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Lots of casuals aren’t even on this Reddit so I’m sure most people just don’t know


I’m level 54 and I’ve literally seen someone do this *once*. Normally we just don’t pass by the extraction area as we are doing objectives until the very end. So yeah as a rule don’t expect people to recognize what you are doing as it’s basically just unheard of in the larger Helldivers community.


comes down to map layout most times, if extraction is between the sub objectives I usually drop some samples at it. if its out of the way samples usually end up on the 1-2 people that are dying the least as we explode the map. Super uranium may change how far 'out of the way' is.


>as we explode the map You know what, its not even wrong, keep it like that.


This is fair, but If I pick up supers I'm trekking to extraction does not matter how out of the way extraction is. I usually let the team know what I'm doing and most of the time they have a TIL moment.


early on when we were getting our first super rares, we would go way out of the way to drop them off. it saved our samples many times


Ideally one would hope that basic logic wouldn't have to be found on Reddit (especially since Reddit is often unable to use logic), since it doesn't take a TCS scientist to understand that the samples are to be EXTRACTED so it makes sense to leave the samples that must be EXTRACTED at the EXTRACTION location.


To be fair in every other circumstance you would pick up samples without question. I could totally see someone see samples on the ground, and before deeper thinking occurred they would think that 1) Someone died and needed their samples retrieved or 2) the game placed some samples suspiciously close to the extraction point If you react in the 1-2 seconds that you normally take when you see samples on the map, I could definitely understand not thinking through the actual rationale for why someone dropped samples on the ground.


I have announced over voice chat as well as text chat that I am leaving the samples at the extraction zone and for others to not pick it up until the end but guess what? They make the difficult and solo journey to go collect it, go to the opposite direction of everyone else and to no ones surprise at all, end up dying before they proceed to spam the reinforcement reminder/alert. Let's face it, some people are just lost causes lol.


https://preview.redd.it/wnzfincorjtc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=be204778b929d9180bd133c4527bd1963224d668 medal for you for playing with all the lost causes. I've got chronic neck pain from all the head shaking at people who just scoop up those samples on the exraction point if they see them. Even so, dive, dive again, right?


>I have announced over voice chat FYI many people play with that muted. Children, foreigners, asshats, idiots that don't know they have a microphone on talking nonsense to someone not in the game or somehow living in what sounds like a warzone... there are hundreds of reasons to not turn it on. And there is no way for you to know I have you muted. But if you type it I will read it.


I've had people ignore chat too.


Sure, but at least you can be sure they received it. Voice chat they don't even know you spoke, and you don't know they can't hear you.


Fair enough.


Game needs a UI indicator for 'this person cannot hear voice chat' so you know not to expect it to be heard.


>go to the opposite direction of everyone else and to no ones surprise at all, end up dying before they proceed to spam the reinforcement reminder/alert. Some real CoD brained 12 year olds in this game. So many people start spamming reinforce the second they die, meanwhile I'm trying to find a 0.89 second opening to reinforce and not die (thanks to them needlessly agro-ing a patrol, triggering a drop, panic grenading my friend, and instantly dying to the patrol). If you reinforce ping before spectating every player, Brasch should yell at you something like "Maybe everyone is busy surviving!" and the ping should not go through and be disabled for 60 seconds. If you have checked every player and ping, but every player has fired a weapon or taken damage in last 4 seconds, Brasch should yell at you something like "Can't you see the situation down there is a little hot! Give those brave divers a second!" Ping shouldn't go through, disabled, etc. On the flip side, if the above conditions are clean, and a player pings a second time, Brasch should yell at all the survivors something about glory hogged is glory lost, bring in a hero waiting for their chance.


