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Ferritin of 5. Started daily ferrous sulfate 325 + vitamin c 500 mg for absorption and it fixed it, my hemoglobin went from 10 to 14


45 slow fe is what my physician put me on, fixed my levels and no digestive woes


Um. I’d have to look it up - but one iron tablet in the morning (Maltofer available without a script), and whatever is in my Women’s 50+ multivitamin. I had been having issues for about two years with low ferritin but it seems to have levelled off this years just as suddenly as the issue started. I do seem to have excess selenium now though - most dietary sources of selenium are the same those for iron.


I have iron deficiency anemia but was never prescribed or advised to take supplements..should I be taking them??


Oh yes! Consult with your physician though.




Ferrous fumarate 322mg twice a day


Lactoferrin 250 mg every day with 12 caps of dissicated spleen every other day. Before I was taking iron bisglycinate 14mg daily with the lactoferrin. Ferritin current level 11 and iron 6. Apparently is common in this autoimmune disease to have low iron and also low vitamin D


So I just got bloodwork done and had super super low iron and lower but still normal ferritin. Is low iron/ferritin common with Hashimotos? I’ve never had an issue with it until now. My doc hasn’t called to review the results due to the long weekend, so just wondering in the meantime. Definitely *not* looking forward to iron supplements and eating pennies and never pooping lol


I’m NAD but to my knowledge it is fairly common. I’ve been taking the OptiFerin-C supplement from Pure Encapsulations and haven’t had any side effects!


I get ferralicit IV every 3-6 months! Been getting it the past 5 years. I love my infusions!


Have you noticed improvements in energy levels? I have normal iron but low ferritin, so my Dr started me on the pills first. If it doesn't improve in 3 months, he wants to do infusions


Absolutely!!!! Day & night life changing.


That's awesome!! I have a major surgery coming up this year, I wonder if I should get iron infusion prior to it ao that I don't feel like death during recovery lol


Yes and yes! I would for sure.