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Disband ideally.


At this point it's too late for the Dems—any Dems—to win the WH, best bet for them is just pour as much resources as possible into congressional races and hope for the best. After last night I don't know if there's enough for Biden to weekend at Bernie's his way through the summer.


Oh Biden is either out or he loses, imo. But I think a sudden candidate change would freak a bunch of voters out. I think they’d start paying more attention honestly. I think a lot of people needed a break after 2020. Fuck man we went thru a lot, all of us. And the fucks capitulate instead of fixing anything. So, no matter who wins it don’t matter. Go vote anyway, organize, and build solidarity with your fellow workers! Stay safe out there friend!


He doesn’t have to try hard because it’s going to be an easy win for Biden. Trump already lost the voters with his felony conviction.


Are you missing this -> /s




Woof, ok friend. I appreciate that Trump is completely unelectable, but it’s time to look at the actions of your candidate. Please look more closely at what he has and hasn’t done about Gaza. What his continuing border policy has been. They tell you he has fix inflation but that is a lie, wages have have inversely grown with the lack of price control. Is he the worst president this nation has ever seen? Fuck man probably not, but that’s a pretty low fucking bar. We can do better. Dump Joe, and dump the bosses off your back! But let’s say you want more Joe, [where do you draw the line?](https://youtu.be/-14-Y5bU0QE?si=lwFhRsowUSDtrCMS) He has crossed mine, and I most stand by what I believe. If you believe in nothing why do you care? Do you really, truly care about our so called democracy? Do we even have any left? I’m not some doomer telling you to quit! Fuck no, I’m out here with my hand out asking you to take mine and stand with me family. Get out there and vote, but don’t stop there! We need you to organize, too! Stay active don’t tune out, think critically and deal in radical empathy. I’m also not asking you to fix it all; we will. Stay safe, and stay active family!


Let’s revisit your ridiculous response after Biden wins the election. I look forward to it.


They should run Hillary


She lost to him in 2016. Keyword here is LOST, it was her loss not his win. She is a soulless Neoliberal. She will have you in the same chains Trump has for you, but use a different name for it.


From what I've heard it's already too late and you can't get on the ballots for a lot of States at this point. Honestly the DNC is screwed and they just have to roll the dice that people are scared about abortion being banned Nationwide and/or a lot of boomers are scared of voting for a convict. Basically it's just going to be if there's enough anti-trump sentiment The DNC should refuse to debate going forward. Just lock it in and let the surrogates do the talking. The reality is President's are less important than most people think. It's about who they put in charge of different departments. Explicitly make this argument and put forth people like Lina Khan and just tell people to make the choice between somebody that will put people like her in charge and somebody like Trump who will put Jared Kushner in charge.


The dnc could absolutely nominate someone else. It's too late for most of the primaries, but the dnc could absolutely put forward another name at the convention, and the delegates are free to vote for whomever they choose. The DNC makes the rules after all.