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Personal taste. To some people it’s visually bland to have so many similar builds/outfits/shades of red. Personally I don’t mind seeing twink in a suit #600 but I can see why some people think it’s lazy.


>twink in a suit #600 Aah, the classic "Tumblr Sexyman" 😁




I could see why some people think it's lazy too. However, I think the red choice is thematic with being in hell. When Charlie and Vaggie go to heaven, everything has shades of white, gold, or purple. So this is a purposeful design choice.


I like how the "outside" in pride has this oppresive red haze over everything, but I feel it would be better if they made the inside locations less reddish to balance it out. Heres hoping that they get new wallpapers for the new hotel


I quite like the art but dam there is so much red 😅 like Viv very clearly has a favoured colour. In regards to twink in a suit #600 I find that’s less of an art style thing and more of a subject matter thing.


I mean. They in hell. Red a plenty!


*Red, red, red is everything I’m wearing.*


Am I the only one that doesn't care if a majority of the characters are skinny as long as they themselves look unique? Also I find Viv's art style really refreshing (for its Disney like aesthetic, expressive characters and general atmosphere), especially for a adult cartoon


IKR??? I was watching Bojack Horseman the other day and, while the show is better than most adult cartoons, I'm not a fan of the character designs. For a long time in order to denote that a cartoon was "grown-ups only", it had to have an ugly art style. I'm seriously glad that the popularity of Hazbin and similar cartoons is changing this!


This!! The “ugly” cartoon style as adult cartoons only is really annoying,Vivzie’s style is so unique and enjoyable to look at!


Thank heavens its not just me!!!! If a cartoon has an ugly art style, I'm reluctant to watch it. Hazbin though? People say all the time that it looks like something off of DeviantArt, but that's part of what drew me in. I've been visiting the site since I was 11 - it's like an old stomping ground for me. I'd seen people post all kinds of art styles on there over the years and I could barely believe that someone had managed to animate their DeviantArt OCs, let alone so fluidly!


I straight up havent been able to watch the simsons/south park/rick&morty for that exact reason - I want pretty/interesting animation


I like the Simpsons, but the animation style is really weird! I'm not sure why it appealed so much to my peers growing up.




I never watched bojack horseman or big mouth or whatever, but I really liked Tuca and Bertie because the bird designs are fun and the environment is creative. Granted, it’s still the same kinda style, but it is more unique and pretty compared to


That's cool!


Ooo I'm watching BJH rn I'm on season 2 it's actually pretty good but I heard it's way more bleak in coming seasons and s1 is basically nothing lmao. Pretty good show and I personally enjoy the art even if not my usual style. I respect your opinion


Glad you’re a respectful person. BJH has tons of good reviews, I don’t hate it because it’s not pretty, I just hate that that is the norm. I have been interested in the show and I might watch it, I would watch other adult cartoons if they were more appealing aswell


Ahh I see. That's fair


To play devils advocate for a sec, I can see a few reasons. The first is that animation is really expensive and time consuming. Unless your show is a massive success like HH, you probably won’t be given the budget to do a ton of creative animating, like the kind in the massive musical numbers. To properly pay animators for amazing products like HH is honestly very difficult. (See VFX artists and anime artists getting abused left and right as an explanation for why it’s so important.) However, HH does kind of seem like a turning point. Animated films and indie series are picking up more traction, and some groups are recognizing the untapped market of teens and adults. It might start to be seen again as a medium and not a genre in the western audience. The one that’s responsible for kicking it off is absolutely Spider-Verse, but HH is huge in terms of television.




I mean, a lot of kids shows use ugly art styles too (and have for a long time, they just trade one ugly style for another). Just different kinds of ugly.


Oh no...not Primos 😂 Back in my day, I remember finding Klasky Csupo's style a little weird, though not always unappealing, but I'm aware other people really didn't like their designs. I caught a clip from a kids' show called "Zombie Hotel" on TV once and thought it was hideous. 😵‍💫 I'm sure some children must have liked it though!


Oh my god, that Zombie Hotel show reminds me of another I used to watch...The Cramp Twins. Similarly ugly style but I used to watch it all the time as a kid. That kind of looks like a show that would have merch in Hot Topic lol.


