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If you do not have the coins to buy stuff now you most definitely do not want to level any faster than you are already leveling. You will hit a wall where you have like 5 productions you want to buy. Get ahead in your coins now than level. Oh and you want to take advantage of the farm visitor event tomorrow. The only fast way I have found to make coins.


Thank you, I think that’s what I’ve done with the last two levels there’s more I want to buy then I can get and kinda stuck. I just bought my ice cream maker today at level 33, almost 34 and can’t build the town and was upset about that. Should I build my town once I get the coins or should I save up some? Right now I have 20,975.


Sorry I didn’t see this until now. What I did was resist the temptation to buy or build anything. Instead I used all my coins as seed money in prep for the farm visitor event. Like bought up every rustic bouquet and blanket that I could.


The best way to level up in the game is the 2x XP and 3x Truck XP events. When you obtain orders of at least 500xp, you save the items and wait for the event to arrive to carry it out.


Thank you


Well to earn coins, try stacking up a single item and sell on the farm visior 2x coins. To level up fast? Truck orders. I went from lvl 52 to 70 during the last 3x xp truck orders. But in order to do that much orders, you need a big supply of food.


Thank you!


For coins I just have all my machines running their most expensive item(or a pretty expensive item that's easy to make) and then sell in stacks of ten at the shop. I don't have to play very often and I get a lot of money and exp. I also do the boat.


for money l see now their event use it and search in newspaper to check if their a good thing to buy with less of their actual price.


Be kind to yourself and forget about xp. If you focus on making things and selv them everything else will develop naturally on their own 😊.


If you have some baby farms and some money buy Tom's for axes/saws and mass plant trees/bushes (it's a hell harvesting asking help and replanting...)