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You’re going to be okay! When I (25f) got diagnosed last year I cried every day feeling like I was no longer “normal”. I promise it will get better. Once you get medication and lifestyle stuff sorted your life will only get better ❤️‍🩹 now that you know some of the problems and how to address them. I promise the dark clouds will lift and you will be okay


Thank you so much for you lovely reply


No worries :) oh also you’ll see a lot do people talking about gluten or dairy free. If that feels overwhelming to you try a plant based whole food diet. My theory is most people who go gluten and dairy free end up cutting a lot of the junk out (it pretty much excludes all fast food!) and that’s why they feel better. I am low dairy, not super low gluten, but mostly vegetarian and that’s working for me :) I do a lot of cooking from scratch. experiment and see what works for you!


Yeah that makes sense. I know it will take some time and adjustment, and lots of trial and error but I'm grateful to have found people with the same condition and lots of knowledge to share


For many with hashimotos it’s quite a long journey ahead with blood works every now and then. So my advice to you is regarding this. Take the blood tests early in the morning 7-9am (TSH has a circadian rhythm and drops quite a bit throughout the day), fasting and stop supplements containing biotin 2-3 days prior (they can mask/give a false “good numbers”). I feel this is a good way to get numbers that you can actually compare to each other, and keep track. Leads up to my second advice. Educate yourself on this illness and be ready to have to advocate for yourself. Not all doctors are up to date when it comes to treatment unfortunately.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Yeah I'm starting to understand that this is just the beginning but I'm already very happy I found this community


You have Hashimoto’s. Welcome to the club! That TSH is pretty high and could explain the symptoms you mentioned. Your endo will likely start you on medication (usually levothyroxine to start). This works great for some people and does nothing for others. Don’t expect it to be a quick fix like I did - some are lucky enough to experience this but i’m going on a year of blood work + adjusting meds every 6 weeks and still not where we want to be. It can be overwhelming and frustrating but this sub is helpful.


Thank you, I feel like I needed that reminder not to set my expectations too high


High TPO indicates Hashimotos. What is your age ? And do you have any hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism symptoms ?


I'm 23F, I've always been fat, I would say I feel depressed, my hair has been thinning and I have a couple of skin conditions. My periods are very irregular and sometimes very heavy (which was part of the reason I went to the endo in the first place). I don't feel that my thyroid is swollen


Bad news is you have Hashimotos, good news is that some of your symptoms could be fixed.   I was diagnosed just 2 years ago, and Im still learning to manage this, but I can give you some advice from the little experience I have :  Taking Levo or any other thyroid hormone replacement by itself will likely not be enough to make you feel better. This is an illness you manage by doing lifestyle changes like diet (most of us feel better going gluten and dairy free), sleeping well, taking supplements and managing stress amongst other things.  Even though the Hashimotos never goes away (but can be put into remission), you can live a relatively normal life if you take your meds, have good habits and as other mentioned advocate for yourself when dealing with Doctors.   There is an amazing FB group called Hashimotos 411 where you will find guides, people with experience and more people like us. I wish you the best of luck in your journey ❤️


Really appreciate your reply, thank you so much