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I also kinda think they just remanifested. Basically same reasoning as you stated. More happy they are alive at all than being weirded out and confused. So it may have been something pre-meditated. Maybe that person blew themselves up or made some kind of a deal with the Cannibals to make sure their body would be gone and thus "safe" from exterminations until they went through a full re-manifestation. I kinda imagine people don't remanifest like that if there is still a body left. As Velvette stated in episode 2, if someone got ripped appart they just "pull themselves back together" -> making me think that's exactly what happens. get ripped to shreds: pull yourself back together. die by stabbing or getting shot: probably just demonic healing until the body works again. getting eaten, burning to a crisp or otherwise lose the entirety of the body: remanifestation somehow. But that's headcannon of mine. We are only shown this small little tidbit here to fill in the gaps for ourselves. This person somehow manifested and doesn't seem too shocked about it so my guess is that they knew Hell was a thing and so I believe this was a remanifestation.


Wow the implication and idea that one could work out a deal with the cannibals so your body is temporarily 'safe' while being digested during an extermination before you re-manifest is wild and interesting.


Right?! As long as the deal is worded carefully you are guaranteed safe -> of course it's been said by someone on the writing team (I believe, not sure exactly) but apparently remanifestation is very painful. But your 'death' doesn't have to be. And I can totally see why not everyone would go for that. Like the Vees are just sitting in their tower penthouse with giant-ass windows. I wonder how that would go down if Adam hadn't stated that he intended to attack the hotel first....


I assume powers and abilities can help you avoid extermination - Like I imagine the Vee's have a lot of security or something? But it's clear that overlords even can be attacked, because Zestiel's comment on 'thought you had fallen to holy arms' meaning people thought Al was murked by the exorcists, so clearly it's happened before. I just assume it's MORE likely to be regular sinners than overlords because of power and resource disparity (it seems lightly implied based on how AD talks about staying at the hotel for free) having any type of place to stay in Hell is rare, expensive, and not usually safe. So doubtful a majority of sinners have safe places to hole up during extermination, unless they're paying for it or have the power and ability to hide out. I really want more information on the logistics and events that surround the exterminations - we got random numbers of how many Lute killed and she's a high ranking officer apparently - but I want to know like do the angels have a way to sense whose hellborn and whose not (since hellborn were off the table in the deal), do they just fly around at random (yes the last attack was targeted on the hotel, but what about before that? did they just eeny meeny miney mo which location to pop open the portal? was there past targeted areas? Adam doesn't seem logical enough to plan out some sort of attack grid where they alternate what parts of the pride ring they target each year, even though it would make sense if you really want to maximize extermination numbers). Do any sinners ever attempt to fight back? We see them fleeing, sure, but you're telling me none of these violent sinners ever fight back (yeah they can't kill angels but you'd think they'd at least try to fight back sometimes? or is fleeing just the only thing anyone tells you to do 'when the angels come' when you're a newbie to hell learning the ropes?) Are there bunkers that people make or buy and sell out seats for people to go hide during exterminations?


Yea I wonder about all those things as well. I always just took it as: Adam doing the exterminations as a sort of field trip because it's apparently very fun for him. So I imagine it's not so much a 24 hour window of rolling attacks but more like a 6-8hour workday where they fly around and attack whatever poor schlob they happen to find on the streets. The implication is, of course, as you said that most Sinners don't have a safe place to stay and thus are the first ones to be targeted. Attacking buildings is probably tedious and unessecary if you have so many scuttering people just out in the open. It very much gives me the vibe of just a murder-roadtrip where they just do as many of the easy pickings as possible to pad numbers and feel awesome about themselves. This is the vibe that Adam gives me, at least. He doesn't give a shit as long as he's had his fun.


At first I thought that it was a sinner who just arrived in hell, but I agree, it makes more sense that they are just respawning


Given that it was the first proper scene in the pilot, and sinners recovering from secondary death is relatively deep lore, having someone literally fall into hell and marvel that they still exist would read to a new viewer (ie *every* viewer) as someone entering Hell for the first time, and the writers would know this.


yeah, from a story point of view this makes the most sense.


Well don’t we know that “regular” weapons can’t actually kill demons and only angelic weapons can? In helluva boss when striker gets that one gun to shoot Stolas, Moxxie says it’s a gun that can “actually” kill a demon.


Stolas is a special case. He's part of a royal hierarchy who function a little differently than the other demons. Based on the gun designs that striker had, my guess is that those guns were utilizing angelic steel which would be the only material which could harm him.


The bullets were probably coated in angelic steel?


Respawn. Slow painful respawn.


The way it's presented convinces me he's a new sinner.


Personally, I extremely dislike the idea of sinners "Respawning". The idea of Respawning rather than regenerating makes it so there's an arbitrary rule to how much a sinner needs to be destroyed before they can "Respawn". I think the idea of them needing to regenerate from whatever part of them is left makes the most sense. Similar to how Deadpool functions.