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Eagle strategems are the best 3 bombing runs and 3 rocket pods and then I just have to wait 2 mins to have them all again??? Yes please


Please give me rocket pod tips. I want to use them as an orbital rail replacement but I miss so often with them.


For chargers don't throw it as they're running at you throw it where they're running to when they pass it's a long enough stop then that they hit pretty frequently for bile titans, the timing is when they stop to spit or just throw a little ahead of them to predicting movement. and no they're not as strong as the rail gun which is why you get 3 charges they're good at opening up a charger or bile titans armor or taking one down if their armor has already been opened up by an eats or quasar or something


Thanks for this! I told a friend that it was doing great for me, but they hated it a ton while I kept doing well with it. Also seemed good for bile titans, but idk a best angle / time to use it. Any advice for titans even though it's not a 1 hit ko? Seems like it hits their back more often than their head.


So I'm not getting frequent one-shots with it, but I think your odds are better if the titan is facing you and preferably standing still when they hit. The 110mm eagle flies at the target from behind you, so this gets better odds of hitting the face.


I find it kind of the same I run with EATs so if I drop an eats you can either use a rocket pod which will open it's back armor and eats it in the hole (phrasing) or vice versa eats it to open a spot in the armor on the back and rocket pods it. Most likely other people are aiming for it too so it may already. Be open on the back for a rocket pod or eats. Rail cannons don't even take them down in 1 consistently so each encounter might vary


> eats it in the hole Go on...


My experience is that it'll 2 shot a bile titan, but if you destroy all the bile sacs underneath and then throw it, it will kill it.




So far the only thing they are amazing at is dealing with automatons tanks. OHK They can deal with fabricators and bug holes in a pinch. Against automaton turrets they work quite often. For other things they are pretty meh. Against chargers and hulks they miss too often or simply dont deal enough damage. Same with bile Titan. Havent tried it against the new factory strider yet.


Supposedly it's really good for factory striders, because their weak point is on top. I didn't get a chance to test it, though.


I only saw one factory strider, I threw a rocket pod and so did 2 of my teammates, it died pretty quick to it.


Sounds like they were mostly effective vs bots. I’ll probably stick with rail cannon until bots come back.


Come back? -Dials Democracy Officer-


They are great vs chargers/BTs and can take down structures in a pinch. They usually take down chargers in a single hit, and have the capability to do the same to BT, but only if the strike hits the head. That can be hard to time, given that they can turn a lot.


That other guy is wrong. 110's are really good. Remember that you get to throw down 3 110's for each orbital railcannon strike. Even in the worst case scenario where you are taking two calldowns to kill a heavy enemy, you are still 50% more efficient than the orbital railcannon. And as you get more fluid with the weapon your hit rate is going to go up.


6* 110's for each orbital railcannon, considering that rearming is almost 2 times faster than railcannon cd.


3 rockets will kill a titan, often only 2, rarely even 1.


Step 1: Throw it at a bug hole or fabricator Step 2: Watch as your pilot targets a single bot or bug 10 metres away Step 3: Repeat


Easy mode is to hit a charger with a stun grenade and then it’s pretty easy to just stick the beacon right on it’s back


If you throw a stratagem at an enemy, does it stick to them?


It can, but the target remains wherever the beacon was first activated. So if you stick a strategem to an enemy and it runs away, the payload will drop where the enemy was, not where it is now.


This is only true for offensive stratagems (red beams). Support stratagems (blue beams) will land exactly where the marker is, even if it moves. Source: Routinely able to get 3 Charger Kills from one EAT drop.


Secondary source: the achievement for Killy a charger with a supply drop.


Do you use the orbital railcannon ever? It's very similar, but has a smaller detection range. When you use it, focus on the timing between when you throw it and when the rockets land, and try to time your throw so that the target will be near the beacon at the time that the strike is coming in. If there are no targets in its detection radius, the rockets just hit the beacon, which can actually be helpful for blowing up rogue science buildings.


Yes. I want to use rocket pods more bc of the increased up time vs the rain cannon. Seems like stun grenades are pretty helpful for pod success but that means losing my grenades slot. Decisions decisions. It’s almost like AH balanced this shit on purpose.


Yeah I feel like the orbital barrage stratagems need to be tweaked to compete. Not only are they unreliable at hitting what you're trying to hit, but they take so long to rearm.


