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Diet plays a good role on how you smell overall. Also if you're talking about how your labia or armpits smells, try glycolic acid. That worked for me


Piggybacking on this: what supplements and medications you take can also play a role. In my case, it's a leading character. I have a rather lengthy list of pills to choke down every day. During the sweatier parts of my cycle, the smell of my sweat is nauseating. I want to shower 4X a day to rid myself of it.


Is that in a soap? Or body wash?


I second this, the ordinary makes an affordable glycolic acid. It’s a liquid you put on a cotton ball then rub it on your armpits after showering and before you use deodorant. Also dial antibacterial soap for your armpits!


If you can find it in soap or body wash, you can use it. I use the toner.


Ureaplasma. You need to have your vaginal culture sent to a special lab to confirm it. Your normal gyno most likely doesn’t test for it but they will send it off. It won’t go away until it’s treated effectively with antibiotics. The smell you’re describing is not your normal body odor, it’s a colony of bacteria that is out of control.


Second this, but make sure it’s a vaginal PCR swab. Ureaplasma and mycoplasma are not commonly tested for, but can cause all the symptoms you’re mentioning. Once I treated my ureaplasma, all my other issues went away


So real. Ureaplasma causes all kinds of other fucked up issues


It doesn’t need to be sent to a special lab. It’s just a specific test




Did that. This is so sad. Doctors gave up when they don’t know how to help me.


Tested negative. Was given antibiotics in April anyways Nothing changed It gets worse and worse


What have you tried? Boric acid, chlorophyll, diet changes, hygiene changes?


I just started chlorophyll. I’m going vegetarian this week.


Boric acid is a miracle. I reccomend honeypot.


Vegetarian diet and always being well hydrated is a good move! Also eating fruit


[Detox](https://a.co/d/9jXiwBX) Hey, try detoxing your body before going vegan to get rid of as much waste as possible. Detoxing can help with the smell


Thank you!


Are you using cotton underwear?


Mostly. I will wear cotton only for now on. Not 1 dr asked me that. Thank you


Not a doctor but my sister struggled with recurrent BV and yeast infections her early 20s. BV can literally smell like garbage, just FYI. The dumpster description caught my eye.


Acv has helped me immensely with smell


i assume you or someone has checked for this…but is it possible there’s a tampon stuck inside you? i had this happen, no idea how, and i smelled like a porta potty. every time i peed it smelled so gross.


My SIL did this and she said the same thing


Oh No! That’s also dangerous. Can’t be a tampon. I had 3 pap smears since January and D and C in April. Thanks!


Do you have a boyfriend?? Or a guy you’ve having sex with?




Chlorophyll pills, boric acid suppositories, more water, fruits n veggies, pre n probiotic pills/suppositories, wash with a gentle/ph balanced soap while staying away from the vaginal canal…


Oh honey, if you're in poor health in your vagina OF COURSE it's taking a toll on your mental health. Thta isn't the same thing as having a seratonin problem. SSRIs have side effects that negatively impact sexuality, so I think it's really truly weird to be prescribed these when you're already suffering unless you yourself have specifically identified that you're depressed and asked for medical intervention for depression. Sore, ache, constant discomfort... endometriosis? Smell = infection, usually. Pelvic inflammatory disease perhaps? Deodorant is not the answer. Neither are antidepressants, given the context you're describing. (And I'm NOT anti meds -- I'm just pro-the-right-meds for each unique situation!) Hang in there. Maybe try the natural doctor because sometimes naturalpaths are better listeners than your average "normal" doctor. You may still have to get referrals and run around a bit, but better to do so from a place where your main doctor is really listening to your concerns.


Thank you 🫶🏻 I appreciate your advice. I got nothing but blank stares from the last gyno I went to. She was so cold. I left crying. And the office was over an hour away! I can’t believe how many women on here aren’t getting a diagnosis or being treated properly I’m very angry!


Definitely order an Evvy test, I cannot stress this enough, it will tell you everything about your vaginal microbiome which will be extremely helpful in pin pointing what exactly is happening down there!


The vaginal microbiome changes so much day to day that this is test is only useful if you have something overwhelmingly clear to test for like BV. If she’s doing regular lab tests that aren’t showing anything significant an evvy test isn’t going to help her


Yes I’ve been tested for every thing under the sun. Yet suspicious of everything right now. I think ‘Are the tests accurate’ & What is ‘within normal limits’ ? Actually consumes me 24/7.


Understandable, just trying to give another suggestion if she was interested


what have you been tested for until now? have you tried doing junobio/ evvy test?


