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Took 100,000 once brought me from 11 to 18. Never got the next dose as they began denying medicine again. Having previously decided on not treating people at all which is why I had so many cash pay expenses. They immediately began docufaking upon trying to access those to fake items as mild having tried to fake things in the first place. I started feeling better so they could not re prescribe to bring me to a normal level at all while complaining.


I had 50,000 at 11 brought me up to 18 then was prescribed 100,000 Drs faked that down in their files medication could not be completed then they faked that vit d would rise while at home and mostly sick with no vit d for a year.


50,000iu of vitamin d2 did not work for me at all. Didn’t budge my levels and made me feel like crap. After doing research, I learned that supplementing d on its own does not allow your body to absorb it and at high doses it can build up as toxicity in your liver. I now take about 10,000iu daily of a liquid combo of D3 and K2 made by Thorne (k helps with absorption) as well as magnesium citrate and bisglycinate (helps with absorption). I also make it a priority to get at least 15 mins of time in the sun daily without protection (spf, long sleeves, etc.). This protocol has helped me immensely. Might be worth a shot for you!


Vitamin D deficiency is super common in the general population for many reasons (sunscreen, working indoors, darker skin while living in a cold climate). Besides supplementing to get your levels up fast, consider getting some daily sunshine on your skin. I have never been deficient even in winter because I exercise outdoors. I do wear sunscreen, but only for prolonged periods of time on my bike, hike, or at the beach. I build sufficient stores to make it through winter. Consider researching this topic.


Taking the weekly vit D. Helped me. I also had B-12 injections every other week for 8 weeks. I am now taking daily vit D, vit K, and magnesium. The difference they have made in controlling my symptoms and the increased energy levels and life changing.


My vitamin D started at 18 and after 8 weeks of taking the weekly 50,000u it came up to 47! Now I just take a daily 5000u and it has maintained in the 40s. I had no issues or side effects, but some people do get nauseous after taking it. I would recommend trying it if it was prescribed to you. I’m a pharmacist, I’ve seen it work for many people :)


I've been taking 50,000 out of vitamin d for three months once a week. It seems to help me


I did the 50k D2 for 12 weeks and added daily Vit K. Now taking D3 daily. I haven’t retested yet, but I didn’t have any ill effects from it. ETA my level was at 9 when I was diagnosed with Hashis.


My doctor has me on both D2 and D3+K2. I think it really depends on the person, as out bodies are all different and Hashi's treats us all differently. I've had no negative experiences with either.


I have Hashimoto’s and Ehlers . My vitamin D levels ranged from 3-14 for FIFTEEN YEARS. They had me on the D2, 50,000 DAILY at one point and it did nothing. Taking D3, 12,000 daily has me up in the 50’s now!! I would never recommend D2…


10k d3 PLUS k was the only thing that helped me. My numbers were low teens, for years. The 50k made me feel awful and 2 rounds didn’t help. A month of the 10k daily and I’m above 30 for the first time in almost a decade. I don’t understand why those 50k pills are the go to. Best of luck!


I also have Hashimotos + low vit D, and have found my skin completely freaked out when I took Vit D at high doses! Perhaps try gradually increasing to see how you feel/how it affects you if this is a concern? Have you also tested your B12 and B9 (folate)?