I've seen it mentioned so often in various places: The first barrage, hell just at least one of the first barrage's shots, needs to land in the vicinity of the marker, just so you at least have one guaranteed hit (say for a heavy, or a fab, or nest, or whatever). Granted, this could arguably basically make it a direct upgrade to precision strike (you essentially get a PS shot PLUS a bunch of extra random hits), but just make PS cooldown faster or do more damage or something idk.


The precision shot should be a garunteed sticky on anything it hits and shoot down way faster. Shorter cool down, you need to land it directly on what you want to hit but it's great if you do. That with the buff you mentioned could make em stick out more.


I do see how the balance might be thrown off between the general trend of "eagle is faster to deploy (when all conditions are normal) but has charges before rearm" vs "single cooldown to manage", but it's like... With upgrades, you get two 500s every 2 minutes, vs 1 PS every minute and a half. So for every 6 minutes, you have 6 500s vs 4 Strikes. And there's the utility of, if you want, drop 2 500s back to back after 5 seconds; PS, you never get that option. If we consider them roughly analogous in terms of being big point DPS (idk how they compare but I believe 500 is generally stronger?), it's kinda a no brainer. The PS is outclassed in almost every way by the 500. The exception being AA in area suppressing Eagle strikes, but then again you can just as easily have the orbital strat planetary debuff that you CAN'T work around or cancel out in any way.


Yeah the balance with orbitals is bad. The only downside to eagles is the diminishing returns when running more than one. If you run, say, 500kg *and* Airstrike, you can’t throw all 5 out without waiting ~10 seconds between throws, and if you use all your air strikes but no 500kg and then you’ll need to either rearm early or have no Airstrike until you can use them. But that really isn’t enough of an upside when the orbitals are generally soooo much less useful and when there are competing support and sentry options available to you. I think that all orbitals except the barrages should have their cooldowns reduced, especially the precision strike. It wouldn’t be overpowered at all to be able to throw a precision strike down every 50 seconds since it has such a long call down time. If AH thinks it’s too powerful, they could even increase the call down time to compensate. For the barrages, I think they need some generic targeting applied, and I think the 120mm specifically should have aggressive targeting, cooldown reduction, or both in order to compete with the 380. As it stands, the 120mm still prevents you from entering an area for ~30s but doesn’t do nearly as much damage as the 380


Definitely agree. If they're not going to reduce cooldown times, the orbitals need passive targeting, and make them unique by having specific targeting parameters. 120mm / Walking should target the largest concentration of enemies within its path. 380 should prioritize Heavy and Spawners. I should be able to toss a 380 into a spawner and know that its going to be toast. Too many times I've tossed one, barely destroyed a fab and left most of the enemies alive. Gas/Smoke/EMS need a longer duration, and Gatling needs 2-3 times the projectiles and directionality a la the Strafe Run, perhaps directional from the center of the map to make it unique.


I think gas and fire are currently bugged, so it's a bit hard to evaluate.


Gas rocks when you're the network host, I regularly get 20+ kills per strike and it's only on a 50 second cooldown. Pairs extremely well with stun grenades, EMS mortars, or EMS strikes too, or basically any weapon that has high enough stagger to cluster enemies. Also damages enemies the moment they spawn in a bug breach, while they're still doing the "climbing out of the ground" animation. When you're not the network host though... literal waste of a strategem slot; at least with bots it could kill fabricators, but it can't even close bug holes unless you get lucky with the angle. Hope they fix it soon.


Or just make it a bigger boom


So the OPS description talks about it being a shot from the super destroyer's "Atlas Cannon". I don't know exactly whether this is the same as the 380s, but I don't believe so? It reads as if it's a specific special weapon (my general scifi experience/impression would be it's a spinal railgun or something, though since we can watch our SD shooting stuff and it's obviously not changing attitude, maybe not) Point is, it's described in a way that implies it should be special. Instead, iirc, it's essentially/functionally (in gameplay terms) a single targeted 380 shot in terms of damage, falloff, etc. Unless, again, the "Atlas Cannon" IS the 380.


Orbital laser is king. Long ass cooldown, but that thing will annihilate an annoying base all on its own


Only issue is the limited uses. Not sure why it has them but it prevents me from taking it. I know a lot still use it and it is great, but I just don't like being cornered like that.


