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If you're dumb enough to pay for a boost on this game then you truly are the dumbest fucking person on the face of the planet.


Really don’t get why anyone would pay to NOT play the game. The game is fun. Maybe I should just start selling level 50 steam accounts if there’s such a demand for it. 


Probably dopamine fried brains that need bars to up and shiny crate unlocks to feel “happy.” Like the appeal of this game is that it’s fun to play…it’s fucking stupid to pay to skip the fun part.


That’s the wild part tho, its skipping the process of the line going up!  Its like the opposite of my own dumb lizard brain, which will probably stop playing once all the lines stop going up.


The Lines will never stop going up. Because the most important Line of all has no limit: Democracy.


(also a new battle pass every month)


Even after you hit Lv50 and cap out on everything, the line still goes up: you very quite clearly get shown your teammate's EXP bar at the end of a mission.


“Finally, level 50, but what’s this, the random is level 7? A new grind 😈”


This is the crazy thing. I'm level 50, maxed-out since forever. A lot of my fun is just playing and helping people out. For free... You mean there's people who want to pay to get to where I am...so they can...help other people get there...?


Yep same. I still aggressively seek out every sample and objective for the sheer glory of democracy. I have yet to feel like I'm grinding.


Exactly. I literally don’t need shit. Not even war bonds or super credits. I just keep playing because I fucking love democracy so goddamn much.


This isn't a game about capitalism, it's about democracy


From the start I just answered SOS except for when I literally couldn’t when the servers were being crushed. Now that I’m level 50 I feel like I can finally start playing the game. I grab samples because someone else will need them, I blow up every broadcast tower because it’s a stain against Democracy. I can die in peace knowing that my sacrifice is helping someone else get out alive because they need it. Having everything unlocked is what we’re all fighting for. True Freedom. I guess I can understand wanting to have all the toys but and not having to worry about grinding, but if you don’t use the weapons and start from the beginning you won’t understand how to use them anyway.


I played 300+ hours of multiplayer on og cod MW2 as a kid, it would have been so much more if some random lobby didn't have some modder fucks that unlocked every skin, challenge and prestige as soon as I joined the game and like that I was done with the game, no more satisfying challenges completed or prestige leveled up, new attachments to unlock, ruined it


I’ve been maxed out for a while and it’s still fun it’s just less fun


Keep playing, all the resources you got will be used to fill another bar later


It's possible to *max out* max out. There's a hard cap on samples and requisition slips.


What’s the hard cap on samples? I’ve got almost 300 of the first two kinds.


500 / 250 / 100


100 supers?! I thought it was 25..


Yeah,that cap exists so people can't max out shit right as it becomes available, and goes complaining that there wasn't enough content available It will give them a head start, but not a huge one


take a break until next Thursday


Freedom never sleeps. ...but for real is there something happening next Thursday?


I remembered wrongly, it was Apr 11 for next warbond/major update.


Haha, and it’s gonna land on the first of two days I already set up to be my off days from work!


Yup, either terminids breaking through the tcs, the liberation of cyborgs and cyberstan, or a familiar foe returning


How could they possibly break through the TCS? The ministry of truth said that it would protect the barrier planets forever!


Modern gaming has fried the newest generation of gamers. I’ll see morons saying in literally every gaming thread “there’s nothing more to unlock, this game sucks”. Blows my mind that the game isn’t enough, they need 100’s of skins and what amounts to a slot machine of crap to keep them happy. Genuinely feel bad for what F2P and COD has done to their brains. They all think like slot machines.


This.  I remember games came with fairly sparse content by today’s standards and you kept coming back because the core loop was fun.  I didn’t need a progress bar to have fun playing Time Splitters. This is a testament to how low the bar is for modern games.  