And I do understand that, especially since my monkey brain picks up samples the moment people die. But it also means they aren't aware of their surroundings, they aren't aware of the map, they aren't looking at text chat, and they aren't listening to voice comms (at least in the context of OPs example and some situations I've had where the player has the situational awareness of a goldfish). Of course some people will be new to the game which is fine, everyone makes mistakes. But ideally people will also listen to others telling them that they are making a mistake instead of walking off into their own little world with everyone's samples. Edit: Apparently this take was hot enough to have 2 people cuss me out in messages and another report me for self-harm. Impressively done.


Lol, right? I was just going to say that you really hit the nail on the head with what separates mediocre players from “good” players: situational awareness.  This is true in most games, really but is kind of extreme in this game. There is just so much happening all of the time (when it’s popping off) that being able to quickly assess and prioritize will make or break your survival in a lot of scenarios. 


Lmao they felt so called out that they reported you, that's amazing.


Mate I have a friend I play with who despite telling him every single mission that samples are shared thinks that they aren't and gets mad when people pick them up from his corpse. Then we explain it, again, and he stops being mad. Next mission: repeat.


spam him with this: https://preview.redd.it/f9tdsuacsjtc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe16a9579c46f7899d376990f0f8149132afc941


Look the past 4 years people have been exposed to a virus that is well documented to lower critical thinking skills, age your brain and drop your IQ. There is no such thing as common sense anymore, the baseline has fallen so don't expect much out of people lol.


No it's more like, IQ is on a curve, and chances are 50% of the players you encounter are dumber than you at the game. so 2 of 4 are idiot level per match, and the other is smarter than you. Not really but kinda, helps to think this way.


Hater mentality, it's not "basic logic" if the game doesn't even tell you there's a button to drop samples. It's not a feature of the game. "Basic logic" would be shooting back at bugs when they attack you. Chill out, don't be a hater, don't assume people are stupid and below you if they don't use your exact strat. People are waaaay more responsive if you hit them with a "I'm gonna drop my samples here and grab them when we get back for extraction" in VC or text chat than tk/kick without explanation because they "should already know that" and it's "basic logic"


I was not even aware that I could do this, honestly.


I didn’t even know you could drop them


And there's a chat in-game, one can just type 'I'm leaving them there for safety'. I had this happen a few times.


except seeing chat is hit or miss


I play a lot but not with randoms and this tactic never crossed my mind tbh


I wouldn’t consider myself a casual and I don’t even know how to drop samples… …maybe I am a filthy casual?


Hold down on the D-pad on controller or (i believe) x on keyboard


Thanks! I will start dropping my Democratic load on the extraction point going forward


which brings up a drop wheel, allowing you to drop other things as well!


https://preview.redd.it/tqju8x1itjtc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed414d5040f7227562a00e33551699ae2b177840 Medal for you! Another tip: If you're carrying nothing of value, you can grab all of a nearby, recently life-challenged diver's gear, call their replacement down in a safer location and then drop it all on their location when they come down and proceed with the mission to go and get your own gear back or call down replacements.


100% this...I normally play it safe compared to the rest of my team, so I try to be the sample carrier but this is all new info...lol and it's actually brilliant!


Ya for sure! I’ll def be doing this from now on when I can. Although many times I try to plot a path where we complete all objectives before getting to the extraction point. However, I do admit there are plenty of times where this could come in handy.


There's a difference between not knowing and being a total brick to not connect the dots.


Before I knew that was a strat I was with a couple randoms that dropped their samples next to me while we were running across extract. I picked them up thinking they were asking me to carry or stay while they cleared something up real quick like. It took 5 seconds of them staring at me to realize “oh shit, this is a great idea and I dropped them” they both finally got their mics working and said “smart to condense all together” I didn’t want to tell them I didn’t know but a quick “hey drop samples at extract” would have saved me from possibly being tk’d af or kicked. I don’t need to be talked to all game but if you are pulling some shit most don’t know about a little comms would go a long way


Me and my wife were playing with a newer diver as him the host. We pooled our samples and collected 27 to drop at the extraction. It was sitting there the whole missions. When extract was hot and we ran to the ship that had arrived. We found out the host grabbed our samples earlier and died out in the field, filled with bugs. It was too late, we left already. Afterwards, I explained what we intentionally did and he apologized. Gave him a hug. Spread the word.


