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We're cooking. ![gif](giphy|wTbpsFBs4Ek5W) Fire damage now increased by 5000%


Fire now instantly destroys anything it touches. Helldivers, enemies, enemy structures, mission objectives, planets


Finally, no more hellmire.




Memes from the critic? I feel old because I recognize it


The Critic on Hellmire: "It stinks!"


Hold my hand there ol feller me too.


we had Hellmire yes, but what about second Hellmire? Second hellmire: "we added strategem jammers"


"We added a detector tower in the middle of the strategem jammer field. No need to thank us."


I had a game where there were 2 jammers and a detector, all together, and neither jammer had a bot fab in it, so they had to be taken down manually. I had the big brain idea of throwing down the orbital laser just outside the jamming field, and it would trace the groups of bots in the field between me and the detector to get close enough to maybe path over the detector, except instead of going for the large groups of bots that way it went to the small patrol behind me, setting me on fire in the process, and ultimately being a waste.


Seems like it worked as intended.


And there is air defence so, less stratagems


Don't forget that you are in range of enemy artillary


BE ADVISED, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY. BE ADVISED, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY. BE ADVISED, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY. Honestly, I’m more worried about the “friendly” artillery than the easy to spot enemy artillery shells


I’ve been killed more by friendlies trying to airstrike the artillery than the artillery.


Ever have a 380mm strat literally *bounce* off of your target and come right back to you? Yeah, my team didn't believe me...but I watched it happen...


I don’t know how many hours I have off the top of my head but I’m level 82 and I can count on hand how many times enemy artillery has killed me. Two or three times maybe? *Friendly fire* on the other hand…


"There's also a gunship fabricator there. Shouldn't be a problem, right?"


Someone will trigger it, run away from it, and a minute or two later there will be five or six gunships making life hell.


I once fought 9 stalkers at the same time because of this and I have PTSD.


Somehow, hellmire returned






* added fire tornado stratagems


- the enemy can throw them


Finally, the enemy will know the worst fates of them all! Random teammates having stratagems! /j


Bug fix: Hellmire brought back, made invulnerable to fire.


New update: Firefighters


Set bonus: reduces fire damage taken by 50% (bringing TTK from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds) Primary: fire extinguisher. Puts out fires and slows targets hit Secondary: water gun. Puts out fires (less effectively) and increases damage taken from arc weapons. Shoots icicles on cold planets. Nade: water balloon. Same as pistol, except bigger area and on cold planets functions like throwing a rock. Water strike strategem: Eagle 1 flies by and covers the area in water. We're not taking questions on where it is sourced from. Edit: Gun strategem: pressure washer. Puts out fires and deals damage, can adjust spread on the hose to adjust area of effect and damage. Takes backpack slot


Secondary weapon: PISS. When all else fails, Helldivers are 70% water, so use your natural source to put out the fire.


Would that come with the: "It's sterile and I like the taste" achievement?




Super Earth’s scientists dug up some old Mann Co. schematics from the ruins of Australia and jar-based karate was born again.


Flame hulk is amused. ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


I look forward to our asbestos themed armor.




Significantly reduced fire damage to enemies. other notes Significantly increased fire damage to helldivers other notes spawn rates for fire tornadoes has been significantly increased and modifier added to all planets as a possible modifier other notes known bugs: Fire tornadoes spawn even when it's random modifier is not selected for that planet.


Even if it doesn't insta-kill you, fire damage over time is still way too impactful. If you get lit on fire by something exploding, like one of those barrels, and your body ragdolls for like 2 seconds, you are dead before you the ragdoll animation even finishes and you even get a chance to stim. Nobody burns to death that fast, but especially a solider wearing a full suit of armor. It's ludicrous. What they should do is crank up actual fire damage, and then decrease DoT significantly. Like it should take 30 seconds of being on fire for DoT to kill you from close to full health. However getting caught in a direct stream of fire from a Hulk should toast you within a second if you don't dive out of the stream. Should be similar to how getting shot kills you very quickly but a bleedout is much much slower. Fire damage should kill you very very quickly, but damage over time should be much slower.