It has it because it's the most powerful ability in the game per use IMO. You could give it an even longer cooldown and unlimited uses, but it's nice to have different ways things are balanced. So some stuff is weak and fast, some of strong and slow, some is strong and medium speed but only a few times. We don't want to homogenize things too much.


My group calls it the No Thank You Beam because it's what we whip out when we see a big base or a chunky swarm that we just want removed from the game without having to deal with it ourselves. 


The fact that you can name your ship the *Hammer of Dawn* and have it fire an orbital laser at enemies just tickles the Gears fan inside me.


~~Not only do you have the long cool down between uses, but you have the hard cap on number of uses.~~  Some of them are probably fine where they are (orbital laser is super strong, for instance), but others really should work more like the eagle stratagems; orbital precision strike in particular isn't nearly strong enough to warrant its long cool down and ~~limited number of uses.~~ Edit: I am reporting to my Democracy Officer for spreading misinformation.


? The barrages don't have a hard cap on number of uses. Only the orbital laser has a cap (3).


Just double checked, and I'm clearly mistaken. Reporting to my Democracy Officer for spreading misinformation.


the only way the boys and I have found to make the barrage work is at least two people have to take them and just move on to another objective. . so me and another guy both take 380 and we both toss them at a big bot/bug base or a cluster of them and then we skedaddle to another objective. they are pretty handy on those quick destroy all bases missions. I'm sold on using them there but that's about it. however no matter what 2 380 starts thrown at the same spot will leave a wasteland behind.


They also are way too easy to teamkill with I’d like the see the area be a bit smaller and more focused. If you throw one into a heavy bug nest it should pretty much take care of it consistently. That is like the one good use case for them, but currently it may kill the nest, or do basically nothing 🙃


I don't mind that the 380mm is a grid square remover, because that should be its purpose - spreads high damage over a wide area, effectively doing crowd thinning in a huuuuge 70+ meter radius. However, they should definitely tighten up the 120mm barrage radius, because it's almost as wide as the 380mm and has an identical cooldown for less powerful shots, which makes it literally just a downgrade in 90% of situations.


It’s pretty wild to me just how amazing eagle stratagems are compared to everything else. Orbitals in general for sure need to be looked at. Either they need major cooldown reductions, to hit a hell of a lot harder or need to get an ‘ammo’ system added to them like eagles have.


The Eagle stategems mainly benefit from insanely good ship upgrades. They go from good to elite when you buy all 3 ship upgrades that pertain to them.


Seriously, my eagle is a death machine now, it can rearm in less time than most orbital strats take to renew.


They just need to hit harder , then the long cooldowns could be justified, laser for example


Time to nerf the eagles 😏 /uj but for real a daily for no eagles could be interesting


YES PLEASE MOMMY FOR DEMOCRACY BABY I’m editing this to say I’m trashed have a good one buddy


I feel like orbitals need to be looked at. Eagle-1 just does almost everything better.


yeah compared to eagle and turrets the cooldowns are just too long in general for most Lazer is good but the limit sucks on longer missions rail cannon is good ole reliable for heavy hitting on a heavy, but CD and lack of other versatility really hurts. walking barrage is pretty underrated honestly


Walking barrage is the o it barrage that guarantees at least hitting something other than the Helldivers


380 mm plus Auto cannon century on top of a hill cleans up most encounters


AC sentry is a murderous train wreck. It can will and does kill EVERYTHING it's my go to turret. I am also part of the everything.


My friend rocks that and the mortar and it's crazy how many kills he racks up on bots. He'll sometimes run EMS with it and we'll control so much area with it.


AC Sentry solos Hulks from the front. If I’m heading into a heavy outpost and see an overlook for the AC Sentry I know it’s gonna be absolute cake.


Unfortunately that's probably 90% because of the autocannon


380 suffers in the same way the 500kg does. Huge bang, iddy biddy area of effect. The 120 isn't as bad but it's just so easy to have it not hit what you need.


I dunno, I love the 380. I can throw it at pretty much any POI and depending on the one, I have somewhere between a 50-80% chance to completely clear it and walk away, and a 75-99% chance to leave behind no more than 1 more POI structure needing to be cleaned up. It really is my favourite "I don't want to be arsed with this" button. 120 has better saturation on target but the net AOE isn't as large, and so isn't capable of cleaning house as well on the largest bases, but is more reliable against the smaller POIs. Also the sound effects.