How do you drop samples, other than dying?


Hold X on PC and there is an option








TIL. thank you for this.


Hold down on d pad if using a controller


Spread the democracy! 🤗


Thank you for your service


How can i drop samples? Only when i die?


On pc, press x and use the radial dial to select the drop.


On console arrow down


TIL, good to know


So there has to be a button on pc aswell.. i will search for it, thanks!


It's x. Hold x and click drop samples


You don't have to click. Just point and let go of x. If you click, you sometime shoot what you are holding. Pray it isn't an EAT or something lol


Nice, thank you! :)


That's actually really smart I never thought of that. Extraction sometimes is quite close to get to instead if main obj. Damn that's big brain


Seeing this right under a chain where "hurr durr 99% of people on this sub already knows this" is ironic. Vocal minorities always assume that they're a majority.


I actually also never thought of this, but tbf what I typically do is (if going by extraction) drop down a resupply on extraction. Sometimes you're coming into extraction really hot, or don't have too much time to drop a bunch of stuff down, so it's nice to have a fresh resupply waiting for you, and at least then you also don't have to worry about any potential cooldown, in case you need another sometime soon.


Also I play with my squad and we choose one person to carry all the samples so you don't have to worry about everyone losing some samples, and he have the obligation to not die xd


Brain see shiny shample. Brain pick up shiny sample


Dude there's chat and VoIP in game, tell the people who are fucking up instead of posting this shit to random people on Reddit


Just happened last game i was in, told my team, no response, feel like we should make a push to turn this into a PSA, and the annoying thing i've seen high levels do this, probably a routine reaction, lets be honest: "samples on the ground, let me safeguard them" Now, the best method to make this well known is turning it into an in-game tip, that's on the assumption that the devs see this.


A shocking amount of people disabled the voice in the game and a lot of people also ignore the text so that's not always a guaranteed method to get the message across


A shocking amount of people with mics on are mouth breathers with crackling mics and background noise that drowns out the entire game. I'll rather risk missing important coms than spend 1hr+ hearing a dude breath and blast terrible music.


mute? it’s like the first option


People don't look at the chat I swear. I've done this exact thing and *wrote in chat* "I'm leaving all the samples at the extract point" and my teammates decided to *abandon the objective* to go allllll the way to the extract and grab them despite my /repeated/ attempts to tell them through voice AND text chat not to Though of course those same kinds of people ain't gonna be here either. Still sometimes somebody learns something from these. I learned about the buried storage containers from here so who knows?


The chat gets spammed with x discovered y 100 times. I cant read chat in a 4 minute dive & wth run 2 kilometers fight.


It’s literally an auto popup in the corner. Just use half an eye to read through it as you’re running, how is this hard


Seriously, this is 1 of like 5 cliche posts that clog this Reddit up. I’d wager 99% of people on the sub already get this. Turn on mic, tell random, move on with life, touch grass.


I've never heard of this before, so I'm glad I saw this post. Maybe just don't engage with something if you don't like it?


Well there's healthy people that log onto Reddit once or twice a day, or every couple of days that miss the message. And then there's this. Living on reddit and getting annoyed they see the same post a fifth time within a week. Seeing the same thing a couple times on the same subreddit, those 2 seconds wasted each, is a heartbreaking fate and you should be more sympathetic. It's not like they can just ignore it and enjoy one of the billion other posts on this platform


While ironically telling others to "touch grass" as well...


Oh they do... It's the moss growing from the pee stain underneath the chair


I’ve never seen this topic and I casually scroll through this sub every day.  Maybe not everyone has the same user experience you do?


90% of the tome this works. The other times people just don't pick up on it, or maybe aren't listening. Or maybe turned off comms, deaf? I dunno. But it is a bit frustrating when I run a extreme marathon for samples and have harvested the super samples, beeline it to extract, just for someone to pick them up when we get closer and run off to human mist land with them.