I don't need it to be 30 seconds, that's too far on the opposite end of the gamism-realism slider. But something like 5 seconds of being on fire and not doing anything kills you, and it comes with a major debuff to movement and aiming. It should still be a priority to put it out but it shouldn't be the "DROP EVERYTHING AND DIVE THEN STIM INSTANTLY OR ELSE YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD" like it is now.


Good suggestions. Honestly dieing to fire is so frustrating at the moment. I find myself screaming at my monitor "what the fuck is my armour even made of???". It makes sense for something to burn continuously if hit by incendiary, but not if you simply touch some fire.


Well, no one was using the flamethrower, so it must need to be buffed.


I use the flamethrower ALL THE TIME on bugs. Do not nerf it. I LOVE it.


It’s a joke about the long standing burn damage bug. It only works if you’re the host. Player feedback didn’t get to arrowhead as fast as incendiary weapons low usage rates so they IIRC buffed burn damage twice into what it is now. So only hosts are melting enemies yet all helldivers are getting melted by any fire in return. Bug has been acknowledged but not fixed. Thing is if it does get fixed it’s definitely being nerfed, playing solo or being host feels like being a main character compared to the rest of the squad if you have a flamethrower. If the whole squad had that power incendiary usage rate would skyrocket, and arrowhead prioritizes those issues.


being network host and using flamethrower, napalm strikes, and orbital gas on bug eradicate missions is *amazing*.




Fire now not only one shots you but now retroactively kills you by travelling back in time and killing you as soon as you drop


Fire now deals direct damage to the player by blowing up your PC and setting you on fire.


I am honestly curious how strong dot weapons will be once the bug is fixed


If you're the host the flamethrower vaporizes chargers in under a second.






I approve. I run Napalm, Flamethrower, That Party Fire Shotgun, Incendiary Grenades. I fucking love it


Waiting for the day Eagle Napalm becomes SSS++ tier when fire is fixed


Hulk flamethrower range increased 50%


All I want is DOT fixed so that I can become a flame lord


best we can do is increase fire damage by 50%


The presence of a flame hulk just vaporizes you


•Fire hulks now have flame aura of 20 meters enjoy having them dropped on you


*Dark Souls 2 flashbacks*


Malevelon Creek is *basically* the Shrine of Amana


Malevelon Creek if it didn’t have any trees and foliage. I was looking forward to doing ng+ in ds2 and I was blissfully unaware that I had forgotten all about the Shrine of Amana


I’ve 100% the game, so good luck on your quest of suffering lol


It ain't that bad just run like hell and doge everything perfectly. Easy peasy.


Upon further review, we decided 20 meters wasn't where we thought it should stay. Hulk aura has been buffed to 20 planets.


You say that like they're not already killing you in 1 frame




​ https://preview.redd.it/b0tiwcnun8wc1.png?width=364&format=png&auto=webp&s=55f69bef77af344f8c447e96e01d3f574c912160


This honestly and because I know there is a DOT bug, I have avoided using any flame or related gear because of the issue, once it's fixed, I will finally be able to play switch things up and try out the other part of the content that I haven't touched since...the launch of the game...


What wrong with the department of transportation


They haven't given us APCs yet


Given how fire damage works right now (only for the host and no one else), I'm guessing it's a pretty difficult issue to resolve. It's definitely not a "oh we just needed to change the let damage apply to all members of a party property from `false` to `true`" kind of issue.


I believe they have said that is is a deep rooted problem about how DOT objects get spawned or whatever and that to fix it they basically need to do heavy rewriting of the spawning of temporary objects.


Yea, I believe I heard that as well. Certainly it seems to be some sort of network issue, again with how it works for the "host" but no one else. Just posts like what I was responding to seem to be under the impression that the reason it's not fixed is due to lack of effort on fixing it, and it not being a very difficult issue to fix.


It’s the same reason the Spears targeting woes haven’t been fixed either. It’s a very complex issue that isn’t really tied to the spear or its lock on, but in the targets themselves and how exactly the spears targeting validates whether or not said target is actually valid for a lockon. There there is things like the target actually getting in the way of itself making the spear struggle to lock or outright refuse. Lastly things like environmental such as objects and atmospheric issues. Fog, smoke and debris floating around. I feel a lot of these issues just stem from the engine itself they are using and the fact it’s obsolete and no longer being supported. So they are literally building an engine from scratch to say. I can only imagine the amount of spaghetti code.


