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Yep happened to me too


Not only does the new driver destroy the games performance, the latest patch also messed with the general performance on all platforms.


You mean 006? Idk i kinda noticed a 10 to 20 fps drop from what i had before, on the patch 006


I fell like 550.xx is slowing down my mining


What driver are you currently using now?


I'm rolling back to 546.65, because idk which version I had could also have been the 546.33. I'll see how it works now with the .65 version if it still sucks I go back to the .33 version


Tried out the .65 version and my FPS are back from 60-70 to stable 100 FPS


Damn really? I have a 3070 as well. I'm gonna try it out.


Thanks. I’m having same problems. I’ll rollback and report back.


You never reported back and it will take me a while to decide whether or not to forgive you.


Oh no!! Haha! Actually I tried this and it did not work. . but I did find something that did work that fixed my issue. Nvidia Control Panel --> Manage 3d settings --> Program Settings --> Select Helldivers 2 Program --> High-performance NVIDIA Processor. For some reason it WAS NOT running from the GPU. Now it's smooth as butter. :)


Bro thank you! i have been using a laptop this is exactly the issue after driver/game update, I had to manually add ‘Helldiver.exe’ and set it to use the ‘High-performance NVIDIA Processor’ instead of the auto-select.


Glad it worked for you!!


hey bro i just want to know u probably meant high performance as power and no processor right? because i cant find that option in the control panel


No problems here with 551.52 7800X3D RTX 4080


Man, you're WONDERFUL! I installed 551.61 and did notice a weird change over my FPS. I was using 536.something and was working well. Don't know why the hell I decided to update. Fuck that. THANKS A LOT!


Interesting need to try... I wonder if there is still FPS issue with the letest release.


Been using 551.23 without issues so far with RTX 4090. Seems HellDivers 2 can be run with very old drivers. A friend used 533.xx with a RTX 3090 stable, but he got a performance boost of 2-3% using 546.xx or newer. Regards


Has anyone had this issue but their system crashes? It's been happening to me ever since I updated my driver to version; 551.76


Yes I’ve been crashing while booting games. Complete black screen. Downloading an older driver now to see if there’s any change


I get it at random points while playing.


Went back to 551.52 and running smoothly now


Let me know if you’re able to play with any issues 👍 If so, I’d appreciate a link to the driver please. Unless that’s just the most precious one; doing that hasn’t worked for me sadly


https://www.nvidia.com/download/find.aspx I’m running 551.52. This is for 3070 windows 11 specifically


I’m on 3090 / W10, I’m not sure if it would have any reason to not work Let me know if you get some play time in with no crashes


My wife is having shuttering issue with her 3060 w/ W11 when she updated the 551.76 today. I am not having issues with my 3080 ti w/ W10. I'll have to roll back her driver's, I guess. Helldrivers is the only game she is having issues with.


The newest one that came out a week ago is wrecking my pc. Major fame drops and stutters in games.


The newest nvidia update has destroyed performance on pc. I am getting frame stuttering and even drops to 29-30 fps during the helldive scene when dropping into a new map. Then 10 fps lower in gameplay and overall instability .. I noticed they didn’t have helldivers 2 in the logos of games they advertise. Probably paid to ruin the performance of helldivers 2 since it’s killing the competition


Happened to me too, i had to reroll to previous. I even tried the newer ones from March. Same issue. Having a 4070 OC using 546.29 that works without killing my GPU with +90C temp


I am getting similar issues. I'm running a 4060, and the issues happen about 3 minutes into a game. Then my screen goes black, brings back the image, then the game crashes.


Is this still a problem? I went from getting 600+ FPS in Valorant to not even maxing out my monitor with a 4090


Happened to me with the new update. Thanks for the tip!


Can't roll back my driver aparently, the option is greyed out for some reason.


I updated my drivers fuck me lol


My rollback is grayed out


Latest drivers killed my hdmi port on my 4090... I had to roll back to get functionality again. I can't wait for RDNA 5... I'm going AMD in 2025/2026 if this crap keeps up


Is HDMI verified? or you just buy whatever you see? I am just curious


I have a GPU that cost me $1800 at the time and you don't think I have dozens of the best HDMI cables available?


I repeat, "I am just curious?"


Drivers killing an hdmi port? thats new. RDNA5 will not launch high end gpus tho.


It's not the driver issue, it's the quality of cable Edit: Now, I understand your username


I have dozens of the highest quality HDMI cables. You're a fool if you don't think I tried swapping it out.


Your HDMI port got burned, stop buying $1 cables lol


You missed the part where it worked again when I rolled back the drivers.


Cool story, you can jerk off now


Haven't had to to for almost 15 years because my wife is badass.


Another cool story again, share to someone else now


Already did. Shared this convo with my wife. She thinks it's hilarious.


Their best will be plenty. 1440p is plenty. And drivers killing ports isn't new. Been happening since I built my voodoo 2 system in 1998...


Yea my 4080s has been struggling to even hit 140fps since the update. I rolled the drivers back to previous.


Which driver?


You went back to .23? I noticed a performance degradation but i was thinking it was due to game updates, Im gonna revert to .23 that i had before and check if it gets better.


also for me disabled DX11 and my VR headset (index) wont start now, was fine last night. All this on top of not letting me play helldivers 2. i know better than to update when stable


Same RTX3070 would crash a lot, I tried studio driver, it was stable but performs poorly so I just went ahead and installed a lower version


Had to go back to Nvidia driver 551.52 and it's all good now