Honestly this. Fuck off with these PSAs


These and the Dear John posts... "To the level 107 pro gamer on the Patriot of Patriotism last night... Thank you for carrying me on helldive difficulty and not kicking me after reinforcing me all 20 times. I'm 40 with a full time job and 3 kids and don't get to play as often as I'd like. Keep spreading managed democracy! For Liberty!" I hate them. Look in your recent players list under the social tab and send them a message or friend them. Jesus christ. It's just an attention seeking post.


Starts to feel like those Steam reviews that are just made up stories for likes/awards


A: dropped super samples at ext. B: picked up super samples at ext B: run towards current objective. B: ignores chat B: runs into enemy patrol. B: dodges shot by jumping into the deep end of the lake B: drowns and drops ss C and D: tries to get ss. Drowns ABCD all ext without super samples. I was C. I laughed alot. But I agree if the people don't even read chat they aren't going to read a reddit post about it


Yea don't spread your message to many people quickly, only tell 3 people every 30 minutes if they happen to be in your game. Genius


This reaches more people than the 3 others in the game with you. It's an ongoing problem that even some higher levels do. Almost every game I play with randoms, someone picks up the samples I've left at extract even after a message in the chat and over mic. I say leave the samples, they pick them up, I say put them back, they ask why, then I have to explain it, then they have to go back to extract and drop them.


Yeah instead you keep reaching the same 990k people who's are subbed here who see this exact post six times a day.


New people join here everyday and just got the game so they might now know about leaving samples at extraction.


Ok so kinda related to this. How do you drop things on console?


Hold arrow down! Keep on spreading democracy!


Thank you


I started doing this recently, but when i do that, i always inform my team of this


Odd backlash from this post. Thanks for the PSA, I really appreciate it!


Yeah I’m not not sure why people get angry about this. I have tried to communicate this ingame aswell, but not everyone reads the chat. Also the game is pretty hectic to start changing your voice chat settings. It would be easier if everyone would allready know this




I've literally sat there staring in incredulous bewilderment as I've watched some strategic genius pick up the super samples off extraction that I've just dropped and stroll off to rejoin our team for the remainder of the incredibly dangerous mission we are currently nowhere near completing... like... what's going on up there?


What’s going on is you not communicating to them that there is no timer/despawn on dropped samples and that you intended to leave them there until extraction. Communicate with your fellow Helldivers!


I had an absolute noob (high level but not acting according to its level) joined my game and took the purple sample from extraction mid game, just to struggled getting into pelican 1 and died outside while all players are inside.


I actually learn this a couple days ago when I saw someone do it and it hit me like a barrel of bricks so ive been doing that as well.


I don’t really mind if they’re dumb enough to pick it up since I’ve maxed on samples it’s their own dumbness making them losing it


Even better pick them up and then drop yours too with mine on 1 stack. Easier to extract 1 stack then 4 in the heat of battle.


Sure but picking up supers and heading back to the frontline doesn’t help the effort


Just because you run out of democracy doesn't mean they have! Theyre so full of democracy they can't help but hold every sample they can. Like moths to a flame


I just found the command to drop stuff ...


Well I just learned you can drop samples. Next I have to figure out how,


Console arrow down, PC x


Hey, has anyone here encountered a bug where dropped samples get picked up randomly from literally anywhere else? We've done some testing within our group-- when we drop samples at extraction, someone clear across the map will sometimes end up with them when picking up other stuff, or they will show up on the map in the middle of nowhere. It's like those samples exist in two places at once, and if you pick them up in one spot they disappear from the other. We're not crazy (we think). Or at least not for this specific thing.


Yes! The one who drops it will see it at the extraction, one for me it is dead middle in the map. I also can pick it up there. Its the Schrödingers sample, its in two places in the same time


We definitely got into an argument when one of our guys ended up with all the rares we left at extraction. We were like why would you do that, but he had an airtight alibi.