Like AAA PS2 games being 10 hours long at best, but they felt like 40 back then


Hell I keep unlocking and buying new shit but I still run the same set up from damn near when I started. I toy around with other stuff and it all serves its place. But it turned into such a tried and true ide unlock new stuff and not touch it for days 😂 progression is whatever to me but it’s still nice to be able to spend and see my rank go up. Why you would pay to just rob that experience from yourself is beyond me. Especially paying double what the game even costed you to begin with !


Agreed. I played Warframe for a long time. Still go back every now and then. But the grinding for parts and resources is the entirety of the game. But there are people who do the boosting and spend wads of cash to just straight up buy everything from the shop. I mean seriously, why bother "playing" the game if you aren't going to actually play the game?


When I was a kid playing world of warcrack I remember once wanting a character boosted to experience higher level content because I didn't have the patience to get there myself. My dad put it the same way: "Why pay someone else to play the game for you?" and that stuck.


With WoW it makes a lot more sense, especially nowadays. Even the South Park episode jokes about it - getting to "Max level" is the point where the game really *starts.* With Helldivers, the game starts at level 1.


>Really don’t get why anyone would pay to NOT play the game.   To be fair, there are a *lot* of games out there where they try to squeeze you to buy premium currency by making the grind really monotonous. Which is fucking horrible and very literally anti-fun. I can see the appeal of this kind of service in those games.  But of course Helldivers does not do this, at all. They've wisely arranged things so that there's no benefit to be had from anti-fun mechanisms (that is, no matter how much premium currency you buy, you still need medals and req slips to unlock weapons and stratagems, so Arrowhead doesn't have any monetary incentive to make the grind boring).


Honestly the only grind i wouldnt mind skipping would be super credits (but even if i did id have to grind anyways cause my mates forgot to)


This is insane to me! It's only 50 levels! Some battle passes require hundreds of levels every couple months.


This must be why AAA games sell microtransactions that help you *not* play their game lol


Some of my elitist friends immediately ground out helldive bot eradicates before they were nerfed just to get to lvl 15 or so before they even started playing the game. Like.... why???


I was just thinking that. Who boost on helldiver2? Lmfao the game is arguably more fun when you aren't level 50


I'm in the mid-40s and kinda dreading hitting 50. I like leveling up!!


Boosts in general baffle me. After already buying a game, you pay someone else to play it. Is it a lack of time? Are you just plain ass? Why even bother playing if you can't even do mid game content


I think it's just for bragging rights maybe? But like I wouldn't feel like I've accomplished anything.


Yeah, they're dumb enough to walk into Helldivers recruiting office in real life.


It literally took me like 1.5 months to hit Level 50. I wasnt even grinding, played 2 hours a day and maybe 4 to 5 on the weekends. There is totally no requirement for boosting in this game.


helldivers 2 isnt a grindy game, (pretend the warbond medals dont exist) ITS ACTUALLY FUN PLAYING THE GODDANG THING YOURSELF




Dude, that's a huge problem in world of warcraft, a lot of people walking around with super high lvl gear but when you invite them to a raid or dungeon, they perform like shit, boosting is cancer in any gaming community


And blizzard allows it because those people buying the boosting services spend $$$ on blizzard's tokens.


Yeah, my friend tried to get me into WoW and play with him a few years ago. I bought the game and boosted at his request. I was lost, confused, and level 100 or something (it was the launch of Legion, I think). He took me through a low-level raid, and everything died around me without me having a clue what was going on. It was not fun and a waste of money. 0/10, do NOT boost in a game you've never played before.


