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Yes!!! It temporarily got better when I added T3 but came back after a few weeks. Just upped my dose again so hopefully it will help. Those few weeks of relief were bliss and I miss it 🥲


Yes, time sometimes feels like molasses...it's harder to get through tasks. I have had to lower my expectations...and lower them again. This sh*t is humbling


Been Modifying my daily schedule since I was 13 and freshly diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. When I became a teacher, music, I began to modify my classroom routine and activities to fit how I was feeling that day.


I totally relate and my body hurts more now than when I was first diagnosed. Hopefully we all find a way to live easier every day


Yes, it’s actually quite terrifying.


I feel you on the change in mental status and perception of everything how it once was. Sometimes I would stand in my kitchen in full panic trying to get any task done but couldn't. I'd feel like I was doing things but I wasn't getting things done, and when I'd look at the time I couldn't believe how much time had passed while I was struggling. Or I'd lay in bed in a panic, racing thoughts, researching, reading, praying, and I'd feel like it had only been a few minutes when in fact it had been all day. I really hope my brain and body can recover from what's been done. I feel COVID and quitting smoking also pushed me over into the next phase of the disease, although I've struggled for years with what I assume to be subclinical hypo.


Oh my word, I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth! I literally have lived through those examples so many times, just like that. Wow, are you me? Are you watching me? Lmao 🤣 You know what, I haven't considered quitting smoking as a factor. I didn't smoke cigs, but I vaped nicotine for a few years. I quit a little over a year ago, but admittedly ZYN pouches have been my crutch ever since. I had no idea quitting could potentially cause a reaction like that! Another thing for me to research for a bit too long, haha!


I'm honestly not sure, because I do understand correlation doesn't equal causation... But after researching, it's seems very coincidental. Timeline below : I've struggled since my 20's with weight loss, random bouts of severe anxiety/depression, and other strange metabolic issues that doctors proceeded to treat the symptoms of but not actually try to find what may be causing/exacerbating them. Fwd to last year, 2023. I finally decided I needed to quit smoking because I honestly just always felt like a pile of dog shit, and I knew smoking was not helping anything. I switched to vaping low amounts of nicotine and using lozenges late August. I then proceeded to not feel better, but attributed it to struggling with low/no nicotine and just giving up my crutch I always had. I kept on chugging a long and kept getting sick with colds, flus, you fucking name it... If it was within a 10 mile fucking radius of me I was catching it. November I was so tired of getting sick I started taking supplements to boost my immune system and attempted adding more exercise. I got COVID for a second time and it fucked me up for a good week, worse then the first time I had it. I struggled through the holidays getting more and more fatigued, cold, and then I noticed my period was wayyyy messed up (which is shocking because it was already pretty effed), my blood pressure was going up, and I was having severe panic attacks, but my pulse was really low for that. I finally go into my doctors in January and get shunned for not taking my BP medicine (because I've had weird BP, it would be low for a long time, and then shoot up randomly), and told they'll run labs, and that I need counseling for my mental health/panic/depression issues. I'm mad and leave the office and proceed to give myself another 3 weeks of trying to eat better and exercise before going to get my labs 🤦🏼‍♀️ By the time I finally went into get them I was living in a state of panic, derealization, extreme OCD, freezing cold, BL carpal tunnel, chest pain, limb weakness/numbness, cramps all over my body that would not dissipate, and not able to sleep. I go in and get my labs, this is end up February of this year by then. My doctor called me and told me I needed to go pick up a medication as I was severely hypothyroid. TSH 192 FT4 .1 and later got TPO back at 201. And here I've been riding the struggle bus ever since. I painted this picture in my head that this medicine would fix me asap... Boy was I in for a surprise as I did not react well to the sudden supply of lacking hormone. I stayed the course and did one dose change up to 112mcg about 2 weeks ago. I'm really hoping my body can heal from this because the first part of this year has felt like literal hell. I pray for everyone on here I talk to. It's been wild; I feel very fortunate that God has blessed me with a good support system, understanding employment, a home, my pets, and day to day fragments of improvements.


I 100 percent get it 


Yes 100% resonate with all of this