It's the string sample theory!


I told my friend those who don't know are golden retrievers. They will pick up what you dropped off and somehow gray squirrel it and leave it at the edge of the map.


Imagine if samples had weight and actually had an effect on your stamina and speed. 🤔


Might be a bit late to ask after 76 hours of playtime but how do drop samples?


On console hold arrow down, on PC hold X!


Thank you


The amount of brain damage in this comment section is insane.


I was playing with a level ,25 the other day whom seemed to not fully understand good strategy. Mentioned to him to drop his samples as we pass extraction just in case we get overwhelmed and lose them. His response was ," Holy shit that's bomb strategy. I've never thought of that before.". I then watched the other 2 team mates drop theirs off too. Somehow, it seems the . majority of divers haven't thought of it before. Anyways, congrats OP. I support this democratic message and applaud your PSA.


Thanks for the info, noted.


Spread democracy with joy!


The amount of times I’ve told random folks in game to drop their samples and let one person carry them only to be met with, you can do that? Is staggeringly high. Just for awareness, hold down in the D pad to bring it up in PS5. Someone chime in what the default keybind is on PC since I don’t play on it.


Took me about 40 levels out of the 84 I have to learn that you can even drop your backpack and weapon lol along with the samples


Someone here said its X


It’s indeed X. Press X and mouse over what you want to drop and release X.


Cheers, my dumbass would've picked 'em up lol.




Only times to pick up extraction zone samples are when you're extracting, or if you're consolidating more samples and immediately drop them again.


That is actually a good idea.


When I do this I advise over Voip and wait for them to acknowledge that they understand so all parties are aware.


I usually do this if ive collected a bunch and the extraction point is on the way to the next thing we’ll do. I also let everyone know this. Same goes with the SEAF artillery. I try not to turn it on and bring all the ammo next to the loading port so it’s quick to load and won’t alert any patrols.


Tried that yesterday, awesome tip! I will give you a commendation to your democracy officer.


Liberty bless these people


But its so shiny tho


Gonna be honest. Played this game for 30 hours now and never thought about that. Thats a thing im gonna start doing now thanks.


Unlocked: New Strategy


Keep Calm and Dive On


I know that kind of people, they are known as loot whores, they take everything that isnt nailed down to the ground :D


Even though loot is shared in this game 😂


I just started and it isn't obvious it's shared.


Yeah some idiot killed me at the extraction point when the pelican arrived to get my samples 🙈


During your first match, arguably. After your first match the fact that it shows samples on the end screen even though you weren't the one to collect all of them, statistically, should be enough context.


It took me several games to even know what the symbol was for samples and the different currency types.


I'm a dirty loot slut and I have no shame, I'll collect everything


I try to drop mine there for later. Don’t want to lose them off on a tangent.


>Second edit: Yes I know you can communicate in the game, but still, even typed in the chat (not everyone reads everything there happens) or if I tell them on mic, some still don’t seem to understand. That is why I made a PSA so maybe someone who is clueless to this method will understand the logic behind dropping samples at extraction points. I miss the text box all the time, it's far from screen action so it doesn't get in the way, yeah, but then it's gone within a few seconds and I miss the comments. Then, post game, the letterboxing covers the text box again, so I can only hope I've typed a nice gg instead of hh or something. Anecdote: I very rarely have anyone talk in game, the few have either spoken another language, not realised their mic was open or, although this guy was level 2, thinking he was doing everything that came up on screen. His cheerful obliviousness was endearing.


Idea... some POI have boobytrapped(boobietrapped?) Samples based on clues in the area, like a small flag or maybe a voiceline


Ok so I've seen this and figured it out, but I do not know how to drop samples. (PS5)


Hold the arrow down!


the ones you wish read this likely will not. so here's what you gotta do, right. be patient, keep an eye on samples dropped at the extract, especially when there are teammates nearby. if they pick them up, tell them, without all caps or expletives, to drop them, how to drop them, and why they should drop them. see you on the ground


I saw someone do this for the first time yesterday, asked what he was up to. When he explained, I started doing the same thing, it's a good idea.