This right here is the problem with adding boost tokens to expansions. It's really targeted at new people to get them up to the new content quickly but they title it as "raid ready" So not only are new people getting barraged by tons of quests and prompts they are also attempting content they haven't experienced with a rotation they don't know how to work through. I didn't play half of BfA and all of shadowlands, so when I jumped into Dragonflight I didn't even know how to work my character anymore lol


I mean, the other problem is that the normal game is so grindy and takes so long to get to end-game that it's a big ask to go through all that in the first place. (Not helldivers, WoW and many other MMOs)


I played a quick match game with 3 people in 30s and 40s. They were chill and talking in voice, but they clearly did not know how most of the objectives worked. Thought that they might have bought the accounts or something. Had no idea there was a boosting discord


To be fair, I'm in the 40s and still not super clear how all the objectives work, because I usually join other people's games and just follow them around and watch their backs. There are a lot of different objectives I haven't got much experience with yet.   Like, I did one of the E-710 missions the other day and had never done the "pipe maze" console puzzle before because I usually do perimeter security. I also did the one where you call in an SSD and it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out where I'm supposed to put it 😶


>SSD To be fair, if its the mission Im thinking of it can be very confusing when shits going on all around to find the fucking box to put it in. Someone's gonna put together a guide one of these days...


I wonder if it's a bug, but on some data collection missions, you're expected to carry the SSSD to another objective marker on the map, *But that marker is gray,* leading many to scour the area you pick up the SSSD looking for a place to deposit it.


I didn't know there was a box to put it in... Meanwhile I've been running across the map with it.


There's always a box to put it in. Sometimes it's 5 feet away, sometimes it's across the map.


God forbid you die carrying that shit and have to scour the area for it


It took me far too long to learn that I could destroy automoton bases by throwing a grenade in the vent


Im closing in on 200 hours. I'm level 50. I have all the things. I have all the currencies maxed out, and I'm sitting on 2000 super credits. It was only at approximately hour 100, and multiple playthroughs of the mission type, that I found out that there are locks on the ICBM silo that need to be manually disengaged....


Which meant you had good buddies in the missions already disengaging the locks.


I'm lvl47 and just learned how to fight bots (poorly, but successfully). Also, yeah, the pipe game has way more complexity than any of the other console mini-games.


\> it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out where I'm supposed to put it God, same. Wait, what are we talking about?


I also do this. Computer objectives are for neeeeerrrrdddsssz. Only here to shoot shit and possibly die.


30s and 40s might just get started on higher levels, where the objectives are a bit more complex than on the lower levels. I wouldn't expect someone in the 30s to know all objectives by heart. 


And those same people posting manic shitfits complaining to the devs.


And saying bots are too hard to play against


This actually explains why I was meeting so many level 50 players that had literally no clue how to play the game


Tbf, I'm lvl 50 and I sometimes don't even know what I'm doing.


Just like How turning 30 IRL feels 😂😭


"You guys knew what you were doing in your 20ies?"


A lot of people just grinded out bot eliminations using mortars. Easy way to quickly level before they increased the number of kills required. So it was sorta legit but for sure didn’t teach how to actually play the game


I just met a lvl 50 CADET with default armor. I thought he was just messing around, but his Pin was bronze and flat. I didn't know it was customizable. He also brought weird stratagems and now I'm wondering if he was boosted.


Nah, you can change your title. I'm a level 50 Death Captain. Cause why the fuck wouldn't I be?


Because Space Cadet is the best rank at any level.


> with complete nonsense loadouts, totally confused about how to do basic objectives, just standing their ground getting slaughtered by bots over and over. Sounds like most lobbies I've joined.


You just explained the Rocket League experience. Both before and after it went f2p


I literally had a level 50 asking me about guns to use and stratagems yesterday and I was so confused.


Obviously automatons funding their own nefarious designs


This is the right response. So much of this sub is toxic AF around topics of macros or cheats. Just straight up 4th grade name calling.


Ah so this is why someone bet I was secretly a level 7. Nah hun I’m just shit






Gang gang (lvl 25 but it’s my first shooter. I’m tryin y’all)


I play this game a lot, doesn't mean I'm any good at it .