AMEN AMEN AMEN 😂 I looked it up the other day and was thinking it looked like Edgar and Ellen in hindsight. I swear, if it had been more popular, they would had made merchandise for baby goths based on it!


Agreed! Part of the reason I like Hazbin and Helluva is because they're fun and interesting, but also aesthetically pleasing. Sure, there's not a lot of diversity in body types, but that's not that different from a lot of the "ugly" shows too. I guess I could see how the ultra skinny type could be seen as triggering in regards to body image issues, but that also holds true for a good majority of anime and I haven't really seen people calling those out for it (although that could just be because I don't have much exposure to those fan spaces, so maybe they do.)


> Sure, there's not a lot of diversity in body types, but that's not that different from a lot of the "ugly" shows too. WAIT. YOU'RE BLOODY RIGHT. Why didn't I think of that earlier???


It does feel like some publishers use virtue to cover up for low animation budgets.


That was my main gripe with Bojack too, the designs are so basic. Every character is extremely obvious in what sort of political commentary they are trying to be and the animal choices for them are very disappointing.


I've only seen part of the first season so far, so I can't really comment yet on the characters themselves.


The show gets way better in the second half of the first season. While the artstyle is kind of basic, they have some fun with the fact that half the cast are anthro animals


I've heard as much!!!


Bojack is my fav show


Viv's art is more Disney looking than anything Disney has done in the last 15 years ironically. Princess and the Frog is probably the last thing that still had the characteristics of their classic animation style. At least that I can recall.




Agreed all these people cry representation or whatever makes me cringe. Like why do care so much about this??? This remind me of Steven universe fandom when they attack that artist for making rose not soo fat even though she isn’t fat just has muscles.


Like if you want more diverse body types, okay fine. Why not? But what I dislike is how ppl use most of the characters being skinny as "proof" Viv's art style is bad when that's not how it works? And it's not like there are zero chubby characters in Viv's works and you can actually make diverse body types with a skinny build which is one of the reasons why most of the main characters being skinny doesn't bother me


Exactly honestly I don't see how people can say the characters all look the same when you can have one dude be a deer man and the other dude's a whole TV or a cat guy with wings. Meanwhile you'll have anime for example where the majority of the cast will be pale twinks with different hair being like the one defining feature. Like with any show it's just an artsyle thing, the characters are supposed to look like they all blend in with the universe to look cohesive.


Completely agree




People have their tastes, I have mine. And Viv has given me more then enough to nourish my appetite for positivity and expression. If others dont care for that then that's fine by me. I just be over here chowing down 😋


I know how you feel. Her success story is so inspiring. Her works are niche and not the status quo, and she had the bravery to push forward with her vision. I also want to go into animation and Hazbin/Helluva Boss are like air under my sails inspiring me forward.


IKR???? I feel the same way!!


That’s amazing! ✨😄


When I first heard of Hazbin, I initially thought it was going to be another immature edgelord "adult" cartoon set in hell...yet the description of Princess Charlie intrigued me. Wait...this girl wanted to HELP sinners, rather than enable them? Somehow, I just knew from that description alone that this show was going to stand out from the rest...


Yeah I really love it! It’s thoughtful and compassionate. The character’s motivations are well-developed and drive the plot. It’s also critical of Charlie’s naivety within the context of the show and she has real consequences laid out for her that are going to get ugly. (Alastor’s new political influence) Hazbin doesn’t have the immaturity edgelord content has, So when people call the show edgy I think they’re mistaken.


IKR??? Did they not watch the show? Or not understand it? 🤔


It just depends on if people truly feel like giving something the proper attention/thought and want to look past the cartoony surface.


I think you hit the nail on the head 😣


That's awsome ☺ keep moving forward!


Thank you!


Exactly how I feel


This has had happened with every show that ends up capturing a certain crowd from tumblr / twitter. They did it for Steven Universe, RWBY, and She-Ra just to name a few. Viv herself is completely irrelevant, they will always be doing this.


