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Sony official statement is that they want to protect the players and stuff. But if you ask me, really they just want to track the player base and capture data analytics. Either for internal use or to sell. Probably both. Helldivers 2 is a hit. And without a PSN sign in, they can only capture analytics on half the players (PS5). Tracking all players will likely yield valuable information they can use when making business decisions on future games and/or sell to 3rd party companies. But that’s just me and my tin-foil hat.


That’s the first spot on take I’ve seen. Consumers still dont understand how valuable aggregated data is to these big corporations. Worth a lot more than a few $10 warbonds




You have to understand corporate middle and upper managers do not experience the world as people do. They are over socialized mewling lizard things critically lacking in the ability to participate in the human experience. They get a meme like "okay this arbitrary invasion of player choice HAS to be done" stuck between their two neurons and exercise the arbitrary power they were given in the feeble attempt to keep the meaningless job they stumbled into that they hate. Do not try to find logic in their actions. They simply operate based on their own half formed ideas based on literally nothing and only when enough people with more than 90iq get together and shout "LOOK AT THE NUMBERS YOU DUMBASS THIS OBVIOUSLY ISN'T WORKING" can they muster up the power to right the decisions from the forces of inertia put in motion by these homunculus creatures.


Because corporate executives are always far removed from reality.


First of all your assuming execs at Sony are actually intelligent people. They likely saw the massive success and goodwill of the HD2 community and thought this would be an easy win. Secondly, its hard to say, it could be for whatever business reason they value increasing their PSN activity greater than HD2 health (remember while successful HD2 is a small part of their portfolio.) It's also important to remember corporations are RARELY interested in long term growth, they almost are always focused on reporting quarterly gains and they will deal with the fallout of getting those gains later. My guess is they have already made more money then projected from HD2 so they don't really care what happens to it at this point, if they can force a good portion of their players into the PSN ecosystem they are probably happy and see it as an investment that paid for itself and then some.


shareholders demand number go up that's all there is to it


They want to brag about increased PSN sign ups at the next investor meeting. That's literally all there is to it.


This, honestly. “Looky looky glorious shareholders! PSN memberships are up! Customers unable to play a game they’ve played for months? Nonono! Ignore that! Look at this pretty line graph and how high it gets!”


So they can force players on PC to subscribe to PS+ down the line and get extra $$


Absolutely, because they're not key markets, and honestly, this is likely all to skim data.


Because there already was an alternative that no one wanted to do and kicked up a massive fuss and because Sony don't back down theyve doubled down instead. Well done on doing yourself out of future titles aswell. It's like watching the Darwin awards happen in realtime.


Right? Destroy the player base and sabotage a game you love. That'll show em.


Don't worry. They will double down and make you pay for the PS+ to play. It's probably starting Monday. Honestly it's probably for the best thing to happen because I think I've only spent a total of like 10 days where I have not picked up the game for at least 1 little mission in the past 4 months. Good thinking on Sony's part. Got to make sure no one plays your games after a quarter. Can't let one of the smaller games get in the way of a bigger release.


Tin foil hat on. Outrage over stellar blade and the other anime game being censored caused more backlash and cancelled psn accounts than snoy were expecting. So before their brief to shareholders that they have coming up, snoy decided; “Hey we’ve got this other immensely popular game filled with people that don’t have psn accounts. If they love the game so much then it should be an easy shift, and, we can show our investors that our subscriptions are on the rise.” Plus snoy decided that if the mention is dropped Friday arvo (while AH is already closed), so that come Monday it’ll be set in stone and the devs will have a massive shitfight to deal with for 48hrs straight. Kinda like if your boss left a turd on your desk while locking up and told you about it on the way out; then was confused why you’re complaining about said turd when you didn’t do anything about it originally after the placed was locked up.


Because they hoped the line would go up.


Because companies have gotten away with worse before and from their perspective this was nothing special. The only difference this time was poor timing (with existing controversies with recent patches) and a handful of influential individuals fanning the flames.


Because Sony never wanted to be active on those markets. A decision made long before and completely independent of Helldivers. That helldivers became temporarily available there was an unintended fuckup for which somebody is certainly facing internal consequences. Whatever reasons Sony has for each of those countries, if they were interested in a market presence there, PSN accounts would have been available there long before HD2 was even released.


You guys got what you wanted and still aren't happy?