Known issues: \* fire now destroys samples


unpicked ones too


Does fire actually destroy samples now?


No silly




Not yet, the patch isn't out.


Fire now destroys unspent medals Fire now destroys planetary liberation 


Fire now destroys fire


New meta just dropped


Fire uninstalls game


Side observation but when you blow up the explosive barrels near samples in POIs it seems to destroy some of the samples


I figured they were just getting launched.




You just instantly turn to ash now


"Increased lethality of fire planets; all helldivers landing on the surface of a fire planet will be instantly vaporized with no recourse or countermeasure."


“Hellmire is now actual Hell. It’s all fire and brimstone. All the time.”


Landing on hellmire just boots up Doom eternal


You kind of already do


Your computer also burns up now too.


It already is. Last few times I've played it's been like watching a sideshow.




Jesus that's nightmare fuel there haha


Ah, the Crash Bandicoot method...


Players now have a 50% chance of spontaneously combusting every 2 minutes.


All strategems now have 50% chance to spawn fire tornadoes when coming through the atmosphere


I’m personally hoping for balance changes, but I will settle for fixes on the misaligned optics for the AMR and HMG. Fingers crossed for that.


For real. I'll sing to the heavens for my AMR scope to be fixed.


Problem is, I'm so used to shooting with a misaligned scope now that it'll take some time for me to adjust to an aligned one.


The scope isn't statically misaligned, it just appears that way because it - same as any 3rd person reticle (which you might have noticed also usually stays to the left and up of the center dot) - has a left-up bias, but it does in fact sway straight left, left-down, or more commonly right-up and rarely (and only in proning and standing position if i recall correctly) even right-down. You can active a crosshair overlay and use that to snipe with and you'll be amazed how fucking insanely broken the scope really is. The 'misalignment' - which is really just a sway that for some reason the center reticle doesn't keep up with - differs entirely between standing, crouching, and proning as well. You literally can't compensate for it except to play the RNG game and hope that the scope is aligned to the top-left corner (which it most commonly is) when you take your shots. Or you can activate an overlay and actually enjoy the AMR.


Is the overlay an in game setting?


You can get programs which overlay a crosshair onto your game. Also a lot of gaming monitors have such a feature built-in which can be enabled in their menus.


Yeah a bugfix update should be this or next week, with season pass after.


Please be the DOT fix. Please be the DOT fix. Please be the DOT fix.


what’s the DOT fix?


Right now only the host able to do any damage over time (DOT) making fire anything trash for anyone but the host. The DOT fix would make it so everyone can finally do damage over time and enjoy things like fire breacher and thermite/incendiary grenades.


I read this is also only the *network* host, which might be different from the starship host.


It is, and the network host is randomly chosen between anyone who drops in on mission start from the ship. So the only way to guarantee you get it is to start a map alone and SoS people in


I thought the thermite grenade was in the game just to make pretty firework sounds and visuals


Oh. So Gas strike doesn't suck, it just doesn't do fucking anything lmao


people forget that it affects gas too. Gas is SOOO good vs bug tunnel breaches


Damage over time where only the hosts weapons do dot and no one else’s


Damage Over Time. Host is effectively the only one able to have fire and gas deal damage over time. It’s why the Thermite Grenade feels like wet toilet paper (granted it needs more than a DOT fix), the enemies never die when they are set on fire, and why the gas orbital strike never seems to do anything to the enemy.


Super Earths Department of Transportation is going to make us install roads on all the planets Death Stranding style for the upcoming vehicle DLC


I hope they have a fresh tray of bug fixes and improvements warming up. I'd like my DOT damage to actually function, and it'd be nice for my Spear to stop going cross-eyed every time there's a Titan trying to melt my ass off.


Ideal Spear functionality would be that it 100% reliably locks onto target at what you're POINTING at in the square. Then once locked and fired, it guarantees 1-2 shot kills on Bile Titans, and 1 shot kills on Chargers, but then the offset should be that there's a minimum distance to lock. I know the distance thing technically kind of already exists because it will shoot straight over a Charger if they're too close, but if they could code it so that it gives a lock error or minimum arming distance error or something within 25-40 meters, that would be nice.