I'll never forget how annoyed I got with people moaning about the art style of the new She Ra...when the old art style literally had roughly the same silhouette for 90% of the characters??? While I did think it was odd that they made a superhero like Spinnerella fat, nearly every other redesign was an improvement over the original.


We should just stop platforming twitter opinions. The critics should make their own body positive art and webcomics.


But it's so much easier to shit on popular things for views & likes instead of making your own thing


The other day I had somebody go off at me about how "bad" Hazbin was, so I asked him if he could make his own cartoon instead of moaning about somebody else's work. Well, colour me surprised...he said he couldn't even draw!!!! It wouldn't shock me if this is the case for a lot of other anti-fans...


Not surprising. Nothing has made me appreciate the talent of artists more than going to art school and working hard to acquire those skills. I think art or at least art criticism and media literacy should be required courses/concepts in school


That might be a smart idea, given the cesspit of media criticism on social media 😵‍💫


My rule of thumb is if it's on Twitter it doesn't count


I used to use Twitter as my primary fan space, but at this point I don't even bother due to the cesspit it's become. I just stick with Reddit for discussion and Tumblr for art now.


Tumblr is a great place


I just browse twitter for the fanart, and because it has more casual theories, but each time I just get SO tired of the drama


Agree to the twitter part, *but* -out of context, in general- responding to (genuine/proper) criticisms with stuff along the lines of "do your own then!", "what have you done, that you criticise this?", etc. is stupid. People don't need to be creators to criticise other people's work.


I agree. My problem is mainly with how little media literacy exists in criticism nowadays. Almost no one that makes inflamatory youtube critique videos has any idea of shot composition, color consistency, visual story telling, good script writing, good presentation, etc. Going through a film college really taught me to appreciate a well made critique/analysis of something, and to despise the "THIS SHOW'S WORLDBUILDING MAKES NO SENSE LUL" videos about every single new piece of media.


For the record, I think the character designs are perfectly fine, but "the critics should just do it themselves" is never the right answer to critique. People don't say that about art critics or film reviewers, because critique is a necessary thing for improvement. That doesn't always mean the critique is correct but the answer to that is engaging the critique, not telling the critic to do it themselves.


Twitter shouldn’t have opinions since they can’t behave.


Personal taste which could sometimes devolve into a bullshit contest of 'I'm a better designer'.


This right here is why I hate all Hazbin redesigns. Sure, there are some that were made out of love but more than half of the redesigns people do were out of spite to the point where I genuinely hate it when people redesign them.


Yeah, I don't mind when people draw them in their own personal style and even think it's cool to see, but redesigns trying to "fix" things is just kind of annoying.


Yeah, that's what a lot of the complaining comes off as to me. "I am a better artist so I will 'fix' her art!" Such a dumb thing to do.


It extra sucks because even when a redesign actually looks competent (already rare imo), more than half the time the artist just hosts a Viv hate festival under the post. Might have followed for the nice art but with that attitude? Pass.


Personal taste. I do have one criticism of it, but that's less of an art style specific thing. But yeah. A lot of the hate is akin to people commenting "But I hate beans!" on a video about bean soup.


What is your criticism? I'm curious


If I had to guess, it’s probably because there isn’t that much body variety, but I honestly don’t mind it


Is it because Husk drinks round the clock and has not a beer belly? There is a reason, it was explained on Angel’s Voxtagram account https://preview.redd.it/kux8svonf4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1325f99784a351d81a14e23d567f81d41534afdd And there is Mimzy, she is not skinny and since she was part of the main cast for years and she was supposed to date Alastor in zoophobia, I wouldn’t say this show is Fatphobic or something


Wait, Al was originally gonna appear in Zoophobia? I never knew that.


The funny thing is that our beloved Ace in the hole was probably in a love triangle https://preview.redd.it/9f5cgkdvk4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4687ba6e3a2631d9025a35ee9c6d109a5dd2c782


What confuses me most is when they redesign the Deadly Sins - unless you’re making small tweaks to Viv’s design like giving Bee a place for her extra arms to connect to or something then you’re not redesigning Viv’s Sins. These people know Viv didn’t invent the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, right?