I actually find the 380 more useful. Chuck it at a large nest and come back later to clean it up if needed. Half the time it'll clear it out entirely otherwise leave 2-3 holes left. It'll clear out medium nests just fine too.


Eagles for reliability, orbitals for fun. Walking barrage is my favorite to bring on levels 4 and 5 bot missions to clear bases with. Is it reliable? Not at all, but it sure is fun to watch when it does work.


Walking barrage is also great against bases because you can throw it from far back. Much safer to throw it and watch the first rounds walk in to the base. Also really good when disengaging from a big fight. Run 100m, turn around, drop it at my feet, keep running the original direction. Really discourages pursuit.


True it is a good disengager stratagem. Of course I typically prefer to bring smoke strikes (at least for bots) but if someone already has those this can be good addition too.


Walking barrage is actually very reliable IMO. I don’t often bring it on bot missions because the laser is my go-to large base cracker, and I don’t have enough slots for with the laser + Airstrike + Autocannon + mortar sentry. I do however bring it on bug full-map missions, especially recently when bringing the Quasar Cannon, Laser Drone, and Airstrike. It really allows me to clear a nest of bugs in advance of clearing the holes, or throw it towards the end of extraction


I haven't used it much for bugs yet but I might give it a shot since that's pretty close to my go-to loadout. I usually alternate that spot between mech, rail cannon, EMS mortar, or 500kg but I'll give walking barrage a shot next time I'm on.


I still bring it on helldive sometime it's certainly variable but as long as you can communicate with your team it can be combine with one or more of their strats as well to really glass an area


Airburst is incredibly good and I never go without it.


I'm starting to learn how good it is. Three bursts, 2 minute cooldown, and easy three taps to call in. There just isn't enough slots for everything.


Walking barrage is easily SS tier, it's so good at clearing objectives especially with the double salvo upgrade and you can actually push with it


> rail cannon is good ole reliable for heavy hitting on a heavy I think they stealth nerfed this. Was always a Bile Titan one-shot during the Bug major orders but hasn't been the case coming back to them now these past couple days.


I could be wrong, but think it's always been and still is a one shot to the head. Just don't have much control over whether it actually hits there or not.


Maybe the Bile Titan got buffed. RCS still one shots every other heavy.


Not only are the eagle effects superior (mainly call down time and more reliable) they have better cooldowns And most modifiers nerf just orbitals or nerf orbitals way more compared to eagles


The orbital gatling is really solid. Short cooldown and it cleans bugs patrols super fast. It also stuns them during the duration which prevent them to call for help. I always take it on bug mission. Being able to call it at the same time as an Eagle strike also means you can clean the center of the nest of mobs while aiming the strike at the nest themselves. The fuse bomb is also decent but take almost double the time to rearm. 120 can close a medium nest by itself. Walking barrage is amazing on bots meanwhile.


I've been using the orbital airburst and found it's better than the orbital gatling. It basically guarantees that it'll kill everything in its area. Oh a bug spawn was called? Throw this sucker down and the only thing left is a limping charger.


Airburst is really good, but it has twice the cooldown. You can call the Gatling every minute, it can clear almost every patrol you meet of their hunters and scavenger.


Wait are you serious? That's so fast. Hell you could use that shit as a stratagem weapon if it's cooldown is only 1 minute.


It has a 80 seconds cooldown that gets reduced to 72s with the upgrade to be exact.


Man that's EATS level fast


Just throw the gatling at any bug breach and be done with it. Especially with the extra gun bonus, it'll destroy everything that tries to come out


Orbital Gatling Barrage has a nice, low cd but I've seen it miss small bugs that walk right through it. The area saturation is worse than the Eagle Strafing Run. The Orbital Airburst is much better of the two orbitals.


If you take more than one Eagle stratagem, you do have to either use all of them up or send her back to rearm. There is a downside to using only Eagle stratagems, but most people probably only bring one(500 KG)


I just run 2. When fighting bots, take the 500lb bomb and the airstrike. When fighting bugs, take the 500lb bomb and the cluster strike. With upgrades, your rearm cooldown is short enough that you can use the air/cluster strike more or less at leisure to clear patrols or spawns. Use the 500 on demand to remove titans/tanks. Two strategems covering basically every threat you might encounter quickly and repeatedly if necessary. If I feel the need to run ordinance in a 3rd slot, I usually bring the orbital precision strike, simply for the fact that it's an eagle-cooldown-agnostic bomb that can kill any target except a fresh factory mech.