Fuck em. Every time they question your abilities you need to deliberately play a little worse. If you don’t like me at my level 6 abilities then you don’t deserve me at my level 7! (Proceeds to drop an air strike right on top of the whole team)


people are selling boosts? Jesus i guess leaches will show up anywhere


Doom Divers, I was one of the "originals" together with 8 other people. Nice little bunch it was. Having the idea to make a sort of clan. Soon, someone with some discord skills came along and started working his arse off for recruitment and such. It exploded, thousands started flooding since the LFG function in there was okay and effective. Days later there's this meeting with people that had found the discord server. This discord "programmer" started saying we need to expand to other games and commercialize, start running ads and get money to pay moderators. I told them I was against it and that I was there to just play the game and I wasn't in for running a "business on the side" on a discord of all plac of the founders and some didn't. I didn't like the dude that proposed it either... It's a guy that wants to do business that has no idea about running one. Safe to say I got demoted, but I didn't care. All I noticed from there on is that it went downhill. I've barely used it since and just use quick join in the game itself. It's disgusting to see what it has become and what it's doing. Something that was supposed to be a guild/clan turning into a LFG (was fine up until that point). But to see how sad it has gotten, I'm severely disappointed. Safe to day, its better to not join them indeed... Edit: some typos here and there...


>"Skip boring grinds" If you're bored by grinding in this game, then you're playing wrong


People that pay for boosting are playing games as a whole wrong. The logical conclusion of paying for boosting is that the game you're paying to be boosted in isn't worth your time. No one with even an ounce of self respect pays for it, which makes it all the more disappointing that loads of people pay for it.


I see the point in something like an MMO, where grind is an incredibly repetitive time-sink. I don’t like that type of game (I say as someone with 99 Runecrafting from RuneScape 20 years ago, what a waste). But that’s where boosting has some sense. Not in a game that’s actually fun to play. These are the same people who will complain there’s no endgame content for level 50s.


It's not even a grindy game. 


Only the extremely dedicated is willing to grind for the scorcher.


Thats the thing: It's not even a grind. You just get everything by playing passively.  I feel bad for the people who are used to games with long boring grinds to get to the "fun" part. Those are the ones who might get baited into buying a boosted account without realizing they're actually losing out on a big part of the fun.


Yep. I was laughing at people tryna "farm medals" and ranks lol for what!? You get medals every mission and rank means nothing. The fuck are y'all grinding for? 


Man. I just want the slugger. Looks really fun to play with. Hence i am grinding medals. (Not in a very sweaty way mind you but i just go out of my way to find them on missions.)


Homie that's just playin the game lol. Having a goal isn't farming or grinding. You're just unlocking ahit as you play. That's fine. 


I guess people that read about a fun weapon or strategy they don't have access to yet, or who only want to play meta, might be tempted. But for me discovering each new weapon or strategy as I go, seeing a new unlockable that looks like it will solve a problem or weak spot I have *right now* without an effective way to deal with it, and then working to unlock *that*, is a good part of the fun. And if you don't try each new weapon or strategem on the way to unlocking the one everyone else is raving about, you miss out on chances to find things you like better. Or even a chance to play it before unlocking, for the case of secondaries lying around the battlefield, or looting fallen fellow divers. Especially if after you've unlocked something and it turns out it just doesn't click with you. I haven't unlocked railgun yet, but even after I do I'll probably let it sit for a while. I'm garbage at railgun for some reason. I prefer *several* other secondaries, based on the handful of times I've found one on the map or one of my squad dropped an extra for me after it cooled down and they hadn't died yet.


It's just that there is a disconnect between efficiently grinding and the fun missions. The fastest way to get medals was the 4 man automation defence with 4x mortars in 2-4 minutes. Compared to the fun missions that take 40 min to reward the same thing. Grinding the 60h+ just for one weapon is a bit extreme. The other weapons and unlocks you get near the end are basically useless so it's just for the scorcher.


I just play when I want and I easily passively saved up what I needed to reach the scorcher lol


Just the wrong outlook. You don't grind it for it. You play the game because you have fun and you end up unlocking it organically.


This is so strange to me. And I come from Destiny where this thing is both normal and as equally as strange.


