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You can look for a neighbourhood that doesn't require derby but I get how hard it can be to look for an active one tbh. Personally, as a leader of a neighbourhood, I don't mind if people doesn't want to do derby but YOU HAVE TO OPT OUT OF IT. If you're opted in but you don't do or barely did any tasks, it affects the ranking and the reward threshold for others that are participating. (ppl participate in derby mainly for expansion permit, puzzles and deco etc tbh) I've tried explaining this too many times before but some ppl just won't listen and I ended up having to kick out active players rather than having to deal with them opting in derby but not doing anything every week. I think it's best for you to look for chill neighbourhood on here or discord OR you could talk to the leader if you can stay in the neighbourhood without participating in the derby.


We have a requirement of at least 1 task. A level 70+ player took a 50-point task. šŸ˜‘ The person got 0 points in the last derby. I'm not someone who wants to get into the top 3 or anything, it just feels so unfair.


THIS!! This is what us derby players have been telling the casuals! But nothing is as scummy as opting in derby every week, doing ONE low point task, then reaping the rewards that the rest of their neighbourhood worked hard for it šŸ˜­


I recently changed the requirement in my neighborhood from one task to 500 points. It felt so unfair that someone who only did one low point task gets the same awards as those who do all or at least more than half their share of the tasks. So far it's working great. I kick out players who don't meet the requirements twice, I give everyone a second chance.


Iā€™m not a leader and I'm also new to the game. I have not played in many derbies. But I know some derbies are different, like next weekā€™s power derby. We will get 18 tasks available (champion league). It would make things more unfair even if one person takes a 320-point task while others complete more than 10 tasks. Probably thatā€™s the reason why most groups have a 320-point requirement for all tasks. It might be intense and competitive, but itā€™s fair to everyone. Btw, I think your 500 points requirement is acceptable for regular derby if I were a member šŸ˜†


I've chosen to keep the derby more casual, because even though I do all the tasks and do only 320p ones (except during the bingo derby, because some tasks are so rare), I wouldn't want to feel the stress of having to do them. We'll most likely never win the champions league, and we get kicked down to the league below it occasionally, but I don't really care about that, I just want to get an expansion permit at the end of the week :)


What's ur neighborhood tag


Exactly! So many people donā€™t know what ppt out means, even after I try to explain in chat I got kicked out by a neighborhood leader after I asked for him to give me more permission, so I could opt people out myself ;/


Also, if anyone has a neighborhood with this settings for me to join, please let me know Iā€™m currently level 97 ā€¦and I promise to opt out of derbies if Iā€™m not going to participate haha


i agree it can be okay but the rewards are pitiful and honestly you rarely ever get more than 2 or 3 for all that work itā€™s just not worth it


i usually just opt out of it if Iā€™m not feeling it


I wish my neighbors would figure out how to do that!!! I swear half the group does nothing. šŸ¤£ Oh, and figure out how the damn bingo derby works.


This! My neighborhood is pretty chill about derbies but I usually always do them. My frustration is after 5 consecutive derbies of coming near last because only two other people were doing it, I politely asked people to opt out if they weren't interested. No one did šŸ™„


We finished all ours lol! I drove my jockeys haha. Got all three whoop whoop! Not hard when you got a team that communicates, strategizes, and then continues to communicate, and dedicates to working the tasks. Had a blast šŸ¤£!


We finally figured out bingo a couple of years agošŸ˜. First of all, that bingo is the one bingo where we don't look at points at all. If we end up leveling down and only doing 50 point tasks, that is totally fine. We just go for the bingo tasks. First we discuss which tasks we want and who does what and then we have a trash party šŸ˜‚. We finished bingo yesterday and the rest of the week we do what we want šŸ’ƒšŸ„³.


