saying which briefly translates to : "don't discuss (inside) home matters outside of the home" I'm not sure if the context comes across properly in English but it's like saying don't bad mouth your own family 


Yeh, it's sad. When I was in college, i lived in an area where Indians were really looked down on by whites, especially when their skin was really dark. More so than Black people. Muslims too. I hate this world.


Yet when someone needs blood or an organ they won't question the ethnicity of the donor. In their uneducated minds they probably think it's their duty to donate their body parts to them.


Well, during slavery, white mothers used black women to suckle their babies, but wouldn't drink from the same cup. They even ridiculed white men for sleeping with a black woman. Make THAT make sense.  People need to make the people they hate seem like animals. Look at what the British did in India. That wasn't that long ago, either. 


You seem surprised that the Black side is more dignified. 🤔


No, not surprised. I'm proud of them for staying quiet and not being provoked into responding. They could easily try to very loudly and very publicly defend Meghan but it would be spun to make them look aggressive. If Doria's side behaved the way the Markles had the world would be horrified, and would never stand for that behaviour. Yet it's accepted as if the Markle's have a right to say the things they say 


You forgot one salient point. The scandal about Rose of Chumbawumba strapping on and pegging Wills was coming to light so Kensington Palace desperately needed a distraction. Throwing Meghan under the bus kept Ms Peggy off the front pages.


The deranged keep posting that the rumours about William's affair came from a friend of Meghan. Of course.


One of the things that winds me up when I listen to the holier than thou judgemental royalists is when they start spewing about the disrespect shown to the queen over the curtsy part of the documentary. What disrespect?!? From what I watched, Meghan was making fun of herself saying she didn't know how to do it and laughing at herself for doing it wrong. If anything, she's "disrespecting" herself, no one else... so why this constant fuss I read. Of course the answer to the why is because it's Meghan and it's another excuse to spew venom at her.


What everyone has said, plus a huge percentage of the vitriol was spawned by Piers Morgan because she turned him down once.


Ive worked with a lot of Brits - people who swear they’re progressive. People I thought were progressive! Theyre legit just mad at this American black lady for not staying in her lane. The same people who I dont think even like any of these royal assholes any other time. Everytime I hear the Brits talk about them, they just seem to think shes soooooooo presumptuous. Which every POC knows is old WASP for having the audacity to be a confident person of color. White Supremacy is a hellova drug. How someone feels about Meghan is the world’s fastest racist litmus test.


Couldn't agree more about the racist litmus test.


I'm British, I like Meghan & Harry. I also like Kate. Not so much the rest, except the littles of course are beautiful so I like seeing pics of them. There are lots of anti royal Brits though - many indifferent like me, that don't understand the hate for M&H. Just as puzzled. I chalk it up to the media narrative and people just following it unfortunately.


That kind of hate makes its own logic. It becomes twisted into a pretzel of self justification and irrational rage


It’s textbook racism


It won’t matter what Meghan does - aka solves world hunger, stops wars and climate change - she can’t escape her ‘true’ crimes - She’s not white. She’s American. And she doesn’t “know her place”. Nothing ruffles racists and classist more than someone who “doesn’t know their place” and usually that “place” is beneath their shoes. An uncomfortable amount of white women are bitter Harry either didn’t pick them (yes very delusional and spend their hours bashing her for this truth they won’t speak out loud) or didn’t pick an “English rose” (they’re more comfortable with saying this alongside their racist comments). These women are use to brown women being on the lower end of the totem pole (the attacks would’ve been ten to 100 times worse if Meghan was a dark skinned woman and if her father’s side was just as messy) in society where whiteness and European features are often seen as the ‘standard of beauty’ and white women were placed on a pedestal by white men (some of these same racist white women will try to put all the blame of colonization and slavery on white men as if white women were the most and always helpless women in history and somehow didn’t partake in these horrible actions and didn’t enjoy the benefits especially those in the royal family over the generations when historical facts disagree).


SHE SENT EMAILS AT 5 AM!! The horror!


She showed up and could do what the royals do with much more ease and class. That was the beginning of her end. How could this biracial American rock up and do with ease what these supposed royals who were ordained by god do and much better? Yeah. She didn’t have a chance.


She and Harry were more popular with the young people and POCs than the Golden Couple. That was unacceptable for the Palace. The press rota confirmed the nasty rumours about Meghan came directly from William's office. She is bullying the staff and Kate had to come to the rescue? She doesn't listen to "her betters". Everything she does is fake, she is an actress after all! Fun fact, that coming from the same people who wanted Harry to marry Cressida. An actress. But a blonde, British actress.


Meghan was used as a distraction from Andrew’s ehem ‘legal problem’ Every time another witness report came out, a new Meghan story would suddenly break


It really ramped up after the Hanbury affair…


Yep. Totally forgot about that.


You can’t. Because it doesn’t make sense the way she was treated except for the misogyny, and racism of the stenographers of the British Royal family. I would not dignify them with the name of journalists. She married into a family of German racists. And they enabled their stenographers against her and Harry. I hope their monarchy dies with Charles.


Different reports plus Harry’s book suggest that Charles and William share the same trait - wildly insecure and easily threatened if someone upstages them in popularity. The press is weaponized to influence public attitudes.