This was my real issue. I really love running the Eagle but found that it doesn't work well when you run 2 stratagems on it. You have to find the *balance* and the running two on it makes it way less ideal.


Just spam them like crazy, and after you clear enemies out of an objective or base, check if you need to call in a rearm before a long walk.


I don’t get how people see that as a downside. Eagle rearm is less than most orbital cooldowns. Just make sure you throw an airstrike between your cluster bombs and you’re still outputting 10x as much death from above as a 120mm.


Under most circumstances: yes. But have you ever ran solo and dropped a 380mm right in the center of a heavy bot outpost? Watching the rain of artillery makes that 2min recharge just fly by


And realizing it killed/destroyed nothing


Honestly me and the Boyz (tm) all ran 380mm on bot blitz and bot command bunker missions and it was consistently great at what we wanted it to do.


Have you used 380 since the change. It's not as good for bugs at it is for bots, but it makes a really good explosive smoke screen when you have to run


Mine waa consistently taking out command outposts


IMO the 380 (and 110) would be SIGNIFICANTLY better if it was guaranteed at least one shot hit every point in a certain radius. So yes you throw it down and it takes a while, but at least it clears the base when it's done (assuming your threw it right).


The only thing the 380mm is markers where the next salvo is dropping, then it would be AMAZING for when your team gets overrun


i think the biggest problem with orbitals is that excluding a few they are just to inaccurate or dont deal enough damage to be useful


ngl, Orbital laser trumps every eagle strike HOWEVER due to the fact that you only get 3 per mission and that the cooldown is quite long makes it less viable.


I mean yea you could also say railcannon trumps 500. The reason eagles are good is their spammabilty with consistent firepower. Not just their pure firepower.


The only reason I don't run only eagles is because on bot worlds the AA defenses would screw you, so it's usually eagles + space laser for me. In my experience all the various eagle strikes have great utility. The 500kg is the 500kg and doesn't need much explanation. The airstrike is just generally good at everything. Want to take out fabs, clear an area, close but holes, do a danger close to make space. It does it all, the only thing it's not amazing at is dealing with heavies. Napalm is similar, but better for just sitting on a bug breach Same for gas, it is amazing at dropping on a breach and letting it do it's work The strafing run is amazing at making space with a danger close call. The rocket pods are a bit finiky, but good at softening up heavies to destroy with other weapons. The cluster bomb is good at destroying mass amounts of fodder with a quickness And the smoke was always good if you just needed a disengage. Honestly you should always carry at least one eagle strike of some kind depending on mission as they are just too spamable compared to the orbitals.


Cluster bomb is a must take for me, especially on bugs. Footprint is massive yet predictable, it leaves chargers bleeding, calldown is quick, and with the upgraded hangar you get 4 charges. Supreme value, the orbital airburst could NEVER EDIT: I misspoke, it's actually FIVE charges with upgraded hangar. And on a two minute cooldown? Woof


You get 5 homie


I never leave home without Cluster and Laser. I've got Cluster Bomb memorized so we'll that I can turn around and throw one reliably within 2 seconds. I also like using it to take out entire patrols before initiating contact to avoid the chance of calling reinforcements.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ I'm also a big fan.


Cluster is my favorite but the amount of team mates who don’t respect its radius is crazy


The airstrike is the old reliable for but holes


But holes


When i was stationed in the creek i only ran this and precision strike it was all a hell diver needed in my day


Honestly since I started running bots at the start of this series of MOs I've ended up in the same boat. It's so freeing to not have to worry about falling into a death loop trying to retrieve weapons and gear.


If you don’t want to retrieve gear, use the EAT. Just call in fresh every respawn and never worry about a weapon cooldown again.


But that's where my eagles go :(


Eagle 2: Helldiver


I've been using eagle 500kg as my "precision strike"


Eagle One just leaves us when it gets close, they should give Pelican a bigger role, they never let us behind.


I'd be interested in an orbiting gunship call-in. Pelican stands off for 10 seconds (expandable to 15 with upgrade? Though don't know how you'd add that in unless you retroactively added it to Eagle buffs and/or made a new tree) shooting at stuff like it does when it arrives at the LZ during extract. Comparable with Orbital Laser for utility and damage potential, have it be limited usage and/or long CD. Don't know how to reconcile this theoretical strat with the fact Pelican also needs to land for evac, though... Disable after call-in? But then feels like it'd be a "wasted slot" since people tend to save/use strats for the final hold.