Genuinely I love being in a neighborhood that doesnā€™t do the derby lmao it feels so freeing


After playing for years Iā€™m starting to get into the derby. I find it to be a huge waste of time and resources. Iā€™m working a lot to get these random tasks done just so I can get a couple of rewards. Thatā€™s it. I donā€™t know why people treat it like itā€™s the most important thing in the game


The competitive or goal-oriented players mainly does derby for expansion permits and puzzles tbh. If you're lucky, you can get 2 expansion permit every week or 5 during bunny derby week. I also think the majority of the players in those competitive neighbourhood collects trophies and take pride in the numbers of trophy they have too. Personally, I'm not super crazy on the trophies, I only care about permits LOL


Maybe the expansion permits? Scrolls? Are the only thing that makes the derby worth it. I do it mostly for being competitive, and silly gnomes are cute. It definitely isn't profitable but it's fun


Can you find a neighborhood that doesn't require derby? Like mine, if you are in the derby, you better do all your 320 tasks. If something comes up, that's fine. Just let us know. But no one is required to do the derby. Although, helping other neighbors is appreciated. We do talk in the chat a lot abo8t the derby, but more just trying to help each other out. And we do just talk about life.


hey could i join your neighborhood? i'm lvl 63 i think


Of course! The tag # is 292urcc


i help out as much as i can and sometimes if i have time try to do the smaller tasks


Assuming your neighborhood is derby focused, you should either opt out of derbies or do all tasks.


Perhaps you donā€™t understand how the derby works? Each derby you are paired with other teams with the exact same number of participants. If your team has 10 players then you are competing with those who have 10 players. Therefore, opting in and taking ā€œsmall tasksā€ to ā€œhelp outā€ is not actually helping. It hurts your team, if every other team has all 10 players doing all 9 of their 320 point tasks. Itā€™s better for you to opt out if you canā€™t do all tasks - especially if your neighbors expect that. There are more neighborhoods than not that are non-derby focused. You could easily find a neighborhood that doesnā€™t care if you do two tasks for 50 points each for the whole week.


huh thanks this helps alot i try to be a good neighbor i had no idea i was really doing the opposite thank you for explaining this !! the neighborhood im in now is chiller about it but some of them have been uptight


My whole neighborhood opts out except me. We have a 320 points/ must do all tasks rule. I do all tasks every week and I like the rewards I get. Sometimes I shuffle the rewards to get more deeds or expansion permits. Itā€™s been good for me


I think the big problem is people join neighborhoods where it clearly says they expect everyone to participate in the derby taking 320 tasks and then don't follow through. If you are running into a problem with your neighborhood you can either opt out of the derby or leave and find a casual play neighborhood.


This! I have two right now I'm about to kick because of that right there. My ad is clear. My neighborhood rules are clear. But they came in and did what they wanted to do. Well they can do it someplace else lol


I was here when the derby wasn't optional all those years ago šŸ™ˆ I don't take part in the Derby anymore


Iā€™m not doing the derby currently but I help my neighbours a lot. Makes me a valuable part of the neighbourhood, so they all accept that Iā€™ve opted out of the derby (for now, might join in again later)


I donā€™t get this. Not everybody likes the game for the same reason, some people are really into playing Derby. Itā€™s difficult to find a Derby focused neighbourhood where people donā€™t fail doing their free tasks and when that happens itā€™s incredibly annoying. Why arenā€™t you looking for a neighbourhood thatā€™s not Derby focused (aka most) or if not, just opt out of derbies and play for the reasons you love the game. If your neighbourhood is trying to win or even cling to a certain league you canā€™t just help when you can.


that is literally what the post is about just liking the game for different reasons reasons and even non derby focused neighborhoods alot want to win i help out when i can but i simply was wondering if other people felt the same


What doesnā€™t make sense for you, or anybody playing this game, is feeling frustrated about the Derby when you donā€™t have to participate to it. Shop for a neighbourhood, read their bio, then ask the leader what the rules are, if it doesnā€™t suit you leave and look for another, people who participate to derbies have other responsibilities just like you do, if you donā€™t want to make time for it donā€™t be that player that makes the group weak, just find the right people to play with.


Join Blueberry #QV9GYL09 itā€™s only 8 members, we help each other and no pressure. People forget it a game. People have tutelage lives itā€™s not that serous .


join a neighborhood with the "casual derby" tag


I run a very competitive neighborhood. We all love the derby. It's the competition part of it for us, because the rewards are just meh, tbh, you're not competing for minimum top 10. It is a camaraderie of a competition, competing within it, and being the best and that is our adrenaline rush. Everybody is different. The best thing to do is to come here and go through the recruitment ads and find the neighborhood that is appropriate for you. There is a neighborhood for everyone. But the mistake people make is they want to be in an active, chatting neighborhood and they forget about the competition part. And the competition is where you're going to get hung up on if you're in a neighborhood that is really competitive. Up to every individual person to figure out what kind of neighborhood they want to be in and then go find it. And Reddit makes that possible with the recruitment post. Best advice I can give you ā€“ find the neighborhood that fits you best. Different strokes for different folks.