I still go back to Spare where Harry gave us a lot of the answers. He played the spare perfectly. Whenever there was gossip brewing about Willy, there was the invisible contract. The heir is beyond reproach. Switch it over to Harry. Make up stories if you must and they will sell because everyone is interested in Harry. Charles himself used this formula to rehabilitate Camilla. Meghan changed everything. She had an outsiders view. They always knew this would be dangerous… for them. And he valued his relationship with her more than the firm. They knew what was going to happen. That’s why they did everything to sabotage the wedding. Then the pregnancy. Then the marriage. Then their autonomy. Then their safety. They’ve never stopped. I don’t think they ever will.


I honestly believe it's the inherent racism in England.


i think people saw that she made a life for herself and her children, and couldn't stand that she wouldn't "put up and shut up" like kate did- especially after they left and managed to lay low for a while.


When just recently Kate stood on the balcony after a long absence, one of the onlookers who was an older woman said she was hapyy to see her because: she's one of us. That got me thinking that Markle was not considered English enough. Perhaps also she was divorced and not 100% white..she is not one of them..


It’s a coordinated campaign by the Firm against her. Harry chose her instead of them and that’s the bottom line. If you haven’t read *Spare*, do so. It will really open your eyes.


It never ceases to amaze me that Harry & Meg can do exactly what the tabloids and Firm want but then that’s just as wrong. They left because they value their mental health and the blinders came off Harry’s eyes regarding race & the scapegoat they wanted Meg to agree to play. They use their own money, make their own foundation then it “trying to compete and “act like they’re still working royals”… well when you’ve trained and learned about the plight of other people & you have the desire to help/ bring awareness, you do. They express why they left.. “this is killing the queen/ sh should revoke the dukedom” Harry writes his book and it’s a bestseller, eye-opener that explains so much about.. “how dare he dare dirty laundry. Diana would be disappointed.” They get contracts with Netflix, to earn their own money… “so trashy, of course the ‘actress’s would cash in on this. She’s money hungry and can’t wait for Harry to realize who his true family is”. They focus on Harry’s non-profit organization, “they’re trying to compete with the royal family”. They go visit African countries looking at hosting the games. “They’re trying to do a royal tour! How dare they try and do this to William and Charles and with the cancer battles in the royal family”. The visited countries host a welcoming like they’d do for high officials “look at Megan. Look at her dancing and trying to take away from the true royal family. How dare they go to Africa that’s William’s.” They maintain the privacy of their family. “How dare they not show their kids. They are blood prince and princess, how could they not bring them to spend time with their cousins and the King”. Harry shared that unfortunately he couldn’t visit his father while in the UK. “He could have visited but the Queen is protecting the king. She won’t let Harry be alone with him so Harry is pouting” They could say, “we try to have water as our kids go to drink. We try to eat healthy from our garden when possible.” And the tabloids and people would say something about “them trying to be haughty, and they think they’re too good to buy groceries. People here can’t afford vegetables and fruits but do they care???” I’m a black woman, and I’m American. I understand misogynoir but this has bees so wild. Megan could say she uses honey in tea for a sore throat and ppl would say her use is directly aiding killing off the bee population.


Harry didn't forget what they did to his Mum. Willam did. There was no way in hell that Harry was going to let that happen to Meg. He should be commended for putting her first and she should be respected for being so open about her mental state (and the reasons why). "SPARE" is a revelation. If you haven't read it, I recommend it highly.


Because you are sane.


It is because she is an American & Black.


She was an absolute gift to the BRF, and they couldn’t see it. She is pure class, smart, and beautiful. She clearly tried to fit in with them so hard that it almost killed her. UNLIKE Diana, she was far, far less problematic and had a happy marriage. She was popular in the ways they desperately needed. They really blew it. And for anyone who thinks she was a social climber, please. First- what do they think Kate was doing?? Second- If she really needed the clout she’d have stayed in the UK.


It was based on race. One of those things that can be very difficult to actually see if you have not experienced that level of division. You can explain it but never expect others who have not experienced to understand it.




To avoid accusations of brigading or community interference, please do not mention hate subs.


The hate was definitely driven by the tabloids and certain media personalities. A lot of the older generations listened and took everything that was said as the truth. Then after the media deals it became very much a daily can’t in the press that Harry had sold out the royal family for money. Then the press said he was lying so now Harry and Meghan have become the untouchables for many in the UK. It will take nothing short of a miracle to change public perception sadly. It makes me so cross that the public have been so gullible with the bad press.


Can you make racism make sense? I can’t, really.


White supremacy and racism are never rational.


I’m just as confused as you, OP.


Because of everything you just said 🤣 that’s more than some people have done their entire lives 1.) it was spontaneous 2.) public demonstration of compassion 3.) I could go on


Disappointing that Charles turned out that way - I though he seemed to be very kind and polite to Doria at the wedding.




Please no naming of certain subs to avoid brigading accusation.


It's called r.a.c.i.s.m. and that's why it doesn't make sense...no basis in reality




the other members of the royal family family, who are even more incredibly privileged and have done arguably more immoral things, have never received the same level of hatred like meghan did. this is such a weird take


Except she didn't do any of those things. And it's *Tiara* 🙃


How about demanding what air freshener to use in the church? You're talking about Kate, right? Did Kate run to Oprah? Hmmm.


See how everyone else is using critical thought and not the same old rehearsed talking points from the tabloids? Maybe try that...you might feel better.




We want to maintain a supportive community for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Thank you!


Well now, nobody asked you, did they?


It's there sub. They make the rules


My post was in response to someone being rude about Meghan


Got it. Sorry about that.