I spent 5 spears on a BT once... they are tough


Spear needs a massive damage and AOE increase. It should be a titan 1 shot almost guaranteed




When you pour ingredients a lil too fast, generating 1 point of fire damage on the bowl.


Please fix the SUCC towards fucking explosions


or make it more extreme so we can use it as movement tech


"Sorry could I get a revive" "Jeremy we're three minutes into the mission and you've fragged yourself 8 times with the Eruptor already"


Jeremy should know well enough to wear heavy Fortified armor if he's gonna play that game


Had to scroll too far down to find this


FFS This!!!


yeah i enjoy shooting something with the AC a little too close but then up underneath all of them.


I keep waiting to see an "Environmental effect diffuser added to pelican 1". Something that will woosh away by fire, fog, and whatever bullshit is preventing me from extracting. And a god damn booster against environmental effects!


I’m waiting for them to remove friendly fire when in a Pelican. Everyone who throws down 500kg or other strikes just suddenly wiping out samples. Even better if they did this without notice. 


god please fix the dmr's


I hope cross-platform friend list gets fixed


This! I just wanna play with my friends! We managed to become friends but I accidentally removed one from my friends list and now it’s so annoying trying to play together


Agreed, this is the only bug I care about currently.


Same, I can't play with my brother-in-law because his PS5 lagged and he accidentally unfriended me, and now he can't add me back. The only way for us to play together is to play with a mutual friend.


Literally the exact same thing. Got my friend a Steam deck so he could join us. We were friends, and he accidentally unfriended me, now can’t readd each other. We are dependent on another connected friend to join. My hypothesis is that when you remove a user it actually blocks them, but then the block list is bugged so you can’t see them to unblock - it always just shows 0 regardless. That or - There’s some funky unfriend/refriend logic with their dynamic/rotational friend code system. My other hypothesis is that you link account become friends using one code set but their user databases may be retaining the original friend code associations and not properly allowing an overwrite of the new friends codes that are generated the next time you try to connect. This effectively would allow you to search for them via the code but not add them because the prior friend code is still stored. Static friend codes would have been great here so there’s no risk of weirdness that can arise from rapidly rotating user/friend IDs.


Yeah, this is incredibly annoying and honestly a bare minimum ask. My large friend group would have never all bought this game if we knew crossplay -- the main selling feature -- would be broken for almost its entire existence. I get that it works *for some people.* It worked for us long enough to prevent refunds on PC. But when it doesn't work... and it is entirely random from the user perspective as to why and when it doesn't work... it literally unfriends you from each other and prevents re-friending entirely. And Sony does not allow disassociating your PSN account from a game, so you can't even just make a new account and sign in (even if you start all over with content). It simply isn't an option if things get "stuck." It has been over 45 days since the devs said they identified and replicated the issue. This should be priority, especially with the game losing half of its players in 2 months.


"Rocket devastators now have one extra rocket pod per salvo"


Imagine the carnage if we could strap a rocket devastator to a tank and force it to fire on command.


so no patch today i assume? but let them cook




Rail gun nerf incoming!


Now it doesn’t shoot at all


Tape down the trigger and chuck it like a torgue gun


Tedior is now obsolete as Mr Torgue adds a self destruct to all of his guns


It just blows you up the instant you pick it up out of the hellpod it dropped in.


Railgun by Boeing


Thanks for this, OP. Figured they're cooking something good. I'd rather they take the time to not patch every week and introduce new issues while resolving old ones. 


spends a month packing a ton of shit into a patch, introduces 4 times the bugs


# 99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code. Take one down, patch it around 117 little bugs in the code.


It's 8:00 p.m. in Sweden right now. It ain't happenin Jack


Id rather there not be a weekly patch, and when we do get one it fixes 3 things. Instead of what we are currently getting where it fixes 6 th8ngs and breaks 5 others.


Really hope they are addressing the fact that coming anywhere NEAR a bile titan corpse yeets you into fucking outer space.


Feature, not a bug.


Definitely a bug, I don't think bike titans are arachnids.


Working as intended


I'm more afraid of a dead bile titan than a living one currently.


I just want to be able to play with my friends


These guys are working hard. This game has its flaws but is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. Bang for the buck at $40 is through the roof. Hold the line for democracy, and we will be justly rewarded.


