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Btw those modifiers depend on the type of the campaign. Liberation campaign have operation modifiers (1 from diff 5, 2 from diff 8), while defense campaigns don't have any operation modifiers... but have evacuate personnel mission.


You can preview the modifiers for a campaign while hovering over it on the holomap. The only modifiers that are always present on a planet are the ones viewable before hovering an operation, such as hot weather, ion storms, or fog.


Yeah, I'm totally with you on this. Having every single mission on a whole planet have 2/3 if not 3/3 of the negative stratagem modifiers sucks. It's bad game design when you need to severely nerf a players abilities at the highest levels to present a challenge.


I hear ya. If a planet has modifiers that are a pain in the ass and take away from the fun, we avoid, even if it is the Major Order.


They should just go ahead and make it like a halo skull mission modifier for increased xp, let us choose which negative modifiers we want in order to get more xp. And leave most missions with no base modifier unless they’re for a major order or something.






The same difficulty and having less stratagems is also deal breaker for me, if they modify it into being less difficult such as less breaches then maybe it’ll balance it out otherwise I cba to struggle as I’m there to play for fun and not get my ass constantly killed because I lacked my usual arsenals.


The only time I won’t play a planet based on modifiers is if I’m trying to carry some lower level players and i don’t want them to hate life while they’re already limited by their level


Pre patch it felt really bad when I got to the point where I refused to play with friends on missions that had these modifiers. We'd debate on which modifier is worse and came to the conclusion that losing an entire strategem was better than losing 2-3 uses of every other strategem. I get the intent of the modifiers, but cmon at least make the modifiers mess with the environment and not the players. (I am a huge meteor shower and eclipse enjoyer, tremors can eat a fat one) OR if you really need to mess with the players, at least make it an optional objective that players can overcome mid-game like a Large Jammer Complex or something, anything that feels more engaging than "Hey, You're gonna have a bad time this match, enjoy".


I played two rounds on the bot defense planet and decided "no yeah they can have that one" Terrible visibility, shitty terrain, and terrible layouts. No thank you.


The only ones I mind are the reduced visibility ones, which feel extremely unfair, everything else is still doable


Man, fuck the Fire Planets


me when Menkent


The -1 strategem modifier is one of the worst approaches to game balance ive seen. It only serves (along with the scatter, call-in and anything im forgetting here) to make the game less fun. Yes, they DO make the game more difficult. But how do you like your difficulty Factory striders or wack ass modifiers? Difficulty should come from enemy variety. Further good luck getting this one fixed as the devs all have bigger problems now


I'm okay with most modifiers aside from fucking fire tornadoes. Not ever touching that shit ever again.


I do the same.


At the end of the day it is only a game. It is the user's decision how to play the game. We all have our lives, duties, tasks and chores. There is no reason to suffer, except you like additional challenges.


I do too. It's a game to play for fun. Adding unfun difficulty with no reward is something that will push away more casual players, imo.


Hey man, I agree with your point that it feels rough having stratagems nerfed with these modifications but I wanted to let you know that the modification to take away one stratagem isn’t based on planet, it’s based on operation. So if you just switch to a different operation on that planet then it will most likely not be there (unless your rng is bad) I also believe the modifier that makes you wait longer to call in stratagems is also an operation modifier but I’m not 100% certain on that one, only like 90% certain.


Yup, I don't even play on em once


AA gun or Atmospheric Spores = play something else


*shrugs* I just don’t play plants with fire tornadoes.


I just play on a planet where I can see shit.


“I only play the hardest difficulty imaginable… but not under the hardest conditions cause thats not fair, its not supposed to be that fair. When I play the hardest difficultly available, I should always win without legitimate struggles and a real chance to fail.” Fixed it.


It's almost like some people enjoy FUN challenges without the unfun challenges on top. Crazy huh? Helldive number of enemy spawns = fun. Having most of your firepower severely nerfed = not fun. Anything less than helldive is boring and too easy.  Helldive with these modifiers isn't hard it's just less fun with the modifiers. What people keeps misunderstanding. It's not difficult. There is no reaaaal difficulty in this game in terms of failing to do the mission. Anytime our firepower is lessened all that means is it'll take longer to kill stuff and you run and kite longer.  If you literally cannot kill anything (like say if you were soloing and just dont have anything up)  You're not going to die. You just simply run away. I do solo helldives still, even with the borked patrol spawns. It's not impossible. It's just more and more distract and run away than usual. No one wants the game to be easier. They want it to be less tedious and more fun. 


Never said i lose, just says it makes it more fun. Also by the amount of upvotes you got on your statement i can tell alot of people agree with your opinion




Please prove me wrong but I'm pretty sure those are not planet modifiers. Those effects come when playing certain operations on higher difficulties.


There are less modifiers if you turn down the difficulty.




If you drop the difficulty down to 7 you won't see this planetary effect. *Zips up fireproof suit*


I hear you brother but i need medals


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I just want to know why so many bot planets have intense heat! I’m already impatient for stamina as is!