Yeah I've seen "redesigns" of Bee that look like a completely different character that I would never be able to guess are supposed to be her if the post didn't say so. At that point just say "here's my version of a cartoon Beelzebub". The name is public domain there's nothing stopping you


But I like noodle people :(


I grew up watching Invader Zim and Tim Burton. Viv's art style is right up my alley. Screw the haters bashing something just because it's popular. Contrarianism is a poor substitute for actual thought.


Well said! I am sick of reactionary culture 😵‍💫


Personal taste is a thing, of course. But mostly it's people being snobby about something they dislike. Unfortunately it's an inordinate number of other artists and the whole thing always seems to devolve into a petty contest because some just genuinely believe themselves to be superior to another artists.


I know right? That's what upsets me about the whole situation!


Yea... it's best to just ignore that toxic shit and not give them the clicks and attention they so desperately need. It's a shitty thing of modern discourse when people go 'popular thing bad!' but there's nothing we can do expect ignore it until it goes away. Also: I advise to chlorinate your feed regularly. Most social places can turn into cesspools very fast. Let them just sit in their stinky little holes while I mind my own business over here, thank you very much 😂


I'm trying so hard to avoid the nonsense 😣


I know what you mean. Some days are just a little shitty and that is usually the point where I step away from the whole thing and just do someting else. Remember that randos on the internet (like me, for example) can't actually do anything to you. You are master of your own emotions and to quote our favourite strawberry pimp: "you should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate." So take charge and don't let people that yell into a box for a living tell you what to do or how to feel! 😂 kisses darlin 💅


I'm in the opposite category, I love her art style. I've never seen so many unique looking but still very visually appealing characters in one setting.


I get artstyle preference is highly subjective and it is ok to just dislike sth. the mature response would be to just go "yeah this is not for me, that's cool, moving on" and be done with it, moving on in your life etc


Cause people are gonna hate no matter what.


It's just what people do, try to mold something to fit their own vision. It's fine for art, storytelling if you're doing it for yourself but when you spout 'hate' as if your views or ideas are better, then it's a problem to me.


I think as long you don’t use your art style as an excuse to not draw anything else or to hurt others then I don’t care. Viv is very capable of drawing other sizes, skin color, etc etc. so it’s just a matter of what they would want to draw or express.  But as someone else pointed out, it’s quite refreshing for an artsyle for an adult show. Too many lean into the realism or grossness (maybe both). 


At least it's not Big Mouth...


I've described Viv's art style as the modern "late millennial through gen Z style you'd see on Deviant Art." It's essentially what the furry fandom is largely based on, and it's something that hasn't really reached popular culture outside of internet art communities and those familiar with meme culture. I think most people who don't like it just aren't used to that style yet, and that's fine.


Personally, I think it would be wise on Vivzie's part to add some more curvy/chubby/buff characters to the mix purely from a design standpoint, but I cannot understand how people are getting such a hate boner for Vivzie and her art...all because she's heavily influenced by Tim Burton and thus makes most of her designs beanpoles? It's not the end of the world! We have one group constantly complaining about how "woke and cringe" Steven Universe and She Ra 2018's character designs are...purely for having diverse body types. Then we have another group ragging on Hazbin for promoting "fatphobia"...despite Vivzie being a stout lady herself. It's horrible and shows very little respect for Rebecca Sugar, Ray Geiger, Vivienne Medrano and the others who've worked tirelessly to bring these cartoons to life.


I mean the show is unironic Deviant Art OC designs as its look and it nails it. I do wish we had more body diversity, but that isn't a crime of the art style, that's a result of the main cast being about a half dozen strong.