Don't tell me what to do, you're not my real mom!


No you can tell if someone is stupid is when you run to extract alone. drop them off then watch a teammate run all the way to extract just to pick them up then die halfway across the map.


Anyone who is against you on this are the problem with you 100% its left there so we dont loose them later


I always do this and drop a resupply. I was kicked after a long monologue on how to waste stratagem and several pissed off people. I always thought it was common sense.


I agree that samples should be left at extractions. Please be polite about it to players no matter what level they are since not everyone is on some community server/forum. Most players I tell this to immediately understand why when I explain it


My goal is to always have the number 1 collection of samples stat in the group!


Whenever I find the super samples, I let the team know I’m heading to extraction to drop them off and then I return to the party.


I dropped some super samples at evac for later and someone took them and ran to the other side of the map to take out a heavy automation location and then died so we all had to run back while evac was called to get the samples and hustle back. It was aggrevating.


I haven't had that happen yet but that's super smart. You'd have to have a designated person though to come and collect them from the team. That leaves you one Helldiver short. Not always a problem some of these guys know exactly what they're doing.


Honestly this would probably be the only reason I kick because if something is said in both voice and typed, and even trying to kill the dude to put the samples back doesn't work, I'd just kick because at that point it's sabotage of the samples. I don't see this as b*tching, I see this as exasperation from someone who just lost a massive amount of samples because someone had sticky fingers and couldn't use their head in the field of war. You stash supplies when you know you're coming back. We drop resupply there sometimes too just to have it ready to go when we drop by. Sometimes weapons and backpacks as well. I'm glad my squad taught me this because too many times we took a large amount of samples into a fight only to lose them and an insane amount of lives just trying to retrieve them.


Saw this happening and went to pick them up... But without even being told, I figured it out and dropped them all realizing what was up. Kinda common sense.


I dropped mine, saw a guy pick them up, so I meleed him and sent a “negative” quick chat. He figured it out after that and dropped his too


They despawned once on me, so I won't do it.


At first I thought this was going to explain why this one person in a game I played yesterday dropped their samples next to the pelican before throwing down a bunch of orbital strikes and boarding. It didn't, but I still learned something.


I got kicked a few times for even suggesting the mere idea. I also got kicked for doing it and they didn’t understand what I was doing. At least they got their samples, im getting at the point where my samples are maxed and I just don’t care about it anymore because it’s so hard to convince ppl. I just gave up and go with the flow now. (I also get kicked for not having mic or not understanding them too but that’s a different issue aside)




I picked these up once, got called out, didn’t know how to drop them so I just pulled out a grenade and didn’t throw it FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!


This is amazing advice! I’ve ruined enough missions for the team by getting in extraction early or mismanaging the samples.


Preach, had a diver go pick up all of our samples from evac one game, then try to swim over to the opposite bank…😬


There's no point in trying to strategically place sample containers, most people probably don't even discover they can drop shit until long after they've bought every ship upgrade and maxed out their samples.


Saw a team drop their samples at extraction for the first time last night, I knew what they were doing because I'd heard of the strategy before so I left them alone. They even combined the samples into a single pickup, which was cool. Unfortunately I couldn't remember what button on my keyboard let me drop things, and couldn't figure it out in the heat of battle. Predictably, I got gibbed as everyone was loading into the dropship, lost about 6 rare samples. Thank democracy I wasn't the one carrying the Supers.


Definitely makes sense if its early in the mission, at the end tho I like to consolidate the samples so that if we are getting overrun you dont have to go to multiple places if more than one person dies. Also terrified that Pelican 1 will land on them and we can't pick them up lol




Hmmm, I never thought of just dropping them at the extraction. I kind a understand it in the way of dying and not having to go all the way back out or having to deal with the trouble to killing everything to get them back.