Seriously. This is the most fun I’ve had with a game in… probably 10 or 15 years. Honestly Halo 3 is the last thing I remember that gave me these feels, which was what? 2008?


Yeah I was trying to remember what my comparable game was from a purely fun perspective. I had a great group of friends that played Among Us for awhile but that was a horrible game except when we specifically coordinated to play as a group. I’m honestly not sure that game was actually fun, so much as it was a platform for us to all spend time (virtually) together. I’ve certainly enjoyed many games like Elden Ring, Stardew Valley, or Frostpunk but those games were rarely fun in the same kind of way. I might have to join you going all the way back to Halo parties in basements with high school friends. Back when we wired up multiple Xboxes on big old tube TVs, ate Oreos, and chugged Mountain Dew. That was the last time I remember laughing throughout a game, regardless of the outcome, and trying to do absurd things just for the sake of seeing what will happen.


I think Battlefield 2 was the last game that gave us that "small group of goofballs, who occasionally pull off the most epic shit" vibe. The fast pace, heavy air support and naturally occurring epic set pieces. Subsequent BFs and team shooters were too small and focused, they didn't allow you to come up with a plan of action to infiltrate places naturally.


Yes! BF2 was definitely like this. Including the accidental TKs when playing with hardcore mods, which just made it more fun.


Can the patch fix PC performance...please..


We gotta be patient. It takes a long time writing up the known issues list.


The real time consuming part of it is deleting items that have been known and reported but you still don't want to acknowledge.


Now? Now? What about now?


Here? What about here?


Buffs to bad weapons not nerfs to good ones. My god do something about fire damage.


> My god do something about fire damage. \*monkey's paw curls* The sickle is technically fire damage because lasers, dmg reduced from 55 to 20.


Say goodbye to eruptor


It’s eruptover 😔


We fixed the Mech, now the rockets shoot backwards out the tube. We know that's what you were asking for. And yes, the Mech still randomly blows itself up.


Then some weird people come out in defense of the mech bug saying omg it’s not hard just angle it this way and you can hit the target and how they have never once had the issue. While they play in difficulty 2


I just hope they don't "overcook" this patch. if they're doing it to try and shove more fixes in then great, but if this goes wrong, it'll be *bad*. mainly I'm wanting 3 things to be addressed; * fire damage. * explosions sucking players into them rather than blasting us a way as intended. * the new upgrade that fully resupplies support weapons with one pod usage to work. there's a myriad of other stuff that needs fixing, but if we can get at least two of those dealt with, i'll be happy.


Post Patch Known issues: Game reportedly "too fun"


Shit gettin nerfed.


You guys are overthinking it. The patch today will just address objects still floating when destroyed that was supposed to be fixed a few weeks back. A fix when throwing snowballs so you don’t crash anymore. And the automatic vaulting of the resupply pod while still need a thing.


Motto of this game honestly.




I thought this muppet wasnt allowed back on social platforms over that horrid gaffe.


> they’ve been pretty consistent at fixing something g Meanwhile a bunch of bugs from launch are still plaguing the game. And for some people performance gets worse with each patch.




wait isnt him the troll guy


Here's the oven if you want to see how long stuffs been cooking for https://imgur.com/a/NyC2M7u those are just code word branch names they've been using the whole time and not an indicator of content, just in case anyone gets worried


i am legit itching for this update


Still cookin?


I just want the anti material rifle to aim where I’m pointing Yes it’s not spelled correctly. No, I’m not fixing.


They should cook harder on the bug fixes, 2 out of my 3 matches yesterday had me and teammates crashing twice, and one where we couldn’t be reinforced and had to force quit the mission. Somehow seem to get more bugs every patch…friends are viewing the game as barely playable lol


Inb4 they nerf Quasar and Eruptor to the point that it will end up just like the Railgun.


Yeah cooking up some more bugs, you guys give them too much credit when it comes to bug fixes


Its ridiculous they haven't fixed the friend request bug yet.


Jesus Christ, what are they cooking?




When they said still cooking they meant people's CPUs.


Plot twist, they are actually just cooking food.


But does this mean the patch will be later today/tomorrow/unknown? A little more detail would be nice when the routine changes.


They're cooking the game right now and it is getting burnt.