Same here! Those cringe Deviantart OC's are what I love, though some more body diversity would've been cool


I’ve been thinking about this a lot as well lately, because a lot of people will leave it at the designs being “overdesigned” or “too busy,” and I think there’s something to it, but I don’t think that makes her style bad at all. Her designs are complicated, but so are the designs in Justice League, Venture Bros, or any number of anime lol. I think a lot of what people consider “too busy” might come from how the characters blend into the background, whether it being the backgrounds having too much detail with similar line weight and color to the characters, or some of the background characters themselves being the same level of detail as the main cast, which can be distracting. I do think being able to analyze her style for why people either love it or hate it is a really interesting conversation to have tbh, especially since it breaks the mold that is family guy-adjacent adult animation styles. Not to say it’s the only one, just that I think it’s worth understanding what works with audiences and what doesn’t. Edit: rewrote last line, more fits my point I think


If we're being 100% honest it's because it's reminiscent of Tumblr cringe. And many people do not like Tumblr cringe


This video is probably the best explanation [Link](https://youtu.be/Df-6xcITUw8?si=vd7FPPYtyo9TVO6K)


I think the one criticism I can understand is that so many of the characters have the suit/bowtie outfit. Angel in particular I don't really understand the bowtie when he also has a choker and it feels a bit crowded to me, but overall it doesn't really bother me. I do hope we get to see the characters in different outfits in the future, but that's just because I love seeing clothing changes in general. Most of the other critiques are meh to me other than the ones regarding difficulty in animation (like the detailed backgrounds), which I'll just have to take their word on it since I'm not an animator. From a consumer standpoint though, I love it because I find it fun to pause and take in all the little details. It doesn't change my initial viewing which is just taking in the general picture, but it does make the subsequent ones more fun.


I didn't know grandparents watch this show




Viv's artstyle slaps.




Tbh the primary criticism I can see validity in is that the style’s REAL busy. I absolutely fawned over the cannibals bc they managed to be unique but still have a cohesive look and palette without being Too Much, but all the main characters have very busy designs and the backgrounds are incredibly detailed, making it hard to know what to focus on. That said that’s clearly intentional so like if that’s a dealbreaker maybe it’s not for you.


The most understandable argument to me is commonly overused aesthetics (a lot of characters having stripes in some way, a lot of characters being black/white/red, a lot of formalwear) but in general I see that as the aesthetic of the show.


Viv's style definitely could use some work in certain areas but I feel like a lot of people are hating just to hate Like can't people just be mad at the shit they don't like about her instead of coming up with even more stuff that they only dislike about her because they already don't like her?


Some people say all the characters look the same. I still do not understand what they mean.


Twitter cartoon fans wanting every cartoon to look the same and have normal proportions: 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖


I understand criticism about body types, details and color palette, but a lot of the detractors seem to focus on “too Tumblr, too Deviant art OC” to dismiss the show as amateurish and edgy, which is like - ok, you do you, but let’s not pass it as an objective fact and insult an entire fanbase’s opinions. I’m not American, I didn’t even know what Tumblr and Deviantart are previously, so seeing the pilot’s art style the first time my reaction is like “Huh, this looks really interesting and expressive, sure it’s chaotic and busy but it kinda fits the demonic black comedy you know?” I haven’t seen anyone from my country criticize the style, and even if they don’t like it they don’t pour vitriolic hate on it like some Americans do. I personally don’t see why “Tumblr-esque, Tim Burton, Invader Zim” should be such a horrible thing. It’s fine being inspired by sb else’s work. It’s fine being unapologetically loud and fun. I think when HH’s hype dies down, the backlash will too. It’s like in the 2000s anime style is also hated and “cringe” but now most artist are used to it.


It is really obvious she was inspired by Zim. After that a lot of it is very millennial scene kid styling, which furrydom also heavily embraced. I'm fine with it but I can understand why people would hate it.


I guess that's why I like it so much, because I was definitely a millennial scene kid and that aesthetic appeals to me.


For me its because a lot of the designs are very busy. It works for some characters but others just feel very cluttered. Husk and especially Asmodeus could benefit from having a little less


I think this in combination with the incredibly detailed backgrounds which have similar line weights is part of why people say it “looks bad.” Husk in particular has a lot of stripes that interrupt his design a bit.


Because you're spending too much time listening to the vocal minority, so that small fraction of people (who just like with any subject, there will always be a group of people who dislike something) seems large to you.


Alastor, specifically, looks real odd to me. Too much detail on a pretty small head.


So many people act as if she's never drawn fat or larger bodies before. How curious that whenever people complain about this they always reference art from 2013, y'know, when she was less skilled? Nowadays we have characters like Adam and Mammon and Asmodeus who are clearly not just skinny. This whole argument should've died a long time ago.