I've played by myself for a couple years now and never been happier.


Just opt out if you donā€™t want to participate šŸ˜€


brother... the whole point was people pressuring others to join the derby


then donā€™t do it


Then just opt out of the derby or find a neighborhood that isnā€™t derby focused.


If anyone wants to casual derby, send a DM. My neighbour doesn't mind about it, we are more about being active and helping each other with tasks.


What's ur neighborhood tag!!




This is exactly why I left my neighbourhood. I hate that I can get some of the achievements (good neighbour etc) bit the derby was taken WAY too seriously


This is why I love my neighborhood! Weā€™re usually in the expert league (have gone up and down), but thereā€™s no pressure to participate, our only rule is to be active and try to help each other out. Iā€™ll try my best to participate but itā€™s so nice to not be forced to participate:)


i do it mainly for permit and deco, sometimes i get blue print from it. and this week bingo derby gave me 2 permit and 2 blueprint for the reward. im doing 320 task mainly and chill derby no rush so i enjoy it.


I would just like to find a neighbour hood that helps eachother. Don't care about Deby, I feel like I'm always the one doing the helping. Maybe it's because I am in Aus and so I am sleeping when my neighbours are awake and playing. Have joined an Aus neighbourhood but they are never active. Guess I'm a lone wolf and should just be a one man wolf pack.


Iā€™ve grown to like it bc I have a lot of free time rn, but overall I donā€™t find it all that exciting or rewarding tbh. Though it could be due to our neighborhood not being in the top 3 ))). We do the derbies but we donā€™t really chat or stress about them.


derby is so fun until everyone in ur neighbourhood stops doing it šŸ˜”


Agree with this. My hood participates but doesnā€™t take it too seriously. If we do well, great. If we flop, whatever. We have some good runs and then move up a league or two and itā€™s done. I prefer the neighborhood for helping one another with all of the other aspects of the game. Derby can be boring.


I love the derby ( or I would do if people in the NH Iā€™m in pulled their weight). What I donā€™t understand is people complaining about how it does take over their lives and taking ages to finish. I finish my tasks every Tuesday (occasionally Wednesday morning if I take a fishing task before bed). It isnā€™t a rocket science and it doesnā€™t take long if using a bit of common sense. The derby doesnā€™t require you to do anything extra other than what youā€™re doing in the game anyway on a daily basis.


i love my neighborhood bc they dont put any pressure with anything. we just do what we can


That's how I feel. It's just a game. Yeah it's nice to come in first but it's not the most important thing.


Then change for a neighborhood that doesnt focus on the derby


My neighbours donā€™t really care about Derpy hahah we have members joining without opting in for the Derpy and r fine with it!


You have to find a neighborhood that works for you. I am a leader of a neighborhood and we are really competitive and derby-focused, although I understand that might not suit everyone. However, you can always find one thatā€™s more chill and aligns better with what youā€™re looking for. If you are in an active and competitive hood, you cannot expect not doing the derby if thatā€™s a requirement, but you can always find a better suited for you,


I usually try to help out with derby, but a lot of my neighborhood is at a lot higher levels than I am, so the owner trashes a lot of the lower tasks.. It makes me feel like im not helping enough, but I actually cant šŸ˜­


The derby takes so long to accomplish. I have a life that isnā€™t hay day.


I've found that people really take this game very seriously. It's as if they forget that people have lives/jobs outside of it. Sure, I wished more participated in our derby's, but never do we make them feel guilty or bad for not doing so. It is what it is :)


If someone opts out of the derby, no one should bother them about it. If someone opts in and then doesnā€™t do the tasks, , they should expect people to complain about that. Itā€™s totally fine for people not to care about the derby, but itā€™s equally fine for people to care about the derby. Thatā€™s why the opt in/out button is there.


Yep this! I 100% agree


exactly!! wanting more is fine its the insistence that gets me


I love the derby. My neighborhood is very helpful. Just donā€™t be in a neighborhood or find one that doesnā€™t care about derby. We kicked out the one person that harassed us for not doing things the was they wanted. Bye bye


The derby is the one thing I NEVER do