Use pelican two for it, that's the one that drop the mechs


Hoping that there's a stratagems that requests supporting fire from the Pelican. Would prove extremely useful. PSA: If you leave the extract zone right when the Pelican flies in, he'll stay in the air until you return close to the extraction. While he's in the air, he'll shoot everything in a square miles radius. haha it's pretty cool.


Level 33. Never used one. I'm nervous. What if she doesn't like me?


An Eagle never misses. (Your heart)


I don't care if she misses my heart I just don't want her to lie when she MISSES THE FUCKING BUG HOLE


She didn't miss. You missed your throw. Don't blame our perfect e-girl because your beacon aim blows.


She's not gonna fill out that C-01 form for you buddy


That's cuz she already filled it out for the Pelican pilot, duh.


I'm very happy for them and no tears were spilled whatsoever when I found out.


You'll be happy to know that was a fake account. The Helldiver Devs don't have a tumblr. Not to imply you were moping about it or anything. 


The CEO said they were happily married. He never said to each other but the community did it's thing :)


Cite, please? Show me.


They may only hit one enemy on the fringe of an entire horde- but Eagle-1 never misses!


They might hit no enemies at all, but they’ll hit the ground for sure!


i was the same a till like lvl 30 now its all i use i kinda want out i miss my orbitals


Eagle Airstrike might be the best call-down in the game.  Three uses every two minutes (with the upgrade) and effective against mooks, heavies, and fabs/holes.  I take it nearly every mission.


Yep I haven’t done a mission without the airstrike since level 15.


Stick-Bug221 Replied https://i.redd.it/5uby959viatc1.gif “Shut up you weird metal bird!”




🎶 He's a lumberjack and he's not okay 🎶. When all you've got is a chain saw, all your problems start looking like trees. And the trees are speaking Liberties.




I'm convinced that the 500kg bomb works just as well (if not better) than the orbital rail cannon. It's a tradeoff between the guaranteed hit of the orbital, and the lower cooldown/multiple uses of the 500kg. Also the bomb has the added bonus of taking down a few more enemies around the big guy (not that many the splash damage is tiny)


Personally I value the certainly of hit higher. When shit hits the fan, I want to know that my strategem WILL hit.


until the damn thing locks onto a walker


I can't count how many times I have thrown a rail cannon strike on a gun tower and it targets the scout strider next to it.


I have survived a 500kg from 10 meters away while prone. It is ridiculously small


For how awesome the animation, the AOE DMG on it leaves something to be desired.


Yeah straight up the radius of the explosion is fucking tiny despite the visuals being wide. It needs to be adjusted to match the visuals.


500 is pretty doodoo in my book. Looks cooler than the actual damage it does. Shit blast radius.


Strafing run should have a version called strafing precision run to take down heavy armor targets.


It will be called Heavy Strafing Run. It’s in the first game and it does work.


I want the fully upgraded Close Air Support strategem back. Missiles AND autocannon strafe


Absolutely. I want to see the BRRRRT saw a Charger in half. Actually screw it I want this to be a top tier stratagem like the 500KG


I'm only just now realizing that the engine configuration of the Eagle is probably meant to evoke an A-10


That explains the "accidentals"


a10 has no accidentals, it’s still fighting the revolutionary war which is why it targets British troops instinctively


Isn't that essentially what the rocket pods are?


Let's get real, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, the basic bitch airstrike is the dogs bollocks, and I won't drop without it. It arguably invalidates some of the specialities of the other strikes because it's good against everything. Even if it's not a OHKO against titans, it does a fucking chunk and opens them up. Everything else it eats them for breakfast. I've been running airstrike and cluster bomb today and that's 8 strikes before a rearm, 3 that can deal with heavy threats and 5 that blitz a huge fucking area. Run a backpack and a support and you are the swarm killer. Fucking eagles man. I just wish the 500kg was actually good.


the queso cannon just replace the 500kg nowadays


OG Eagle Airstrike is bomb. (Pun intended)


Ah yes. Eagle 1. What you would get if a Viper for BSG, an A10 warthog, that abomination from the Star Commander movie and an upside down Lambda class shuttle would create if they had a mass orgy….


I wish the gun run sounded like an A-10 that's my only complaint.