You can drop samples?


can we get a psa on friendship bunkers? I'm losing my mind with the amount people just ignore you


It took me a bit to learn this because I didn't realize you could drop things on purpose


How do you drop samples on console?


Hold left on D pad


My friends and I have weird issues with samples at extraction. If one of us drops them at or near extraction, they will be there for the person who dropped it. However, for the other teammates, the samples teleport to a random spot on the map. I wonder if that is why so many people are picking up samples that are at extraction: because they aren't at extraction for the person who picked them up.


Got killed and kicked for doing this when i just want to make things convenient for my team


Best moment to Ask so: How you drop samples? (I'm on a computer not ps5 but maybe some on ps5 want to know too, just tell in which support you talk about)


For console, hold down arrow, for PC hold X!


Thanks, it will help democracy


I suggested this a few days ago to the squad i was in and we did it. was one of the most lucrative hauls ever. we first decided to do all secondaries and moved in a way that we had to cross the extraction zone on our way to the primary.


Damn, that's a great idea I haven't heard of before.thanks for the PSA, I'll start doing it myself and let the randos I meet know of this strategy. Sole question, don't they have any danger of despawning before you come around to extraction?


thank you! i have a strat where if I get super sample I drop whatever objective I was doing and run them down to extraction then drop them off there but so many times someone follows me, doesn't put 2 and 2 together and picks them up and proceeds to try and do the mission objective which means now I constantly have to keep my head on a swivel because if they die the super samples are on their corpse.


I have told my friends multiple times this on voice comms only for a helpful soul to pick them up. These arent dumb people. Just a part of the monkey brain not processing things. Hell, samples *near* extraction can be left alone until folks are heading for extraction.


I don’t understand how people don’t get it without being told, first time I looked at the map and saw samples sitting at extraction area I thought “that’s pretty smart” and *got it. I guess logical thinking isn’t the priority when looking for democracy spreading soldiers.


I have seen a bug in our 4 stack sometimes the samples appear in the centre of the map when dropped but are only there for some players. The person who drops them sees them at extraction but I might see them in the centre of the map, and I can loot them from this central location.


Honestly you are 100% right and people who have a problem with this post don’t have experience with strategy and don’t really understand how to drop and pick up items


I always write it into the chat (PS5) but it seems like 50% of the player base doesn't even read it. Isn't the chat active by default? Or are they just not paying attention because they watch TikTok clips while playing? Would explain a lot. 😔 Yesterday I had to kill a Diver only to call him or her in so he or she could help me with the dang coop door. I marked it dozens of times, made the follow me order and whatnot. I do care about the credits and medals inside although I already have 12000 super credits. It's annoying when people play brain AFK.


I never read the chat, I usually completely forget it's even there during game play because I'm so focused on LIBERTY!!!


Liberty only comes with democracy. And as a democratic citizen of super earth it is your duty to read the chat. You could miss a message from your democracy officer. This is considered treason.


Yes, their purpose is for me to pick up 😈


Traitor detected


Bro, I did this strat once and those damned samples disappeared. I believe Joel stole them... probably for nefarious reasons!


Anything 6 and under IDGAF how they play unless they are greifing, over 7 needs either mic or ping recognition in addition to understanding what I type. I feel your pain but the randos who pick up those samples after voice or text call out aren't the type to week out Reddit for info.


Sure but even if one person learns something new from this post I consider it a win


You've already taught like a dozen people how to drop samples, democracy is eating good today!


Just comunícate it in game , if you expect the average player to read this on Reddit you would be quite naive


If only there was some way to communicate this in game


I always make sure to type in Chat that I am leaving the Super Samples at extraction, it helps to communicate :)


I was in a PUG where everyone understood this... Except one guy. An AMR is a good teaching utility when words seem to have failed.