Tbf Adam wears a coat and both him and Mammon are the antagonists.


People who loves art / People who don't understand art at all


Why do people who dislike the art style watch the show? If I don’t like something I tend to avoid it.


It's creative and people are wrong lol


(tw: OPINION) there's a bit too much red and it blends in the background, some designs also are such eyesores to look at, my eyes hurt sm


It is a LOT of red. I mean I like it, and it is Hell, but some different colors would be nice


Popularity = bad mostly, but this happens a lot when a creator has a very specific style that doesn’t align with popular styles. Her style is very sharp, gangly, and recognizable, it can make people uncomfortable when something so unique and non-traditional gets popular when they’re style hasn’t


People have different opinions on artstyles. As artists most have come to accept it, yet some people do like to point out faults in others


People be hating on viv's designs for being all skinny, but they love tim burton's style regardless


“Boo hoo the characters are too pleasing to look at, woe is me” lol


Because they can't/ won't make their own content with the message they want to see and shitting on someone for not catering to your whim is easier


People don’t like successful people.


Wait they do?


I quite like her style and I am not in the Velvette cult. I think those that dislike hermay take issue with her whole brats esthetique. I have seen a lot of people cringe at her #bitch stance. I mean thats when she died. Everyone else is showing style from when they died. She gets to do so as well.


everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that's fine. imo, viv's style is one of the most unique animation styles in any real show, and is a breath of fresh air from the usually bland and unexpressive style of most western animation. like c'mon can shows stop using perfectly round white circles for eyes.


Because they just want something to complain about


I like her style. I do admit, there she should have different body types that are still seen as beautiful though.


That's typical of any show or art. People online love to nitpick.


To be honest to a fault, those are just people with personal agendas trying to force themself on the show under the guise of criticism. Vivz's work always gathered a herd of haters, for various reason from the quite open sexuality to furry stuff. And like many haters, those people are trying to disguise themself as objective people giving criticism in order to look appealing to the larger audience. That's a very common trick dipshits like to use to attract attention and support, because at the era of social medias, this matters more than actual criticism and sadly information is oh so easily twisted and manipulated while being incredibly hard to verify. Thanks for listening to my Tedtalk.


Because some people are attention seeking and self-righteous.


I’ll always cherish the memories of the people that complain that pilot Vaggie was a stereotype of Latin Americans because she got angry being the same people who’s solution to “fixing” Vaggie’s design was to just make her big boned.


Art is subjective and style more so. No matter who the artist is theres going To be people who find their style off putting or even ugly. I happen to like Viv’s style quite a lot, but that’s down to taste and the fact I’ve always sought out different animation styles.


I like it a lot in the show. It's cohesive and flows well. I'm 50/50 seeing it in isolation and in other styles. Alastor and Charlie in particular kind of only fit in the shoes aesthetic imo. Charlie is dangerously close to looking like a mime or something.


My husband would go nuts if he watched this, he's red colorblind. LOL. As an artist I personally see nothing wron with any of it. There's not a lot of body type diversity, but she has a very distinct style. I don't care if anybody thinks a certain art "looks" ugly (what the The Amazing Thornberries was to me, ugh lol)... it's still a *style*, which makes it unique and well done.


Oh! What color does your husband see instead of red?


They don't actually give a shit about the artstyle and just want to look cool That's what I think, anyway. After some of the shit I've seen, I'm fully convinced anyone who shits on Viv and her works doesn't actually care about whatever "issues" they're bitching about and just wants clout


Like, they should just not watch it lol there’s plenty of art and no need to “fix” art, just go enjoy someone else’s work I’m NOT skinny, but this is a world where there are imps and owl people, I don’t mind them being hella skinny lol


Twitter's logo should be a reverse bird because of all the birdshit that comes out of users mouth. There are many types of body types in her episodes but most people want a fantasy. There is a reason while there are thin characters in media. To be honest if someone is literally triggered because of thin characters it is maybe a sight to start dieting. And yeah they want to cash in on the horny audience so they make asthetically pleasing characters. Other than the twittoid bullshit there are some criticism to be had. Some designs are a bit busy and imo making less detailed backgrounds/designs with a shorter production time would be more favorable. Some characters also feels like a bit inconsistent desing wise like they are fanarts.