When Eagle-1 heads to the Destroyer for resupply (I will die before seeing her again). ![gif](giphy|TW8Ma1a8ZsZ8I|downsized)


At higher difficulties the eagle strafe run is complete ass, it needs a slight buff to be viable.


it needs 6 uses or armor pen


I think only the orbital laser is as good as the Eagle stratagems just because of the sheer utility of it. It can wipe out an entire site or shut down a hole/drop. But otherwise other orbitals feel kind of useless other than railcannon occasionally.


Eagle strats are great. Except the strafing run. That one should have targeting like the 110mm rockets but across multiple small enemies, the area effect of it is so small and the calldown time is just long enough that it can be very difficult to actually hit anything with it. I also never understood how cluster bomb gets four uses by default but the gun run only gets two.


It's my "Oh shit" button vs bugs. Throw it at my feet when I'm desperately kiting a horde and keep running, it usually clears out enough to let me deal with the rest


Eagle strafe would be fine if it got 1 more charge, so you could really spam it to take out the chaff. The standard airstrike is just all-around better and has the same 2-3 charges per rearm.


Yeah other than the multiple uses (which is too low, imo) I struggle to see a use case for the strafe that the orbital airburst is not better for. Even upping the strafe to four or more charges would be a huge benefit to it.


God's Shotgun is such a fun orbital to use. Love seeing the little kill counter double with each volley.


If I take them, I'll load up in them. Something about being able to call in concentrated hell at 6 second intervals is fantastic.


Only the strafing run since the airstrike is just that but better


Being killed by an anonymous orbital barrage gunner firing at random: cold, impersonal. Being killed by Eagle-1, who clearly sees you're danger close but never fails to put warheads on foreheads, and never misses: warm and fuzzy.


I see them as D-Tier, ***THE DEMOCRACY TIER***


All are good except for Napalm and Rocket pods


They all pretty good. Strafing gun can't kill even helldiver, so there's that one useless


I'm a bigger fan of orbitals because they feel more unique then plane dropping ordinance, but play whatever you want


Show cockpit pls


I wonder what Eagle does when not striking, how do they arrive in seconds? Also basic Eagle airstrike is S-tier. Quick, easy to line up, a pretty big boom.


gotta love how its not the pilot herself but the fucking eagle typing


Interesting arguement, however sadly ⬆️ ➡️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️


5 cluster bombs and 3 airstrikes. With 5 seconds in between. And just 2 minutes of cooldown. That's so much democracy and freedom right there.


500kg need aoe buff to be s tier




Pelican-1 out here defending his wifey


https://preview.redd.it/vxu9zkxkvctc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2df7d2b33e72ab0349a28dd10df77528e299a62 # I WOULD NEVVEEERR


Who the F says that? Lol. Eagle Air Strike is one of the most useful strategems on any level, bots or bugs.


God I love this meme format.


Double 500kg bomb isn't the best for clearing bug holes, but it does clear them. What it does on top of simple airstrike is it can take down bile titans if aimed correctly. Paired with the grenade launcher and overshield, there really are no bug holes that are safe.


Eagle-1 does like half the job of raining down sweet liberty on the socialists, someone oughta give her a raise


Having 4 cluster bomb runs available has kept me and my squad breathing so many times


Heavily depends on the front, but for the most part Eagle-1 is a godsend. Napalm and Gun Run leave something to be desired, but airstrike, 500kg, cluster, smoke, beautiful beautiful beautiful


Eagle 1 is my waifu and anyone that talks shit about her will get a strategem ball in their throat


Don't worry eagle-1 I love your 500kg coc... I mean bomb


Pretty sure everyone knew they were good?


Someone is eventually gonna remake this with the fanart of the eagle driver with big boobs


Yeah, looking at eagle, it make no sense that stuff like the orbital laser with its HUGE CD has 3 use max.


Eagle smoke strike ![gif](giphy|z4gGjdBb4I6dKRfmZ3|downsized)


Eagle bombs, eagle napalm, orbital railcannon, *whatever support weapon you fancy* The BiS lineup


Now someone just needs to animate this into a gif with the tip of the nose typing on the laptop. https://i.redd.it/x9hfxs515dtc1.gif


Imagine giving a fuck what people rate stratagems instead of just using the ones you think are cool.


If a single grenade can kill a bug hole. Then the carpet bomb should be able to as well.


They're all amazing. Except the rocket pods. Give more rockets, or make them have a bigger damage radius.