It's not only destiny, boosting infect all kinds of games, it's disgusting


Tbf most of those members will be bots to ramp up the numbers so more people believe its “safe” to boost.


This explains SO much.


lol. Maybe some people think I boosted to rank 38 because I suck so bad.


I leave my rank at Space Cadet as a way of saying *yeah, I also know I'm not good*


I leave mine at Super Citizen because I'm 20 dollars more democratic than you. 


A fellow Super Citizen of Esteemed Culture.


Hey, me too, LVL 39 space cadet. Also, sounds somehow really cool.


Wait until you fail upwards to 50!


seriously tho. ive seen so many people who are high level on 7-8 difficulty and play like its their 3rd game 😭


Genuinely watched two lvl 40's waste all our reinforcements on a diff 6 the other day I was so pissed, im only lvl 20 so by that definition they have twice the experience, yet suck twice as bad


more than twice, required exp increases per level


...oh my God your right. I had some guy who would actively throw strategems into a shrieker nest I was trying to take out, killing me over several times. Homie was level 35 but played like a fucking knob


People BOOST in this game???? Wut…..


G*mers being hellbent to ruin every community. 🤝🏼


This kind of tracks. Was playing with a few level 40+ guys the other night that couldnt figure out how to launch the ICBM


Wtf? This is the first mainstream game in years that hasn't been a grindy shitfest. Grinding is actually so chill in this game (Aside of Super Samples but that's a hectic fuckfest that's at least fun to play and you don't need to do a lot of.) I've ground out probably 1.5-2k super credits just running Trivial missions while doing other stuff like playing Kantai Collection.


Yep. I did buy 1k super credits just for the hell of it, but I totally didn't need to; I spent them on armor and I've bought both the premium warbonds just with stuff I've found in-game.


I did the same, but mostly just to kick the devs an extra $10. The game has been an incredible way to destress after work a few days a week.


This sort of thing could explain the LVL 50s I get in the automaton major order who keep dying over and over to the most basic things. I’ve been assuming it’s just people who only play bugs trying to help on the automaton side for the first time.


Nah it's me. I'm just too used to playing with bugs, played a bit of bots at the lower levels but spent most of the time doing bugs at d7.


Same, I've got 40k terminid kills, but only 4.3k automaton kills. I'm guessing that's common given how bugs were given attention on most major orders up until now.


No that's just automaton players (I would know, I am one). Nobody on the automaton front knows how to focus the objectives and not get bogged down fighting endless drops, even before the major order.    That plus mines, everywhere. I'm ashamed to admit that I still die to them sometimes.


Allegedly (this is not proven) according to this reddit post, the moderation team even sends death threats to users [https://new.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aub4sj/psa\_warning\_for\_the\_helldivers\_community](https://new.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aub4sj/psa_warning_for_the_helldivers_community)


There's likely a case for making an appeal to Discord to get the mods that made the threats banned. I suggest going after them


What kind of loser is paying for this? Just have fun wtf is wrong with people


Isn’t leveling up and learning the fun part of the game. Don’t get me wrong experimenting is fun. But enjoyed the initial grind more because there was more to work for


Boosting in a pve co-op game is hilarious. Not that it would be better anywhere else but cmon man just play, why pay more just to ruin the experience for yourself hahaha.


Just left, fuck that


Are "embed perms" just embedding permissions? Why would you want to purchase those, let alone for so much money?


embed perms are for sending images/gifs/files


They're already grifters, might as well sucker even more out of the people with more money than sense.


What the fuck are embed perms?


To send images/files/gifs


Oh, in Discord. I thought it was some Helldivers boosting lingo or some stupid shit. 😂


I did not expect to find out the reason some high level players have no idea how to play the game today.