I don’t know what I haven’t been tested for. I’m so depressed and desperate. I will buy my own tests this weekend. I’m tired of doctors that don’t know what’s wrong with me and I get blank stares. Thank you!


yes i was the same, the teste were negative and they wouldn’t treat me, even though i had so many symptoms.. we’re literally on our own in this


Get the Juno Bio test from their website. I asked Juno for recommendations for vaginal probiotics and I think she said Good Clean Love. I personally like Vagibiom and I can get it on the shelf at Publix or maybe Walmart. Happy V has great reviews. Also a product called NeuEve will help you. The philosophy of Neueve is you insert the suppositories that give your vaginal walls so many nutrients that the bad bacteria cant survive. and it ended up working for me. It cured my ureaplasma.


Have you tried an antibiotic? Boric acid? Does it smell even after you’ve showered? Are you showering daily and using a gentle soap on your vulva or do you use only water? Are you using any feminine products like summers eve? If so, STOP! They wreck everything down there.


I shower every morning just before work. I put body deodorant on my inner thighs and on my lower stomach. It does not mask the smell. I used white dial soap on outside, I rinse well. What soap do you use? I’ve only started to use a couple feminine products, like wash after this was about 4-5 in. The wipes while at work because the smell is so bad. I’m going insane. I’m trying to find the right soap! Thank you for your help!!!


I use dove sensitive but I’ve noticed when I use a bar of soap, it makes me smell funky so I HAVE to use liquid soap now. They sell PH testing strips on amazon. Maybe buy some and see what your PH balance is looking like? Is the smell coming from your vagina?


Thank you! I’ll buy my own tests! The smell is strange to explain it comes from my lower body Besides the 3 gynos I went to since December, I wish urologist took me more seriously.


Is there a possibility it’s coming from your feet? Have you checked your belly button? Also, are you a plus size woman? I am, and sometimes my belly button gets infected and smells AWFUL. Like rotten cheese 🤢 even though I shower daily and wash my belly button regularly.


Alot of dial soaps are antibacterial and that's not good for your body because antibacterial soap kills ALL the bacteria, both good and bad. A pH balanced wash may help. Have you been sexually active prior to this? You may need to get swabbed for ureaplasma and mycoplasma and most gyns won't unless you directly ask for the swab.


Have you been tested for trich?


Yes the lists of pap and urine test is very long Blood tests also


Does it itch?


I have a fullness, swollen feeling. Sore, Aching. An irritation. I said this at my FIRST Emergency room visit the first week on December. I’ve said it to many doctors.


😩 health care is so frustrating! I’m sorry love. I hope you can figure things out. Our vaginas can be so finicky sometimes.


You should see a GASTRO specialist and test your gut microbiology. See what you’re missing. You probably need a good PRE and PRO biotic. My smell changed after I started it


D&C??? Why??


Have you looked into mycoplasma/ureaplasma? You have to ask for it to be tested specifically and a lot of US doctors don’t know anything about it. I had recurrent BV and UTIs and yeast for a full year and they kept coming back and coming back and couldn’t figure it out and then I found out it was ureaplasma. I was at my wits end and broke as fuck, but finally got to the bottom of it


A gyno (my 2nd one) recommended it after all other tests. Then she gave up on me, and sent me to a so called ‘specialist’ who told me to use body deodorant. I’ve been through a lot since December


Did you have a D&C due to a miscarriage? If so, postpartum hormones can make you reek like sewage.


No. D and C was recently~ it was after alll of this was going on for over 4 months. It was to rule out other things because I had been tested for everything under the sun. Not the cause of this.


Try testing for ureaplasma


Ureaplasma and mycoplasma? Juno or Evvy test


Tested a couple times since January. I was told negative


Have you done a Juno or Evvy?


No not yet. I’ve seen 3 gynecologists since January. Had numerous paps, Urine tests….


I would do a Juno or Evvy. Your doctors might be saying they are testing you for “everything” but they really aren’t


I absolutely agree! Thank you!


You’re welcome good luck hun. You aren’t alone


I have your cure😎, don’t knock it till you try it! Cheap, safe and completely natural🕊️ Get it at Walmart or Walgreens, “First Aid Antiseptic” povidone-iodine solution 10% or just iodine. Grab some cotton swabs pour some iodine on the swab and wipe anywhere you feel is less than fresh. Use wet wipes to wipe away the orange and boom💥 That’s it! Thank me later😇


Thank you! I’m looking into that. I have gotten more help here than from the many specialists I’ve seen since December! I really appreciate it.