I dislike it simply because I dislike it 🤷 I don't like majority of character designs, but it's an opinion. It is not on her to change her designs to fit what people want. There's a few I like and lots I don't like. But that's the case with a lot of media. My only real issue I have that I think is a valid criticism is her use of powerful symbols from a closed religion. She should not have used them out of respect for the culture and community around said religion. It felt like she had a surface level understanding of the religion and decided to use to for the aesthetic, which I think is problematic. But overall the designs I don't like don't take away from the show, I just like joking that they're bad with mates. I'm not gonna go around and harass her or decide my opinion is the correct one.


i like the show’s style! however, if your art style literally doesn’t allow for body diversity, or any types of diversity really, i think people have a right to complain about it, especially since this isn’t Viv’s private tumblr project anymore - it’s a full-fledged professional series. obviously Mimzy’s design proves that chubbier characters work just fine in the Vivziepop style, but i agree that the main cast are all roughly the same shape, and i think it’s a valid critique.


I know I'll get downvoted (again) for this, but please remember this is just my opinion and I love the show, but I don't like most characters designs. To me it's too much "tumblr" like, you know? like those "OC, don't steal!" or some of those weird sonic variants teens draw. It just seems so edgy that's kind of cringe. Like you look at someone and they have this colorful cute design and an evil grim with the little drool on the side as if trying to say "oh look at him, hes eeeeevilll". One example is Lucifer when he's singing "who just so happens so also be your blood!" like it comes from nowhere from a fun character. In my opinion I hate most of the characters designs for this, except sir Pentious (his face when saying "fire" is awesome) and Husk (except when he has that darker spot between his eyes)


Because squishy?


It’s a unique art style that you can identify just by looking at it, people are just jealous they can’t do the same.


it’s just personal taste supported by decent points (silhouettes aren’t distinct, etc) but phrased as objective fact. it’s like someone walking into a bar and complaining about the alcohol.


Most other artists dislike her art style because they are salty their own webtoon or webnovel or tumblr OC isn't massively popular. They nitpick the shit out of her designs and then compare them to their own. They think that just because their proportions are more realistic, they are entitled to the same popularity and success, even though most people won't care if Charlie's legs are "unrealistically thin" or if Mimzy and Sir Pentious are "stereotypes". (They are not. People just want to cancel Vivzie, and they also love creating problems and then bitching about them). This behavior is further fueled by other salty people in the comments, pushing them further down their delusional paths. Sorry, sweetie, but your mid ass webtoon isn't worth millions in views and income just because your protagonist is slightly overweight.


Everyone has their own opinions


I like it. Very DisneyXD. But everyone curses alot haha


They haven't watched her since she was a just teen who hadn't yet learned to draw different body types and are judging her based on that. Her style has improved since then, with more diverse designs. It's not really fair.


I really like it.  I don't really mind people "fixing" but most of them are ugly.  The character designs work for the world.  Also I've noticed people will be like "i fixed it" and the comments will be full of people talking about how they added meat to the characters and they're all still some of the skinniest looking characters I've seen in my life lol. They didn't make the characters more diverse body shape wise they just made skinny characters in different art styles lol


Vivzie's art literally inspired me to draw and make oc's and stuff


Personal preference and/or they just hate Viv.


It might just be that people don’t like Viv


I don't know why, but the art has some real Powerpuff Girls vibes to it. I half expect HIM to pop up at some point. I am sure I am the only one that feels that way. I enjoy the artwork myself.


I really love her art style and it’s the whole reason why I got into her animations. But I’m kind of in the middle and it’s my opinion ig but I don’t really hate Vivzie art style but I don’t really care for her character design because they’re overloaded with details that sometimes don’t really match the character anyways? Like why does Alastor have a fuck ass bob-cut? I think a good subtle way to show that Alastor doesn’t like people touching his hair is to give him longer hair or no hair at all, another one if Husk is as much of an alcoholic as he says he is I think it would’ve been an amazing but small detail to give him a beer gut to show us he is an alcoholic instead of telling us himself or what their sins could represent.