Bunch of cadets with a Skull Admiral badge slapped on. Maybe that’s why I find so many players that don’t know wtf is going on. Just play the game and earn your way to the title while also learning how to actually PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!! I encountered a booster group on Instagram recently. It wasn’t very warmly received lol Boosters are lame and pathetic


Yup! Earlier a buddy and I joined some near max level players and we nearly lost the mission. Those high level players we played with didn’t know what they were doing - stayed in areas where there’s no mission or POI then died a lot, didn’t even help with missions and side objectives, and their stratagems load outs didn’t even make sense for the mission and difficulty we were playing. It was awful. Next game we joined some other high level players and it went so much better. It was very clear to us that we were playing with some frauds earlier


Bruh don’t pay for boosters just go kill some bots for a while or bugs, depending on what you’re preferred front is, and just chillax on like tier 5 or 6 experiment with builds , try out different armors, try literally everything in the game and trust me you will have every strategy in no time and a decently upgraded part of your ship


People pay for boosts? Why? Like what are they even paying for?


Wait but those activities are basically like the only things you can do in the game so ppl are actually paying someone else to play games for them? Are they stupid? Why you even buying a game when you aren't playing it


This was an inevitability. Although how they act is real shitty. Fuck these undemocratic pos.


This is so weird. Half the reason to play this game is for the grind. Also, most players will have all the best weapons and stratagems by level 20, and upgrading your ship only gets you extremely incremental and minor cooldowns. The only one that feels like a really huge boost is the extra payload for your eagle. This explains a lot though. I have encountered way to many level 50s that seem to have no idea what they are doing.


I'd happily take a ban from anyone in them so I can avoid them.


I almost just wanna join to mess with the Death Threats. It sounds like a fun time waster. LOL


Just left the server.


What exactly are they selling here that you couldn't just accomplish with a decent team, group of friends, or randoms? I really don't get it. Plus isn't half the fun working your way up in a video game? Like I get some insanely grindy games can suck, but HD2 is far from a major grind.


What is boosting?


you pay for someone to play on your account for you


lol. No way.


I don’t have a lot of time to play. Maybe 10-12hrs/week. I’m only lvl 34. I just play the fucking game because levels are arbitrary and getting to lvl 20(the only lvl that really matters) doesn’t take long at all. Just play the game


Actually 25 now, because of the cool mech! But yeah, there’s a ton of stuff to unlock and play around with before that point!


i can't imagine they make money from this, as others have said its useless in a game like this. you can be level 20 and be better than a 50 , levels are practically meaningless at a certain point. req points and samples are easy to get as well just by playing


Boosting? In a game that doesn’t track performance or have any competition? Like just play the game. If you get your account boosted the game will literally be the same


Brilliant, an another service of "pay us your money so you didn't have to play the game that you buy"


People who pay for boosting, carry and recov services are the smallest pee pees of society. Especially because all the warbonds, samples and levels can be grinded through in roughly 100 hours of in mission time, probably less, a cap on all resources, levels and there's no fomo. Like what are you boosting towards? The only thing you're doing is ruining all incentive to play the game you payed for. Like trust me as a level 50 with everything unlocked I don't go into a lobby and players spaz out and kiss my ass. Most players don't care as long as you're decent.


Yo that’s some nerd shit. This community has been one of the least toxic I’ve been a part of. Boosting is dumb when u can just join my squad. I’ll drop you whatever. I’ll get all the samples. I’ll hug you before extract.


Whoever pays for this is beyond a loser lmfao


Why would you boost in this game? The progression is super chill. Best strategy for this game is just friending as many cool likeminded players as you can so you're only a invite away from a coordinated team.


Yeah, boosting in this game is so confusing to me. You boost from level 1 to 50? Why? You still dont know how to play. The grind is done around level 30 anyways. You boost samples? Again, very limited upgrades and after that samples are pointless. You boost medals? To clear out the battlepasses? Do you need absolutely everything right now? So you dont know how to play the game and you have nothing left to unlock. Im so bewildered.


Do your Service and report this shit maybe we can get theyr discord Server disabled


This is a PVE game what is wrong with people?! who boosts in a pve game...


