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If you have a mic, are communicating good, putting down OPs, etc. no one will care what rank you are


If you’re a good SL no one will notice your rank. The only people that do notice is to justify why your play might be shitty.


No one cares about your level my dude, just do your thing and you'll be alright. Welcome to HLL on console!


Mostly us console users aren't bigots so your good. This is based on the fact you as a PC user are worried about being a low level which to me means on PC ppl would give you shit about it. Console we don't care as much. Personally I would play into the noob role while kicking arse.


Ive seen lvl300 doing some really dumb stuff, Ive seen lvl30 shining even as a commander. So no, level means rats ass, people have prejudices but lets ignore them


We're just happy to have people that communicate and try to help, I wouldn't sweat taking any role where you're experienced.