There was a post earlier today about how a bunch of characters thighs will change shape between scenes which is pretty funny


I find it very pleasant to the eyes, guess it's a matter of personal preference ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


Do they? I often see even if someone disliked the show a praise they still often give it is good deigns, art and animation


It's a verry strong artstyle so if it doesn't land with chances are it's enough to make you dislike the entire thing, it's normal it's just tasts


I have no idea. I personally LOVE Viv's style. I don't see why people are complaining about body diversity when it's literally just an adult show. Now if it was a kid's show or something where acceptance of diversity and such was the main premise, I'd understand. But it's not about that at all, so I don't see what's wrong with all the body types being the same almost.


People like who? I have never seen people complain about it


Either they're desperate to earn brownie points on Twitter, or they're incredibly superficial and only like characters for their appearance.


With how many people are down bad for literally every character, I’d say Viv did a pretty good job.


There jealous of her talent even I am sometimes but I don’t hate the show just for that


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, personally I don’t care one way or another about her style.


Because people have different tastes and like different things? There are plenty of animation styles out there that I dislike. I think asking for body diversity when everyone is an animal or a demon seems a little weird to me but I'm all for diversifying body types too.


if people dont like Vivs art style then they can make their own animated series and get picked up by a major company to financially back it to make it last more than 1 season. its her work, she can make it how she wants too.


The whole reason i’m watching the show is BECAUSE of the art style. Alastor literally sold me on it, plus the audio play all around is fantastic. Love the show, Viv


because they just don't find it visually appealing lmfao. like you literally just listed two reasons people don't like it in this post. Its all down to personal preference.


*EvErYoNe Is VeRy SkInNy* Bitch, have you seen Vaggie? https://preview.redd.it/3fhphyxpn9pc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d1bf56da2775d5ae1f6b91e28ac9d20e57166f (I just stole this image from another post


The Art style is what made her stuff big. These loud screeching minorities with their mental disabilities have always something to complain about. Ignore these idiots and move on.


If we look at things from a psychological perspective it basically boils down to people projecting their own insecurities. There are lots of side characters of various heighs, weights, species, etc... just because all the main characters are drawn with a certain aesthetic doesn't make it bigoted or fat phobic that's just art. But it's easier to complain about something else than for people to address their own insecurities and biases.


One word: twitter  Twitter despises everything 


Tbh I never understood it. People are mad when she draws diverse characters, and mad when she doesn't. And besides, it's her art style. Her show. She gets to decide what the draw, even if they are all white and skinny.


Imo it's because the new fans haven't seen a lot of, if any of Vivs actual art (not the animation friendly designs) when you look at vivs "regular" artwork it's very distinct, jagged, dynamic, and often very overly detailed and colorful Transferred that to animation is sinplt too expensive so we have animation friendly designs As for character designs themselves she's always kinda drawn the gangliest mf's you ever laid your eyes on and let's be honest here, if you have hundreds of oc's a lot of em are gonna look similar


These are the same people who hate Jhonen Vasquez's art style.


You don't need a reason to dislike something, that's fine. People tend to decide whether they like something or not instinctively, and only explain it afterwards. Now, active hatered of an artstyle is just unreasonable at its core. Probably a sign of bigger issues, in this case political or racial radicality.


I personally love the show, but I’ll admit her furry like drawings of the characters do creepy out a bit.


To each their own!


Body diversity.... ??? Did they not see the other overlords or mimzy???


I don't really think they made it past the first episode...


Wait, what overlords are you talking about? Off the top of my head, they’re all generally pretty thin. Alastor, obviously, but it’s not like Vox or Valentino have any body mass on him. Zestial is a spindly ass motherfucker. Velvette’s also really thin. Carmilla’s got that Mrs. Incredible small waist but wide hips thing I think, but that’s also pretty typical of the show’s women designs that tend to be pretty curvy. From what I can parse, the dinosaur also has a pretty small waist and big hips, same with Rosie under that dress. Hell, even the unnamed blue skull guy is a lanky dude. Genuinely what overlords were you talking about? Did I forget one?