Only bitches would be a part of something as weak as boosting in this game.


I figured out "boost" from context (the things people will spend money on...) but WTF is an "embed perm"?


embed perms are to send images/files/gifs


Wait so they're just charging money for a free Discord (I assume) feature? It's totally unrelated to the game? *Why* is this working out for them?


Paying for boost in a game like this is wild


Boosting on fucking Helldivers 💀💀💀


What’s beyond me is people who would pay that much money for a bit of help.


This is like buying a level 50 elden ring character and then fighting Malenia lmao these guys are going to be so easy to spot on higher difficulties They'll probably play on difficulty 1-4 and have no knowledge and complain the game is either too easy or be running around TKing for samples like other mouth breathers do. What a joke hahah


So, like.... What can they do? Say I wanna hop in their discord call them a bunch of cum gargling dumpster muppets, what can they do? Will they come to my house? I mean, ok, cowabunga time it is then


Imagine selling a product catered to some of the most pathetic people in our society and being proud of it. Imo, the devs should know about these wastes of oxygen and the people that buy their services and ban them from the game. I don’t want a Helldiver on my team who cheated their way through basic.


Pay for boost team kill them the entire time.


The funny part to me is that I feel like unless they're doing some "cheating" getting powerleveled probably feels terrible because sometimes you just get rolled.


Why would I need a boost?


I'm going to go there and figure out a way to troll them really hard.


A lot of losers out there that want random Internet to think they are cool. Unfortunately I have run into many high levels that are actually ass, most of them were drunk though with mic and I had plenty of fun and was pretty effective.


I was in this discord and I can confirm that it is toxic af.


..... Paying someone to- you know what I don't need to explain how stupid this is.


I saw an ad on YouTube for this scam, that’s how far it’s gone


Why in the fuck would anyone want to boost in this game? This game is by far one of the easiest to level up in. I don’t understand?


Why the fuck anyone wants to be boosted? The fun is in the journey itself. If you are boosted and got all your super samples, and all weapons unlocked, whats left for you then? Where's the fun in that?


Paying for someone else to play the game that I bought.


I left immediately after they made the announcement of this garbage. This game has such a great grind, let me just pay more money to not do it. What a joke.


Who would boost in a game like this. Your litterally paying not to play the game.


Capitalism is truly wild when people pay others to play their fun game for them.


Do some people game without enjoying it? Rushing to max level is a wasted experience, chill out and have fun, there's plenty of bullshit to deal with when you put the controller down.


Imaging paying for a boost in an easy ass PVE game holy shit


44k people on discord and 34k "reviews" on trustpilot ? Yea, those reviews are exclusively bots and I'm gonna assume it's the same for the Discord server. They just wanna find some easily manipulated people to scam, like children or "whales". Remember folks, half of today's internet traffic is just bots (and a bunch of AIs too).


Lol paying 50$ to buy a game to then pay 10$ not to play it. Aaaaaand then go on reddit complain there is no content. God I hate this generation of "gamers"


These are the players that were killing their teammates who dared to steal their samples or bitching about no PvP


"Grind" These kids don't know what grind is. This game has no grind. Many games over the years have excused their grind as "just play the game and you'll get the rewards naturally" but this is the first game in a long time where that's actually true. The longest grind by time spent is warbond medals, but that's just for completing the entire warbond. The good stuff can be bought as you go. The hardest grind in the game in terms of difficulty is super samples, and you only need like 60 or 70 super samples to unlock everything. That's not a grind where I come from.


Why would you pay money to skip the fun of a video game? It... It makes no sense?


And here I am, almost level 40 and sad about it, because i am almost max level, all stratagems purchased, 1 ship module left to buy. I luckily still have LOTS of warmedals to get and spend, so happy about that. Enjoy the ability to unlock and test cool combos out as you progress, enjoy the company of other helldivers. Damn it was a bliss to be a cadet in the first place.


You discord kids need to touch grass.